The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1959, Image 5

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Press Conference held by the Daily Collegian
(l-r) are Harold Scott, candidate for freshman
assembly; Robert Carson, candidate for fresh
man president; Dorothe Lerew, candidate for
freshman assembly; and Barbara Isaacson, can
didate for freshman assembly.
On Current
Candidates and members of the Uni
versity Party last night, in a Collegian inter
view, gave their opinions on some of the
present campus issues facing SGA Assembly
On compulsory ROTC:
Robert Carson, candidate for
' Walker Appointed
freshman class president, felt that
polls should be taken of sopho-l w
more men to get their views on' I o Committee Post
the benefits of ROTC.
President Eric A. Walker has
'ever, ie added, ROTC should
Marilee Grabill, candidate for ;been named to the Executive; be compulsory here at Penn Statei
junior assemblyman, believes !Committee of the American As-1... that's my opinion only."
that ROTC should be volun- !sociation of Land Grant Colleges, Duane Alexander, candidate
tart'. "ROTC is on:v another land State Universities. . for sophomore president, took
burden for freshmun," said i Walker will represent the asso-1 a slightly different view. He
Miss Grabill, "and the choice of iciation's Division of Enginceringi said, "I see many, many weak
a military course should be left
,on the committee. nesses in the program. I think
up to them." I Other association appointments very highly of a general first
Joan Cavanagh, candidate for include Harold K. Schilling, dean' year program for Army and
sophomore assemblyman, backed;of the Graduate School, who wall Air Force."
up Miss Grabill's statement and;chair the council on graduate ) The complete opposite opinion
.. _(Continued on page seven) !work. I (Continued on page seven)
s moist and firm throughout your shave!
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ten your beard instantly—end razor drag corn-
I or the closest, cleanest, quickest shaves...try
Take y
Beth. so
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e Smooth Shave?.
7,4. -
Alexander, candidate for sophomore president;
Marilyn West, candidate for junior assembly;
and Larry Gerlock, candidate for freshman
president; give their opinions on SGA issues
when interviewed yesteiday.
Express Opinions
SGA Problems
With the start of elections tomorrow,',
several candidates for Campus Party yester
day, in a Collegian interview, spoke out on
some of the issues currently before the:
SGA Assembly.
On compulsory versus volun- i
jtary ROTC:
1 Larry Garlock, candidate for;
freshman president, said the stu
dents ought "to let the adminis-1
tration decide for itself." How-'
(9/ d SA/see
Physics Prof to Speak
:Eiex Committeem Academic Institute
1 Dr. Eugene Ackerman, associate
Drops Charges 'professor of physics, will speak to
the members of the 1959-60 Aca
-1 demic Year Science Institute at
'Against Party ,4 p.m. today in 100 Weaver.
His subject is "Biophysics: An
No formal action was takenllnterdisciplinary Approach."
against the University Party for , Ackerman will describe some
I !of the projects in which the bio
iplacing staters on campus build -;physics group has been active.
1 ings, Sharon Hoffman and Roberti
Umstead. co-chairman of the Elec-Isso depending upon "the severity
tions Committee announced yes- :of the violation."
tei day. ; Other stipulations of this penal-
Miss Hoffman and Umsteadlty include:
made the decision in response to! If a party fails to pay any fines
, a formal charge registered bylbefore the closing of the polls,
!Campus Party last, week. 1 the party will be disqualified
i After reviewing the charge and;,
:contacting the University authori-i,
1 ties on the matter, the Elections'
Committee, while not condoning
'the actior, of the University Party,
made this statement on their de-'
I cision
Formerly, the Elections Corn-,
:mittee could penalize violators of;
; the elections code by disqualify-1
ing the party and/or candidates!
'involved, or by censuring that
Yesterday Miss Hoffman and
I Umstead announced that in the'
future fines may also be imposed. l
,They would range from $lO to
r -
, November 20 -- 8 p.m.
Tickets now on sale at HUB desk, the
4igsw Chapel, the Music Room, and Pifer's
Student tickets $l.OO
Non-students $1.50
One of the loveliest independents we've seen in some
time, Bonnie Bauer from Syracuse, N.Y., is also a contestant
for Mil Ball.
Theta's Janet Drake was a standout at their formal at
Phi Gam this weekend . . . of course they were photo
graphed in color.
Sutton Place is a sorely needed innovation ...
The new faces in our display case reflect what we feel
to be the most attractive coeds we've seen since September.
Bonnie Gustafson, Sue Mong, Judy High, Sue Horn
berger, and Jan Olsen were our most -enjoyable sittings
this week.
Pictures and names mentioned in this COMM
makes the person eligible for an ail expense
paid trip to Bermuda this spring.
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