The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 22, 1959, Image 3

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    1. 1959
n and 34 women students have been chosen
nth annual Student Encampment to be held
Fifty-six m:
to attend the n
Sept. 9, 10 and
All encamp
in the Hetzel U
1 at the Mont Alto School of Forestry,
!bent participa
I •
[ton assembly
ion Of
: aden
man in educa
was listed in
tion, and Har
-I.n in education
N.Y., was list-
Carol Cogs, fresl
Pion from Baden
satisfactory cond
riot Golin, freshm
frc,m White Plain]
ed in good condiU
Blair Memorial He
don, yesterday.
on at the J. C.
spital, Hunting-
The two coeds were sent to the
hosintal late Wednesday afternoon
following an automobile accident
near the Whipple Dam entrance
on Rt. 545.
The car, driven by Lewis Her
man, junior in business adminis
tration from Harrisburg, ran off
the road and struck a tree, State
Police at Huntingdon barracks re
Miss Coss and Miss Cohn were
detained for treatment of back in
juries. Miss Golin also suffered• a
fractured jaw, bruises of the right
leg and multiple cuts of the lace.
Two more students were in-,
volved in the accident.
Lois Young, freshman in the
Division of Counseling from Mt.
Vernon, N.Y., received bruises of
the hp and mouth. Walter Dever
eaux, freshman in aeronautical
engineering from Sewickley, re
ceived minor injuries. Herman re
ceived cuts of the chin and bruises
of the right hand and chest, police
(Continued from page one)
order to continue use of all its
facilities. However, he said this
was not unusual, as the Univer
sity is always borrowing money.
In 1957, the University operated
for a few months without a for
mal appropriation. At that time,
the budget was held up by the
legislature past the July 1 start of
the fiscal year.
The legislature has not met
for the last three days because
of state primaries held Tues
day. There• has been no word
concerning when the Senate and
House budget committees would
present their findings to the
Walker appeared before both
committees and said that addi
tional money was needed by the
University to earn out its long
range program.
Limited num
for 10-12 we
known conc
Last year t
ilier of applications being accepted now
-k summer employment. Internationally
Losewith branches•in all principle cities.
accepted averaged over $l3O per
$lOOO. Scholarships
3 to be awarded in this region
Pleasant and instructive work. All cars furnished. For
local interview phone: Mr. Popkin, AD 8-2051. 10 a.m. to
3 p.m.
ill Attend
nts will meet at 5 p.m. today
oom for a short briefing period,,
ion encampment and to meet with
their respective workshop chair
mcn. Attendance is compulsoryH
The meeting will last about 30'
Thirty faculty members and
townspeople will be selected by
President Eric A. Walker to at
tend the three-day sessions which
will bring the encampment total
to the 120-member capacity.
Approximately 60 students
were named to attend by the
position they hold in respective
organizations on campus while
some 30 others were chosen as
the result of Cabinet Personel
Interviewing Committee inter
views and comparison scores.
Students participating are:
Off-Campus Lt% mg Problems ltatald
§ and Eohett Parskv, co, han -
nwn Dolt v sec, (tan Witham
13,m ltoldn p,ragdon, hn De:111.TO S,
Gat y Gent7lw, Nancy thlhland,
Mine-, Geor ge Meru] I„ Atihor ilten
' het ger, James. Nelligan and Hohet t Tot cab
Effects of IL Ids ersity Expansion Upon
the Student Body—Jai Hawk). chairman
Chad Ault, Jame, lit oan, Ellen Iturke,
'Walton has is. John Featherman, Kenneth
II lortmee, :Mary Ann (~utter, Theodwe
ler. Millie Move], Jean Nigh, Jeff Pollack
and a Center tem e-.entatße.
