PAGE EIGHI Ed Council Sets Date For Voting The Education Student Council voted last night to have decentralized voting for the freshman elections to the council. The elections will take place on Nov. 3 and 4 m the Hetzel Union Building and Waring Hall. Tlie council will have nomina tion blanks available for those freshmen interested in running for. the council, These nomination blanks will be screened by offi cers of the council and the mem bers at large on the basis of in terest in the council. j The council also decided their first Coffee Hour will be held on Oct. 2D. All students and fac ulty members of the College of Education will be invited. Dorothy Newman, president of the council, gave an evaluation leport on the Faculty and Coun-j cil Col'tee Hour. The handbooki which was given to freshmen dur ing Orientation Week was distri buted to the faculty, and pre registration of education majors! was discussed. j The Council also discussed the! idea of education majors and members of the council returning to the campus early during Orien tation Week to help advisors in the Department of Education with their advisees. BEAT ARMY Mtissiiiif •• + CLASSIFIEDS + CASH—I 7 words or loss CHARGE—I 2 words or leas t 50 on# Insertion 1.7.1 two Insertions tl.Oti three Insertions Additional words—3 for MS for each daj of Insertion ADS MUST HE IN HV 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAT FOR SALE l!ir*G IMPERIAL Trailer, 30’\8‘, veiy good condition $l9OO. Must sell. 32 Woods* d*>lt> Ti a»l* i r t'aik AD 7-7842. MAN’S WOOL Suit Ivy leaßue stripe— like niw. Cost W. Reasonable. Call AD 8-tdWl 1931 CHEVY eomeitible, like new. Hemy, 220 S. I’uvrU St. AD PORTABLE ’1 \PK Recorder. complete with spcnket and mike Ttansistoi— runs on 1 f la-blight cells Weighs only 3 pounds • good for classioom ui«e. Size is IU/'x G'.j'xb' has iu>\ei been used. For infor mation call UN 5-2596, ANYONE INTERESTED in Aunv tickets. Call Torn AD 8-Mll. J‘2s I)K\V MOTORCYCLE 1953, excellent condition tall day AD 7-7611 ext. 258, evening AD K-l(»Gb. 35 MH>T TRAILER in excellent condi-l tlon. One bidioom. full bath and kitchen. Thom' John Kn*denb»rier AD 7*1983. FOR SACK, Rent, or Finance—'ls-foot, 2-bedrunm trailer. Call AD 8-0774 after 5. MISCELLANEOUS HtiihiiMiiiiiiiititiiiiMmiMiiMMiiiiimimiiiiiiMi BOWLERS TAKE a bottling break at Downtown Dux Club Open daily to general public fionF'k.SO to I‘2 pm. No waiting. 128 S. Pugh GET YOlfR drawings for thesis and report* inked piofexbionally. Call HO ti-6415 after 5 ATTENTION Nw5”» enntho for wet Rend enteitniumentT Sev etal expeueneed combos available. Con tact Rob Havana AD 7-2760. NITTANY C.UOTTO meets tonight. 121 M I. Caving slides showing club activi tioK, field tups planned. I.4MBKETTA WILL be the new way at Umvei-itj Fark. Robert Motors U open ing its Lambretta Agency in State Col lere. We will need cullege students for ►ales & am \ ice. Apply 1509 Germantown Ate.. Phiia, 22, Pa. CLASSIFIED AD STAFF—billing Thurs. eve. Collegian office 0:30. Onlv Kiesil, Kohudic, Zimmerman, Michel!, Stichnian and Meil nnixt attend, others will he billing next time. iSee list on bulletin board). STUDENTS, WOULD your parents like to locate in State College? See me about a lot just 2 blocks from University campus. Call AD 7-2590. WE REPAIR and haxe cords, heads, and, supplies for all makes electric shavers. See our line rebuilt shaver* $3.00—58.00 Guaranteed. Electiie Supply Co., 216 S. Alien St. Phone AD 7-2062. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing. tap, toe or acrobatic lessons. Profes sional School of Dance. AD 8-1078. WANTED TO BUY CSIUI/S OR bov‘s English style bicvele. Call AD 8-6901. FOUND FOUND SUNDAY, pearl necklace on Reaver Ave. Owner call AD 8-8528 After 6:00. Workshop- (Continued from page one) during the summer were also |: discussed and approved. Mem- j bers asked that the University j; ejlablish a committee lo inves- | ligate the possibility of using , WDFM facilities as an insiruc- j tional aid through-broadcasting lectures for credil and review purposes. Other recommendations per-j tainma lo expansion of commu nications media were: • FM receivers or devices which [would permit AM radios to re ceive the FM signal should be made available at low cost to the! students. j • The University should auth-i orize more contracts with other, :radio and television stations ini the area, so as to provide more airi time for WDFM. j • The University should he en-| couraged to expand the program 'of closed circuit and broadcast Television throughout the campus 1 under its own sponsorship. • The Board of Trustees should I approve a WDFM power increase from 250 to 1000 watts. On the social side of expansion problems