PAGE TWO Class Cutting Weather Forecaster Boasts Experience Proposal Rechanneled By BILL JAFFE If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. The University administra tion has found that axiom applicable to the Student En campment recommendations for a revision in the class cut ting policy. President Eric A. Walker Thursday referred a 1958 En campment request for consid eration of a revised clan cut ling policy to the Senate Com mittee on Academic Standards. He also sent to the committee a recommendation that exemp tions from final examinations for certain students be consid ered. The 1957 Encampment recom mendation concerning class cuts Was sent to a sub-committee of the Educational Policy Commit tee. This sub-committee did not fa vor a change in the policy and reported to the Educational Pol icy group, The present cut system has been under frequent fire from students Recommendations from both the 1958 and 1937 Student Encampments asked that unlimi ted cuts be given to sophomores, juniors and seniors. In making its recommendation in 1957. the Encampment recog ni7ed that a student attending the University is expected to at tend his classes, but added: "Through missing classes, the student misses essential infor• mation and thus actually penal• izes himself," The only allowance now for un excLbecl absences rests with the individual professors Senate reg ulations stipulate a student• may be "excluded from class" if a professor feels irregular atten dance has been affecting his course work. However, instructors' policies range from allowing no cuts to never taking roll call. The Academic Standards Com mittee is chaired by Arthur D. Brickman, associate professor of mechanical engineering 'I ate' Grace Ends, Biackmarks Begin As a result of Women's Student Government Association's abol ishment of the 4-minute grace period •for women, coeds will be given one blackmark for up to four minutes lateness beginning last nieht Audrey Jersun. ehair man of WSGA Judicial. said. The WSGA Judicial hoard is sued an 11-day strict campus to a sophomore woman at the meetine this week Previously, the coed had received one 1 o'clock re-I moval for intentional five min utes lateness. She received a strict 10-day campus for viola tion of that penalty. The board issued ay. recent 11-dav strict campus for violation of the 10- dav punishment. She must also finish the remainder of the 10- day strict campus. WSGA Judicial also issued two lenient weekend campuses and 31 blackmarks for violations in the past two weeks. By JANET BEAHAN ► job it Is to draw up the daily, equipment for more accurate ers analyzes and interprets the The weather prophet for The:forecast, has been predicting rain s data. situation. Thorough experience and knowledge of the probable Daily Collegian can't blame in or shine since he was 10 years old) For the past three years, he' :was under contract with the - U S future movement of winds. experience for any inaccuracies{ His Ural real interest came • ' Weather Bureau as a cooperative Pressure centers and veld and in hi - s weather reports—he's been; at abort we er When be began ! o b se r ver . Last year. while a stu... warm fronts. Myers draws his , keeping * disci of changes , _ (dent at the cgontz Center. he did , own conclusions. at it too long. i the wiather. As he got - older, Joel Myers, sophomore in mete-, his interest broadened and he rology from Philadelphia, whose; began building and purchasing INSIDE AND OUT . . . Collegian weather forecaster Joel Myers co his weather predictions. He also collects information from inst Group Cabins Out For Stone Valley All-University Cabinet has voted to prohibit the building of cabins by private organizations in the Stone Valley Rec reation area. Mark Smythe, president of the this Thursday night as a negative club's survey of projects for the, Stone Valley area. The negative recommendation was approved by Cabinet mem bers on the grounds that if every private organization built cabins, the area would become over crowded and defeat its purpose as a recreational project Smythe stated in his report that since the proposed cen trally located main lodge con taining a dining area. dance floor, sleeping facilities and other facilities would be ade quate for staging social events, other cabins would not be nec essary. Cabinet deleted another