Academic Affairs and Curricula Revis.
ions—Cmol htan L. 1114111 Jrme, Port
man, sect etary. John Ben po 111, Pat lent
Cr, Robet6 Harrison, Judith Heckert
Sharon Hoffman, Mum:, hatOen, Janet
Mom c. Peg On that d, St e% en Ott, Carol
Ploe , ch, David Ree , e, (Toolerind a
Center representative
Functiona and Ile,pon , ibililien of the New
Student Go%ernment. Ashociatton Jessie
Janlignn, chairman: Gaze Peek. , eelet•try, ,
Mike Bonatidi, Ilintiird M 0.., Larry By
tr.:, Donald Clagett, Waite' Dalian. Da , lit
Epstein. Marge Gantei, 13;111111111 Haclana»,
Wells Hunt. Da% al Keiser and Peter Luehie
Student Conduct Theodm e Pauloslo,
chairman; 11 Ice Itt enneman. Da%ld Ityel
Nancy Clink, Mat inn ne ;then
LION 11, °thy Nywman, Dottie Tok)p,h,
Lee Van 141 men and a Centel pre.senta
ty. c.
Motivation of School Spirit—Lanny Der,
chairman ; i-ienjamin otodein, Robin
ooki., (irrald Kai p, Jack Cro,by, Ca 01
Dominick, James Ettelson, Larry Epaletn
Earl ;el nsbenow, Same , Hockenin
Delos Stimde, John 11. Wit met Jr, and a
Center tepiesentatn e.
General Jai fe, encampment
chairman Fi an it Pearson, business ma n-
Hirer ; Shers v Pal kin. secretariat chairman;
Leonard Jnlisos, Atl-Una er,ity President.
'athy Fleck, Collegian reporter, Ellen
Hutter,of th, Jackie Leai itt and Jean
nette Butler. atom Pthriat members.
Alternates—Richard Haber, Carl Smith,
Martin Srhei r, Abraham hienberg, Jane
Taylor, Jacqueline Myers. Gail Bentl).
Henrietta tiaras, Jean Van Tassel.
(Continued from page one)
immediately behind the candi
dates for arts; Engineering and
Architecture, on the Mall in
front of the Psychology Labor
Home Economics, on the walk
behind and north of Sparks near
Moffatt Cottage; Liberal Arts, on
Curtin Road east of the library;
the Mineral Industries, on the
walk in front of Burrowes south
of the Physical Education candi
dates; Physical Education, on the
walk in front of the north end
of Burrowes.
Specific instructions for all
candidates may be obtained from
the dean of each college and the
graduate school.
Glary $9O. per week
Setby AIN4 : The Senate sub-committee on discipline has not yet heard
the case involving a coed who allegedly entertained a man in
Plans for the new on-cam- her room early Sunday morning and afternoon.
pus judicial system for men! Women's Student Government Judicial heard the case
have been completed by the, Tuesday and Wednesday but no results were released by
Association of Independent 'Chairman Dorothy Toklish.
Men, David Frick, secretary,l Pearl 0 Weston, dean of wo-)
said last week. !men, said last night that the recH
AIM was given the responsi-lommendations of Judicial will be:
bility of setting up the on-campus :ient to the Senate sub-committee
tribunals by the Student Govern-lon discipline.
ment Association. AlM's new judi- In a phone interview with
vial branch will consist of one The Daily Collegian Wednes
tribunal for each residence hall day night, the coed said the
area, j man was never in the closet,
._ .
Each of these tribunals, made , She also said he "forced his
up of a chain - nail and six other way into her room."
members, will hear cases involv- The coed said there were five
big individual male students in o th er girls in the room while the
b,eir respective residence areas.
!man was there Sunday afternoon.
The members of these tri-
bunals will be appointed by the !She also said he was not in the
Room at, 1 a in. Sunday.
president of AIM after students (
! She said she met the man in
interested in serving on the tri
:the recreation room on Sunday!
bunal have submitted applies. Kennel Receives Award
lions and been interviewed. afternoon and that h e th e „
The interviewing committce ilorced his way upstairs. 'For First Place Essay
will include the chairmen and There have been conflicting.
senior members of the tribunalistories from other coeds in thel Sherry Kennel, Junior in pin
to be filled, an advisor fi on) th o , residence hall. Miss Weston said,"altsm from Lancaster, 1 ecently
dean of men's office, the mea'Tuesrlay night that the Collegianirceived a first place award of
counselor and the council pi esi-;story of that day was almost ex-
.SlO for her essay, "Why Ale
(lent. actly what the gii told her in an: Printed Media Pi nix: Assets in
The members of the new tit-,mterciew Company Communications"
bunals will be required to have at! Miss Weston confirmed the ! The Delaware Valley Industnal
least a 2 2 All-University average' fact that the coed had previous- Editors Barnes Awaid was pre
and have a fifth semester stand-1 ly said that the man had been ' s2"led to Miss Kennel in Phil"-
ing at the time of appointment in her room early Sunday, idelplua by L. - Kengsley Baines,
A delegate from the dean of !president of the Westbrook Some of her hall mates said the
men's office will serve as co- - girl told them she. hid him-in!fishing Company. This is the first
ordinaior of the tribunals and ; the room because she didn't time the University has enteltd
act as an advisor. I know what to do with him. 'the contest
The chairman and senior mein-i The coed told dormmates that,
bers of the tribunals will be mem- : she hid him until shortly after,
bers of the AIM Judicial Boaid -
Il a m, and then she led him out,
of Review which will have juris.'
according to two informants.
diction now only over legislation! In her most recent statement!
lof the AIM Board of Governcis,the coed said she and the man!
and residence hall area councils. ,
were talking
(Continued from page one)
mendation from the Senate Com
mittee on Student Affairs which
advised that the SCCA not be set
up until the first week or classes.
It was passed by the Assembly.
Julius said that many students
would be on campus then who
would not be here later on,
thus increasing the possibility
that bad checks might be passed.
Through the SCCA students can
cash personal checks up to $25
seven days a week. Non-personal
checks up to $125 can be cashed
Monday through Friday.
Three suggestions made by Cab
inet were incorporated into the
final bill. The committee had
•The Associated Student Ac
tivity manager be the SCCA ad
to The SCCA staff total six, un
less the Board of Control deems
it necessary to increase it;
eThe fees for check cashing be
lowered when it was economical
ly feasible.
In other action the Assembly
passed a bill making the Chess
Club, the "Chess Team" and recog
nizing chess as a varsity sport.
The Assembly passed the bill
YOU -- Seniors
Tavern extends
and the
hope for your
success in future years.
p. a '~ 1
Conflicting Stories Given
In 'Smuggling' incident
21 Students Excel
In Ist Year Chem
Twenty-one students have been!
'honored for outstanding work ins
first year chemistry courses,
Each of the students will be!
presented with a copy of the'•
"Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics," published and donated
for the award by the Chemical
Rubber Publishing Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
The students are William
ley, Carolyn Barten, Cecelia Bil
ski, Leonard Butkiewicz, Ruth;
Carlson, Parker Crouse, Gary
Driscoll, Mary Fleming, John
Heightley, Judith Heisserman,
Maurice Hutton, Edward Kotchi,
Rodney Nunemaker, Keith o'-;
Leary, Donald Smith. tibert
I Stetz, William Stout, Frederick
ITappert, Hary Winter, and Wil
liam Yeagley.
't•-• We mail 'em
Summer Collegian
• to sour nigeram,
Only 50e
Senior Week
As of Wednesday night:
Seniors enrolled in .175
Alumni Association: %,
Total Gift Fund
Contributions: $425
Graduation Dinner
Stale College TV
If you like to ,collect records,
then surely you will want one
of our wrought-iron cabinets
to "show-off" more than 200 of
your colorful long-playing al
bums. Ten compartments, each
holding over 20 records, so you
can devote entire sections to
your symphonies, operas, bal
lets, choral and chamber
works. Still mote spaces for
concertos, folk music, dance,
jazz and show-albums. The an
swer to every serious music
lover's problem for safe, com
pact record storage. Stilt dy,
25"x22"x12", rubber tips. As
advertised in PLAYBOY, but
with no shipping charges. $9.95
12 P.M. -;- 9 P.M.
State College TV
131 S. Allen Ste