The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 22, 1959, Image 4

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• • • • • Drama League
Tribunal Discip lines To Get Support
The University has announced
lit will assume the responsibility
Driver for Violationslf?ertsh3eivdarnaiamFaorpein•osgircasmansfmuTtslec
t v nn
By BARBARA FOSTER The move will be effective im-
Tribunal Wednesday night placed a seventh semester '
male student on suspended suspension with the provision!
that he will not be allowed to operate an automobile in Cen-
County next semester.
The decision, which will not be valid until the Senate
Subcommittee on Discipline ap
ip roves the recommendation,
Students Fined , means that the student will be
!immediately dismissed from the
For 2 Parties !University if he violates any oth
er rures.
Tiller. Crum ,ity students by-; The student pleaded guilty to
ing at the Metigei Building, S•'driving recklessly and drunkenly'
Allen Street, %%ere found gwlty ;in
the lietzel Union parking lot,
of having &sot dei ly parties Sun
day a 10)I before Just i ce o f th e brushing past a campus police- Wilham P Bell Wednes- man with his car, telling the
chiv evening piiceman that he was from the
Robert Martin, a special stu-,University of Pennsylvania, driv
wa,,,ing I
dent from State College, the wrong way on a one-way
fined a totar of 96,50 including street and refusing to stop.
costs for his party in Apt. 25 I Or. May 9 his automobile was
stopped by Patrolmen Philip
Albeit Blackhuist, senior in Weber, David Byham and Paul
business administration fi•o mi Hendershot as the car was pull-
Edgewoi iii, and Ralph Moore, seri-, ing out of the parking lot.
my in education from Washington,
DC , were each fined a total of, As Hendershot was asking him
$24 including costs for their partylfor identification, Weber crossed
in Apt. 34. in front of the car and was brush-
Testimony at the hearing stated'ed by it as it began to drift for
ward. Wer said he though the
that it portion of Martin's partylstudent had be accidentally taken his
noisily left by the fire escape
Ifoot off the brake, but he did not
when police investigated the noise
• Tnow
about 10 p.m. Sunday. •
Bell said that beer had been The student, who was under
served at both parties and the! ! the influence of alcohol, did not
remember starting to drive
alcohol probably influenced the( away. He said he did not rea
participants to make too much! lize he had hit the patrolman.
noise. There had been singing as'
well as loud activities, he said. Previous to this he had driven
to a one-way street below Sim
mons Residence Hall, entered,
Sewage Plant Tour
An open house program will be
held from 2 to 4 p.m. tomorrow
at the sewage plant which serves
the University and community.
The tour, which will take about
:30 minutes, will include the en
tire plant and laboratory building.
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beginning June 9th
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To Run June 9, 1954, 50c for 12 Words
turned into the service drive there,
turned around and proceded back
out the wrong way, disregarding
motions to stop by two other pa
The student will not appeal his
case, 0. Edward Pollock, assistant
Ito the dean of men, said.
State College, Pa.
double back for the Camels !
Hey, Don't Leave Yet ...
... before you leave State for the summer or forever (depending
on what class you're in) why not make one last visit to METZGER'S.
We have a large selectiori of Penn State mugs, sweat shirts,
light weight summer jackets, and women's blazer . s priced at
And after you've bought your finals supplies at METZGER'S
why not pick up a souvenir or gift to take home as a peace offer-
ing. The little brother or sister, at home would probably like a
Petin State T-shirt.
111.115 S. Allen SI.
H. William Simington, instruc- burgh for 32 years, fosters cora
tor in English and speech at the petition among high school' in.di-
McKeesport Campus, has beenlviduals and groups on a county,
named to supervise the league's district and-state-wide level.
Sunington will transfer to the
main campus and serve as an
'instructor in speech.
l i The league, which was spon-
FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1959
sored by the University of Pitts-
The music segment of the
league's activities will be handled
by the Pennsylvania Music Edu
cator's Association.
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