nega tive recommendation that no duplication of facilities presently on campus such as tennis courts and ball diamonds be planned for the area. Jack Kendall, president of En gineering and Architecture Stu dent Council, pointed out that at present there are not enough ten nis courts on campus to accom modate the students. Members felt that courts la THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PeNtvara.vrtivi" By CATHY FLECK the Stone Valley area would provide students with a. better opportunity to play tennis if they so wish. Cabinet also deleted a recom-' mendation that bicycle trails be planned for the area. Members decided that bridle paths pre viously proposed could serve as bicycle paths. Cabinet adopted a motion made by Robert Laßar, president of Agriculture Student Council, that Smythe's suggestions be recom mended to the President's Com mittee on Policy to be incorpo rated into the master plan in so far as they do not conflict with 'that plan, The report was adopt ed as amended. EUROPE Dublin to the Iron Curtain; Africa to Sweden. Too're areesarkanied not herded around. College age only'. Also short trips. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia (Boa C) Pasadena., Calif. Outing Club, presented recommendation in the (benefit and posted them for the of students and faculty. Now that Myers is in college, his 'l5-year-old brother, Barry, has taken over the responsibility. In preparing his daily forecast for Collegian, Myers .makes about three trips to the observatory lo cated on the third floor of the' Mineral Industries Building. From] the instruments on the roof that record the data in the Weather, room, he takes a reading on the] weather conditions in State ColH lege temperature, dew point, wind speed and direction, amount] of cloudiness and barometric, pressure , . From reports of conditions across the continent which coat in on two teletype machines, and his own information. 'My- —Collegian photo by Bob Thompson lects data from instruments atop Mineral Industries Building for ents-inside the building. Dance Set for Tonight By West Hails, Nittany "Winter Fantasy," a semi-for mal dance sponsored jointly by West Halls and Nittany Councils, will be from 9 to 12 tonight in the Hetzel Union ballroom. The music will be provided by the Carnpuseers. Admission is free, but is limited to couples on ly. Law Prof Will Visit A Cornell Law School profes sor will visit the University on Monday to speak to interested students. STUDENT FILMS PRESENTS "PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR BENSON" Technicolor CHARLTON HESTON JULIE ADAMS SAT. DEC. 6 7:30 & 9:30 SUN. Dec. 7 6:30 at HIM Assembly Room oaeeeseeeeeeeeesesoeeeeo WMAJ hi °MIMI Devotions 11:11I _ _ 12:31 UttP!IMCG=M=II= MM;=MEMgEg Nrws and Mutate 6:3e --.---- Leo AM Show lomo Lii's sod new Imo Gt=il== 11/A1 11:00 11:11 11:10 i2:so t2:114 lat isff SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1958 Although the weather bureau and amateur reporters are ridi culed a great deal, Myers asserts their predictions are about 86 per cent accurate. He adds that his are about the same. There are many factors such as wind velocity and direction, that are so flexible that 100 per cent accuracy is impossible. Myers is at still more disadvan tage as the data he has used is a day old by the time his forecast appears in Collegian. Weather prediction is ridiculed a great deal but it is very scien tific. Rockets don't always get off the ground and doctors make mis takes. Forecasting is as accurate as many of 'he other sciences, Myers maintains. * CATHAUM * NOW SHOWING * Pat Boone - Tommy Sands "MARDI GRAS" * NEXT WEDNESDAY * AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS Olga On * NITTANY * TODAY - ALL DAY * Gary Cooper "The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell" * DEC. 7 lo DEC. 13 * HIT MOVIES OF 19511 SUNDAY CLARK GABLE BURT LANCASTER "RUN SILENT RUN DEEP" MONDAY YUL BRYNNER "BROTHERS KARAMAZOV" COMING "Marjorie Morningstar" "The Enemy Below" "Kings Go Torii" "Don't Go Near the Water" "The YOUtte Lima" ==:l =l2==l Hondas Show Swap Shop &taste it Nam' Corot News =MEM Now* and Sparta ESE M7MC= rr=ll== --.. lifirwe WDYM rrillrillail News Greeveiegy -News Singh Greenesor News mut Spezia Cr%with° Nave well Newts Ago ON
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