PAGE TWO Geneva Deadlock Flares Into Russian Accusations GENEVA (P)—A nightmare of frustration yesterday gripped the 10-nation conference on prevention of surprise attack. Russian tempers flared after a month's discussion in which East and West have failed to agree even on a plan of work, Soviet delegates angrily accused the West of trying to trick the Communist bloc by Tro jan horse tactics into accepting espionage agents in the role of international inspectors. International warning systems outlined in Western documents would serve as Trojan horses, they said, prying into all sorts of things behind the Iron Cur tain and establishing the loca tion of Soviet missile pads. Across the table, the Western ers denied it It was a dramatic illustration of the deadlock that has persisted in milder form since the conference opened in Gene va's Palace of the United Nations Nov. 10. The experts of the five West ern powers—the United Stales, Britain, France, Italy and Canada—came to Geneva to engage in a technical study of the problems of surprise attack. They believed that was the un derstanding arrived at in the correspondence last spring and summer between President Eis enhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. But the representatives of the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslo vakia, Romania and Albania have horn the first tried to transform the talks into a general disarma ment conference. Until Thursday, the atmosphere was friendly. * CATHAUM Now - 11:25, 2:35, 5:45, 9:00 52 Best Picture Awards & World-Wide Honors _.& MICHAEL TODD'S 41 " 4 ‘ 1211 12c1 theiga vw 4 / 8 0 dogS * NITTANY NOW - DOORS OPEN B:4S GLENN FORD "Don't Go Near the Water" SATURDAY - Doors Open 1:15 MARLON BRANDO "The Young Lions" If you're wondering what to get for the people on your Christmas list and hoping that your college-size budget Will hold out, don't get in a dither. Stop into the Blair Shop today. The gals on your list will be glad to get imported jewelry for Christmas this year. Select bracelets, necklaces, pins or handpainted earrings. May we also suggest jewel boxes, cigarette boxes, linens or crystal. Stop into the Blair Shop today and solve your Christmas shopping problems. P.S. We'll Gift Wrap Free of Charge and mail your yatkageg until Dee. II The Blair Shop 142 S. Allen St. USSR Charged With Terrorizing UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. The United States charged yes terday that the Soviet Union and its agents in Budapest are keeping the Hungarian people under a "scourge of terror." AmbasFador Henry Cabot Lodge told the 81-nation General Assem bly it must "face the fact now that the reign of terror, of which the salient feature was the killing of Imre Nagy, still continues in full force." He made the statement in call ing on the Assembly to condemn the Soviet Union anew for the re pression in Hungary, and to de nounce the present Hungarian re gime for the executions of former Premier Nagy, General Pal Male ter and "o th e r Hungarian pa triots." State's Fund Falls Short HARRISBURG (/P)—The State Revenue Department said yester day Pennsylvania's general fund fell more than 53 million dollars short of official expectations dur ing the past 18 months. THE irk ENN STATE rLAYERS TONIGHT and TOMORROW at tenter Stage i4c- 7 , ...../he Reluctant 2)etulante The Perfect Holiday Show! In a Dither over Christmas shopping? THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Federal Judge Threatens Hoffa WASHINGTON (!P)—A federal court threatened yesterday to oust James R. Hoffa as president of the Teamsters Union unless he and other officials of the union quit blocking and obstructing rec ommended reforms. F. Dickinson Letts, 83-year old U S. District Court judge, directed Hoffa and other Teamsters chiefs to obey orders of court-named monitors to house clean the 1 1 / 2 - million-member union. Letts in effect armed the three man monitor board with power to enforce his cleanup orders. Record Output Predicted WASHINGTON (IP)—ln a fore cast built on favorable reports from seven key segments of busi ness, the United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday predicted a 5 per cent rise in jobs, produc tion and income in 1959. Dr. Emerson P. Schmidt, the chamber's chief economist, fore saw a gradual rise to a record na tional output of around 475 billion dollars next year. WORLD WIDE PICTURES prosents THE DRAMATIC BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC FILM SCHWAB AUDITORIUM 7:30 p.m. TONIGHT' Public Invited Soviet Says West Avoids Settlement in West Berlin MOSCOW (il)— The Rus- Berlin, 110 miles deep in East Germany. The official Soviet news sians accused the West last agency said the Western powers night of stalling on the Krem _ are avoiding a business like set lin's proposal to convert West ilement : Premier Nikita Khrushchey Berlin into a neutralized free turned thumbs down on Western suggestions for a discussion of the city. Berlin issue in a conference on Tass criticized the reaction of President Eisenhower and other Western statesmen who have said Washington (!P) The Unit ed States served notice on Rus sia and the world last night that it "will not be deterred by threats" fr o m defending its rights in protecting West Ber lin. the United States, Britain and France intend to hold fast in West EUROPE Dublin to the Iron Curtain: Africa to Sweden. You're accompanied not herded around. College age only. Also short trips. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia (Box C) Pasadena. Calif. NOW TATE ... Feat. 1:47, 3:43, 5:39. 7:35, 9:31 lentsms WILD DAYS—WWI THIS MIT BUCK AIM SUDDEN WADI DAME CMIEN:TO•CIiCEKI . • M•G•M ileinemskovo .4 1.2TP001.011 ROBERT TAYLOR-CIO NOME •lEE I COBB nems.. apart rows. famomemsa 41 her „, thristos Her feminine heart craves lingerie like ours for Christmas . . . lacy and luxurious in lush colors and fabrics. Select now from heavenly slips, petti- coats, gowns, and pajamas. smart shop FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1958 the bigger question of divided Germany's future. He said in an interview published by an inde pendent Munich newspaper, Sud deutsche Zeiting, he did not be lieve the West would start a war over Berlin, "because the other side (Russia's) also has tanks and other, even more powerful weap ons, which would not remain in active." sssssssssessssssssssasoo WMAJ 0:30 8:32 -- 8:30 8:45 8:47 11:00 12:30 ...---..---- 1:00 1:15 Contact 5:00 5:05 5:06 5:35 6:00 6:15 _--- _ Sports Special 6:30 7:00----- Fulton Lewis Jr. 7:15 7:45 --- Public Service Promo* 8:00 ---- ... News 8:05 _--- WDFII7 Programs 10:00---- News 10:05 --------- Groovology 11:00 11:05 11:10 12:00 12:05 1:00 123 5. Alien Sign Oa Morning Show Morning Devotions News Headlines Morning Show News Swan Shot. Clossieal Interludo Mania at btwas County News What's Coins Oa Musk Show Grossology News and Sport. GrossolasS Nowa and Sparta