The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 14, 1959, Image 2

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    PAGE rwo
Bypass to Open
Near Lewistown
Students iraveling eastward will avoid the congestion of
ti afftc this summer when a 5-mile 4-lane bypass
around the area will be opened by the Department of High-
The bypass, completed at
New Leonides President
TV RA 's President
Dean Weston Speak
!art gallery when refreshments
will be served.
The first issue of the WSGA I
1 Newsletter will be distributed
Monday. Two thousand copies
of the 4-page bulletin will be
available at the HUB desk and
the sign -out desks of all wo
men's residence, halls. Copies
will also be placed in the town
women's lounge.
The newsletter contains the ! '
'history of WSGA at Penn' State.:,
jan article about May Day and
biographies of the retiring offid
leers. A story about the convoca-j i
tion will include Miss Weston's
, retirement plans.
Dean of Women Pearl 0. Wes
ton will speak at the Women's
Student Government Association
Convocation to begin at 7 p.m.
Monday in the Hetzel Union as
sembly hall.
Old and new WSG IL officers
gill eat in Dining Room D m
Redifer Hall before proceeding to
the HUB for the convocation and
lost-Illation of officers
Miss Weston's topic will be
"Flying on the Beam." She said '
she got the idea for the title
while visiting the cockpit of an
airplane during a trip to Ha
waii. The pilot said the beam
was used to make safe landings
in bad weather conditions.
Dorothy Toklish„ chairman of
the WSGA judicial Board of Re
view, will administer the oath to
the new officers.
All women students are in
vited to the convocation and in
stallation in the assembly hall. A
reception will follow in the HUB
Car Radios Television
television --.
center .:A4
• 4P 1:16.
at ...
State College TV
232 S. Men St.
a cost of S 5 5 milion, is the ,
largest :single improvement in re-'
cent years along Route 322 Dur-,
mg the past five years the state:
has spent more than $l6 minion
on improvements along the road.l
Officially known as the 28th Di
vision Highway in Pennsylvania„
it starts in Atlantic City and ends!
in Cleveland.
Other projects on the highway
•S 1 85 million project to con-i
'vert the two lanes between Mead- i
vale and Conneaut Lake into a
4-lane divided highway.
•A Si mullion realigning and,
lengthening project of six and a, ;
half miles._ in Chester County:
northwest of Downingtown.
SA $1.3 million project south;
of West Chester where two lanes;
are being converted to four.
Since 1953 the department has
contracted for 20 projects in ad-!
dition to performing normal'
maintenance and resurfacing. The
contracts range from the Lewis-!
town bypass construction to a
$65,000 resurfacing job in Clear-,
field County.
Only 20 miles of the highway,
were four lanes wide last May.
Another 51 miles contained three
lanes. Twenty percent of the ;
route in Pennsylvania is 20 feet
wide or less. Current construction
will nearly double the existing
four lane mileage.
The busiest point on 322 is on
Paxton Street in Harrisburg i ,
where the average daily traffic
is 23,690 vehicles a day.. At the!
least busy point, between James-:
town and Hartstown in Crawford
County, the average daily traffic
is 1110 vehicles.
The stretch of highway be-I
lieved to be the longest in use
without modernization is in Clar-1
ion. Less than one mile in length,'
it was constructed in 1919.
Since Route 32.2 is on the fed
eral aid primary system, projects?
which meet federal standards are:
eligible for a 50 per cent subsidy.
`Consumer Problems' Is HEc Theme
"Consumer Problems of Farni-; professor of economics, will speak , and a demonstration on "Have
lies" will be the theme of theon "Responsibility for Adminis-1 Food—Will Party." Staff mem
10th annual Home Economicsitering the Family Income" at 41 hers of News and Views, the
Spring Weekend to be held Apnllp.m. Friday m Schwab Auditor-I
17 and 18. lium. Friday evening, a panel of i home economics publication.
