The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 22, 1959, Image 2
PAGE TWO Herter Blasts Red 'War Talk' GENEVA (rP)----In a crisp two-minute speech U.S. Secre tary of State Christian A. Herter admonished the Soviet Union yesterday to stop accusing the West of preparing for an aggi essrve war. He warned Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko that such accusations can lead to ser !Daus tensions in the Big Four for- Thor-Abie Cone ( eign ministers conference. t Associates said Herter was seek- , . ,Ing to clear the air in negotiations:led down, as fast as they came Found Intact ;over Gei many. jup, Republican moves to cut the, ) Herter t G e r r o s m a r a k o a l l a across the steps the 'cost, and t o to c send a t t t, o , e ut b public ck h t o o u c s o in to g . , ' After Full Shot !: taken by the Western powers in mittee ; for revision 1 1 i the last 10 years were dictated I The next big question. Will. CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla IT), by "prudent precaution." ( Eisenhower veto the bill that fin -A tuttirktie inter continental bat-, The secretary of state was ob-!ally reaches him? Republicans, said he li,tic tiny. cone waq fired 6000 y annoyed at the charges i mile; down the Atlantic Y esterda Yibandred about in the conference) If he does, would. will the Democratic and recovered intact four hours both by Cron - irk() and East Ger- ;dominated Congress vote to over latcr. . man Foreign Minister Lothar Bolz. n d e the veto? He has never lost When the no , ,e cone t‘ as pluck, — on a veto test. A 261-160 ratio eel horn the water by an Au Force! Herter', intervention highlight-,would not provide the two-thirds, NI the ninth conference session, ti aching ship near Awension Is-,!margin needed to override. which was largely given over to: land, it marked the second straight Just before final roll-call pas-' tlllll. that a two-siage Thor Able ar 4 nm" t " by East and West , I"' , sage, the House rejected on a roll ! rocket had s u ece s,,futiv! sen t a re _ Imo' of thou conflicting Mans /°r !eall of 233-189 an effort by Rep. , coverable paeltage to a target at Ge r ma n y. !reinstate an administration-back-; intercuntmeittal range ! Groin ko, as in several recent 'ed substitute sponsored by Rep.; Another nw,e cone was re-'sessions, made accusations that. Clarence E. Kilburn (R -N.Y.) to ! ti 'eyed horn the same area April, the North Atlantic Alliance is'A. S_ Iftrlong (I)-Fla.) 8 It followed six unsuccessful Preparing for aggression and that : Now the House bill must be ad-! Thor-Able re-entiv tests. !West Germany is militarily agHusted with a $ 9 .69 billion mea- t 1 The knob-shaped nose cone re- gressive and is real ming for Pur-isure passed weeks ago by the! covered yestetday could house a pose of revenge. Senate. The final outcome would thelmonunclear warhead for in- A short time later Herter was seem sure to be far out of line' tercontmental-range missiles of host to Gromyko at a dinner with the $1.6 billion housing the future Among them are the; party. The dinner offered the !program Eisenhower originall2,•; Titan and Minuteman. I first opportunity for all four (submitted. I This cone ciowned the powerful! foreign ministers to meet under 1 One big vote Thursday was a! Thor-Able rocket when it blazed,' circumstances suitable for pri- 1175-91 decision knocking down an' off the cape at 1 - 40 a m. yester-` vete contacts. !effort to remove all public hous day A C5l search plane sighted! From these exchanges careful; ing from the bill. I the package as it hurtled back :iprodding; could developsuch on The public housing action was!! through the earth's atmosphere at, specific problems as the status °lithe most controversial in the bill! ! 15 000 miles an hour. Berlin and the Western terms forllt also includes a three year, $1.5!! The plane directed the recovery,going to the summit. !billion dollar program of slum 1 ship to the area. A small radio - !elimination, $4OO millions for col- , transmitter and ~ ignal lig h t s ilege housing loans, $lOO millions!, - . heMed pinpoint the cone' loca thin in the water, The tihcp di,covered it 30 feet beneath the surface, hanmg from a parachute that popped out to ik descent Ike Recommends Cabot As arcizil's Ambassador WASHINGTON !:r,—The nom ination of a career diplomat, John M Cabot, to be ambassador to tlrd , i! m 1; s . ent to th- Senate by the While Hon,e Cabot had been widely men tioned ati the choice for the post to which Pt eslciont Eisenhower named MI Clare Boothe Luce THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA housino - for the and Court Indicts 27 • - elderly ilower clown payments on Federal oustng Administration home From Apalocian ! mort g a g es NEW YORK 1.1 1 ) Twentr- Starkweathe seven delegates to the 1957 Apa chin under world conclave have, To Be Executed been indicted for defying the goy-1 moment . < attempts to determine' LINCOLN, Neb. S. Dist its purpose. It was one of the big-,Judge Robert Van Pelt yesterday Hest federal crackdowns ever on : demed killer Charles Starkwea the national syndicate that al- ther's request for a wilt of ha legedly controls organized crime.:beas corpus and stay of execu- The Apalachin. N Y.. meeting„tion for murder. was held Nov. 14, 1957, at thei The last ditc lavish hilltop home of Joseph Bar-iescape the elect Kara Sr It was broken up by New:the execution h Yoik State Police who could notjthan 24 hours hm‘ ever, find any charges for killer's appoint holding the 63 delegates. 'about sunrise t Prompt Repair Service *Car Radios *Portables *Table Radios *Record Players *TVs Come hear Zenith or RCA '59 Stereo at WJAC-TV • 6 I I RIDAI f, Szort,-Wrath 6.3 n nohl Journer .00 11:ghlt ay PA tr“) N'thm,e,t Pas , 00 1•t nll• K' He , M Zmiunti q..;11 Silent Spry tolle± Miter( U. I arl s po t 11}Irate. "The Milt on the 1 WJAC•TV • 6 SATI. RDA Y 1)1, SLwic 3 00 lilhk Stwalss 4 10 Nrw x4 , ..0 LW) 7,4 1941 rim hair Ad- WFBG-TV s 10 1:11{1D \I tstain e 4-1: Living Word 3 00 To be ntin%-d. .; , 1 I (lancer 6 00 Union PaLific 6.30 Command G on Popes? Pla3- 15 011tioori 6-30 Neon Sports i; .15 Nes% g .nti Itoriler Patrol 7 .in Tualf t Annie :00 Walt DrineY D:00 Tomb:tone ert story 9:30 77 Sunset Strip 10 :30 Portion to Person 11 :00 rath. 11 20 Moi ie. oil Perharnan es 7 :00 Sienre Fiction 7 :30 People Are runny :00 Perry Como 9.00 Black Saddle 9:30 Ctma'ron City 10:30 D A Man 11 .00 State Trooper 11 :30 Sea Hunt 12 .00 News-Sport& 12.15 Movie, Dems Pass $2 Billion Housing Bill WASHINGTON (iF) The House voted 261-160 yesterday for a $2.1 billion housing bill, 'a smashing victory for the victory for the Democrats over President Eisenhower. The triumphant Democrats bat-' KEYSTONE TV W. College at Frazier AD 7-4677 WFBG-TV s 10 SATURDAY 1.30 Count ty Style 111u,le 1 • 11 lira \ el 4 00 Horse Race 4 Report 4-33 -Cartoons 6.00 Dancing rrty 7:00 Lease It To Bea% er 7.30 Perry Mason 8.30 Jack Benny 9:50 I e Gun. - IN 01 navel 10 :00 Comamoke 10:30 Flight- drama 11 -Oil News-Sports 11 .0 14(o, te. ' Con tental Sum')" Subscribe NOW for the SUMMER COLLEGIAN Finals Are Here! Time for a Pizza Break-- Try, The Best JOE'S PIZZA SHOPPE 131 N. Atherton St. We Deliver • AD 8-2441 EsTATIE pow Feat. 1:37. 3:40, 5:25, 7:28, 9:31 Due h legal effort to tric chair or defer ad been made less in advance of the meet with death, oday. WJAC-TV • 6 i SUNDAY 1:00 Ilitis - try On Panicle 1:15 Heni.'n Spka. 1-10 Oral Roberts 2.00 Briefing Sea. 2 :10 Alm to • 4:10 Sky Senti nel, 5:00 SperC-Man•s 1,4 Ft ender :00 Meet - Pl ess 6:19 C a,ey Jones 7 .00 ill ici;k n H I) ride, 110 Ste% e Allen WFBG•TV 9 10'i SUNDAY 12:45 Baiebl, Bra- ves ‘s Phi Hies 4.30 Idle of Tri umph 5:00 lace the Na tion 5 - 30 C.F. Collette Bon 1 Ie -00 .Thek Benny 6.30 20th Century 7:30 Maverick Get Your RENOIR COPPER JEWELRY Now. Choose from smartly styled earrings, bracelets and belts . jtist right for summer fashions Only $246 ( 911fiet Room is fashion ... and fashion costs no more FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1959 *CATHAUM Now "Tom Thumb" BEGINS SUNDAY "PORK CHOP HILL" *NITTANY Now . Doors Open 6:45 Sat.. Cont. From 1:15 "That "GIGI" Girl LESLIE CARON 'The Doctor's Dilemma' BEGINS SUNDAY Gay and Saucy "THE BED" 000006006 0000000000 oo••• WMAJ ... Morning Show *locoing Devotion• News Rem]lines 8:0 —........--. btorning Show 11:00 * News 11:05 ---- -___ Swap Shop 11:16 -----=Chv:iical Interlude 12:00 12 :15County News 12:32 -------- What a Going On I :09 1:15 --- Contact 6:00 0:05 5:30 __. News 5:35 LP's and Show Tunes 6:00 - News and Markets 0:15 Sports Special 0:30 --- LP's and Show Topes 1:00 :15 !.P's and Shnw Tune. 7:45 ---Poblie Service Program 8:00 News 8:05 10:00 Groovoloo, it.tos It :io mgn Oa Mask Show Groovology