The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 15, 1959, Image 8

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35 Fraternities
To Compete In
Display Contest
Ronald Resh, Interfraternity;
Council vice president, has an-I
nounced the names or 35 frater-,
pities which will participate in
the IFC alumni homecoming lawn;
display contest this weekend. '
They are' Acacia, Alpha Gam- i
ma Rho, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha
Tau Omega, Alpha Zeta, Beta
Sigma Rho, Delta Chi, Delta Sig
ma Phi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda,
Chi Aloha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi,
Kappa Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma,l
Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kap-'
pa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Sigma Pi, Sigma Phi Ep
silon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Delta
Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Pi Kap
pa Alpha, Phi Epsilon Pi, Alpha
Chi Sigma, Alpha Chi Rho, Phi
Kappa Delta, Delta Theta Sigma,
Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Phi, Chi
Phi, and Kappa Delta Rho.
Pershing Rifles Queen
Judith Tifenberg, junior in arts
ml letters from Skaneateles,
N.Y., will fly to Baton Rouge, La.,
tomorrow to be crowned Queen
of the Pershing Rifles at the na
tional convention.
Miss Tifenberg was Freshman
Sweetheart of the Class of 1961
mid a finalist in the Military Ball
Queen competition.
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doting SW (WWI Of 1960 \\ 1 ant
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is to help 'you kt_tde--- V. ith
COM Idellt-T— )f \ 011 N 1 atilt to apply for a cootroiy,iol) after you
ik k.
graduate. i ,ou're. iner estt it, folio. is tire daddad to marl
the cooplon. Tiretets tto oirligation.
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WSGA to Hold
Display Contest
The Women's Student Govern
ment Association is sponsoring a
lawn display contest among the
women's residence halls.
The displays may be built
around anything that pertains to
the alumni or Homecoming Week.
The winning residence halls
will receive magazine subscrip
Three faculty members will
judge the displays. They will be
judged on their relation to home
coming, the creative use of ma
terials and the overall impression
The displays must be set up by
10 a.m. Saturday. The judging will
be between 10 a.m. and noon Sat
The winner will be announced
at the football game.
Education Majors Plan
October 25 'Playday'
Physical education and recrea
tion education majors will hold
their semi-annual Playday, Oct.
1 25, at the Civil Engineering
Tickets may be purchased from
any member of the physical edu
cation council for 25 cents. Dead
line for tickets is October 22.
The purpose of Playday is to
acquaint physical education and
recreation education majors and
faculty members,
Thespian Show--
(Continued from page one)
an experience—an enjoyable ex -1
perience," he said.
"There are 130 students in the
musical, including singers, danc
ers, actors and crew members.
The costume crew made about
one-half of the costumes and
the remainder were rented from
' a firm in Philadelphia.
Students who worked as direc
tors for various skits in the musi
cal are: Richard Mazza, William
Bennett, Patricia Thompson, Sam
uel Parsons, Susan Brown and
Louise Sulitan.
Thurs. Ski Div. Meeting
le o moliee, "Ski Holiday" and "Holi
day in the Snow," are included in this
orientation meeting at 7 p.m. in
111 Bourke.
Sat. and Sun. Overnight
Groups leave at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sat.
from behind Osmond. Sian lap at HUB
desk. Sponsored by Main Club.
PLAN TO JOIN the Cabin
and Trails Div. on iheir over
night the weekend of Oct. 24.
• '''‘
he crdoys her leisure time. (Free evenings and
k ilns 30 days annual paid vacation.) Perhaps
she'll attend evening classes at the Sorbonne, Or make a
skiing trip to St. Moritz. Or spend a holiday on the French
Riviera. Whatever she does, shell find a world of fun.
:',,'-; Of course, her assignment didn't have to be Paris. It
,i.. . ' might have been Heidelberg, Honolulu, Tokyo . . . even
,;‘,... New York or Los Angeles.
But w herever this young lady goes, she enjoys a feeling
of individual accomplishment. Because she began her
caieer as an executive . . . an officer in the Women's
Artuy Corps.
Department of the Army
Washington 25, D. C., ATTN: AGSN-L
College or University
Not long ago this young lady was a college
senior. Today, she handles the responsibili
ties and decisions of an executive in one of
the world's largest organizations. Toda
e y,
she's an Army officer in Paris .. a Lieut
ant in the Women's Army Corps.
Her professional and social life is busy
exciting ... happily balanced.
On duty, this young executive occupies a
liring education, initiative and intelligence.
glary and traditional privileges of an Army
She could be you . . this young execume
on the Champs Elysecs.
Please tell me more about a world-traveling,
executive career in the Women's Army Corps.
Grsduatlan Class
Hasler Will Speak
In MI TV Lectures
Dr. Charles L. Hosier will speak{
on "Energy Sources and Distribu- 1
tion in the Atmosphere" in Mete
orolgy 300, via TV, at 10 a.m., to
day in 312, 314, and 310 Boucke.
Other open lectures next week
are "The Structure of Modern
Science" by Dr. Paul D. Kryninc
in Geology 504 at 3 p.m., Wednes
day 319 Willard; "The Kern
County, California, Earthquake
'of July 21, 1952" by Dr. Benjamin
F. Howell in Geophysics and Geo-
CASH—IT words or boo
CHARGE-1A words or loos
$.34 ono insertion
CM two insertions
111.6 N throe Insertions
Additional words-3 for SA
for oaril dig of Insertion
ADS /JUST OE IN BY 11:118 A. 31,
`6B IMPERIAL. TRAILER 30%.c8 . --$1.650.
32 "Woockciale Trailer Park. AD -7-7842.
