The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 04, 1959, Image 8

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To Retire—
(Continued from page one)
home at Rosalyn Farms, Carne
gie, Pa.. where she lived most
of her life and where her sister
and brother-in-law reside. She
also plans to spend some time
at her summer cottage at Deer
Lake. near Fort Necessity in
Fayette County.
Miss Weston has taken active
interest in the Altrusa Club in
to national organization of admin
istrative women in State College.
She was a charter member in
1951 and is currently serving as
She has also been active in the
Business and Professional Wo
men's Club and the American As
sociation of University Women as
well as in church activities. The,
National Association of Women's
Deans last month honored Miss
Weston and presented her with a
citation "as a tribute to her long
years of distinguished leadership
to young women."
Dean Weston recalls that
when she came to the Univer
sity in 1942 as assistant to the
dean of women, there were
1400 women students. During
her 17 years with the Dean of
Women's office, the enrollment
of women has increased sharply
to 3800 students.
Housing activities for women
students likewise increased in
their scope. During the war there
were only four residence halls for
women on campus and it was
necessary to provide housing in
the borough for many students.
Town houses were opened and a
total of 37 were in use, accommo
dating frcm five to 30 students.
Miss Weston began her career
In 1912 as an elementary teacher
in Carnegie, later teaching in
Junior high school and senior
high school. In 1929 she received
her bachelor of arts degree from
the University and her master of
arts and doctor of philosophy de
grees from Duquesne University.
(Continued from page five)
dent must supply the dean of
his college with a complete
transcript (including grades
from summer courses and
courses which he should take at
other schools before reapply
ing) and a lett e r of petition
stating his reasons for wanting
to get back into the school. The
letter must also include what
the student has done since be
fog dropped from the Univer
Some of the larger colleges in
the University have standing
committees which will then study
applications for rein statement
and report to the dean. Each col
lege has set up its own standards
for reinstatement. The dean of
each college recommends stu
dents whom he feels merit rein
statement to the Academic Stan
dards Committee.
The new deadline will depend
on how long it takes a dean to
process these eases.
'Green Mansions' --
(Continued from page four)
catches the fascinating mystery
of Rime in her forest home,
and there are times when Per
kins does well as the nature
struck adventurer. But neither
succeeds often enough to carry
the story.
On the whole the job is not
well done. The movie includes
all the romanticism of the no
vel without including the rich
background of nature fantasy
which makes the romance en
joyable and rewarding. The re
sult, unfortunately, is almost
comic opera.
Perhaps, as many people
have said, they shouldn't even
have tried.
Sole of Tickets Begins
For Frosh Class Dance
Tickets are now available at the
Hetzel Union desk for "Oriental
Spring," the Freshman class dance
to be held at 8 p.m. next Satur
day in the HUB ballroom.
Highlight of the affair will be
the selection of • a Freshman
Sweetheart, The five finalists are
Judy Davis, Carolyn Coates, Kay
Mishler, Mary Martin, and Sandra
Music for the dance will be pro
vided by the Phi Mu Alpha band.
Admission is free, and open to all
students, but by ticket only.
NEW DELHI, India (AP)—The Dalai Lanla reached safety
in India by a perilous 15-day trek over some of the world's
most treacherous mountain territory, his followers said yes
Chinese planes were searching overhead to spot the Dalai's
party and it apparently traveled
mostly at night to escape detec
The group traveled by foot and
by mule caravan over rivers and
through snow-covered passes
where one wrong step can mean
death. They traveled 300 miles, or
about 20 miles a day.
"It was one of the most re
markable escapes in world his
tory," a Tibetan leader near
the frontier area declared.
Prime Minister Nehru told a
wildly applauding Parliament that
the 23-year-old god-king is in
It's what's
e Aiti€,:kll ,
- • V.:41,..:?,:ZA
You can reproduce the experiment.
It's easy as 7r. (Yes, you can do it
in the bathtub.) Assuming that you
have first visited your friendly tobac
conist, simply light your first Winston
and smoke it. Reasoning backwards,
the discovery proceeds as follows:
first, you will notice a delightful
flavor, in the class of fresh coffee or
of bread baking. Obviously, such
"Eureka! Winston tastes good ... _
like a cigarette should!"
Reaches India
good health and win be given
"respectful treatment."
Tibetan exiles declared the
Dalai Lama still is the ruler of
Tibet, making clear he will re
main a rallying point of the
revolt against Red Chinese rule
in Tibet.
Informed sources said, how
ever, India will recognize the
Dalai Lama only as a spiritual
leader of the Buddhists and he
will be forbidden to form any
government in exile in India. This
is to avoid offending Red China.
makes another great discovery...
q ` t ' y '.;%~.
UN Role Seen in Berlin issue
proposed yesterday _that the At
lantic-Pact Allies consider invit
ing the United Nations to man
the access routes between West
Berlin and free Germany.
Canadian Defense Minister
George Pearkes put forward the
suggestion in discussing new
moves to end the East-West dis
pute with the Soviet Union over
the future of Berlin.
He suggested the United Na
tions might consider a three
point formula as the basis for an
agreemeht with the USSR.
•Verification by the UN that
the West and the Soviets are liv
ing up to the terms of any new
•A Soviet pledge binding the
Soviet Union as well as "its as
sociates" to allow full freedom of
access to West Berlin and accep
up front
.a:;. t . ,
. ~ ~.,
~, s:
flavor cannot come from the filter.
Therefore, it's what's up front that
counts: Winston's Filter-Blend. The
tobaccos are selected for flavor and
mildness, then specially processed for
filter smoking. This extra step is the
real difference between Winston and
all other filter cigarettes. Besides,
It's why Winston is Aterica's best
selling filter cigarette.
tance of what Pearkes called "a
United Nations presence on the
lines of communication."
*A firm understanding that
U.N. responsibility for West Ber
lin would reinforce or back up
the present American - British -
French right to be there as con
querors of Nazi Germany.
In his talk before the council,
Pearkes did not spell out Whether
he meant troops or observers fo
constitute the "'United Nations
presence" he advocated on the
110-mile route between West Ber
lin and West Germany.
Ii O=
CASR-17 words or low -
CRARGE-12 , words' or Isis
$.50 ou laurtlow
5.15 two lasertloas
$l.lO throe Insertions
Additional words—S for SA
for each day of Insertion
ADS RUST SE IN Et 11:00 A.M.
1949 CHEVROLET 2-door; heater, good
Wee. UM. Call Bill Taylor Al) 5.006/4
or AD 7-8729.
eyepieces, tour objectives, excellent con
dition, insurance policy Included in ■ale.
Good for medical or %et school. AD 84935.
NEED TROPHIES? You name it—l have
it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts.
Quick service. Phone AD 7-7681 after 6:00.
Troutman's Trophy-Novelty Shop.
1967 CUSTOMIZED Champion House Trail
er. Many extra.. Call AD 7-7767 after
6 p.m. Length 4b feet. ,
TVs—COMPLETELY reconditioned. • var.
ions sizes. s49—sB9. Television Service
Center at State College T.V.. 232 South
NEW TUXEDO—ohite jacket, size 38.
trousers. Price $8.69, Phone AD 7-2341
ask for Harry Klepper-
NEW APARTMENTS furnished or partly
furnished, private entrances, oil heating,
laundry, large yard, $75. Boalaburg. Call
42-FOOT 1 bedroom house trailer. Call
ELain b-9664.
ONE-CALF Or double room adjacent to
campus and College Heights. Call AD
EXTRA LARGE double room with kitchen
Privilege in quiet modern home; walk
to campus. 318 West Prospect Ave.
LEFT COLLEGE, left nice zoom et AD
.7.2584. Close to campus.
MODERN FOUR-ROOM Apartment for
rent in Centre Hall. Rae onn oil heat-
ing plant. gBO per month. Write or phone
R. M. &woman. 401 E. Walnut St., Lewis
town. Phone 8-4433.
illy I
PERSON WHO took tan jacket, April 1
In Prem. Lab please return to HUB
deak or call An 64085.
JACK HARPER Alligator Raincoat at
Pink Elephant 'Friday nice Ittai•ch 20th.
$lOOO in lining. Contact Bob Spoti ext.
RAINCOAT WITH red etriped 'lining at
Phi Kappa party- March 21, Call AD
WOIJLD THE person who by mistake, took
my overcoat (gray Harris Tweed
s with
a "SSS" label) from Phi Kappa Saturday.
21 March. Please call George Keyt. AD
2207, Tau Phi Delta.
RAINCOAT AT Delta Tau Delta Mar. 21.
Call Ron ext. 3150.
LADIES BENRUS watch betricen Slm.
mono and McElwain. Call Briarly Manor
ELitin 541451. Ask for Roy or Lottfe.
fratfrnity. Con-Maury Kaiser AD 84183.
COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men
in our department averaged $75. per
week. Du* to conditions in our department
this year. we expect even higher gains.
Pleasant short hour arrangements allow
Plenty of time - for studying. Car fur.
Mehra; expenses paid. Call Stan Zdep,
AD 8-1892 Mon. - Fri, after 11 p.m. Salary
I $46 per -week.
TYPEWRITER REPAIR is our specialty.
Give us your machine--we'll she you
fest expert repair and servicing. MI work
done in our State College repair shop.
Nittany °Moe Equipment, 231 South Allen
St. Phone AD 84125.
PENN STATE Outing Club needs help to
finish Beaver Dam project. Plenty of
food. Bring old clothes, boots. Caravan
leaves back of Osmond 1:30 Saturday : 1:00
IF YOU would like to know about pos
sible alternative , " to the draft and mili
tary service, 111211 the movie "Alternatives"
presented in HUB Auditorium Sunday
afternoon at 4:00.
HELP! CAPABLE tutor needed for aid
in Chem. 35. Will pay well. Cell ext. 829.
GUARANTEED. AN evening of fun: square
dancing with the "Serenaders." Schedule
a dance now. -Call AD 5-9607.
COME ORE, Come All to the Empire
Diner, Good borne cooked food priced
reasonably. Plenty of free parking and TV.
Located 1 1 ,5 miles north of State College
on Rt. 322.
TAKE ADVANTAGE of this invigorating
weather. The PSOC is going rock climb
ing Sunday. For details call ext. 25!9 and
ask for Finley.
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap,
too. or acrobatic lemons. - Park Foricat
Valasti ilcbool et Danes. /110 &MIL