The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 29, 1959, Image 2
PAGE rwo Surrender of Invaders Negotiated in Panama PANAMA (/Pi-Two bearded Cuban officers landed at a remote Panama beach yesterday on a peace mission and con tacted a band of invaders from Cuba. 1 WASHINGTON (4',—Clarel The officers immediately began negotiating for the sur- Booth Luce easily won Senate confirmation as ambassador to - 1 er del tif the invasion loi ce !Brazil yesterday and almost im- In another spectacular aspect of the unfolding modern , mediatety set off a brand new _ . _ __ _ _ .._ drama in old-time pirate sea uproar. She and Sen. Wayne Morse (D -b Rept' •cons lhaunts, Cuba's Prim , i Minister Ore.), Castro declared from a plane , oinu .ci leer P 'in ftght that the Cubans invadingtother's sanity. critic, raised questions t.hief about each' 1 I 'Panama were not of his irk In the midst of the storm that] Oppose Ta X The braided Castro conducted! abi oadea , t new., conference followed, her edi t o r-husband.l in' Henry R. Luce, said in New York] the plane carryin ,h ei e s had asked her to offer her, g him from Hous-gnation as a result of Senate] ton, Tex , to an inter-American On Alcohol i conference in Buenos Ane.,. criticism. ' i 1 "That would be good for the As heard in Havana, Castro icountry," Morse said. denounced the Cubans in Pana ma as violating his Cuban revo- 1 Several senators accused Mrs. lutionary principles and ignor-L. uce of going too far, indulging ing direct orders to avoid any l in intemperate language and such involvements.evon being invective. I His peace-seeking officers land- There was no word from Mrs. ed on Panama's Caribbean coast,Luce as to whether a resignation and found the invaders in the lit-;had been submitted. tie town of Nombie de Dios, Pan- But press secretary James C. mita', National Guard reported. Hagerty said at the White House There was no immediate indi-:that Mrs. Luce had not been in cation whether the officers were'touch with anyone there since ~ ucce;-tul in talking the invaderslthe vote on confirmation and into surrender me. The negotia-,added. lions were taking place in the "There has been no resigna town's p a ik. tion." As the talks took place, there , A flurry of White House tele were new reports that mere in. ;phone calls to Sen. Everett Dirk vaders were coming from Cuba. ;sen of Illinois, the Senate .Re- Panama promised to spare the'publican leader, indicated that a l ives o f ih,.. already landed in-,re.,ignation might be imminent. vadeis if they laid down their, --- H ktIitISHUP,G UP IA combina tion of nine Houmt Democratic lolief, and solid Republicans op po mum la night threatened the pa—age of Gov. Lay:re:lce', plan to extend the 3 per cent sales t.i\ to beer and liquor. Eep Stephen McCann, Ifouse Democratic floor leaden., said he v.ould nevertheless push for a fr. vote Wednesday event though pto,peett-t wet e in doubt. "We'ne going to toll the bill," he told the Associated Press "We had a Republican plonusc to suppo! I the bill and I'm going to find out about that pionnse." Rep. Albeit W. Johnson, GOP floor leader, said hi, 102-member GOP CaI.RF, agreed during the day to cote solidly against the meas ure. l'tevrously, he had said that Cuba promised every possible sorlx Republicans may supportihelp in halting the invasion that the measure Ito had identified thelhas embarrassed Castro's govern-; gioup of Republicans as prohibi-iment• tamkts who would be disposed to' President Ernesto de la Guar load the liquor industry with dia Jr. said two invasion ships chtumal taxation. j were reported on their way to teviNed, the beer and liquor Panama from Cuba. ::ales tax ‘t ould exempt actos-h The information came from the, the-bar drinks. The levy instead ame source that tipped off the: would be imposed on letad and "anama govei nment to the land wholesale sale made by beer dis-I,ng of about 80 men last Satur-: trihittors and state liquor stores lav on Panama's Caribbean coast.' The amended bill would yielinThe government claimed that rich, 37' 2 million dollars, 21 1 ' 2 milhonspanamantan citizens hued Cuban shot of the 59 millions estimated' neirenartes to invade and try to a, toe m evemie from the of 'glint opole the government of De la bili ( Guardia. Fixed Check Asked For Nuclear Tests GENEVA r The Soviet Un- wedge between the United ion jiit ve,terday it Will cooperate States and Britain. The two Western powers have in a cto-ftee sy , .tein Spot' oire . Ica to explore the idea but "ecktng the "It" or suspected have given Tsarapkin a list of nuclear c p10 , 10n , . if the three - oreotions dealing with its apple-; tuoinic pot:. els fix the number of .itron such chcch in advance mon T.4,napkin, chef Soviet dele , .tate to the amletence here on a ti , dty to oan nuclear told men th” proposal of fciod a olidurts to hiedk the dead lock in the :Nix-month-old talks,. The Soviets have been insist ling on a