The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 26, 1959, Image 8

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University to Make
Films on Ed Psych
To aid in the teaching of certain basic theories and
methods of educational psychology, the University will
produce documentary sound films.
by the
A grant of
for the project
Prof to Receive
Chem Award
Dr. Robert W. Taft, Jr , profes
sor of chemistry, will icceive the
1 USD Ameiican Chemical Society
A want in Peti oleum Chemistry.
The pm pose of the award is to
rnogni/c outstanding research
achievements in the field of petro
leum chemistry. The $lOOO award,
sponsored bv the Scientific Pre
cision Co, will be presented at
the April 1900 meeting of the
society in Cleveland, O.
Taft leveived his bachelor of
science and his master of science!
degiees fiom the University of
Kansas and his doctor of phil
osophy degree fiom Ohio State
He was named to the Univer
sity faculty m JO5O. Last year lie
did lescairli at Harvard Univer
sal v undei a Guggenheim Fellow
ship. Jn 1950 and 1957 he held an
Alfred P Sloan Foundation fel
lowship for reseat eh here.
Dioda to Discuss Art
At Reception Sunday
Adolph Dioda, whose sculpture
and drawings are ourtently on
display in the HUB gallery, will
he picsent at a reception there!
Sunday to meet and discuss his
wmk with intei ested guests.
The public is invited from 3 to
5 pm to meet Dioda and to view
his work and that of Paul Rand,
giaphie artist, whose work is also
being shown until Oct 3.
HMMM •««<•! tit It MMHI
('AMI —l7 words or Imb
CHARGE— 12 words or less
9.50 on* Insertion
9.75 two insertion*
II 00 three Insertions
Additional wordi*—3 for 9.98
for carh day of insertion
lP.’u I OKI), unlit* A hentti, Knot! con
dition ('all M) i-U'll >-6 or EL
«ft» r t,
At.l’A foldttiK camera apotar
I/.((Ml hit* v\nt\ shmtei M-K\, self timer
fl.-tvlt pun. filtti* mid sun-shade. $3O. DO
J L hiimh, HU S PtiKh UN f-Hll.
SPARTAN TRAILER for bale. 3‘l-ft com.
M-t tip. A teal uttnl. Must sell
Nt» in WondMialt* IV.i k AD 7-30)4.
Mtl-TD. now top, Mark leather uphtwtcrv
paint, tinnint*. o\et hauled enrine, ]*)5H
Muhtlm-x tuns. Call Al) 7-2V)b4 6 to 8
p in.
Call AD 8-vJTi or ace it at 1333 N,
AUmi Kst
tiiRI.S Will! E Mazer, j*Lt' 12, worn twice
(nil AD 7-1707
half prior
our 38" Frimdmic electric
uipkc. then mike un a ridiculous offer.
ILdtunim, 230 Uartswtfk. AD 8-Bt>37.
'4!' CHEVROLET, Kootl hotly, excellent
ti ansptu tattoo, t eaionablt*. Phone Ai)
IMOIS nfur fi. Pox M Hilltop Trailer
IXtik. lit \uvn{ Paktr.
(')DKU AT hiut'r l*je*>h S«t. rvettingn nml
S>m. nfrnnnoni, r\rmnK*. Hi Intr jujrsl
l>Nl)i:K\V()0|) ~ I’OKTAHLK
«*M‘« Ui'Mt condition. Cull AD fe-lS7fl, ask
f»>< Kri't
H’.v> 15-TKANStSTOK Portable Radio—
valued at MHO. \m 11 t>ell at $75. Call
Phil Cuoye AD 7-4:>.J2.
l‘ I 2S MODKIj ‘‘A’* Ford. Excellent con*
ditinn. Call M) after 9 p m.
I'u.b COKVhri'K giey and whi'e, foin
specd box, rad’o, heater, puMtracttnn,
white-nails. $<J%, Mill trade. Bob
Si halm. AD 8-2*116
DOUBLE ROOM. single beds—s 6 00
aid tee. 129 L«H.ui>t Lame. Four minute
walk to HOB.
RM'OND 1 LOOK ’aecwnmodnti >ns for 5
men students, pmate bath. AD 7*4262.
