The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 29, 1959, Image 12
PAGE TWELVE Space Vehicle Sighted by Student The mysterious sparkling ob ject sighted in the sky at 5.45 last night is believed to have been a military test vehicle fired from Wallops I , ,land, Virginia. Charles Bosley, senior in agri eultme economics and rural soci ology from Ilamsburg, said he and , everal «impaniong sighted the obvert moving in a southeast er Iv ..iirection Ile said the object was "very bright in comparison to the few vrsrblr t.tar.," arid it seemed to give off a !evolving sensation. The United Press International said last night that Ft'll IltiStS horn Wallops Island fired a test ve hicle carrying an inflatable bal loon some 200 miles ovei the At lantic Oc-ri n Prexy Attends Meeting President Eric A. Walker is at tending the meetings of the Asso ciation of Amei :can Univei si lies in New York this week. The membership is composed of 41 of the leading univeisities in this counny and Canada. For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CLASSIFIEDS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FOB SALE my, 1957 CHEVROLET Hel•Air. 2 door, bkok o iNtorn inta a an, 2711 li p Cm %elle etwittr, ittiels, radio. e•vellept C11111)1111111. AD b-14)13 THESIS— MUM I LIT II I Nu; Mnd typing Ouplimnlq fur role Phone AD P-0774. I htfliounl TRAILER - 29 ft both 1051 model Phone Poll hotomen Fi 10 and G. 90 Id il)Gli: '49 fluid ilri% e ertilt-mitontutic In tseellent I omlition $l5OOO Call TIN 5-0 , 111 or AD 7-2000 ask for Mohant). CALL. US foifout-long Iloagiesiind Pepsi; Al) 84 101-0 pni till 12 p.m Morrell's MOUNTAIN LION PELT with full motiiiMd head, N feet from more to tail tip Make ilist metre Penn State . all picee weer brepl. •• for filaprnitY club. 111 trophy room. Far in wood condition. Make offer Call AD 7-2193. FOR RENT ON P. LA RC F.l donble room hicill for to o rotmungle.., ~u lick from exulinvt. 230 S. Pugh Call Al) 7-.105.!. LA 1{ E IVIt N IS HFI) Tomo Atittnble am fungle 01 double, for non-amolor: next a:mums. Pmking. Call AI) a-22t.'t evenings A LARGE mingle room. Call AD 7-2290. DESIRABLE ROOMS, centrally located !liar campus, single or double Parking Call AD 7-7',06 or EL 6-4302. MISCELLANEOUS CA 1,1, 1%1 fur fowl-lons limm it s and remli - AD 8-10181 9 pm. till 12 P m WII.I, DO student n 1A111,111% in nn home Al) 7-2027 AGGII'S SPAGHETTI DINNER Square .laocinv Ag 11.11 Pail), Oct. 11, Hee Hall 5 10 . 12 00 LAW SCIIOOI. • l'i Lambda Sigmn, pre lentil hon.' , pienrnte. "Preparing for nw School"— in torrid fig and informa tive. Thur Any, S p m 211 Rourke E, try one WV,effille BAGPIPERS OR tictr.on mterented in leltal WV Mill P 111111114( a havpipe hand Contact — ll. e. 140Ni - tilt* Smith, Rohm, 436 llis: 641038 CET CLIPPED ouickei at Lemmon's r.e-in Barber Shop, 729 South Ather ton I loute 322). No meters, no tickets, - 9 a.m. to 9 n m. dash. THESIS MULTII,ITHINO and typing dulilinints for rale Phone AD 8.0774 ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing. tap, toe or aerobatie leagoria. Profea. clonal School of Dance AD 8-1078. WILL. PERSON Nt kin pat litil up Ix rung 1.14 , 1101 coat Sat night at A EP' plcaAc Con t Dick Ittancorty AI) P-0756. FAIR (ii slat• blue tdas.ea lent. mound Pugh and Colleue A CHM` 1 rit'ay. Call Bill at inn 7-4151 ‘‘ An II black Neel' N icinity of Mu Kappa and Delta Upsilon Contact. Das° AI) 14-629 a ARISTO SLIDE RULE in the 'l icuuty or EIEMZEMiIMn WANTED RIDE DESPERATF.V needed to Cornell Friday evening for foul girls. Will pay $24. CRII UN 6-2989, Barbara. TOY ELECTRIC Train. made before 1940. Phore Dave Stevens AD 7-7787 esenintts. ItIDFAIS WANTED—Syracuse eekend. Leming New York City for State Cot. !ere Fri.. Nov. 6; retuininyr Sunday after noon Call Skip Lenker AD 7-2251. =I2=MIZEIE= Hahn AD 7 1 4917:__ STUDENT TO work in fraternity kitchen [Or meals WI weekend. Call Pete, AD 74060. fc ITEDEN HELP for fraternity. Contact Dave AD 7-2355. