The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 21, 1959, Image 6

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Cagers Wallop Colgate
Scores 27
In 71-51 Win
Wally Colender scored 27
points last night, 20 coming in
the second half, to lead the
Penn State basketball team to
a 71-51 win over Colgate at
Hamilton, N.Y.
The Lions now have a season’s
record of 9-6 and can increase
that tonight when they meet the
Syracuse Orangemen at Syiacuse.
Colender, who has been spe
cializing in breaking games wide
open lately, did it again last night
as his 20-point outburst in the
second half left the Red Raiders
With the score 33-27 at the
outset of the second half, Colen
der hit for six points in three
minutes to give the Lions a 12-
point edge.
At the 10-minute mark Colgate
Was still close, but then Colender
dumped 14 more points through
the nets, and Colgate was fin
Paul Sweetland and Bob Ed
wards both had 17 points, and
it was their play that carried
the Lions to a 33-25 halftime
' Playing his first full game since
being injured at Navy 11 days
ago, Edwards led the Lions
in rebounds, witn nine. Sweety
land also helped off the boards,
pulling down five.
Tom Hancock, the Lion re
bound leader, didn’t play a good
portion of the second half be
cause Lion coach John Egii
wanted him to rest as much as
possible for the game with Syra
cuse tonight.
Penn State’s scoring leader—
Mark DuMars —experienced the
worst night of his collegiate ca
reer, scoring only two points
That was 14 under his customary
The 5-10 sophomore took a tre
mendous nding bom the highly
Sigma Chi,
DSPhi Win
In IM Swim
Sigma Chi ran away from Al
pha Chi Rho right from the start
in intramural swimming last
night, copping all five fusts to
win, 32-8.
Don Brubaker took the GO
- free style in 35.6. followed
bv teammate Jack Dellastatious.
Tom Barnes took successive firsts
in the 60-yard backstroke and
breaststroke events, with the los
er picking up its first points on
Jerry Ziegler’s, second in the
Brubaker, Dellastatious, Jim
Short and Norm Connors com
bined to take the relay in 1:05.4.
Short came right back to take
first in diving with a 17 7 total
Delta Sigma Phi followed suit
with another one-sided victory’
and five firsts to beat Lambda
Chi Alpha, 31-10.
Ron Kolb took the free style
with a 36.5 time, trailed by the
loser’s Jack Schweitzer. Walt
Gladhowski's 50.3 time won the
backstroke and Francis Varvoutis
took the breaststroke with 48.5.
The relay team of Jim East
man, Guv Tueci, Kolb and Var
voutis splashed in first, and Glad
howski repeated in diving with
a 10.6 total score.
Beaver House came close to
matching the clean sweep prece
dent, taking four firsts to whip
Beta Sigma Rho, 29-12. Tom
Creese took firsts in the free style
and breaststroke, while Irving
Klein brought the loser’s a first
in the backstroke. Melvin Swee
ney edged Tom Brandeis in div
ing 14.1 to 14.0.
W«lly Colender
. . . scores 27
partisan Colgate crowd through
out the whole game. Informed
sources said that DuMars began
to try too hard and as a result
he couldn’t get started.
Egli pulled him out of the line
up with 14 minutes remaining in
the game and he didn’t see any
more action.
But Colender, Edwards and
Sweetland took up the slack and
the Lions coasted the rest of the
Charley Hagenah was Colgate’s
leading scorer with 18 points. The
Red Raider captain is one of the
leading scorers on the New York
learn this season.
Art Brandon, a fiery little
playmaker, followed Hagenah in
the Colgate scoring department,
tallying 13 points.
The loss was the 11th for Col
gate this year; they have won
seven. It was aho their second
loss to the Lions.