Ml \V«t»t i <Mci
SINiil.K ROOM in ‘modern quiet home
Kitchen pi i\ lieges. Walk to campus.
JUS W Biospe/d AD 7-4496
ONK-CAK imimce for lent by stnicMer at
iear of 311 S. Bui row ea. AD N«b6h7.
HORSE STALLS with board, 6 blocks off
back-side of campus. AD 7*3231.
ONE-HALF DOUBLE room at Foster A
(lamer. Call AD 7-2«»l6, ask for Wade
or Jim.
HALF OK double room with board. Board
only *Ko available. 243 S. Pugh.
ONK-HAI.K DOUBLE* room one block
from campus. 230 S. Pugh St AD 7*3062.
has been awarded to the University
U. S. Office of Education under pro
visions of the National Defense!
Education Act, j
Dr. Robert B. Patrick, professor
of education, assisted by Dr. Deno|
G. Thevaos, associate professor of
psychology, and Dr. Hugh M.
Davison, professor of educational
research, will conduct the project.]
They will be aided by specially-!
selected public school teachers.
Patrick' explained that it is
difficult for students preparing
for teaching careers to observe
in actual practice many of the
basic theories and methods in
educational psychology and gen
eral methods courses.
The number of students need
ing to observe these techniques
is large and each needs many op
portunities to observe. Also, the
number of teachers who can ef
fectively demonstrate these tech
niques in their day-to-day school
room activity is limited.
Penn State to Play
9 Soccer Garries
Penn State will play nine soc
cer games this fall, five at home
and four on the road
The Nittany Lions, who own
an all-time soccer record of 231
victories, 42 defeats and 43 ties,
won five of nine contests last
The schedule- Sept 26, at Buck
nell; Oct. 3, West Chester; 10, at
Syracuse; 17, at Colgate; 24,
Maryland; 31, Navy; Nov. 7, Tem
ple; 14, at Aimy; 21, at Pitts
’ burgh.
ONE DOUHLK room, itlral for 2 room
mate'*, one block from campus. 2io S
Pmrh St AD 7-1052
DESIRABLE ROOMS, Centrally located
n*'nr tMinpuq mmrle or double. Talking - .
Call AD 7-7906 01 hi. 5-4:102
GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperelnss nu*n
will find oomtoi table looms with hot
ami cold limning water or private bath
Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany, State
College. Centia! location, free pmking,
quietly operated for rest and study. Low
student lutes.
APARTMENT FOR rent. Completely fur
nished. Set up fot four hoys, ebuc to
campus, and fi ee paiking. Al) 7-7218.
jCOED SEEKS roommate for 3-room effi
j cienev upaitment. bath, kitchen, private
jentrame. Apply 130 Locust Lane 12-3 pm
WANTED* M ALK ntmlent to shaie
flpm Inietit Call AD 8-2100.
USED MEN’S English Dike. Write 110
Hillcrest m call UN 5-67U1 or AD 7-206 S
MALE ENGINEERING* •ifuilent” to rhatr
ocelli nt condition
4-ronm apnitment
AD 7-7043.
WANTED* WAITERS to woik for meal'*
at Chi Thi Call AD 7-4.M2, ask for
STUDENTS WANTED for pait-time com
niejcial electumic wiring; expcrienreil
only. Salary commensurate with ability.
Call AD 8-054 1 8 a rn. to 6 p,ni. for ap«
KITCHEN HELD wanted. Apply at Lambda
Chi Alpha or call AD 7-2002
t j ppwriter.
PIANO MAN or horn-man to play with
modern mz group. Contact Don Krebs
at AD 7-2776 after 6.00 f>.m. or UN 5-6543
during day.
TOWN MEN! Want >our three square
meals, good and cheap’' Try College
Co-op. Secret of *ucce*s —we all pitch in!
Stop in for a meal on the house. Contact
Julie AD 7-251 M. 244 E. Nittany Ave.
LAW SCHOOI All *“ mtere-ted in
law school sign list 129 Spinks or con
tact jpave Fj*«tein AD 8-2207.
WE'. TtV.FAIU and have cords, heads, and
supplies for all makes electric shavers.
St-o our line rebuilt shavers 53. 00—$8.00
Guaranteed. Electne Supply Co., 216 S.
Allen St. Phone AD 7-2062.
