PAGE EIGHT NC R6shing-- (Continued from page one) mesler but this was defeated by a large majority. Second-semester students a r e now engaged in extensive rush ing and may officially be pledged March 22. Unofficial bids may he accepted prior to March 22 but no tot ms or pledge certificates may be signed by a rushee until then. Vegkf3-- (Confirmed from page six ) opponents. But he will almost( have to have the injured Lee! Cunningham ready this week for; the Lions to win their sixth! stiaight at lint Saturday. CYM SUNISIAICY Penn Slate 52. Sy reicuee 13. 'll MIMING •. I—Dulaney (PSI 262. 2—; Illrol ( 1 .1) 251. 3—K erner (PS) 219. 4—, l.utunger 5--Sftuerhafer 13)1 NIL 9.7. 31DE 110115 I: • I—Vegn (PS) 219. 2—' Le*lne (S) 211 3-I.uttinger (S) 201. (S) 192. s—Palmer (PS) 172. El enl 7.9 111(111 HA It: Vega 1 PSI 201. 2—Savadove (PSI 2.:6, 3—Orkin IS) 213. 4—Werner 11'S1 107 s—Niftier (5) 171. Event 12-7.' ROPE. 1 1 11111• 1.1141 en nod (PS) '1.7. 2—: t (I'S) 1.1. 3—Mumau (PSI 4.5. 4—Winter (S) 16. s—Haler (51 5.6. I:,enl ((-3 PARALLEL RAIN: Vega I PS/ 278. 2- I,e, Inc 51 236. '(—Maier ) 205 and' Lutlintter (51 205 Mel. s—Sat adove , (I'S) 200 . Es.nt 7-9. Fl.l 1M; ItEsl(l.4• I—Lesine at) 235. 2 Werner 11'5) 3—Novottir (5) 187. 4 Ork in 4PS 179. Ev ent 441. RUSSIAN ISSUE Penn State Engineer ON SALE TODAY and WEDNESDAY HUB SACKETT WARING HALL THESE QUESTIONS Yo &u Thfrik for Yourseff ? ( CANTELL YOU A LOT ABOUT YOURSELF': * 1.,,(c. et N i , 5 .; y l it T.! 1. When . you feel that certain . fads are 304 tTh) im - -- - - 0 • V - 431 ''t /is foolish do you talk against them? YES: NOD pot ----- --,:‘ ..-1 7s:\V r 1 „ .44)1\"\ ' v "L"'N 10 0 ‘---- ' 46 2. Do gadgets such as new cigarette YES ONO D t fle 6. .0 4V lighters often intrigue you so you i erio"-c' ' want to take them apart? lrr - 4 j 111 - '''' Pi i r c- r - L flt, 4 -4 Cl : 1, 1 . 3. Do you think that political candidates YES El NO 0 4 1 --I ft z ' 15 , :..., should write their own speeches 1-, 7 , 4 ° Illf i tt- - -'7k,„.'•:%4 2 1 instead of using a "ghost writer"? _t4/7i i l , A , \,--N ,',.,...,. 4. Given the choice, would you prefer YES El No 0 • `; ••• having an apartment of your own to A iy living at home with your parents? r he Man Who Thinks Boardmen-- (Continued from page seven) (OSJ, 2. Fariera (PS). 3. S. Williams (OS). 9.0 611. Yard Dash-1. Brown (PS). 2. L. Williams (OS). 3. Dal is (OS), 6.2 (Ties Field Muse Record I 880-1. Moran IPS), 2. St . (OS), 3. Lalloff (I'S). 1:54.2 13Zess Field Mouse Record) 70-Yard Low Hurdles—l. L. Williams (OS), 2. Maloney (OS), 3. Faders (I'S), 8.0 2-51ile--1. Envlhrink (PS), 2. Mansey (OS), Kerr (PS), 9:18.9 (New Field Howie Record) Mile Relay—l. Ohio State, 2. Penn Slate, 3 :20.5 Broad .lump-1. L. Williams OS) 22' el 2. Maloney LOS) 20' 'Ws": 3. Gross (PS) 20' 11,42" Pole Vault-1. How era (OS) IV 8": 2. Tie between Gene% (PS) and Peters (PS), 12' 4" Shot Put.—l. Tidmore (OS) 50' 0V,"; 2. Tullar (PS) 50 3": 3. PooPler '(OS) AS' 1 1 / 2 " High Jump-1. Fftriers (PS) 6' 0": 2. Maloney (OS) 5' 10": 3. Leiss (08) 5' 8" Repairs Car Radios' Television - -- --- Phonographs Radios -- television /: service 1 - < -A center asS' at State College TV ' 232 S. Allen St. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Engineer to Go on Sole Articles on Russian technology, air education and aircraft will be included in the Penn State Engi neer on sale today and tomorrow. Engineer Girl of the Month will be Janet Beahan, sophomore in journalism from Sayre, Pa. sotry 1 Barber Shop Open Wed. Afternoon Closes Sat. at Noon 231 E. Beaver AD 8-8012 Collegian Credit Staff Meeting TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. in 215 Willard ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKIN or Himself Knows -, FILTER ...A SMOKING MAN'S T 9. Do you base your choice of YES 0 NO a cigarette on what people tell you rather than doing your own thinking? You'll notice that men and women who think for themselves ‘usually smoke VICEROY. Their reason? They've made a flanking choice. They know what they want in a filter - cigarette. They know that VICEROY gives it to them! A thinking man's filter and a smoking man's taste! *lf you have answered "YES" to three out of the first four questions . and "NO" to four out of the last five . . . you really think for yourself! 0: 959, Drown 4 Williamson Tobacco Como Over 15,000 Readers See These . . . + CLASSIFIEDS + ADS MUST HE IN HY 11:00 &A. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES CASH-17 words or loss CHARGE-12 words or less 0.50 ons insertion 0,75 two Insertions 01.60 three Insertions Additional wordo-3 for $.93 for sash dm, of Insertion FOR SALE AIR FORCE R.O T.C. Graduates—officer summer unifoine, Class A and Clads B. Size :Wt. Call Al) 7-408. NEW TYPEWRITER llntleni owl Golden Touch Portable—s7s.oo. Original price $134.50. Cull AD h-0325. ATTENTION iraL Airplane Builtiert— Closing out last items of Hobby Shop. Kits and engines at %ery low prices Call AD 7-275 k e%eninga. ATTENTION PHILATELISTS 1 Stamp col lection as whole or individual sets Cali AD 7-330 q. 1957 RENAULT Dauphine, nutornatlc clutch. white side." RIK 8000 miles 51,150. Call AD 8-6044 between 4 and 5 pm. TVs—COM PLETELY reconditioned, car- inns sites. 349—539. Television Service Center nt St to College T.V., 232 South Allen. FOR RENT MODERN FOUR-ROOM Anal trnent for ent in Carib e Hall. Haa onn oil heat ing plant. £6O per month. Write or phone R. M. Sitsattman, 401. E. Walnut St., Less Is to, n. Phone N-443'3. LARGE COMFORTABLE double toom, 2 blocks from campus: twin beds. ANail able now—s2o apiece per month. AD 7-4114. ---- - DOUBLE AND half double room, central location, nice furni4bingq. Ftee pallang Call AD 7-2294 or AD 7-7906. PLEASANT UNIVERSITY approved dou Lie room for gentlemen wishing quiet at 512 West Foster Ave. Call AD 7-2593. SIMILE: ROOM First floor beside shower Near campus, Male graduate preferred Call AD 7-2665. LOST HEMMI SLIDE. Rule in the vicinity of Whitmoie Lab. Finder call AD 8-147,3 CLASS RING (1055) and a birthitone ring with blue stone in HUB Fl War. Renard. Call 1476 M. POST SLIDE RULE Friday afternoon on College between Pugh and the Power Station. Call Jim AD I-7095. GREY SUBURBAN Coat in HUB Friday mottling. Hare your coat. Call Bill Adair EM 4-1342. Need car keys. HELP 1 I LOST my glasses at Delta Si, Sat. afternoon under that mass of coats. Please call Bob, AD 8-1380. SWITCHED GREY enrcoat in HUB dining room 10 a.m. Friday. You have mine. HO 6-4983, Martin Gettig. Do you prefer a salesman who is YES anxious to make a quick sale to one who will patiently answer all your questions about the product? When arriving late for a party, are YES you inclined to join a group of close friends rather than attempting to strike up new acquaintances? If you met somebody with a beard, YES would you tend to consider him "off beat" and treat him with reserve? Are you normally reluctant to go YES on a "blind date"Z TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1959 LOST V.:LAN RAINCOAT at Theta Delta Chi Feb. 13. Name Mitchell on inside collar, Pair of grey leather gloves in pocket. If found please call AD 8-9118. ==MI WANTED STUDENT TO share apartment with one Arch. and two Hus. Ad. students; living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bath Hi A Pine St. AD F-1973. 3IARRIED AG Student (no children) to ag,io in farm management—giaaa land farming and beef cattle—on nearby farm. Deluxe living accommodationa on premises. For full information write P.O. Box 142. state Colleze. Penna. WANTED A used Spanish guitar. Mali. mum price $lO. Call AD 7-4329 after 7 pm. SOMEONE TO write out samrie eentenrea for children's hook in perfect Palmer handwritinn. Contact Mr. Fleming HOme. stead 6.64911. . EXPERIENCED SAXOPHONIST an 4 drummer want mann anti bans for dance combo. Call Bob. AD 8-8880 before 8 a.m. or between 6 and 7 p.m. a NOTICE • mODERATELY PRICED meals at the - Borne Economics Cafeteria. Located at the Bouthend of the wound floor in Hoare Yconomic4 Building. Cafeteria service Tut.. day through Finlay 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 m. 'fable sets ice Tile Any through Thurs. day ".:10 pm. to 8:30 pm. Students in the Department of Hotel and institution Adminigtiation plan. prepare and ser e the food. MISCELLANEOUS HOME EC Club menthe's—Purchase Ban. t,oet tickets and nominate )eurselt for office this week in the H Er. Lobby. STOP TYPING with that worn-out ribbon! Select your new ribbon now from our large stock. Black, Red—Black in cotton and silk. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen Street. TYPEWRITER REPAIR is our specialty. Gwe US your machine—we'll give son fa,t. expeit repair and servicing. All vrorig clans in our State College repair Amp. Nitt l any Office Equipment, 231 South Allen Street. Phone Al) 8-6125. IF YOUR typewriter is giving you trouble our years of experience are at 7011 i command. Just dial AD 7.2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe, or acrobatic lessons. Park Foreet Villaze School of Dance. AD 11-1978. MODERATELY PRICED meals at the Home Economics cafeteria locrted at the southend of ground floor of Home Ito building. Cafeteria service Tuesday through Friday I 1 :10 a m.-12:30 p.m. Table service Tuesday through Thursday 6:90 p.m.-0:30 p m. Students in the department of Hotel and Institution Administration Plan, Pl ume and serve the food. r t•:.: t ~: 47Cs'''' ..Q.,-.....A., .: -, ..4.. -- -...4 . - 4, .. f 1 11 a. lk%' I f iCe D.,•/ 40 Ci,-(fe?. Ole ki semis'•'w 'VG 1116,..: 4 ; MAN'S STU.I Familiar pack or crush-