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY typing for tresonable rates. Thests, term paper, reports, ete. Electric typewriter. Prompt t.eryiee. Phone AD ti-1913. WAITERS TO work for meals at fra ternity. Call TKE, Andy PontnWin, There's opportunity, challenge, and excitement at Convair! jlr I I I ITT llr i T 1 1 - I I I Fri 1 r - T "r l I'll I I t')-1 1-rl 1.1 I-> complete An 8-0731 1•• 11 1• •) 1•!! ill 1 f 1 1.1 1 _( 1 I~ Undergraduate & Graduate Students Majoring In AERONAUTICAL, ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, NUCLEAR, CIVIL ENGINEERING Plus Graduate Students Majoring In PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS will do THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA The widest diversity of missile and aircraft projects in the U.S. assures Convair of a continuing progrim of research and development ... a challenging and exciting program that offers unlimited career opportunities to young scientists and engineers in many fields. Talk with the men from Convair (see dates below). Ask about the extensive opportunitles Convair oterS for training ... for continuing education ... for personal advancement. CONVAIR SAN DIEGO As an engineering or science major, you will soon make one of the most important decisions of your life: Choice of Association. We hope you will choose Convair-San Diego, but whatever your choice, the selection of association must be made with utmost care. Our representatives have a new booklet which describes the work of each group within the Convair-San Diego Engineering Department. After read ing it, we believe you will be better equipped to make your decision ... whether or not you choose our company. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA GENERAL DYNAMICS 11•111.1U1• 1.1.111,111.1•111.11111.,k1_,11,-1,.1.-1,-_111t? CONVAIR POMONA New programs at Convair-Pomona offer excellent oppor tunities today for engineers. Convair-Pomona created the Army's newest weapon, Redeye shoulder-fired missile, and developed the Navy's advanced Terrier and Tartar miss sites. Many other programs, still classified, are at various stages of development, providing stimulating assignments for progressive-thinking engineers and scientists. Positions are open for Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate candidates in electronics, aeronautics, mechanics and physics. POIVIONA, CALIFORNIA 11111111 - 1 . 1.111 . •1 1 111 , n 6l 1.1 Z. i I 19"C.1 Representatives From Convair Will Conduct JOINT INTERVIEWS November 2nd C 7 3rd Consult your placement office for .details CONVAIR I'l I'l-i1111115111,1111.11:111.1.1,111•11,1•11•11'I1I CONVAIR ASTRONAUTICS Selected young graduates are offered the opportunity to join groups of outstanding scientists and engineers In the advanced research and development atmosphere of Can• vair-Astronautics' new $40,000,000 facility in beautiful smog-free San Diego ... to participate in the design and development of the ATLAS Intercontinental Ballistic Mis• sile (ICBM) a top priority of tha Air Force that is pushing man's exploration into outer space. You may qualify for a position with Convair-Astronautics. BAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA A DIVISION OF THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29.