several suggestions were [made including the provisions of 'catered tables at dances held in Recreation Hall, the construction of a large, modern auditorium as isoon as possible, and exploration' iof the feasibility of large outdoor dances. [lnjured in 25-Foot Fall j A 39-year-old construction work er was injured yesterday when he [reportedly fell off a 25-foot wall jat the Hammond Engineering Building Project. WANTED HIDE TO Wnt Voint for Army Kfimo. Leaxe Fri. Call AD 7*7200 ask for Kt*\in or Fike. WANTED—GIRI* to fehave thvee-inum efficiency aimitment one block from campus AD K-i>47'i ACCOKDIA FLA VER 1 <>v ‘‘v~SchTilT plnttler Folk Dance group. Call AD S-21JVJ and ask for Stan. RIDERS PROM Yoik vicinity to State on weekends and return; kfcive Friday night >etuin Sunday. Call Bob AD 8*9125 aftei 7 p.m, , KITCHEN HELP—free meals included. Contact Gaiy at AD 7-4933, .GIRL TO share 3-room efficiency apart ment, l block from campus AD 8-0473. [INEXPENSIVE FLUTE, suitable for be | gmner. Call FnU 1U) M>7H2. [MALE STUDENT to share apartment, l $6O month. Fncplace, modern kitchen, I washing machine, free parking. Call Ron AH r-JHMIi. EXPERIENCED baby-sitter and mother's holpoi—Tue*. Thurs. morning and/or Mon, Turs, Thins. afternoon. AD 7-4883. LOST GLASSES IN tm tuße-shidl frames in blown case. Lost on College Ave. Call AD H-9029. RAINCOAT LOST at Phi De!t Sat. night. Call John AD 7-4320. FRATERNITY PIN and kuhT,!7PTLambda Phi vicinity, West College Ave. Cull Ren AD 7-2664. GIRL’S SWISS Wnstwntch, almost new. between Spaika and Atherton. Reward Elite UN 5-2720. GREEN. GREY atriped sporta jacket, Waterman pan, rep tie in pockets; lost at Phi Delt Satuulay night. Call AD 7*4486 ask for Jerry ..Carp WILL THE person who accidentally picked up an umbrella in Sac\ett Thurs. about 9 a.m. please call AD 7-2766. Wanted for sentimental reasons. BLACK RAINCOAT, zipper lining, at SAE Saturday Sept. 26. Coll Bob Schwartz AD 7-4933. MAN’S BULOVA self-winding watch with expansion hand containing red stones, sometime Fii. Reward. Call Tom AD 7-4928. 35mm BOLSEY Camera with Argus light meter. If found please return to HUB desk. Thank you. FOR RENT STUDENT HAS single room in new 47 ft. trailer $7.00 per week. Kitchen privileges. Phone AD 8-1998. DOUBLE ROOM for rent, 366 East Foster. Call AD 7-2315 ask for Wade or Jim D. FOUR-ROOM Apartment, water, heat, refrigerator, stove, parking furnished. [Couple. SSO. Immediate occupancy. UN ; 5-6337 or AD 7-381)5. SINGLE ROOM across from campus, East College Ave. Call AD 7-4374 after 6. ONE LARGE triple room, one double loom. Mrs. Edna Miley, 114 E. Beaver Ave. ROOM FOR RENT with or without board i nt 220 S. Allen St For additional m [foimalion call AD 8-0136 or call in person ( at 317 K. Beaver Ave, ask for Mrs. Petriskey VKKY NICE double at 306 S. Atherton St. • AD 8-0675. dose to canuniti UNI'URNISHED THRF.K Rooms ami bath. No children Married sot or Kratl stu dent preferred. Call AD 7-4474 or AD 7-2«D4. DKSIHAISI.K KOOMS, centrally located near rnmims ; aintcle or double. Packing. Call AU I-7DU6 el EL C-430& , THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA McKee Women Seek 'Bermuda ' Permission Coeds are once again petition ing for their rights! One hundred eighty coeds in ; McKee Hall have signed a pe tition asking the dean of women to allow them to wear bermudas lin Waring dining hall. McKee Hall girls will pass the petitions to be signed in Ir vin and Thompson dormitories. They hope to get at least 700 signatures. PRINTING letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. College AD 8-6794 BEAT ARMY DUAL FILTER DOES IT! It filters as no single filter can I rareyton y*' ‘VIS; # HERE’S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL... defi« nitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette mild and smooth... 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring you the real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste! NEW Fniuzi ifyawt UWf i*i4£U «W (C 4, T. Cage Managers Wanted Any freshman or sophomore men interested in applying for jobs as second managers for the varsity basketball team, should attend the meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., tomorrow, in Section S-Z of the Recreation Hall bal cony. Repairs Car Radios Television Phonographs Radios television m service y||l center State College TV 232 S. Allen St. for mild,full flavor! POPULAR FILTER PRICE WEDNESDAY, OCTOI British Prof App » Dr. William O. Wil Luton, England, has hi ed associate professor technology. Campus Restn 142 EAST COUEGI So Close.. So Convert 4Cr J> . 8S >V' I 'Vkv?4 • jfrfcsv &.*■ '•• */’,y * s ‘ . / if •* • .*. /
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