The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 12, 1959, Image 8

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Outing Club Party ÜBA to Return
To Include Dancing M oney f or Books
i Members of the Outing Club!
who would enjoy a night of squarej Money for books sold through
;and round dancing Saturday at,the U c ed Book Agency will be
the Civil Engineering cabin may| r fun( jed beginning at 9 a.m. Mon
sign up for the event, an over-'
night, at the Hetzel Union deskl day '
Home-grown optimism is the answer of the farm-bred unlil 9 am, tomorrow. j The ÜBA sold a total of 13,i89
*•«*"» •» «* «* .»*«. wss ”, im
l’i’s.siiiu.sin a ,„l cynicsm tr.ndcmarks «*. „ *»»*>«*. IU preylo™ record.
dont win any popularity contests in the rural districts which to attend, but a small fee will be ! Books taken in totaled 18,641
me teiativelv unimpressed by these “modern” attitudes, charged which was 4000 more than in any
' Coed's names that appear on! n tu,,,. c PmP<; t P r
.the list will be submitted to the! ' , L' , v. „„ tho ,
(tom farm communities seek em-. Dean of Women, for appioval of Students may p >P
Ployment in ele.ical fields Some! the ov ernight. ‘money from 9 until 4:30 Monday
secure operative jobs in factories,L ' rhe ice-skating division will through Friday in the Hetzel Un
while the rest enter the Diofes- ! a^e a V !p to Hershey Salutdayijon cardroom. Any books which
p «• - »■“ •» -
The variance in salaiies is wide zel Union Building. ituined to their owners.
with the boys who earn $B6 aj Instruction on canoeing will be! Students are reminded to have
week, as opposed to only $5O algiven at 10 a.m. Saturday behind! their blue receipts with them
week for the gills Osmond Laboiatory, 'when they come for refunds.
Tin*' iepoit was <oii.piled fiom aj
MMVey (.undue led by luiul SOCI-!
ologists at the University. t
’ibis suivey, begun ill
tiaied the lives of 11810 mini slu-|
dents fiom the beginning of thcirj
sophomoie vein m high school j
until the piesent The ongmalj
pm pose (if this suivey was to
study the migration of the mial'
youth to the cities to gam occu
pational advancement
The rosulfs of the survey show
that about one-third of the stu
dents polled have moved to
urban areas, sixty per cent have
remained in the same county,
and only twenty per cent have
left Pennsylvania.
Tins migration fiom farm to
f.utoiv in etuied because of
the students' (hsiie for independ
i nee, according to Dr Uoy C
Bu<k, assoc mte piofcssor ot rtnal
■ ociologv and dnectoi ot the stir
They tend to move to moas of
ihe count]y when- ceonoimc and
sniml conditions me better than
these in then homo atea. Some of
the miration has occulted be
came of otters ot better jobs and
high salaues
This surge of farm youth to
the cities has removed the sur
plus of farm laborers in ihe sur
veyed areas, wilh the younger
farmers replacing the older ones
at an equal rale.
Atcoidtng to the lesults of the
suivey, most faim youths who
have made the move to the city
tend to obtain operative jobs
ltmninjt iaetoiy nutehineiy. The
list become ciaftsmen or profes
The ho (jest number of 'be gnl
Arndt Appointed
To Housing Dep't
Donald T Arndt, a member of
tin- staff of the residence halls
(k'paitment at the University of
Michigan, ha- been appointed ad;
nunistrative assistant in the De
partment ot Housing hcie.
Otto K Mueller, director of
housing, said that Ailicit will han
tl'e personnel matters of the de
partment as well as budgetary'
and other business, lie fills a
vacanv created bv the le.signation
IoM fall of Francis 11 Gordon,
now manager of housing at the
Umveisitv of New Hampshire.
Ai ndt's appointment is effec
tive Feb 1.
I • A'T'v
jy . i \\
X 'S '1
They weie intioduced only last semester,
ami aheads. New Dual l'dtei Tarey tons are
the lug smoke on Ameiican rampuscs! How
come.' It’s because the uniijue Dual Filter
does mole than [list give \ou high filtration.
It seletts and b.tlanies the flavor elements
in the smoke to biing out the best in fine
tobacco taste. Tiy Fare)tons today—in the
bught new pack!
Here’s why Tareyton's Dual Filter
filters as no single filter can:
1. It combines the efficient filtering
action of a pure white outer filter...
2. with the additional filtering action of
activated charcoal in a unique inner
filter. The extraordinary purifyingTbil
ity of Activated Charcoal is widely
known to science. It has been defi
nitely proved that it makes the smoke
of a cigarette milder and smoother.
From Here-
(Continued from page four)
eliminate forest fires. A new
tobacco process would be used
to extinguish the cigarette butt
soon after it is discarded. Who
said it’s what up front that
Evidently the bakers’ union
quashed this invention: It was
a machine called the “auto
plane” that would convert har
vested gram directly into bread
without making flour or carry
ing out the complicated pro
cesses of breadmaking.
