The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 11, 1959, Image 2

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Plane Hijack
Blamed on Reds
POW!' AU PRINCE, Haiti (In—Foreign Minister Louis
Mars blamed Communists yesterday for hijacking a Haitian
tianspoit plane, killing the pilot, and flying on to Haitian
rebel headquarters in Cuba.
The twin-engine DC3 transport was seized by six rebels
Thiiisda‘ on a flight (torn Aux
Cave', in the southern pint of
this capital They forced
th.. iopilot to fly to Santiago, in
e.t,tein Cuba, with '24 passengers.
All were reported safe. In
cluding George Salling, 58, an
American engineer from Ridge
wood. N.J.
The Inlet' stitigele high above
the lv h tiopical jungles of this
Newt, iepublic mailced Ow first
ontmea', of 01 ganued oltition
mv .ictik ttl oppokation lead
cis went into exile folioed a
Itevolutionmv nont in Santiago
(tally thii year Last July Preti
(lent E t ancot, Davalier'; govern
ment ',fluffed out a coup, killing
including four Ameri
can adventurers
Se\ Pte drought and throat; of
invaNion and hankluptcy hkive
hilted r,ii:e the political temper
annt. In Haiti
Mars charged at a news con
ference that the plane incident
was inspired by Communists.
He claimed communism is
spreading across the Caribbean.
, atti the Haitian 4ovotnment
for the return of the six
(tom Culla to stand trial
het 0 lot the murder of the pilot.
Mal F.het le Cnlhad, 42, one of
the top fliers in Haiti ,mall air
force anti father of nine children.
Nl,u , told newmnen he could
not , Nl hether the rebelc are
atiimed with any particular party
dei lined to reveal their names
until the investigation is com
A Cub m army oommun , que,
however, Rientlf•ed them as Dan
iold Geo. go , . Joan Claude Dour
ard, thrmo2 , Lafore , 4t. Hubert Du
!MN Notolio. Carol Neharde and
Hohort tot or
The\ \vete held at the Moneada
militaiy headquarters in Santiago
while Cuban authorities pondered
whether to hand them back to
ot :;rant thorn asylum.
Test Flights
To Be Given
To 7 Spacemen
WASHINGTON 1.-Pl—The seven
I‘lfnetu\ Astionauts will all get
test rid . out to the edge of space
in rot I:et-fired capsules
Thee pf ehnunatv trips the
scientists call them sub-ortntal
flights— Nl 01 be short compated to
the eventually planned ride
mound the world
Thm 'll go s*y,..l l d 20 t o 25
ini!ei and tollow the rocket range
out at Cape- Canaveral. Fla
mound 100 miles to the neighbor
hood of the Bahama Islands,
Thee at on't firm figures. but it
is not oo , ;:lble now to be e,act.
A ~p ol:csman fat the National
Actonantics and Space Minims
tt ation told about the preliminary
plan: toda‘. one day after the
se‘ en chosen Astronauts
weie pt esented to the public.
The spokesman said each of the
seven will get at least one of the
sub-orbital trip; Selection of the
first man to mtnt the earth may
be based on ho weil the finalists
do in the test flight
Lawyer Accuses
Illegal Practices
Goldfine's attorney contended yes
terday ele.tionic eavesdropping;
and houselmeaking gave a House
subcommittee the questions the
Boston industrialist tefused to
The lawyer. 'Edward Bennett
Williams, told US Dlst Judge
James W. Atom: that the inter
rogation of Go'dflne last July
"was born of a theft "
Asst. U.S. Atty W;lham Hitr in
sisted that no ev.denee obtained
illegally was presented to th e
grand jury which ind.ried Gold.
fine on contempt of Congress
charges. He said no such et•idenee
would be offered in his trial
scheduled for April 20.
Bloom Will Attend
Sales Tax Parley
HARRISBURG 1,1),--Gov. Law
rence yesterday for the first time
included the Republican state
chairman among a list of politi
cal leaders he invited to a Mon
day parley for a discussion of the
tioc stalemate
In addition to State GOP Chair
man George I. Bloom, Lawrence
asked both Demociatic and Re
publican leaders of the Legisla
ture to sit at the conference table
for the tax discussion.
