PAGE TWELVE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1Z FEATURE•PACK ED 8-pelize Summer Collt,tiony Yl/1/IY, for only 50 centA and • /tltayl•tn •uhrrriptivrt blank at the (o)- hytan office. ut 'r'W 0 BEDROOM 1955 b0).4. 1 Hi' -conditioned, 'A Rik t ig ti imth min), much closet space. A 1) x•il22, l'Cot l OKI) Cotaitry S.llllll t.door station r~auuu ball., cnri drn c, It&li, uriginal uv.nwr 61,001 rube. AD h-0228. '1,2 PONTIAC, itutornatte .odor rind heat... Exx client condition ( ..11 A 1) 8.80 III• Drafting Set cony I'IIARVIN 1 t-PIErF idt (It tiotkiktly FAcetient, eon. 312 Gilptttriek ext. 2433. 1 , 62. POW ER 1.1.111 E Chevrolet with a i nal. arid heater in excellent condition P. le , .1 at 1.V.11 call F:f.eln 6-807 I, ear .nn be hf rn at Cold Inc , 137 North Pla tt, son St. ;iIAITS ENlii ISII BICYCLE, Raleigh, I seelli lit (OfltiltiOrl. gent rhift. book rack, light. !ill, tool kit, lotk. Ite , t, offer tAer $lO, ( all Bank I:Ct. 280 'att.(' 11. Fice R.,/I , lllir ,t ,rate, BLUE Alit I , OIIOE Officer's unifoun $75, 40. , reont f 76, hid SIO; insignia $11) Bar gain .11 for $7l) Size 18 regular. I.ea‘e lIIIIIIP and buruher or addreax at AD 7-2211 of Al) 8-9141 ext. 2608 Room 319. I'll all you 190 BUICK ,Surcr 4.donr, radio, heater 1,11(..(1 for quit k stile. Call Al) 7-3:.:b4. bI.I.LING OUT Storms Collection. as Whole us Iv •.rk Call AD 7-33119 AIR ROTC GRADUATES—uniform for rain, Idilnirdine hlue•; gabardine silver• lon, too foto of ...noner panto—ohlrt nom bin:du-nig. Apptovirnatse size 42 long. AD S-Sn N. ....._ ittrp9 MGA —white. MOO miles, St ire wheels ( an he seen at 1231 S. Allen St. TVI-- COMPLETELY reconditioned. var ious sizes s 43— $149 Television Service Center at state College T V.. 232 South A Hen NEM) PROPIIIL - ST You name it—l have it Plain or onirravo4l. Big diacounts. quirk aervice Phone All 7-7551 after 8:00 Troutman'e Trophy-Novelty Shop. FOR RENT 371111)EIZN, COMPLETLLY fpinte,hed aPart 11n•nt In ttpurtownt fo rhildiu if ileslied Available for second .1% wcc•6w of summer Mari led (11110. Coll AD 8.2093 FOlt Rummer Re.sions, located Phi Kappa Theo. at 321 Thomp,on Sti ret Iv 'theta Kappa Phi/. Kitchen Priel -1.0.4 ( all AD Arrnm TIVE It PA fiTMFNT for five male student+, bloc kw from CliMpll9. Re ri ikeintor. light eoolititt. Di Rate bath phone Ilvasonablr 'eat. 230 S. Frazier AD 7-2465 11110'11ii - Plc and Main stannic' se.siens Alpha KIIIIIIR Oniciza AD 8-a78.1. 134 Eing )'ovule• Akenp. Sri ainale $4 double ,SECOND SIX WEI:IiS only Cool bncernent Ilnu Ist, Pony looup+, fully fui ni.hvd lu mud. rn nnt.. building. Call M urn ny Aly S-671`z. MODEPN 2-11FDROOM /I partment. Corn- Avallrible June 1 to s I Gull •\Il S-ohtt. SUMMER ONLY--fkl , lllolll fill 111,111C11 Itnnt tment, iill utemilq. 12( 1 1 South At 1.., ion I, C pet month Contact A•t • 0 27,..7. "I Milt AND LAST (11.1NCE. All and pos,[ fall vt uu• , .ter rOOlll fur 11111, lit a fat ni.tml ai)hunt for three 'Pau blacks f t $22, month. AD s.),R? 11/OR-ROOM ororto•nt -folk furni.hed. ,lineloux gum ter 4, ClO.ii• to eannoe... Axasl - Cot smonot roil Bent!e v ext. 281. T III:FE ItOONI tlpal ( raent in Nilet7ger itiffiding for Jul and Aug. Dine, ev.. 24111 Mi)1)11 F. 110.11 F. 2.7-ft • ime heiltoom fui il.heil . 41111111111 of fall. s il? Hilltop Park Al) 8,-1229 FOl% H•li0011 funnih d apartment with pot h fur MN ri ird couple or 2-3 person.; One blot h farm u lllllll4. 