Wonder if our kids will get
as much a kick out of reading
of the gimmicks we have come
up with in 1959?
CASH—I 7 wtfrds or leas
CHARGE —12 words or less
$.50 one Insertion
$.75 two Insertions
91.00 three Insertions
Additional words—3 for $95
for tach day of insertion
FOr’sALE “
1957 ALL-STATE Super Motoiscooter. $195,
Phone AD 8-0758
HERE AT Weiser Impelled Cais we be-
Hove that honesty lb the best policy* For
this reason we h«\e our mechanic fill
out a "repoit vntd” on each of our used
c«** § in order ot provide you with infor
mation. Stop by and look over our excel
lent car's true condition. Stop by and
look over our excellent selection of used
cars that aie honestly evaluated 3 miles
North of town on Rt. 322 AD 7-4171.
Open 7-9 week nights.
1967 K'V CHAMPION House Tiailer two
tone bine, birch mtenor, washing ma
chine and extras. Call after 5 30 p.m.
AD 7-7767.
1953 RED CHEVROLET convemble. fully
new top See Mel Franks in
Rec Hall Equipment Room.
HOCKEY SKATES, sizes 9 and 7, good
shape, cheap. Bruce AD 7-3014.
bREE WALL-SIZE full-color World New#
Map (limit onlv i?5O maps) given to >ou.
Just subscribe TIME, 2h weeba only %\ 9H.
Write to Pt-nn State Magazine Agency, Box
437, State College.
ONE # SINGER sewing machine, walnut
cabinet, matching stool, all attachments,
many extras in peifect condition, like
hew! Call AD 8-8639.
NAVAL OFFICER'S unifotm, size 40. On«
nevy tropical woisted, one used blue.
Call AP 8-0778 evenings.
ONE PAIR men’s black Italian Ski Roots,
size 9’m. Modem at “Hue,' excellent, re
conditioning. *22.60. AD S-0724.
1964 MERCURY Monterey hardtop, stand
ard shift. I'idio ht„tei. whitewall*}, yellow
bottom, green top, Call AD 8-150 L
DOUBLE ROOM, cooking privileges and
refrige/atoi. private enttance and shower
bath, free yaiking, very quiet. Phone
AD 7-2887.
DOUBLE ROOM, two Works f loin campus.
Tv in bed-, etc.—s2o apiece, a month.
Call AD 7-1144
SIN(U E ROOM for tent. S«J weekly. 214
W. College A\e. AD 7-2707.
students one block from campus. 224 S.
Pugh. 425/mo, Al> 7-3052.
ONE DOUBLE and one-half double room.
Reasonable tales. Call AD 7-4933, ask
for Walls.
TWO ROOM efficiency apnitment, particu
larly suited foi two male students* Call
AD 8-8836.
DOUBLE ROOM with or without board
close to lampus; next to paiking lot,
213 S Pugh St
ROOM FOR lent above Campania Shoe Re
pair. act oss from Atheiton Hall. Call
AD 8-8172,
EXTRA LARGE double room in modern
home uiih kitchen privileges-*, within
walking distance. 318 W. Prospect Ave.
ROOM FOR one or two students. Close
to campus 230 S. Pugh. $26.00 month.
Phone AD 7-3052.
GOLD WATCH, \hmity of HUB, before
e\ams. Call Bob EJlenbeiger AD 7-2926.
’A ITER AT Delta Tau Delta. Call AD
7-1079. Ask foi cateier.
TYPING, REPORTS or thesis. Experienced,
__Quick, dependable work. Call AD 7-3954.
RIDE TO Fort Lauderdale for four girls
over Faster vocation. Will help drive.
Ext. (>J2_; Wiila or Julie.
STUDENT TO woik 20 hours per week to
maintain low-frequency ti an*mitt*r«.
Somee\pu fence necessary. Apply 22'i E.E.
STUDENT?—KAHN up to $1.50 per hour
wot king two or three evening* of your
•moire '•ettinir bowling pins. Downtown
Dux Club, 12S South Pugh
ALE ROOMMATE to bhare apartment
one block from campus. $25 per month.
Call AD 7-3051).
"know,” jmi should be eaieful of your
little toe. S.O L.
BERMUDA BOUND? Lowest price avail
able. (lirU $197, including meals; Boys
$147, breakfast. S da>s. Call Tom Brandeis
AD 7-4M4.
~’ r C> ■
(EE, Black Cocker Fuppiea. Male, eight
week* old. Call AD 8-1338.
IF YOUR typewriter is giving you trout))*,
our years of experience are at your
command. Just dial AD 7-2492 or bring
machine to 632 W. College Ave.
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap,
toe, or aciobatic lessons. Park Forest
Villaga School of Dance. AD 8-1071.