Colender’s 27 point spiurge
was his highest mark this sea
son. His previous high was 26
against Syracuse two weeks ago
at Rec Hall when the Lions won,
81-72. He now leads DuMars in
the Lion scoring race, 247-235.
r(i K T KG F T
DuMars I 0 2 Htt£<*uah ft 6 18
Colender 12 3 27 Salisbury 2 15
Hancock 2 0 4 I,ud<l 10 2
Swtftlaml ,ft 517 Hntndon 6 1 13
Kduards ft 6 17 Nortim 2 15
0 2 2 Heathen 3 0 ft
Wilson 10 2 £mith 10 2
I recilnmn 0 0 0
28 15 71 Totals
...... A w. t„v rA Wir*p w
and NUCLEAR - »
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ramj«f ,' ftucfodr,, «4<M»ra*t‘typiii
(Continued from page one)
have its best chance of winning
the side horse, since the Lions will
be without the services of Cun
The Orange boast their only
undefeated performer in horse
man Cd Levine. But Wettstone
could come up with a big sur
prise in the person of Armando
iVega. The versatile Lion cap
tain considers the horse his
weakest event, but should give
Levine a tough ride for the lop
Syracuse’s publicity director,
Val Pmchebeck, feels that the
Orange have little chance of win
ning anything else: “Our top man
is captain Ed Levine, a junior
from Philadelphia. He is unde
feated in side horse competition
this season. Sophomore A 1 Bird is
a- good tumbler, but a bad hand
may keep him out of the Penn
State meet. Sophomore Ken Or
kin could score some points on
the high bar or rings.”
Wellslone's tumbling trio,
which swept the event from
Navy last week, will again be
composed of defending Eastern
champion Dave Dulaney. Jay
Werner and sophomore Bernie
Buhl, who will be filling in for
The Lions will still be able to
field strong trios on the high bar
and parallels, with Vega probably
working the p-bars and Werner
heading the high bar unit. Sava
dove and sophomore Bill Smith
will probably fill the other spots.
On the other hand, the Syra
cuse team has little top talent
beside Levine and Bird. In one
of their weakest years, they
have lost three of their four
meets to opponents that the
Lions have had little trouble
The Syracuse losses include a
5714-37 >2 decision to Pitt (whom
the Lions meet next Saturday), a
44*4-51 ’4 decision to Temple:
(Lions won by 20), a 70-26 decis
ion to Navy (Lions won by 38)
and a 6414-31 *4 decision to Army
(Lions won by 11).
21 y 5i
for Seniors and GraduaMlfl
Go After 6th
Dav* Dulaney
... may face Orange Bird
Baker's 223
Leads Triangle
To 4-0 Victory
In Fraternity League C action
last night, Triangle, led by Char
les Baker and Don Peters, troun
ced Pi Lambda Phi, 4-0. Baker
rolled a 223 single to take honors
for the night.
In other League C action, Al
pha Chi Sigma defeated Alpha
Kappa Lambda, 4-0; Acacia de
feated Sigma Alpha Mu, 3-1; Al
pha Chi Rho blanked Sigma Pi,
4-0; Phi Sigma Kappa beat Beta
Theta Pi, 3-1; and Delta Upsilon
shut out Beta Sigma Rho, 4-0.
In Fraternity League D, Theta
Xi beat Phi Sigma Delta, 3-1;
Kappa Delta Rho defeated Pi
Kappa Alpha, 3-1; Sigma Nu
blanked Chi Phi, 4-0; Alpha Sig
ma Phi beat Sigma Tau Gamma,
3- Beaver House shut out Alpha
Zeta, 4-0; and Sigma Phi Epsi
lon blanked Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Eg II Played lor Lions
In 1942 NCAA Tourney
John Egli, Penn State basket
ball coach, was a member of th®
1942 team which defeated Illinois
and lost to Dartmouth in Penn
State’s first venture into the
NCAA championship tournament.
McCoy Heads Gym Loop
Ernest B. McCoy, director of
athletics at the University, has
been elected president of the
Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnas
tics League, and to the executive
committee of the Eastern Inter
collegiate Football League.
CASH—J I nr® n Iw
CHARGE—I 2 ward* •> leas
8.58 ene Insertion
f. 75 two insertions
81.18 Him* iaaertiees
Additional ward*—2 far Ml
for aaafe day of tnaortien
Mtm iHiaawaaamaiiwaaaaiaafatwffHMlßMaaaaMmHlß
1953 PLYMOUTH Cranhrook, radio, heater,
tKiwtr extras, stood tires, fine motor*
Reasonable. A Damn 7-4004.
lection aa whole or individual sets. Cali
AD 7-sm ___
1957 RENAULT Dauphin*, automatic
clutch, white aide-walls, 8006 milww
$1,150. Call AD 8-0044 between 4 and
6 p.m.
