PAGE EIGHT 6 Teams Move Up In IM Grid Playoffs Two fraternities and four independent teams won second round playoff games in IM football last night to remain in contention for their respective league championships. Rick Blend hooted a tremendous 48-yard field goal for Phi Mn Delta's fist ,cote in a I 13-3 victory over Alpha Sigma Phi Alpha Sig', Bin Walton knotted' the col e 3-3 with a 16-yard: ki( k near tht end of the fn tit! half, but Mu Delta was not to hi' dens' d Early in the second half Rick's twin brother Ron Blend hit pass catching artist Bob Luff in the end zone from 16 yards out and shortly after Rick added an 18-yard three-pointer to wrap up the scoring. Trackman Bill Schwab hit Gil Burkhart with scoring heaves of Ili and 30 yards to lead Phi Delta Theta lo a 13-0 win over Sigma Nu. Weqmoreland kept its perfect record millet by sinking the Navy ROTC, 13-0. Ed Roberts passed 90 yards to Rick Ulm for one stole and 22 yaids, to Joe Boyers fa another. Baseball star Tom Durbin's passing was the difference as Burke A.C. edged Nittany 29 on first downs. 4-0. Allegheny white-washed Lin-' den, 7-0, when Hon Fedora inter-: cepted a Mike Periington pass and ; waltzed one yard into the end; zone. The TD was set up on the. previous play when Torn Phil- , lips' 56-yard punt rolled dead on l Linden's 1-yard line. Delaware's "punchless wonders", scored their first touchdown of the season to down Nittany 25, 7-0. The score came when Bill Allen pitched out to Henry Ca runcho who tossed 40 yards to Karl Fink in the end zone. Delaware had not scored a touchdown in winning four pre vious games. Their defense has yet to be scored on FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS + CLASS CASII—I7 words or loss CilA I{GE 12 words or less 1.50 one insertion 1.75 tyro insertion' 11 09 three insertions Additional words-3 for 111 for end) day of insertion ADS MII 1 Ht IN KT II:00 A. 51 THE PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE ,S/ 10 in. I og-Log Duplex I), mil ig .$14.90 plus $.60 tax nOstnaill. Add X i rol for leather cane. 1• nll refund If not anteitted. Send cri.h. cheek or money mule tto Jethel Eng. , 14 Seenno Rd , rn V toph or Junior Rig student wooled ammt. Ni rite for detnik. v)rtr, DESOTO 2-door bin dtop, Power ht. et inv. In good condition Cull 7-11,32 1959 11(' A, Pot table TV, practically new ('all Al) 84315 after 5 pm. 1952 WILLYS JEEP; 1953 Buick Holt& number 4•doo: red,m , 1051 Itukk Century 4-d thn ,edun 195 s ( bevy Bel Alio 4-dour hardtop Due of theme ears mart be sold. Call hill AD 84551 FR ATFUNITIES, OEM NIZATIONS. Or- lii ) n u , • ti ees now, ShenrNi S. , t , h Prue, ' NM WHY Spruce 10-20 feet. A 1) h-17119 ol en mg.; ONE, HOLY ('Ross ticket —II) ):.I‘l. hne roll Al) R• 1109 9.!1) MODEI. T Ford Tooling, bur con .lition, 1111171 v spas es R3(10 (it rn. Call Alort,trin 11N 5-5051 or AI) 8-01 1 19 eve- tit! bE 111.11.1.: Fl ulny mornlnw between Ormond a n d Pattoson. Cull Bill JI.MC4 UN 5..5.51 19113 ,IACIIAIt XX 120 iondater, mechanical condition. 11195 00. Call Al) Tom Williammin. THESIS—MULTILITIIING and typing. Duplimats for aale. Phone AD 6-0774. MISCELLANEOUS STIIDENTSI BRING sour hoi after Thitnk•gix lug. New box atolls. Horse oilei venire Excellent trails neat trt , ll"olluble luck op for freshmen without t .1 mils hum cif /TIMIS - - no detours Al) A m INTERrsTED in Joining car pool f 1 pin liellefunte. Call El,g in 5-11179 etc' b TYPEWRITER REPAIR is our npecialty. Fast, expert lepair and genicing at reasonable pares. All Uoth done in our State College shop. Free customer parking at rear of stole. Nittany Office Equipment, .131 South Allen St. Phone AD 8-bP26. CALCilisrWlieltNtTyWlnot-lonwSteaks and Petri. Morrell', AD 8..5381. NEIN MAN CLUB Foturn Series will pre sent on Nov 12th: Will We Outgrow the World? Speaker: Dr. Clement Mthannvich. St. Louis University, NUB Assembly Room 7 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing tap. to or ncrobatic Proles. •lonal School of Dance. AD 8-1078. By JIM KARL Lion Harriers Will Compete For IC4A Title Penn State cross country coach Chick Werner will send seven harriers to compete in the 51st annual JC4A championships to be held Monday afternoon in New York City's Van Cortland Park. There is one question mark in Werner's mind concerning the race whether veteran harrier Chick King will be able to run at full effectiveness. King sprained his ankle while running in the IManhattan meet last Saturday. Although he is responding to itreatment, the Lion mentor is not :sure that he will be