11 h e I. 811.0f1 to r 1001101. It latn gain la nm pm men tIo. il able Jour S Call AD 5•6166 after i p Tit Summer only SUM M I:It : .5-ft: Trailer, one-braroom Accomnaniate couple with t hilll—stin month Pnul Thompson, 4 Hilltop Trailer l'ai k 3b-FOOT 2-6edi vont Home Trailer IIN a il- Hhle otter June 6—slo month. Perfect foi two or three students. Call Paul Ruth nn 8-1119(1. 1.4 01)111N FURNISIIF'D apartment hi apartment Milldam Rya''able J une 7th. Phone AD S-1394 IMETM,Eit A P N RTM ENT No. 53 for sum- tner and neNt lent. Large, dean and eountortable. 14%ullable June 1. Call AD 8-18.29 lh URN ISUIPD APARTMENT for two clime to eampivi Available June 3rd• Call At) g-tith2 V RY DESI RA BLE loom near campus for %simian Kualuate student. Breakfast To is Hes:es. No other roomers. As ailable for ,ununer te11,103114 a nd fall. AD 7-1031. SD Ai MEII AND Fall apartment, 4-room, kitchen, m wale Lath, parking. 225 S A !het ton AD h-1550. 4-ROOM I URNISHED a okrtment, kitchen and bath, IlerWl, from Skellar. SO a month. all utilities included June to Sept. Call Don rhomp%oo A.D S-t 642 or e\t. 2409. COM (*MITA ULF SUNNY tot nisheti ef- ticieney not rtment. u nimble Juno I to Scot. 1 In Metzger builchng. Call AD ki-Sqilo }OR LEASE—large brikk house in fra twiny section Room for 2(1 boss. Ideal foi annex or small fraternity. Dial AD 7-7620 ONE. TWO, and three room effiefene3 alutt ttnentm zulable a fter June I.' See Mr Ithlenour, S Atherton. SOMMER ROOMS are alrailabie at the "A g -Hill Club" nice rooms, Quiet atmlv eto, tronment. Call AD S-OS9O. THREE ROOM fin coshed apartment for or 1 male graduate students. A‘ailahle !Plummer or summer continuing through rulkt )ear• 311 South Pnrrones. Phone AD 110995, ask for Stan at noun or o ening. Ample parking apace. FOR RENT APARTMENT—one bedroom unfurnished ntlable June 16. Vaughn Nittany A par tmente, orner Pugh and Bradley. $12.13 per month. Call AD 7-3805 or Al) 8.6028. L ARC ri 2 bedroom apartment; ntott., trfrigerktor, limited flu Plture. AvuLeble July lat. Located above thrifty Ninths are, ;10 South Atherton. Suitable also for 4 atinlentas—sl4o per month. Call AD 5.0154 If no alum er call AD 8.8500. ROOM AND Board at Alpha Zeta frater nity. (flier-Session and Main Session. ilnard on five-tiny week basis. For tnfor rnatton call Mrs. Alice Crandall. Phone AD 1'41121, 2 BEDROOM TRAILER with fusi bath patio and awning. Avallable June AD 1-0313. MODERN FURNISHED apartment, 3 roomq, bath Will rent ftn summer at lin N111141(41 'price. AD 7-4106. SUMMER AND FALL apartment, 4-room kitchen. pieate bath, parking. 225 S Atherton St. AD 8-1550. FURNISHED HOUSE—JuIy, Aug-1,100 inmith , 4 ball Qom% wa,hei dryer, dtsh wa.,llol, 3 acres. 110 6-673 1. monERN FURNISHED apartment, 3 birth. Will rent for 14 warner at nn(ui nkhed puce. AD 7-41 O( THREE ROOST summer apartment, fur ni•hmd. 'WI per month, couple yreferted. Cull AD 44813 METZGER BUILDING apartment for sum- met rental at much letlmell rate Call AD 440 i; or apartment. SG •Metiger Budd I_IIII.'LF,X, ENTIRE second floor, hnrilwontl floort, port h. plenty of closet space, oil hoot. Avstlnble July 1. Mtt,t see to op pieetnte. 5'12 E. Curtin Street. Bellefonte. Call EL 1. 