1957 BRENTWOOD 47 ft. by 10 ft., 2 bed
room*, completely equipped including
doorstep and oil tank and stand—B4,4oo.
Write Mrs. Roy Swinamer, 1648 East
Pleasant Valley Blvd., Altoona, Penaa.
FREE WORLD-NEWS Map Riven to you.
Just subscribe to Time, 2S week* only
$1.98. Write to Penn State Macaaiue
Agency, Box 437, State College. (You may
change your add rest or stop subscription
during summer.)
TVs—-COMPLETELY reconditioned, var-
ious sizes. 849 —889. Television Servica
Center at State College T.V., 232 South
Allen. '
KURTZNER 6* 2'* grand piano. Good con
dition. $350. phone Altoona Windsor
DOUJBLE AND half double room, central
location, nice furnishings. Free parking*
Call AD 7-2294 or AD 7-7906.
ble- room for gentlemen wishing nuirt,
at 512 West Poster A\e. Call AD 7-2598.
SINGLE ROOM. First floor beside shower*
Near campus. Male graduate preferred*
Call AD 7-21)65.
SWITCHED GREY carcoat in HUB dining
room 10 a.m. Friday. You have mint.
HO 6-6983, Martin Gettig.
ZELAN RAINCOAT at Theta Delta Chi
Feb. 13. Name Mitchell on inside collar*
Pair of grey leather gloves in pocket. If
found pleftie call AD 8-9118.
RAINCOAT—Sunday afternoon, Sigma Nu.
Keys in pocket. Please return or call
Bill Hibter AD 7-3250.
A '*KAE” Slide Rule, black leather case
vicinity of Rtc Hall. Call Tom Loser
AD 8-6311.
GOLD GRTJEN watch enroute to East
Nittany Ave. from Boucke Building.
Phone Lee AD 7-2593.
MARRIED AG Student (no children) to
assist in faim management—gnu-s land
farming and beef cattle—on nearby farm.
Deluxe living accommodations on piemises*
For full information write P.O. Box 142*
State College, Penna.
X t" V' V
WANTED A used Spahfch guitar. Maxi
mum price 810. Call AD 7-4329 after
7 p.m.
SOMEONE TO write out sample sentenced
for children's book in perfect Palmer
handwriting. Contact Mr. Fleming HOme
stead 6-6296.
'r y 1 *
JOB OPPORTUNITY for young coeds.
Established business. Call Chet or Mark
AD 8-9952 for appointment
drummer want piano ami bass for dane*
eombo. Cali Bob, AD 8-S5BO before 8 a.m,
or between 6 and 7 p.m.
BOY TO share apartment with one Arch.
and two Bus. Ad. students. Lmng room,
kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bath,
U«A Pine Street AD 8-1973
CHEAP, USED piano. Call AD 6-1054.
TYPEWRITER REPAIR is our specialty.
Give US you machine —we’ll give you
fast, expert repair and semiring. All work
ilone in our State College repair shop.
Nittany Office Equipment, 231 South Allen
Street. Phone AD 8-6125.
atructiona every Saturday from 1:00 to
5:60. Competitive shooting every Sunday
from 1 rOO to 5:60 at Stock Pavilion next
to the Dairy Ruilding. Co-sponsored by
THE CAMFUSEERS—the same great band
ita always been, plus the addition of
Stan Michalski at piano—available for
second-semester bookintra. Call AD 1-3308.
PLAYBOY COMES to Phi Kappa Tau Sat,
Feif. 21. Everyone welcome, 8 ;00-l :08.
Get your '’Playmate” date now.
IF YOUR typewriter la giving you trouble
our years of experience are at your
command. Just dial AD 1411! or bring
machine to 033 W, Collage Ave.
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap
toe. or acrobatic lessons. Park Yarn,
Yiiiage School ef Sanaa. AD 8-1078,
wanted""" "