TRUMPET—good condition. two mouth.
pieces, mute. case recently reconditioned.
Must dell. Bob Al) 7.26611,
1 8 FORD, good condition, excellent radio,
very resu•onably priced. Call But or
Gig' UN 5-2189.
MR CHEVROLET, Biscayne V-8 4-door,
silver-blue with white wails, pouerglide.
Perfect eondition, only VOA Dd. Call
Reinhard UN 6-6401.
NROTC Gets 2 Profs
Cdr. Frank H. Savio has been
assigned as executive officer and
associate professor of naval sci
ence and Lt. Joseph E. Murray Jr.
has been named assistant profes
sor of naval science with the de
partment of naval science.
chemistry 405 at 4:15 p.m. 4
Wednesday, in 214 Willard; and
"Spinels: Structure, Composition,
, and Properties" by Dr. George W.
'Brindley in Ceramic Technology
300 at 9 a.m., Monday, in 225
Mineral Industries.
I •! , HO
mounted head . , 8 feet, from nixie to tail
tip. Make dictinctive l3l State wail pieta
over fireplace for fraternity, club, e,r
trophy loom. Fur in good condition. Bet*
offer over it 2.3. Call AD 7-2388.
1ti157 TR.. Here is an Opportunity to aft
it good car at less than cost. Call Al)
MAN'S LIGHT-WEIGHT Hicyche; •good
condition. Call Bob UN 5.6791 or AO
RALEIGH . 'ZS" man's bike, 2 wit.ks add.
Must sell. AD 2-0021. after 4,
LAMBRETTA 7tIOTOR. Scooter 188 Li,
la plus M.P.A.. 88 plus MPH., 1884
mites, excellent condition, 'Citll AD t=114121
after 8 p.m. on Mon., - Wed., Fri. All dry
,Tues., Thutg„
HAVE $01.7G111! Corvette; must *Aeroflot
1956 DeSoto 4-dr. ado., 38,000 nil., taw
tires. Make offer. UN 64075.
1962 NASH Stateman, goad condition.
Call AD 7-2651 ask tar E.
RIDE FOIL 2 to Buckne)l and return
Thursday evening, Oa. IC Call D e n
tilN 6-2732.
RIDE WANTED to Allentown et rerun
area. Set, noon or Friday at 4:89 p,irt.
Call AD 7-3479, ask for Wayne.
)VIDE WANTED—Import- from Ifitcheten
actives rid* Friday, 5 o'clock. Dail Tool
at Phi Delt for &Mill.
LAMBRETTA WANTS meebahles and
gervicornen for its new P.S. locatibn. - ShoP
will open ' soon. For information tell
AD 8-0021 after ft.
MIMES FOE bus trip from hen to
heaven. Monthly evening Oct. 19th. Sue
leaves Faith Church, 890 E. Collet* kw..
7 Iso p.m. No thane for excursion. floo»d
trip available for those who wish to
FOUND: X >4 E Mitiernie Monde,' H
in 105 Mechanical Engineering. Owner
elnirn nt BUB desk.
FOUND: DIFIZGEN slidertde, Ibrik
case, Friday morning in HO black uf
W. Hamilton Ave. Claim by identification.
AD 8-6474, Fred.
PAIR OF Stack Frame Glasses over the
weekend. If found please' contact Art
Klein at AD 8.8153.
EDELL GREY Glaaael, reil Shitler and
Crawford Cll6e, Call Dottie UN 15-2343.
31$ mm CAMERA with light meter at
tached at Colgate game in Soph. seetion.
If found please call Gary Balmy ,AD
7-4444. Important, Reward.
A NICE ROOM in private home near
front campus suitable for graduate stu
dent. secretary, or business or professional
personnel, Call AD 7-224$ or atop by
112 Reimer St.
TRAILF.R FOlt RENT--41 foot Hoyelan,
excellent eondition. Quiet area. Centellt
patio and awning, shady fenced-in loan,
6 min. from eampus, located at Penn
State Trailer Park "fi" No. 4, private
owner. Apply at Trailer No. 10 or phony
AD 13.6907.
SAVE TIME on your thesis or term
paper. Rent a fully automatic high
speed electric calculator or 1111 , 4 electric
typewriter. Low 'weekly 71114'3. The plate,
of C0 , 113P. i 3 Nittany Office Equipment,
231 S. Allen St. Free customer parking
at tear of A tore,
DESIRABLE ROOMS, centrally located
near campus ; single or double. Parking.
Call AD 7-7906 of EL 5-4302.
. ....
COME ON phone, ring'? I've got to fret
a date for "It's In the Rook," Thurs.
Oct. 1.5, Oct. 16, Sat. Oct. 17, at
8 pm. at Schwab.
aikble for Junior Prom weekend.
Can AD 8-1064 after 1 p.m.
SEE THE world faniou Eti - Bhop's Company
presents U. :3, Lelsis' "The Great Di
vorce" Monday Oct, lv, 7:84 ti,m, et Faith
United Chinch of Christ, 344 FL College
DON SMALTZ and his Combo are avail
able for boo Lings through Roger New ,
man AD 3-002 g.
STUDENTS, WOULD your phrents like to
Locate in State College? See me alletzt
a lot jutt 2 blocks from University campus.
Coil AD 7-2590.
WE REPAIR and have cords, heads, and
supplies for ail makes electric shavers ,
' See our line rebuilt shavers $3.00-22.00.
Cmaranteed. Electric Supply Co., 210 S.
Allen St. Phone Al) 1%2062.
I ENROLL NOW for ballroom dar)taig.
tap, tot or otrobatie lassona. Profea.
klional School of Dance. AD 8-1078.