ready. Capta,n Dick Engelbrmk will lead the harriers in quest of the coveted trophy. Engelbrink is an experienced performer in the IC4A. Last year he finished sev enth to lead the Wernermen to ?fifth place in the championships. This year, in the five dual meets, Engelbrink has carded two firsts, two thirds and a fourth. Herm Weber and Steve Moor head will run second and third respectively, for the Lions Each has pla'ed well this year. Weber in his last outing racked up a first for the Nittanies. THESIS MULTILITHINO OMMERCIAL PRINTING 52 E. COLLEGE IFIEDS + FOB RENT COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom modation.; ulth Prnate bath or running %%Mei% Colonial Motel, 121 W Nittany Ave, State lollege. AD 7-45 - 0 or AD 7-7192. DOUBLE ROOM on E. College ne\t to Tnyty tilmt Available immediately. Call Ron Hoch AD 7-4951. DOUBLE ROOM, eingle beds, excellent for two I oonfinatex, one block from the ennlnu4. 230 S. Pugh St. AD 7-3032. 35 FT. HOUSE Tiailer-2 bedioom, winter- Led, all conveniences, $5O per month including tax at,. Potters Mills. Call EM 4-1144. WANTED • BABY-SITTING assignments for 46 ex perienced sitters A sitter to fit the temperament of each baby. Mailable most afternoons, evenings, and weekends. All proceeds from jobs go to chat it). Ctll Phi Sigma Sigma sorority UN 5-7783. ei.fiFdiEF.KM;;;le) over 5 ; 10 7 ' as — dtte for very cute H.S. senior Fri , Sat., to game. Call UN 5-2666. RIDE TO Le.ittown or Phila area Thu •a day Nov 19, return Sunday No%. :9 Call Judy UN 5-775 y. SECRETARIES FROM 18 to 24 to 117 e in Co-op. 1•oe further information roll AD 8-1051 after 5 p.m. LIVE DATE for Pitt game. Call any night after 11. Ask ter Carol UN 6-6284. HELP WANTED MEN, WOMEN: Learn about summer jobs on ships, $lOO weekly, no esoelience is necelNat v for beginners. Details write Captain Wohlenberg P.O. Ro• 192, Bowling Green Station. New York 4, N.Y. WAITERS TO work for meals at Ag Hill Club. Call Mis. Isenberg AD 8-1330. LOST SLIDE RULE Friday morning between Osmond and Patterson, Call BM James UN 5-2553. ENGLISH STYLE Bicycle sit — illnWt. night. Call UN 5-6045. Reward 1960 MONESSEN High School Ring. Call I.IN 5-7966 MAN'S GOLD Remus Watch near intra mural field Friday night, initials R N.U. '59 on back. Call Rick UN 5-4954. Reward. WILL PERSON(S) knowing xchereabouts of English•style bicycle last seen behind Theta Chi Saturday night rail AD 7-3874. LADIES SMALL silver handbag Junior Prom night. Reward. Call Ed UN 6-5704. GOLD RING with diamond at football sant* Saturday. Owner tall AD 74920. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Holy Cross Defense-- (Continued from page six) last year and was switched to center where he became a stand. out. ECONOMICAL AD It-6794 FOUND Penn State end coach J. T GRoovitsr WITH THE MONARDO - VIVONA QUINTET TONIGHT 8:30 - 12:30 a.m. , SATURDAY 9:00 • 1:00 a.m. SUNDAY 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. LA GALLERIA JAZZ CLUB Meeting at La Galleria Tonight at 7:00 Music by J-W Quartet Donation $l.OO Jazz Club Members $.75 WHY NOT HEAD FOR THE I ! That's New York—America's biggest, most interesting city, and Con Edison supplies the vital electric, gas and steam services that keep it 'moving. To stay ahead of New York's needs, we're spending almost four million dollars a week on expansion—a billion dollars in the next five years. That's why every department in the company—technical and non-technical—requires creative, ambitious young men. Our pro gram for college graduates provides major assignments immedi ately. And the near future offers a real and substantial goal: 750 of our 791 top management positions will fall vacant in the next fifteen years, mainly through retirement. The men who join us now can look forward to filling these jobs. If good starting salary, opportunity for personal accomplishment and a Clear road to rapid advancement attract you, write for our booklet "Con Edison—The Right Place to Build Your Future? Or visit our New York office and get acquainted. PLACEMENT BUREAU, MAIN FLOOR-4 lIWING PLACE, NEW YORK 3, N.Y. White who scouted the Crusaders; risburg this morning and will in their last three games looksl travel to State College by bus. for a real close game tomorrow. They'll work out on Beaver Field "They have a hustling team," this afternoon and will stay at White said, "And they wcu.'t give the Penn-Belle Hotel in Belle up or or make many mistakes." ! The Crusaders will fly to Har- fonte. CCl ° s % OF NEW YORK FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1959 r r 1 r Ile