CALL US for foot-long Hoagies and
Pepsi AD 8-5381—9 p.m. till 12 p m
IS IT good new*’ l got stiaight "AY* in
my couisex because 1 read half-price
"Time". ‘‘Life" and "Newsweek" last
semester. How about you? Mary Ann
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing.
tnp, toe or acrobatic lessons. Profes
sional School of Dance. AD 8-1078.
WAITERS AND needed at
AEFi immediately. Please call Leslia at
AD 7-2941, I
Call after 8 p.m
Teachers Attend j
Science Institute
Fifty teachers representing sec
ondary schools in 15 states, are
enrolled at the University in the
third Academic Year Institute forj
’ Science Teachers. j
Sponsored by the National Sci
ence Foundation, the program will
give training in the fields of bio
logical, physical and earth sci
ences and mathematics during the
The purpose of the program is'
to improve the competence ofj
high school teachers in the sci-j
jences, and mathematics during the!
[supplement their professional
'preparation in educational tech
niques, director William H, Pow
ers, said.
VA Agent Will Advise
Veterans, Dependents
A contact representative of the
Veterans Administration will be
available to advise veterans and
their dependents between 10 a.m.
and 3:15 p.m. next Wednesday in
3B Old Main.
Do You Think far hburself?
If you saw a girl.
would you say, (A) "What—no skis; or (B) - „ N
"Cold?” or (C) "The pool closed three months ’ *'■» \ ' ».
ago,” or (D) “Stay right here—l’ll get the guard!” A[] B[] CQ DQ
When you choose a filter
cigarette, do you (A) ask all
r* » your friends, and take their
j. wor d f° r what's best? (B)
take the one that makes
A - r loudest claim? (C) in
vestigate the facts, then use
your own judgment? (D)
go for the filter that gives
you taste plus filtering?
It’s a wise smoker who depends on his own
judgment, not opinions of others, in his
choice of cigarettes. That is why men and
women who think for themselves usually
The Mon WhoTbinks for Himself Knows-3
Panel Series
Set for TV
“Are the Mass Media Medi
ocre?” will be the topic of a series,
of 10-minute television panels
[scheduled to begin Monday. The
panels will be composed of Um
jversity communications special
j WFBG, Channel 10, Altoona,
[will project the program to be
Iseen at 9.50 a m. Monday, Wednes
day and Friday. It will follow the
|9 a.m. open circuit History 21
’course, also originating here. !
| The series, which will last
(until December 18, will be taped
in advance each week.
H. Eugene Goodwin, director
of the School of Journalism, will
chair hi s first program on
Oct. 5. Two members of his
staff will be .invited each week
to discuss the future of news
! papers.
National advertisers’ annual
expenditure in newspapers since
1950 has increased by over 220
Do you think the statement
"It's always darkest before
the dawn" is (A) an astro
nomical truism? (B) a good
reason for getting home
early? (C) a piece of hope
ful philosophy ? (D) an argu
ment for night watchmen?
AQ B □ C □ D □
Do you think that a man
who can pole-vault 16 feet
but doesn’t like to, should
(A) go out and do it any
way? (B) keep the whole
thing to himself? (C) do a
bit of self-analysis on why
he doesn’t like to go so high?
(D) have the bar set lower?
AQ B □ C □ D □
Saturday, September 26. 1959
Approximately $1.2 million has
been raised since the University
adopted an annual alumni giving
plan in 1953. Individual contribu
tors number 61,000. Funds are
used for projects which do not
qualify for state monies.
Join the Crew
This Weekend f
Field a^d.Stream Div
Mi. Niiaany Project . *2 P.M.
Cabin And Trail Div
Canoe Instruction
All Groups leave from
behind Osmond.
smoke VICEROY. They know only
VICEROY has a thinking man’s filter— the
filter with more research behind it than
any other . . . the filter that changed
America’s smoking habits. And only'
VICEROY has a smoking man’s taste.
*lfyou have checked (D) in three out of four
questions, you’re pretty sharp ...hut if you,
picked ( C)—man, you-think for yourselfl
Brown * Wiliuaute* ToboccaCcaJt
.. 2 P.M.
2 P.M.
For Beginners
Canoe Div.
10 P.M.
Rock Climbing Div.