THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1959 Variety, Spices Director's Job Warren Smith, associate professor of theater arts, is prob ably the most versatile man connected with the University's Mateer Playhouse at Standing Stone. As managing director of the playhouse, it is his job to see? that every phase of the "physical plant" functions smoothly and efficiently, This job includes everything from helping to form the budget for each season to ordering the, nails and glue for the scenery. He is in charge of the actual hiring of the actors and the sign ing of their contracts. Each winter he and the di rector meet to decide which plays will be presented at Ma leer the following season. This involves the reading of hun dreds of scripts and exhaustive correspondence with the writ ers and their agents, Smith has been associated with! the University as an instructors in theater arts since 1946. He has; a master of arts degree in thea-I tre arts from lowa State Uni-1 versity. Although primarily an instruc tori in playwriting, he has taken lan active interest in all forms of the theater on the campus. The popular 5 O'clock Thea ter, which produces student written plays during the regu lar semesters, was founded by Smith as a training ground for his students. He also directs two shows a year for the Penn Slate Players. Smith has been managing di rector of the Mateer Playhouse since its purchase by the Uni versity last year. Indigent Receive Aid From UCA The most underprivileged chil dren in the nation--those of mi grant workers—are being cared for under the current volunteer program of the University Chris tian Association. The program, which started July 8 under the direction of the Child Development and Family Relations Department and the Education... Department at the Uni versity will continue until Aug. 5. A Day Care center for pre school children 'and elementary education lot of er ones will be among the main features of the school. The chi dren and their parents will also participate in children's clubs, athletic events, and religious services. Last year, 150 children lived in the Potter County Migrant Camps. These children receive in adequate care and schooling due to their constant traveling. Volunteers who wish to partici pate will work with the Chaplain to Migrants, a seminary student, on the project. Six years ago, only 4 per cent of all U.S. families owned a sec ond car. Today, the figure stands at 17 per cent. During the last six years, automotive advertis ers have increased their invest ment in daily newspapers 104 per cent. ARNMIIIMMIriIIiMAIMIMMIIk See and Visit WOODWARD CAVE off Route 45_at Woodward, Pa. SEE NATURE'S WONDER Special rates for groups. Picnic Area, Camp Sites, Collages. ! a • Writo Woodward Cave, Woodward, Pa. for brochures. . , SUMMER COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Prof's Article Published Dr, William M. Lepley, pro fessor of psychology, is the au thor of an article, "Predicting Success in Nurses Training," pub lished in The Journal of Psychol ogy. lota Alpha Delta Plans Luncheon Guest speaker for the lota Al oha Delta fraternity luncheon, to be held at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. is Dr. Dugald S. Arbuckle, director of counselor education at the Boston University School of Ed ucation. Reservations for the luncheon, which will be held in the Hotel State College, must be made by tomorrow. Education, psychology and guidance personnel may con tact their room representative or Mr. Blair Leonard at AD 8-9076. Cost of hte meal is $2 per person. Tighe Gets Appointment Jack Tighe, former Penn State intercollegiate boxing champion, has been appointed to the Ne vada State Boxing Commission. The Scranton native makes his home in Reno, where he is a member of that city's P::creation commission. • Butlers Jewelry DIAMONDS • WATCHES Watch and Jewelry Repairing 111 E. Beaver Ave. Miniature Golf Fun! • • • • Particularly at the NITTANY PUTT PAR • • • • Free game if you make a hole-in-one on No. 18!!! 35c F.intil 6 p.m. 50c after 6 p.m. Route 322 3 ml. N. of State College USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS t;'‘...= • - •:',, , ‘.,- , c'l, , z'',., •:'‘.• • s . -.. - ::L.; ~ ,_. : •"„ , 0c,,, •- . - ,:c1..5.::.1,, , , ,, ,:v K 1 -^ ti -,, If your mouth is watering for a thick, juicy steak, t-! the best place to go is THE BOALSBURG STEAK HOUSE. ' , I ' And if spaghetti is what you crave, why not try some t L i i.= of our delciious Italian spaghetti? With your,meal you 'I 1 . 1 ~. I can have your choice of beverages. Why not treat ~; I, yourself to the finest? k !•; .. ' 4 nl. south • 113oatilurg Sleah Attie " 8L c"". 411 Rt. 322 arilpiet by Whotif tiiirati "CONFIDENTIAL" by jormfit i t6°4' 1 • 3 . ~~, '~' y~: ~;~ ~, ~. i~ stays comfortelbleJ stays Up stays In Place Yes, it's true .. . a strapless bra with no rigid wire under the bust .. . none over the bust! A strapless bra that stays up! A strapless bra that gives you the attractive figure you want with the freedom and comfort you demand. How is it done? Lightweight "Cuddle-Stays" are em bedded in the thin-foam lining of The bra. They provide the holding and shaping ... yet never touch you. MI you feel is gentle uplift and soft comfort. Ask for the 'Comfort" strapless bra ... with no underbust wire% CONFIDENTIAL BRA NO. 385, white embroidered cotton s 32 to 36A, 32 to 3815. State College Bellefonte AIR-CONDITIONED PAGE ELEVEN $5O 0