TUESDAY. FEBRU, ARY 10. 1959 Library, (Continued jro other universities Another area cited for neeessai educational televi ing. Twenty diffei now being televi; of keeping the qu tion high as the e A stale-wide hi ing ail the campu with the main ct planned for the that students off participate in Ik classes. m page one) which Walker ly expansion is ision broadcast lent courses are ;ed as a means iility of instruc inrollment rises, ookup conneci i >es and centers c mpus is being rear future so : campus might : e University's d of the close exists between 1 the Common made possible Walker also to! relationship which the University am wealth. This is RESULTS f CLASSIFIEDS FOR GOOD USE COLLEGIA} THE M THE TAVERN TAVERN TAVERN m i m RESTAURANT RESTAURANT RESTAURANT I TOW. fc-T— >jL.:.=a i...n=li For the tastiest SEA FOOD . in town spend an evening at the TAVERN TAVERN TAVERN ** m 1 RESTAURANT, resiAURAnJ USWmt J i x Ifr i hoi(, hail $* wl on American £xpnss 195*1 Sfudentlouts of Ein>pe Wherever, whenever, however you travel, your best assurance of the finest, service is American Express! On American Express Student Tours of Europe you’ll be escorted on exciting itineraries covering such fascin ating countries as England . . . Belgium . . . Germany ... Austria ... Switzerland ... Italy ... The Rivieras . . . and France. And you’ll have ample free time and lots of individual leisure to really live life abroad! 7 Student Tours of Europa . . . featuring distinguished leaders from prominent colleges as tour conductors . . . 40 to 62 days... by sea and by air... $1,397 and up. 4 Educational Student Tours of Europe ... with experienced escorts ... by sea ... 44 to 57 days... $872 and up. Other European Tours Available . . . from 14 days . . . $672 and up. Also, Tours to Florida, Bermuda, Mexico, West indies and Hawaii. You can lalways Travel Now—Pay Later when you go American Express! Member: Institute of International Education and Council on Student Travel. For complete information, see your Campus Repre sentative, local Travel Agent or American Express Travel Service ... or simply mail the handy coupon. AMERICA!! EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICE J 65 Broadway, New York 6, N, Y. */# Trawl Sata DuUUm • Yes! Please iiend me complete information ® about 1959 Student Tours of Europe! Name.......! Address * City Zone State • rtOTtCT YOUR TRAYU fUo» WITH MKKMS EXTOSS TUTREKCSMES-SfINDABU IVERYWHfRI «mv mw for vow cwMsofowm mtuam anm worummm wuon sabo Salaries Cited— through the woik of commissions consisting of educators from all colleges and universities m the state. By serving on these com missions the University becomes ilinked with the educational needs lof the Commonwealth, Walker said. We wire flowers FTD %{Joo(lrirtg J 117 E. Beaver State College THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA PENN STATE OUTING CLUB For recreation and fun the Penn State Outing Oiub offers the following.* SKATING DIVISION Free instruction, skating at the campus skating rink, a skating library, organ ized skating trips and equipment purchase discounts for members. SKIING DIVISION Free instruction, ski slopes, organised ski trips, skis and equipment for rent Jo members, 1,866 ft. ski tow and equipment purchase discounts for members. Fishing equipment, archery equipment for rent to members, archery ranges, hunting trips, fishing trips, tournaments and shoots and equipment purchase discounts for members. CABIN AND TRAILS DIVISION Bike hikes, hiking trails, hikes, cabin parlies, shelters, campouis and cockouis. 4 ROCK CLIMBING DIVISION Rappelling gear and other equipment for rent to members, organized trips, free instructions and purchase discounts for members. CANOE DIVISION Canoes and allied equipment for rent by members, free instructions, organized trips and equipment purchase discounts for members. Additional Information: All trips leave from behind Osmond at the time designated. Sign up at the HUB desk. You can join the P.S.O.C. at any event or meeting and in the club office in the Watertower Mon., Wed., Fri. 4:30-5:30; Sat. 11-1. C^aienclar — FEBRUARY 11 Field and Stream Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 12 Main Club Meeting, 7:00, HUB Auditorium 14-15 Cabin Party, 8:00, ME Cabin 19 Ski Div. Meeting, 7:00, 111 Boucke 25 Cabin and Trail Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard MARCH 5 Canoe Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 10 Skating Div. Meeting, 7:30, 111 Boucke Rock Climbing Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 11 Field and Stream Div. Meeting (nominations), 7:00, 017 Willard 12 Main Club Meeting, 7:00, HUB Auditorium 14-15 Cabin and Trail Cookout and Overnight, 8:00, Forestry Cabin 15 Rock Climbing, Chilcoat Hollow 19 Ski Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard (Elections) 22 Rock Climbing, Hunter Rocks 24 Cabin and Trail Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 25-31 Ski Trip APRIL 1 2 5 7 Field and Stream Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard Main Club Meeting, 7:00, HUB Auditorium Rock Climbing, Huntingdon Rock Climbing Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard Skating Div. Meeting, 7:30, 203 Willard Canoe Div. Meeting. 7:00, 317 Willard Cabin and Trail Shenandoah Trip Rock Climbing, Coburn Ski Div. Meeting, 7:00, 111 Boucke Cabin and Trail Hayride, 7:30 Rock Climbing, Hunter Rocks Cabin and Trail Div. Meeting, 7:00r317 Willard Field and Stream fishing trip to Penns Creek Rock Climbing, Horn Run Cabin and Trail Hike, 2:00 Rock Climbing Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 2 Field and Stream Fishing Trip to Spruce Creek 2-3 "Last Chance" Cabin Party, 8:00 (Cabin and Trail) 3 Rock Climbing, Mill Creek Take down ski rope tow, 2:00, behind Osmond 6 Field and Stream Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 7 Main Club Meeting, .7:00, HUB Auditorium 9 Field and Stream Fishing Trip to Spruce Creek 10 Rock Climbing, Cobum 14 Canoe Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard 16 Field and Stream Fishing Trip to Loyalsock 17 Rock Climbing, Horn Run 19 Rock Climbing Div. Meeting, 7:00, 317 Willard FIELD AND STREAM DIVISION