The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 23, 1959, Image 3

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By Ci
delayed enforcem ;
the striking Unite
decide some time
writ altogether. T
which lasted about four hours, 'of a provincial army comman
West Ge man said they hoped to arrive at a de- der, Maj. Hubert Matos, as a
cision early next week.
Missile P o i led'
i An 80-day injunction was traitor.
I granted in Pittsburgh Wednes- The bearded prime mini'ter
day by Judge Herbert P. Sorg used what he called his new
Gets Allied OK of U.S. District Court. The
union appealed to the U.S. 3rd !weapons --the Cuban people—for
a one-hour strike to demonstrate'
LONDON VP) The Euro-I Circuit Court of Appeals. public support of his regime.
A panel of three julists diauni Exempted from the strike call
pean allies Thursday granted'fiorn the Circuit Court here heard' were hotel and restaurant w
} Germany permission to argument on two points: ern and others serving 2000
Is the injunction granted under American travel agents in Ha
build its own anti-aircraft the Taft-Hartley law illegal vana for their annual conven
guided missiles. Is the strike of 500,000 workers`
endangering the nation's health lion.
Sul face to-an and air-to-air Castro ass e d Wednesday
missiles were thus struckand safety? through the blackest day of Ins
Arthur J. Goldberg,hief at
from the list of weapons which l 4 ,, rn ,,, f -' 10-month iegime
or the union, said yes to
Germany agreed not to manufac-I= / There was bloodshed in the
first question, no to the sec
tuie when she joined the North `' d streets of Havana, showers of
Atlantic Treaty Organization four °//,r,v,, government anti-goverment leaflets from ae
yeais ago. Long-distance missiles (George Doub 1
' - ' nal intruders and damage to one
assistant U . S.attoine3) said just
are still bailedof his 826 bombers by Cuban
the opposite
The new move was recom- 'ground fie, along with contio-
Whatever the finding, it will
mended by U.S. Gen. Laurin i viers y over the arrest of the w ide-
Norstad, supreme commander not settle the issue. Both the ly respected major,
Allied powers in r' Europe, and steel industry and the union {
approved by the Western Eu
have indicated they will go all. I
the way to the Supreme Court
ropean Union—a kind of Euro- Nobel Prize Selection
pean inner NATO. I if necessary. 1
WEU was formed in 1954 with Goldberg told the judges that Criticized by Swedes
the object of bringing West Ger- the government obtained the in-
many into the Western defense 'unction as the industry seemed The Swedish Academy dr ew was based on the on the verge of settling the con- Swedish (laicism ,yesterday for
Brussels treaty of 1948, a collec- tact dispute over wages and awaiding the 1959 Nobel Prize
fix e self-defense and economic woik rules. in literature to Italian poet Sal
pact. Goldbergsaid the Injunction vatoie Quastmodo
The amendment will not in
crease the types of weapons now
on German soil. The German ar
my has rockets, but they :ill are
manufactured abroad.
Still barred to German arms
makers are nuclear bombs, chem
ical and bacteriological weapons,
battleships, large destroyers and
long-range missiles.
* Opens its doors again as it did three weeks ago for the
first of the Jazz Club's Workshop Series. This Saturday evening
at the La alleria we have endeavored to bring more fine jazz
to you. For the second in the series there will be two combos
staging THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS. First on the stand will be
the soulful DAVE ATKINSON, a very strong vibist, and his quar
tet to be followed immediately by DON KREBS and his fine group.
•No blood will be drawn, the only cutting will be of a
musical nature. To add some more punch to the battle two
vocalists of high stature will be on hand. The well established
FRIEDA LEE is 'of course one; the other will be a welcome sur
prise to many, JUANITA JONES, a gill of much talent makes her
first Penn State appearance with us.
*All in all it will be an interesting musical experience; one
that no one should miss. ,
SATURDAY, OCT. 24 Bpm. - 12:30 a.m.
123, 1959
ction Delayed
cult Court
IHA M—Three federal judges yesterday
nt of a Taft-Hartley law injunction against
1 . Steelworkers Union and said they would
-arly next week whether to throw out the
e 100-day-old strike continued.