veto over inspection arrangements for a test ban. aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O The United States and Britain 0 have declared that an inspection system is worthless unless it has no holes and is free from goy- ernmenial interfere,— ---rence. Tsatarpkin called for a prompt aceentance ut pttnetple of the So x•a‘t proposa! by the Western pow (,t s a< a way to break the itn p.t,se The idea of a limited number ,g of spot checks was brought up o by the Soviets Monday amid ,$) speculation that the move was , 0 ultimately aimed at driving a 'ciooooooooooooooooooooo PINE FOREST CAMP a well-established co-ed camp in the Poconos, has openings in its staff for women in the Junior or Senior Class or for graduate students or instructors. Should be 21 years old. 1 Interviews will be held at the Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main, on April 30 and May 1 Sign up in advance for an appointment THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA the Charter Oak Inn I)) New SYLVAN ROOM g 0 Located between Mateer 2 Playhouse & C.E. Camp o Call North 7-2912 g Wednesday Special Complete Spaghetti Dinner Italian Style $1.50 MODERN HEATED CABINS by Day or Week Luce Named Ambassador To Brazil 'PRR States Right ,To Alter Schedule PHIL A DET,PHIA (IF') The Pennsylvania Railroad told the State Supreme Court yesterday it has always had and must continue to have the right to eliminate cer tain unprofitable trains and change time schedules without first getting Public Utility Com me,sion approval The PUC, backed by the cities ,of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, :appealed to the high tribunal to ,reverse the State Superior Court 'which last November upheld the `railroad view. The PRR. America's biggest railroad, then eliminated five ; trains running between Philadel phia and Pittsburgh The Supreme Court, pending outcome of yes terday's appeal. ordered the trains 'to continue in service. ► gib "Now reah-1i „It do h- ling, don't fret. Your Afghan will turn up in COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS." it. NOW ( Ris e : n i9b 0r7h83 \c, K grorriain tj Maurice CHEVALIER )1' In Si G Ws 1110'10 • . v tv)COLO, Feat. 1:37, 3:35, 5:33, 7:31, 9:29 HELD OVER and moved to *NITTANY —Doors Open 5:30 p.m,- 4g - 9'044)01Y° WAIT • „.4 KEYS E+ " '` - •® 4„ 4 „ THI 4,llo6(ksvi Fred MacMURRANean MEN Budget Seen Cut Below $77 Billion WASHINGTON (JP)—Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas perdicted yesterday that Congress will cut President Eisenhower's budget below the 77 billion dollars he asked—but perhaps won't balance the budget. When qubstioned by reporters, Johnson said he was not forecasting a balanced budget for the next fiscal year, startingi July 1 "We may not raise all the money the President wants us Vet® ®f REA Bill to raise, but we'll appropriate less than he asked us to spend," 1 he explained. WASHINGTON (Pi—The Sen- Eisenhower sent to Congress,ate, with Democrats in the sad last January a budget to be bal- 'die, voted yesterday to override anted with an increase in the t ax `, PleidPnt Eisenhower's veto of a on highway fuels and higher pos-; -- tai rates. Neither of these boosts Anil that would strip away Secre has gotten anywhere in Congress tart' of Agriculture Ezra Taft Ben soi far. !son's power over rural electri- Johnson said America must !fication loans dedicate itself to "the realiza- j The 64-29 count—two votes lion that our free enterprise more than the required two-thirds system is locked in the struggle with an enemy, not within our majority—was a stinging rebuff own country but without." ;to Eisenhower. Only a few hours Saying a balanced budget is 'congressional leaders he hoped earlier, he had told Republican "not a partisan issue, except in the headlines," Johnson said Dem- his veto Monday would be sus ocrats and Republicans alike have- tamed. a stake in a second economy and Fifty-eight Democrats and six a balanced budget. 1 Republicans, all but one from Midwest farm states, voted to In 1880, the first roll film for override. Siding with Eisenhower cameras was patented by George' were 28 Republicans and a single Eastman. Today, more people are Democrat—Sen. Frank J. Lausche taking more pictures than ever,of Ohio. before. And more photography Asked for comment, the White advertisers are investing more ad- House press secretary, James C. vertising dollars in newspapeis Hagerty, said: "There is another than ever before. :house, isn't there" ql2Ol MONROE. and her bosom companions TONY CURTIS JACK PlibloN B►LLY WILDER pßoDixTioN 'SOME LICE iT HOT, ,- • ''‘i‘44 . 6 . • • 2 . f et-stwei GUNGE RAFT. PAT O'BRIEN • 1E E. BROWN OEM NM sr BUY WIEDER ud LA.LOIAMOND mu or BUY Yiff.Kß. AI AURA MAC A Alinseh Company Presentation • Released etru DMA Ades Now SHOWING Feature 12:45, 2:51, 5:03, 7:12, 9:31 *CATHAUM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 , Sendte Overrides