The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 13, 1959, Image 2
PAGE TWO Janjigian Tops WSGA Vote Jessie Janjigian, junior in arts and letters from Kingston, won the presidency of Women's Student Government ASSG- Clit iOIL yesterday defeating Nancy Clark b 2,. a 162-vote margin. Miss Janjigian received 702 votes, Miss Clark, 540. Jean Nigh. junior in secondary education from Chevy Chase, Md., is the new president of Wo men's Recreation Association. She was unopposed in her bid for the ' Susan First, sophomore in phy- off•ce. 1 1 education from Harrisburg. Priscilla Wasilko, sophomore in! wa., elected first vice president. physical education from Monaca, l defeating Judy Colbeck, 782-426.,was elected vice president in the' I Nlariorie Canter, freshman hOinal elections Yesterday. She de- 1 won , feated Elizabeth Ingley. ;education from Bethel Park, i the ciosit:on of second vice press-' Barbara Newman, freshman in' , dent over Sue Clement, 797-479. home economics from Philadel-t The race for secretary was phia, was chosen gecretary-treas-I ! won by Ellen Butterworth, with urer over Gail Biernuller. Serena' 1 a vote of 648, who was opposed Pendleton, sophomore in arts and' by Carole Cin, 583. ;letters from Toronto, Canada, de-! lfeaed Andrea Marron for the rio ! The post of treasurer fell to t Eleanor Judy, senior in home Martha Shipp, who defeated sition of intramural chairman. economics from Cix.hranville, was Katherine Hughes 655-573. . Elected assistant intramural . elected May Queen in votaig by ! Patricia Frank, junior in educa- 1 ,freshman in physical education were Nancy Campbell n! women student; of all four class- ?ion from Homestead, and Su- from State College. and Wendy, e, zanne Wyttenbach, junior in edu-; from cation from Wilmington. They:. freshman in physical edu-1 ~ The May Day Queen is vie on-cation from Gwynedd Valley • Is student-elected queen of the were elected senior senators with yfeated Judith Travis and Janice! college year. 'votes of 195 and 142 respectively. ,a Vi anner. Sandra Kleeb freshman ° Miss Judy will preside over the Other candidates weer Gail Bent-`in physical education from! .ley. who received 131 votes andi May Day program. Wayne, was elected sophomore' I. ynne McCaron . who received Freshman women selected Max- I ' ''l' votes. received. over Susan Rich I; ine Mitier, freshman in education - ! The new WRA officers will be; from Sayre, to be maid-of-honor Jane Taylor, sophomore i s ,installed at 6:30 pm. Tuesday.! in the !slay Day court. , home economics from Hunting ton, and M argare t M c Ph ers on. Judith McFarland is the outgoing'- The senior women's representa-, president. Griffin. : sophomore in home economics i twes will be France , . ----- ~ from New Park. were elected it senior in education from Waverly unior senators with votes of 221 and Janet Ours, senior in bus-i -ness administration from Ridge- 1 and 169. The y defeated Sara , Phillips and Sally Dames who v. owl, New Jersey received 150 and 129 votes re- Rita Saltier, junior in pre-med' spectively. from Valley View and Suzanne Keener, junior in home economics` Susan Huston, freshman in eci fi amGreensburg, will be the ucation from Harrisburg, and junior attendants, delegates se -'Gage Peck, freshman in arts and le led by the junior women. !letters from Chevy Chase, Md.. , were selected as sophomore sena- Sophomore atendants will be ,tors with 252 and 240 votes re- El:zaheth Sechler, sophomore in education from Pittsburgh, and saectiveiv Defeated were Sue B Virginia Dunkerton. sophomore lock (195) and Linda Huston' in education from Short Hills, 1 / 7 31 ' New Jersey. . Barbara Maley, freshman in f N ew j er .:BusAd Council Elects education from I.'erona, sey. and Mary Martin. freshman'Lloyd to Presidency in liberal arts from Lancaster,' ! will be the freshman attendants. Walter Lloyd. junior in busi-' mess adinimstration from Wayne, INV 3 3 elec t e d president of the I Prof Helps Write Book IBu.F.ness Admin,stration Student Dr Andrew V. Kozak, associat.'Couttril at Wednesday night's profe.e.or of education. has par-lr"e l lng. ht.:paled in the preparation of a' Other new officers are: Vin-, b oo k entit l e d , :i b i a th erna t les o f.cQnt Marino, junior in business I Finance," published by the Pit-;administration fra in