The theme of the conference specialists in marketing from, will have an exhibit with the
will be carried out in special Kansas, lowa, Indiana, Washing-I theme, "Look What Happens to
piograms held every hour. These tor., D.C, and The Sperry andf the Coed's Dollar." Tours of
plograrns are designed to appeal Hutchinson Company will discuss) the campus and the home man
to various interest groups corn-:the questionable value of trading, agement houses are planned for
posed of adult consumers, profes-stamps' to the consumer. i the high school students.
sional people and high school The panel will be moderated Talks based on research in the
students. faintly by Dr. Marjorie East, head College of Home Economics are
, ..._........
_ _,
The programs will f.eature , of. the Department of Home Eco-'planned to aid professional home
speakers on housing, family nomics Education, and a memlwr , economists in their
,service to
economics, equipment, child de- of the executive board of the families.
velopment and family relation- . National Council on Consumer An event designed to appeal
ships, social security, foods and Information. Ito all groups is the talk of Miss
nutrition, textiles and clothing, ; Many features have be a n Barbara Sampson, home econo
the working mother, the chang- i especially designed to interest , mist with General Foods. She will
ing consumer and today's eco- ; teen-agers. These features in- speak on the reactions of Polish
nomic conditions. ; dude a panel which will discuss people at the International Trade
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, visiting "Money Ways for Teen Days" Fair,
Men May Get ; Circa--
I (Continued from page one)
Vacationßooms from basic poetry styles.
"Carnival." by Charles Antal
,__!osky. senior in mathematics from
Men students noc , living mSt. Clair, deals with a summer
residence halls who wish tempo- romance at the seashore. The
rary housing during the ' Spring' story's background Is the board
recess must register with the roomtwalk and its many distractions.
assignment office, 1-A Irvin,
byiE 'Poetry in Prose" concerns a
uropean's life in another part
5 p.m. March 20. _
__ lof the world where he misses his
The Department of Housing homeland and- is troubled by
has announced that temporary ac -everyday life in his new country.
commodations will be provided if "Poetry
a student finds it absolutely neces-; in Prose" was written by
Nick Kolumban, sophomore in
isary to remain on campus over
• the entire vacation. hotel administration, who came
Ito this country from Hungary in
Room keys are to be called f0r'1957.
'at 1-A Irvin on March 23 and 24. Poetry selections include "Son
,There will be a charge of $6 for,net to P.M.D.," by Alan Elms,
temporary housing. !junior in psychology from La
All residence halls will close;Center, Ky.; "Black Song," by
at 4 p.m. March 25 for the vaca-:Jan Bartow, graduate of 1957;
lion and are scheduled to reopen." The Gray Sparrow," by Bonnie
at 1 pm. March 31. Lunch on'Dixon Jones, who graduated Jan-
March 25 is the last meal to be:uary 1959, and "Prayer from
served in the residence dining Earth," by Alice Allan Hoyt,
halls. The first meal tollowing sophomore in liberal arts from
vacation will be lunch on April 1. Williamsport.
Buck Welsh
Senior Class President
To Speak On
"Student Gov'f Re-organization"
Sunday Night -- 1:00, March 15
121 Sparks
-2:05, 3:57. 5:49, 7:41, 9:33
Welsh to Present Talk
On Student Government
Charles Welsh, senior class pres
ident, will speak on student gov—
ernment reorganization at a Uni
versity party meeting at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in 121 Sparks.
Since election dates have been
moved back a week, no registra
tion will be held. Campus party
will not meet this. weekend.
University party will also elect
officers not chosen at last Sun
day's meeting.
For Expert Tailoring
See C. W. HARDY, Tailor
222 W. Beaver Avenue
Now: 12:50, 3:04, 5:09, 7:26, 9:40
Sun. 2:12, 4:35, 6:58, 9:21
A man past faith
A woman past Innocence!
DE 16.641 moos
11/ 1 1111.
Is amu mugs
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Now - 2:00, 3:53 ! 5:48, 7:3% 9:32
CimmkpAseope . OWY , war
Today 1:49. 3:44, 5:39, 7:34, 9:31
Sun. 2:00, 3:55. 5:50, 7:45. 9:40
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