Although Lawrence would say
only that taxes will be discussed
at the meeting, administration
souices . , who declined quotation
by name, said he will appeal for
action to break the House bottle
r neck holding up his proposed 3 1 2
; per cent sales tax,
The happiest part of the Sales Spectacular is the kind
of car your money buys. Every Chevy—sedan, sport
model, wagon—shares a lean and lively Slimline look,
with plenty of room and a ride that's right for the
roads you drive. Come in and take a close look at
an of Chevrolet's features, lien away.
For a "Spring Sales S
Tibetan Nomads
Declare War
On Red China
TAIPEI. Formosa (IP) About
100,000 wild Tibetan nomads, who
fight with swords and old muzzle
loader muskets, have declared
war on the Chinese Reds in Tibet,
Nationalist sources said yesterday.
Known as the Goloks, these
tribesmen live by hunting and
sheep-raising in the north where
Tibet's high mountains merge
with those of China's Tsinghai
Like other reports purporting to
reach Chinese Nationalist intelli
gence sources from Tibet, there is
no way of verifying this one. But
if true, it would represent a great
boost to the strength of rebel
forces led by Khampa tribesmen
in southern Tibet.
The Nationalists reports said
'the Goloks have proclaimed that
they will keep fighting until the
Communists are thrown out of
iTibet and the Dalai Lama is re
stored to power.
Indian Plane Attacked
KARACHI, Pakistan (.)—A
Pakistani jet fighter blasted a
twin-jet Canberra of the Indian
Air Force from the skies over
western Pakistan yesterday, Air
Force sources said.
It's Your Chevrolet Dealer's 2nd Annual
come in and pick your favorite Chevy!
Brookwood 4-Door Wagon
The sporty Impala Convertible
The 1959 Impala Sptict Coupe.
ectacular" deal see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer!
Ike Says Nation Backs GOP
In Effort to Curb Spending
WASHINGTON (IP)—President while the Republicans were whip-
Eisenhower told Republicans yes-iping themselves into a fighting
terday the country is "squarely' mood with bristling attacks on
behind our efforts to block excesslDemocratic presidential hopefuls.
spending schemes and to keep the
federal budget in balance."
Eisenhower predicted the GOP
will win in 1960 "if we stand
resolutely for, and work ener
getically to implement, those
fundamentals in which we be
lieve as Republicans."
The President voiced his views
in a message from his vacation
headquarters in Augusta, Ga. It
was read by retiring Chairman
Meade Alcorn to the Republican
National Committee
Only a short time before Eisen
hower had given his blessing to
the selection of Sen. Thurston B.
Morton of Kentucky to succeed
Alcorn. Morton is regarded as a
supporter of Vice President Rich
ard M. Nixon.
Morton's election is scheduled
formally for today with indica
tions he will have no opponent.
The national committee also will
decide then on a site and date for
the 1960 nominating convention. ;
Chicago and a July 25 opening
'date still appeared to be favored.
Eisenhower's message arrived
Now - 1:49, 4:19, 6:49, 9:30
John Wayne -- Dean Martin
Ricky Nelson
NOW - 12:55 - 4:36 - 8:17
FCEC I L a D E M 1 ILE'S 'O l
PROO.K f , C.l
u tIMPO'
p a .AraMOvalr ACTugt • TECHWOLOFr
Kundla Quits
Laker Post
neapolis Lakers' Johnny Kundla
pulled out of pro basketball
coaching after 12 years yesterday
to take the coaching job at Min
nesota, his crowning ambition.
"It's wonderful to be able to
return to your old school," Kund
la said.
Kundla's appointment by Ath
letic Director Ike Armstrong was
approved bythe Minnesota Board
of Regents. As successor to Ozzie
Cowles, the 42-year-old coach will
receive $12,000 a year under a
four-year contract. The figure is
comparable to what Kundla got
with the Lakers.
Laker President Bob Short said
it was "a real blow to lose a man
of John's caliber. He'll be hard to
••••••800 0000000000 00000
11:15 ---- Cl«slcal Interlude
12:00 --. . Musk at Noon
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Public Service Program
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New. and Snorts
modern line.
Save on this El Camino, too.
The car that's wanted
for all its worth.
___ Sign O►
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Local News
roo• plot?
__ Snort.