Clearfield.' nnin Publnhing Corp ;vice president: Na nc y Werner,. Kaiak was associated with two junior in business administration piofe:sors from other colleges in'froin Cleona, secretary; and Rich the preparation of the chapter and Lloyd, junior in business ad ' Permut atio n s. Combinationsymmi,tration. from Wayne. treas- Probability. and Mortality." ,urer. A total of 1402 coeds voted m . yesteday's final elections May Queen Title Goes To Judy STUDENT FILMS PRESENT TONIGHT is "BLUE LAGOON" your lucky night! Technicolor IIC-PANHEL BALL JEAN SIMMONS DONALD HOUSTON featuring Sat., March 14 7:30 & 9:30 Les & Larry Elgart Sun., March 15 6:30 p.m. . Rec Hall 9to I HUB ASSEMBLY ROOM sem rmi-foal 55.00 per couple Players present "THEATRE OMNIBUS" J INS featurtng scenes front TONIGHT "Streetcar Named Desire" and "Life With Father" TOMORROW at "Time of Your Life" CENTER and others STAGE Jam Session presented by Phi Kappa Tau Theta Xi at Theta Xi Music by Four Note 2.5 an Sunday Freshmen Weliome THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Nigh Wins Presidency Of WRA STATE 14°W Feat. 12:50, 3:04, 5:03, 7:26, 9:40 A man past faith A woman past innocence! 14-01 mum DEBORAH /it'll KERR/BRYNNER N ANAIE lIIYAKS PRODUCTION THE JOURNEY' tIY METROCOLOR AN ALBY PICTURE CATHAUM*BEGINS SUNDAY A. B. GUTHRIE'S MIGHTY NOVEL! - University Creamery Sales Room Airy. pm-lucid Ice Cream Creamery Butter Pasteurized Milk Cheddar Cheese Chocolate Milk Cottage Cheese Buttermilk Trappist Cheise Brick Cheese Councils May Back Assembly Candidates The bloc of student councils fighting representation by classes in the proposed Student Government Association assembly will probably resolve the dispute without further amendments to the plan. Robert Laßar, Agriculture Student Council president, said at the conclusion of last night's All-University Cabinet meeting that each council will probably back one man for as sembly to insure its representa tion there. Laßar stressed that this was not definite but said: "After dis cussing this with several of the other council presidents, I feel we will be able to convince our councils of this plan." Laßar referred to the Home Economics and Mineral Industries councils. Under this plan, he said, each council would take the responsi bility of finding someone quali fied through previous experience and activities for the assembly. Then it would campaign for his election, he said. Laßar told Cabinet earlier that it was essentially the aim of the ,dissenting councils to have at ,: ~ -~ ► .~ Now - 2:00. 3:53, 5:46, 7:39, 9:32 THE REMARK LE MR. PENNYPACKER Cleas.... — ,v3Ve COLOR ,-. tt UNE CLIFTON WEBB ~ ;~ '` ~ TODAY - Doors open 6:45 pm Saturday - Doors Open 1:15 pm smart aim.. T'tl i,1►1114 'ON .INganeratlekk-, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1959 By DENNY MALICK least one member from each col lege in the assembly. The council discussion came up before Cabinet on a motion by Eleanor Judy, president of Home Economics Student Council, to reconsider the rep r e sentation question. This would have delayed approval of the proposed consti tution until at least next week. However, after reconsidering the action, the motion was de feated unanimously and the coun cil representation dispute was in troduced for general Cabinet dis cussion. After much involved discus sion, Miss Judy suggested that debate be closed and if any amendments were desired by the councils, they would be intro duced at the final reading of the constitution next Thursday. , .... • • ....• -••• • • •• • 720 -..State • PM; • CLOSED -. - S MONDAYS.'E6 . • . , RESERVATIONS • IFC Weekend Fri., 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sat., 4:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sun., 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. *•00000•••• 00000 00960000 6:32 htorttlas Show 8:30 Morning Devotions 8 :IS --- News Headlines Mornlnd Show News Swap Shop =Clz-seleal interlude ---. Mule al Noon Counts News ---- What's Colas On Musk Show New. sad Snails - Contact - Loesl News I.lo's sad Shaw runes News . LP's and Show Tunes News and Markets Short* Slwrial . — LP's and Show Tows Felts. Weis ie. LP's and Shaw Tunes Piddle Service Programa _ News wont Programs NAM sod Siena News "dissweleda News eel:wester" SWOP WMAJ ISlgn 0.