3_42 'ROOMS FOR men all summer seqsions Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver. Rates: double $4-0—55.60. Make reservations now. FURNISHED APARTMENT for two of three own doling summer only, located row block from campus. Available June 7. Cull AD 11-14713 after 7 p.m. LOST LADY'S NAVY-BLUE wallet in Boucke or Saatk•Y Call Janet ext. 1169-M. REWARD lOR Geography Al notebook knit in the HUB Wed. afternoon. Need for final. Cull All 8-0662. Toni. WILL PERSON w ho picked up tan jacket co lird floor Osmond Tuesday please call Stet.e ft‘t. 3276. Rewind. UOUJ('KH OU Sparks—Yale Edition of Shake.pea Othello. Contains notes. Please call HO 6-6413 eteninga or leave att,ansce at ext. 2t):ilt. BROWN LEATHER wallet Saturday night. You }seep money 1 need papers. Call Tom Burins AD 7-IK)7. FRATERNITY PlN—Alpha Phi Alpha. Sat.. May lii. I. alder c3ll MatvTa AD 8-PlO6. PERSON WllO took my Plymouth ram. root from 2nd floor Willard betAs een 1 & 9 a in. Pkil6C call Bob 8x t. 293. LOST—CLASSES by Sparks, Please call r.t. 3565. t•'OR RENT—ay.:in completely furnished apt tment itichultng ill :ristls ; 25 steps front Mall. Call AI) 8-L:"•R SKY-BLUE SHEAFFER Snorkel Pen lost Tue4dav night on Bearer Field. Please contact Jack Kendall AD 7-1203. Reward CIIkIICOAL SUIT Coat at Theta Xi pasty Sat. mte. Call Norm Steen Uni. ext. 3158. WANTED ONE MALE to shale - timet" apat tment. No. Metzger building For all or putt, of summer scLool. Also taking applications for cool, lautulitzs and maul Call Mackie or Magoo AD 84',10 TWO ROOMMATES to ttion e s.roorn twat t- ment for :summer Good location, fur- C 24 apiece monthly. Call AD 7-4135 VINO GUMS to share 3-room apartment for minnow' Good location, furnished, $l7 apiece monthly. Call ext. 1240-.1. TWO MALE .‘tndent.4 to rhare apartment in Mu t tger Budding for summer. Call AI) 8-4064. SUMMER. SCHOOL students to work on Collegvin Ilt.inevs Staff (Advertising) Call Jo Cheimoith AD 8-1902 after 6. WANTED: RIDE to Cape Cod area, after June 8. 1,1 di dine. Call Julie or Willa ext. 671. RIDE FOR two to Florida, week of June 1 Cull AD 844169. SOMEONE 10 shave a 3 room apart ment on E. 85th St. utth Wee Bergey, 'tB College of Business graduate. Write to me at 342 E. 85th St., Apt 3 FW, New York 21. New York. ONE TICKET to commencement. Call Barry Hughes at AD 74061 or orite litil S. Gar ner TWO STUDENTS to share 3 room Handl- ton Court apattment with another stu dent o'er Mom and Post Sessions. Rent 522 month. Call Val or Bernie, AD 8-9071. STAFF /41:5111ERS for the Summer Col legian. Need not be journalism majors. Weekly nu bl icatton. Contact Bill Jaffe ext. 543. RIDERS WANTED to South Dakota, leav ing June 2. Call Joe Butterweck AD 7-3169. ROOMMATE WANTED to share apartment dui inir summer; 3 rooms plus kitchen and bath; near Greyhound Rue Stop. Call AD 84987 or stop 131 North Bernard Street. Apt 3 WAITERS TO work for meals at the "Ad-hill Dining and Rooming Club" rot semester Call AD 8-0890. MISCELLANEOUS INDEPENDENT MEN: Looking for gobd Mace to eat next semester? College Co-on is amt accenting application for franntwrship. Call AD 7-2593 or stop in at ?44 East Nittnny A \ eIIIIC. STORE YOUR trunks, bikes, boo'ss, etc. Special summer storage to students Pick up and delikery service. Ca/I AD 3-6751. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA DIAMOND WE need you. Please come back Tillie and 'ransom.. THIS SUNDAY will be USF Sunday at Faith United Chinch of Christ. Sermon by Earl Haibough, dramatic reading by Don Collier, morning prayer by Kitty Humelehle. FOR GRADUATION—gifts for every taste. Sky-Top Gift Shop, north on 322. WORKING ON your thesis! Get every thing you'll need in our one-stop store. Royal, Olympia, Olivetti typewriter rentals, UPI, rag content thesis paper, muttilith supplies, all makes, models Nittany Office Equipment, 211 S. Allen Street. AD 8-6125. TENNIS FANS—Expert racket stringing and repairs by Hassinger. Nine grades of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaran teed satisfaction. University Tennis Serv• ice. 514 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316 ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing'. taD toe, or acrobatic lessons. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 11-10711. HERE'S GOOD NEWS for students who go home over weekends. Beginning next !semester the "Ag-Hill Dining and Room ' mg Club" at 207 E. Park Ave. will sere 'fine food on a five-day per week basis. 'And, if you are one of those who doesn't eat breakfast, you can get a meal ticket for just two meals per day. Of course, meals will be available seven days per week too. Four meal tickets will be avail able on a monthly or semester basis: 3 meals day-7 dayslwk, 2 meals day-7 ' dayslwk, 3 menlshlay-6 dayslwk, 2 menhir day-5 daysiwk. A five dollar deposit now will reserve a place for you next semester. For further information about nice rooms available near the "Ag- Hill Club" and meal ticket rates, call AD 8-0820. Under new management. ACROSS 48 Drips of 1. Held to tho evening attention &. Goofs DOWN 9. Spanish river 10. One of 52 1. Keel fe 11. Throat dweller? America's most 12. Discover cigarette 13. It gas around 2. No way to and is the treat a treaty same backwaid 8. Atom nucleus 15. Cheer at a 4. Whenyou'i, eget bull session to go. you've 16. It's pulTable, got._ but not 6. Lamb's date smokable 6. Determined 17. Miss Fitzgerald 7. Substitutes 19. Harvest goddess for 22. Potsdam palace, 8. Terrier that Frenchily sounds lofty carefree 14. Dorms. of 25. Kool has_ a sort refreshing 18. Husband of taste a salt pillar 27. Snicker 19. .!.4 of a boar 28. Got it back, 20. More than dog style enough 30. Chinless 21. Locates _ . Chinese 23. Having the 31. Whattodowhen sourest puss you see curves 24. This is incurred 82. These are for In Ireland gold diggers 26. Dog noise 84. Half a dance 29. Diaphanous 35. lowa college fabrics for 89. Replace goiles 'era with 88. Shampoo Snow Fresh aftermath Kools 34. Fellow, 41. Choosy affair probablYa IlmeY 48. Location 44. Weighs (Fr.) 36. Tie fabric 87. Fibbed 4&. Lady of the evening 38. They say 46. It can make it spins the planet ono tense 47. Parts of 41k Parked the whispering carcass campaigns 42. Unspoiled America's Mogi- Refieshin3 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Your PENN STATE Class Ring The Symbol of Achievement and Prestige Is now on display At State College's Leading Jewelers MUR'S* or -MOYER'S** Have Them Show You How ftraiFF-JONES, The Standard by Which All Others Are Judged, - Has Preserved the Penn State Tradition , In Precious Metal and Guaranteed Quality. Stop In Today) Shop and Compare. (At either of these conveniently•locaied stores.) *MUR Jewelry, 220 So. Allen St.—across fromthe post office. **MOYER, 8.P., Jeweler, 218 E. College Ave.—a block and a half from "The earner" KCIDL KROSSWORD * * • As cool and clean as a breath • Finest leaf tohacco.T.mild re and the world's most thomu; • With every puff your mouth feels clean. your throat refreshed! ... ALSO REGULAR SIZE KOOL WITHOUT FILTER, 10/61119, LtroOrilk i William/co Tobacco COM 4ret. Pure dacron and wool All sizes V._ PENNSIIIRE WEST COLLEGE AVENUE = . 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffilla 1111111111{11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 M Begin the Summer In a Handsome Tropical Suit These well-cut worsted suits are the answer to a search for the lightest possible weight with all the good looks of pure wool. only 29.95 Solids and splashes FRIDAY. MAY 22. 1959 No. 28 NW /40111101. KING-SIZE I -ifterakfti. z.. ESE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers