The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 05, 1959, Image 10

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Cornell, Pitt Grab EIWA USC Fires
Lead With 2-0 Marks Recruiters
Cornell, Penn State’s next opponent, and Pittsburgh
appear to bo the “teams to beat’’ in the Eastern Intel collegiate
Wrestling Association this season.
The two unbeaten clubs, which finished one-two in the
EIWA tourney last year, currently share first place in the
unofficial EIWA standing Both'
aie 2-0
However, Cornell has been Nick Pappas, field secretary of
beaten m outside competition. , jthe school’s alumni association,
The defending eastern titlisis ! Asst Football Coach A 1 Da
, jut e , , ivis no longer will recruit ath
were bounced by lowa Stale, ; (Continued from page nine) lletes. But both will be tendered
18-11, a month ago. Pitt, on the I Cowan. Dulaney, a senior, tookjother positions in the university
other hand, has escaped the ex- j first in five meets but Cowan.Davis may continue as an assis
hibition trail unscathed and j bested him twice last year tant coach.
owns an overall mark of 5-0. j The th|rd spQt wi „ probablv The move follows drastic pen-
Cornells loop wins have come!. . , T . allies imposed on Southern
over Yale, 17-10, and Lehigh, 0 L° u Savadove. But California in January by ihe
14-11. Michigan fell, 18-12, in ex- wettstone could use juniors Lee National Collegiate Athletic
hibitiun. Pitt lias beaten Syracuse .Cunningham, who finished sec-j Assn.
and Army of the EIWA plus ond, third and fourth in his onlyi Borman H. Topping, USC
Mulligan. Mai>land and Lock Ha-, h , , , T w ' | president, emphasized that he
yen. ( tniee mets last year, or day wei- jdoes not belleve usc deserved
The F.IWA team standings do " er ’ t who fin " hed f cond 1,1 the the punishment He said
not piodu<<* the oificial ElWAj^ at,tern tumbling championships.} This week the Faculty Com
winner, howevei That has to be! With the addition of °n. Athletics completed its
decided at the league's annual'ham on the side horse, the Lions (investigation. Although the com
tournament in March. And for the should “hold their own’’ against! 111 .,, SOI P e doubts as to our
past two years, the “standings” a H competition. The side horseP-Hi"’ , 15 c ea f ' ve have
titlist has failed to cop the officialjis the one real problem apparatus f IU ? er . b , ee P R ui “y °‘ minor and
crown. Lehigh was fust in stand- for Wettstone. Besides Cunning-;technical infractions or that we
ings last winter, but Cornell won ham he has available Ernie Lof-I" a . practices which
the official c rown. The previous even and Dave Palmer. might be interpreted as violations
yeai, Penn State bent out “stand- T n nickino a Viinh knr 01 c , e
ines” kinimin Pitt tor the official' w*. f ,clcm 9 a *}»9 h bar trio, , The NCAA placed ihe school
FUVA l He oltiual Wettstone will eliminate Sava- , on two years' probation for of
' .. ’ ... , , s P eciabze s or > the bar j fering improper inducements to
Cornell was idle over the past with scores of 230 and 243 to lwo stuSeni athletes. This made
weekend but Pitt and nine dale The season is simple—all USC ineligible to enter NCAA
other league teams saw action, of Wetlslone's "Big 3" can. and championships or invitational
Pitt wh lP ped Army, 23-3, as the have, easily lopped the 243 events and to participate in
Panthers recorded six decisions j mark. The three are Vega, Cun- NCAA-controlled television pro
and one fall (by national champ j ntngham and Werner. | grams.
Paul Powell) against a lone de- ; They will also work file flying! In (he new’ order, the entire re
. Army s heavyweight rings with Werner given asponsibility for contracting pros-
Bob Novogratz. SLIGHT advantage. Cunninghamlective student athletes will rest
In other refults, Lehigh edgechwill be working "the rings for the ! in the Department of Intercolle-
Yale, 15-11, Harvard clobbered first time in his collegiate career. ;giate Athletics.
Dartmouth, 27-.’l, Princeton Werner and Vega will combine!
blanked Temple, 32-0. Columbia with Savadove on the parallel!,- . . _
tnppi'd Biown. lti-15, and Captain Vpga, twice Eastern! Foreigners Dominate
ionise Penn Sta t o beat Navy, and national p-bar king, holds the- 1 Penn State traditionally has
17-3. .advantage here Ibeen known for its “home-grown”
Cm noil meets State and Lehigh
visits Navy in the top league
matches this weekend Pitt plays
iiost to Mankato State Teachers
You Think for
.IF t rs
The Man Who Tl
Wet (stone “feels” the meet;
should be the best one of the
year between “two of the na- 1
t'on’s best teams—Penn State and
'Army” Tomorrow: Army.
If you get stuck on a crossword puzzle,
do you (A) finally refer to a dictionary,
or (B) leave the puzzle unfinished?
Would you rather be (A) the designer of
the first successful space vehicle to the
moon, or (B) the first man to ride in it?
If you were faced with two tasks, one
pleasant and the other unpleasant,
would you first do (A) the unpleasant
task, or (B) the pleasant task?
If you find you aren't doing well in
an activity, do you (A) concentrate
on it to improve your performance, or
(B) devote your attention to things in
which you do excel?
inKs Tor liiiYisGiT ivnows n filter...a smoking man’s t
In Change
versity of Southern California:
yesterday announced a sweeping!
icorganiration of its athletic pro-!
gram and relieved two recruiters
of their duties.
athletic teams. Not so with bas
ketball, with three regulars—
Bob Edwards. Ted Kubista, and
Wally Colender hailing from
New Jersey.
*□ -□
. ii*ca If fr { ANSWER THESE Questions)
.? 1:s r 0 6e
9. When making your choice of a I |
filter cigarette, do you (A) act A | | B
on the basis of what someone
tells you, or (B) think it
. through for yourself?
If you’re the kind of person who thinks jor
yourself . . . you use judgment in your
choice of cigarettes, as in everything else.
Men and women who think for themselves
usually smoke VICEROY. Their reason?
Best in the world. They know that only
VICEROY has a thinking man’s filter and
a smoking man’s taste. ~ ———
*lf you checked (A) on three out of the first
four questions, and (B) on four out of the last
five ... you really think for yourself!
The Sporfseer
— By Lou Prato
Sports Editor
This will be redemption weekend for Penn State's still
unproven wrestling team.
The Lion matmen visit Cornell Saturday afternoon at
Ithaca, N.Y. and a victory over
,ions would be just the thing that
iwould silence the Nittany mat'
! . !
Ever since the calsstrophic
Lehigh affair (we'll refer fo if
as an affair although we can
think of a more descriptive but
unprintable noun). Lion fans
have been crticizing the grap
plers. And with good reason.
Penn Slate's performance a
gainst the Engineers that Satur
day night was one of the worst
exhibitions of wrestling ever
seen at Hec Hall.
Coach Charley Speidel’s men
not only appeared out of shape,
but with one or "two exceptions
they seemed to lack the desire
and hustle that has marked pre
vious Lion wrestling machines.
And the 6000 mourners who wit-
Inessed the meet still haven’t re
covered. Even the fact that the
I Lions have bounced back with
; victories over Army, 15-9 and
(Navy; 17-8 hasn’t helped sooth
'matters. Not many fans saw the
(Army meet because it occurred
[during the semester break, and
! the Navy tilt was held at An
So, most of the wrestling crowd
is awaiting the results of the Cor
nell meet before re-giving the
Lions a vote of confidence. A win
over the Big Red would defi
nitely bring the fans scampering
back to Rec Hall for the home
final against Maryland next Satur
day. And even a close loss would
probably do it. But another defeat
like the Lehigh fiasco and only
the die-hards (yours truly in-
Would you prefer to play tennis with
an opponent you know to be (A) not
quite so good as you, or (B) a
slightly better player?
In deciding whether to see a movie, 1 I I I
are you more influenced by (A) what A | | B J |
a casual friend tells you about it, or
(B) what you know of the cast and story?
If you were a multimillionaire, would .(" I _ I I
you rather have (A) everyone know it, A l 1 B | |
or (B) only a very few know it?
Do you take more notice of someone’s . I 1_ I 1
(A) good looks, or (B) good manners? A | I B | j
• 1950, Brown a WJllUmson Tobacco Cory,
Win Over Cornell
Will Regain Fans
the defending eastern champ-
eluded here) will turn out for
We are not going to predict
the outcome of the Cornell
match—and there is a good
reason here, too. Everytime we
use our crystal ball, Penn State
seems to end up on the short
end of the score. (We still
haven't recovered from the
Army football game.) But we
do feel that the Lions have a
chance to beat the Big Red
Speidel’s men have improved
greatly since that Lehigh disas
ter. (Of course, they couldn’t have
gotten much worse). They gave
a mediocre performance against
Aimy and looked very “respect
able” against the Middies.
With just a little more effort
against Cornell, the underclass
men-dominated team could reach
its known potential.
What about the individuals?
Well, in our opinion, the most
impressive wrestler has been jun
ior Danny Johnston. He’s unbeat
en in four outings and is beating
his foes rather handily.
Bui his menial altitude to
wards wrestling has also stood
out. He seems to fit into the
same mold as Penn State's great
130-pound national champion
Johnny Johnston, who grad
uated last year. Same desire.
Same hustle. Same will-10-win.
And same attitude towards his
teammates. It's interesting to
note that both Johnstons were
products of the same high
school wrestling system—Clear
(Continuecl on page eleven)
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