-- The judges, after a hearing
was unconstitutional because it, The Stockholm newspaper Af
was handed down "as the resulttonbladet suggested there are sev
of a nonjudicial finding." f eral more deserving writers
The opening session of the hear-,around.
ling was delayed 15 minutes or sm "After its incursion into the
because of uncertainty over the heroic with last yew's prize to
precise legal issue. The govern- Paqernak, the Academy hac re
intent said it thought the healinglturned to a safe middle position,"
would be limited to consideration the influential Socialist organ
of the stay of injunction. complained.
,sion: 75c
La Galleria
To Castro
HAVANA UP)—Fidel Castro
fought back -, esterday against
hit-and-run opposition and a
'critical reaction to his arrest
Jazz Club Members 50c
France Seeks Ban
On Nuclear Arms
Fiance proposed yesterday that
the coming East-West disarma
ment conference put fop prior
ity on banning intercontinental
missiles and other new devices for
can ying nuclear weapons
Jules Moch. the French disar
mament expert, made the propo
sal in a speech to the 82-nation
U.N. Political Committee during
debate on various approaches to
the disarmament problem.
He mentioned specifically satel-
Wtes, rockets, supersonic or long
range aircraft, submarines, air
watt carriers and launching pads.
In outlining what he considered
the top issue for the 10-nation
conference in Geneva early next
year, •Moch said:
Horseback Riding
Mon. thru Fri. at 6:00 P.M.
Sat. & Sun.-10 A.M., 1 P.M.
3 P.M., 6 P.M.
Call AD 7-4526
Car Radios
ti lfelevisio ---
Phonograp - s - FRadios
television -
at • -
State College TV
232 S. Allen St.
~. ,-(- - - - '447 , :', . :- ...........''-'-'.. 4-.4ki.,..',.
More than
an adding
1: 1 1 1:1 I=3
Adds Subtracts Multiplies Divides
only 125 plus 7.50 FIT
The new 10 key Contex adds, sub•
tracts, multiplies, and divides.
Anyone is an "expert" in minutes,
complete instructions on the bot
tom of each machine. It's portable
too, fits brief case.
ates by palm pressure on plunger
while fingers never leave keyboard.
999,999,999.99. Faster than elec.
trips. Guaranteed one year.
SIZE & WEIGHT. 10" long, 7" wide,
3 3 / 4 " high. Weighs under 6 lbs.
Contex at $12.50 per month. Our.
ing first 3 months entire rental
deductible from purchase price.
Call for Fr--
AD 8-6125
231 S. Allen Street
Free Customer Parking
At Rear of Store
Capital Will Not Contest
CAB Recommendation
Aiihnes spokesman said yester
day the airline does not intend to
contest a Civil Aeronautics Board
recommendation that its service
to eight cities in Michigan, West
Virginia and Pennsylvania be
transferred to other airlines.
The CAB examiner recommend
ed that North Central Airlines
and Lake Central Airlines be
authorized to serve the cities.
Vacation arriving!
For aid in planning a well
rounded vacation call
AD 8-6779 or stop in at our
office in the State College
Above the Corner Room
Through the
Looking Glass
with Gabbi
Everybody's got it. Got what?
No, not the flu. Everbody's got
the Ethel habit. Have you ever
watched a couple of collegians
walking down College Ave ?
They're sh oiling along, neither
looking to right nor left until
they spot Ethel's. Their eyes
light up; their bushy little tails
get evtn bushier; and their re
msitance is cracked. They just
can't pass up Ethel's without
admiring the artful window
displays and stopping in to
browse around.
And what do these Penn
Staters see upon entering?
Why, a perfume bar with the
newest and most fragrant
scents of this autumn season.
Hattie Carnegie, Christian Dior,
and Mary Chess are a few of
the names represented. Hai k,
boys, perfume is a wonderful
gift to present your little love
Or maybe shorter and round
er? And what color? No, not
little lovelies. We're talking
about umbrellas. Ethel has
them in every color of the
autumn leaves and then scme.
It's that time of day and' that
section of our column again.
Just trip lightly across the
aisle and take a look at the
wide selection of men's cuff
links. They come in silver con
temporary designs, simple lined
gold or silver, abalone shell
and a Siamese silver design
on black.
is worth a pound of cure, I
always say. That rapidly mul
tiplying animal, the litter bug,
is now being fined, and heavi
ly, for throwing trash from
the window of his car. Now
why doesn't someone invent a
little trash bag to put inside
that car? Well, it so happens
someone has. For only $2 50 you
can buy a gaily covered trash
hag with various compartments
for paper and orange peels.
Get yours_today.
Time to go,