The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 06, 1959, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1959
Land for Industry _
Reported Neglecte • •
d , i
One of Pennsylvania's. "key development resources'
land for industrial sites—is being "seriously neglected" by Twenty seniors' at the Univer
localities throughout the state, according to Dr. Robert A. city who have completed the Re
serve Officers Training Cor p s
Sigafoos, director of research at the University's Instituteiprogram will qualify for commis
of Local Government. • .
Isions at commencement exercises
In a 90-page report published by the Institute, SigafO os qo be held tomorrow night.
. Twelve will be commissioned
planning. He asserts that new or second lieutenants in the U.S. Ar
exiianded industry raises
and family income
em - my Reserve, five -second lieuten
ploymentants in the U.S. Air Force Re
levels. Moreover, far from "indus
!serve, and three will receive reg
trial blight," urban redevelop-iular commissions as ensigns in
ment can convert blighted resi -I the U.S. Navy. -
dential areas into attractive in 4 Receiving commissions in the,
dustrial sites. 'U.S. Army Reserve will be Glenn
The report also finds city IE. Benham, Eugene W. Schlegel.
planning consultants in the Herbert Hertner, Edw a r d J
Jones, Joshua H, Wilson, Thomas
dark on "sound methodological 1
research approaches" to indus-
R. Bardarik. Sterling J. Wilcox.
trial land programs. Another Robert B. Edwards, William G.
drawback are many communi- ! Rauschenberger, William W. Ni
ties' primitive methods of sell- / chols, Harry D. Vanßrunt 111, and
k Charles W. Abbey.
1 trig themselves: "meaningless, I
self-laudatory, and often dis- R eceiving commissions in the
forted generalizations." U.S. Navy will be Douglas 0.
IChidlow, Raymond R. Tuleya and
In his conclusion, Sigafoos Thomas J. Fitzpatrick.
mak e s several suggestions for Receiving commissions in the
remedying the situation: modern- US. Air Force will be William
l ization of industrial zoning laws; Simon, Samuel J. Fenati, Carl
,the use of governmental powers R. Lehman, James A. Archer and
for land assembly, to assure an Roger P. Friedrich.
adequate supply for industry;
, careful planning of industrial
districts, with "realistic evalua
tion of a community's assets and
liabilities," and impartial indus
trial land surveys.
The report also includes sur
veys of recent industrial trends
in Pennsylvania; a look at the
current status of zoning; and a
profile of industrial land pat
writes that "the supply of in
dustrial sites needed to attract
new industry, or to let existing
ones expand, is seriously restricted
in Pennsylvania's leading urban
Outdated zoning practices,
the report says, have "frozen
out" industries, leaving them
only the "leftovers" on the zon
ing map. Sigafoos blames a
"negativism toward industry"
for this injustice, despite the
"dedicated efforts of local de
velopment groups" and gov
ernmental planning - assistance
programs. Many communities
fear higher taxation, altered
wage scales, industrial blight,
or merely the changed social
patterns attendant en introduc
tion of new industry.
Sigafoos points out, however,
that technology and architecture
have decreased the "nuisance
factor" of industry, and that in
dustrial management cooperates
more than ever with community
As the United States has grown,
so has the circulation of daily
newspapers. Fifty years ago, 15,-
000,000 daily newspapers were
purchased on an average day. To
day, 58,000,000 daily newspapers
will be bought.
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