PAGE TWO Rubbish Causedtalifornia Fire Half Under Control Chicago Blaze CHICAGO (,-1 1 )—A top investigator Wednesday night, concluded that Chicago's disastrous school fire sprang from a smoldering pile of rubbish in the basement. Sgt. Drew Brown, head of the police arson squad, re-; ported his findings after an in Children's Accidents On Decline MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (h--An insurance executive says he firm ly believes that a c"ncerted drive by doctors against the No. 1 killer of children—accidents-13 begin ning to pay off. Dr. George W. Wheatley, vice president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, said the accident death rate among children 1-14 years old has declined 17.3 per cent in less than a decade. The greatest drop was in deaths from burning and poisoning in the 1-4 years age group. In these area,;. doctors have fought hard for legislation banning the use of inflammable materials in clothing and limiting the amount of poisonous lead in paint on ar ticles children might chew, Dr. Wheatley said education of parents in accident prevention is one of the major tasks ahead. "All physicians who care for children have a tremendous re sponqibility to alert parents to specific accident hazards at var ious stages of child growth and development," he told the doctors. Satellites of Future Will Carry Animals WASHINGTON (!Pt -- The first of a dozen or more earth satellites will be fired from California's coast in the near future. Some of them will carry mice and perhaps a monkey. The satellites will be aimed at orbits to take them around the poles of the earth. The hope is to fire perhaps one a month. The Advanced Research Pro jects Agency of the Defense Depart meet Wednesday an nounced details of the project, to which it has given the name "Discoverer." The purpose is to develop sys tems and techniques for eventual use when man ventures to travel in space Initial launching attempts by the Air Force from the new Van denberg base in California will utilize 1300-pound vehicles. They will be powered by a Thor inter mediate - range ballistics missile and a second-stage liquid-fuel en gine. From these initial attempts it is expected that bigger efforts ALL GRADUATE STUDENTS are invited to attend A WINTER'S BALL DECEMBER 5 featuring the music of THE CAMPUSEERS 9 to 12 ' HUB Ballroom Refreshments • Semi-Formal Sponsored by the Graduate Student Association THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ensive inspection of the school: But, with winds expected to where 87 children a"ci three nuns'conttnue Wednesday night, fire perished Monday. . men declined to predict when But he did not say how the fire complete control is likely. originated in the rubbish. Sgt. Brown, who made an inch-1 The big blaze had blackened by-inch study of source of the more than 17,000 acres of brush, flames in the northeast corner of overrunning with explosive home and es mil of Our Lady of the Angels school,' swiftness detailed his findings this way: i The smoldering was in a pileri • i • • a of rubbish at the foot of a wooden pen'/serious/ Discrimination stairwell. This generated heat.; The heat accumulated until it • broke a basement window four !a • imed in State Housing feet above the rubbish pile. , Air blew in through the brok-: en window, fanned the smolder-1 HARRISBURG (,P)—A special citizens' committee ap ing trash and flames quickly shot: pointed by Gov. Georg e M. Leader said Wednesday it found up the unenclosed stairwell to the second top floor, where the fa- "overwhelming confirmation of serious discrimination" in talities occurred. Sgt Brown pinpointed the place housing in Pennsylvania. of origin by the heavy charring Dr. Clarence C. Walton, chairman of Gov. Leader's Conl in that area. . mittee on Housing DiArirnination,, Investigators have said old -, said the confirmatioris were re-IA. Conner Jr., executive secretary amination books and newspapers ceived in cases cited by witness-I of the Chester Housing Authority, had been stacked at the foot of the staircase. ,es at public hearings held duringisaid the biggest problem facing the last two days. I that Delaware County community An appeal for blood for children, - 1- und e r treatment in hospitals "The witnessses have also giv-, is providing adequate housing for touched off a rush of donors. len us important insights and con-Negroes. Gifts of money to help f am ili ei crete examples concerning thisl "Under present conditions," he of the injured and the dead poured kind of discrimination," Walton:said, "it must be recognized that in at a rate of more than s2.,ooolsaid in a statement, adding: ;Chester will one day be a city an hour. The fund has passed the "But they have al the same ; entirely populated by Negroes." $60.000 mark just 24 hours after' time given our committee well He told the committee that an it was established. l thought-out recommendations • all-Negro community would be Still in hospitals were '72 pa „! for combating and eventually :"socially and economically uncle tients who were burned or in-1 overcoming this discrimination. ; sirable.” Jured in other way, and 14 were "The conviction that the state! on the critical list. Those with se-!must initiate action to overcome: ere burns confronted doctors: these conditions, including pos-, v Bible education and ,legislation,' with the difficult double task of preserving life whi 1 e healing : E was almost unanimous on the part, !seared bodies. i sess io thos ns " e who appeared during our will evolve, using Atlas inter continental ballistic missiles and multi-ton satellite vehicles. The Air Force will attempt to bring the mice and monkeys back from their journeys into space instead of leaving the satellites to disintegrate when they des cend into the air friction of the atmosphere. For this. recoverable capsules will be used. They will be ejected from the .satellites by devices about which ARPA sci entists do not care to talk now. Russia's known successes in put; ting huge satellites into orbit and recent unofficial speculation that the Soviets may have sent up a' moon probe rocket into ()uteri space is spurring the new Ameri can effort. Roy Johnson. director of AR PA, told newsmen the fre quency of launching attempts may be as high as one a month, with about a dozen firing , : now contemplated for Discoverer. But Johnson quickly added this did not guarantee a dozen satel lites would be spinning around the earth, over the North and South poles, by the end of next year. MALIBU BEACH, Calif. (EP) —A brush fire in this resort, area that has destroyed an estimated 29 homes and routed hundreds of families in 24 hours is claimed 50 per cent 'under control. The committee was estab lished to study the problem and recommend such legislation and other remedial action which it feels will ease and eventually erase the problem. Ronald M. Sawyer, housing con sultant for the United Steel Work ers of America, told the commit tee that discrimination in housing! in Pennsylvania is "the rule and: not the exception." "This condition has served to perpetuate a veritable night mare of exploitation and ghetto itation for those effected." he said. He pointed to Negroes as those suffering most by discrim ination. In earlier testimony, Lawrence! The ri EN N STATE LAYERS OPENS TONIGHT Through Saturday, Dec. 6 at SCHWAB "A CLEARING IN THE WOODS" an excursion into the unusual by Arthur Laurents ranch-dotted hills behind this resort area. There were more than 1500 men fighting the fir• along a 42-mile perimeter. Much of the fire was burning over the same ground covered by blaze that charred 42,000 acres and ruined 99 homes two years ago. Officials, noting the unfavor able forecast of continued winds, high temperatures and low humidity, said the new fire could be us bad. The fire broke out Tuesday— !arson is suspected—and lashed by Ihot desert winds up to 60 m.p.h. ; raced quickly from the inland All the best people eat here! Skip the dessert Or else—by jiminy You'll never make it Down the chimney. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1458 slopes of the Santa Monica Moun tains to the sea. It cut a swath of ruin roughly five miles long and eight miles wide. charring ranchlands and roaring down half a dozen can yons lined with homes. Flames reached brush only a quarter of a mile from the famed Malibu film colony, a strip of sea side homes where film figures dwell. But a massed array of f se men and pumper trucks checked the blaze at the coast highway before it could do damage. Two hot spots occupied their attention: Malibu Canyon, back of the film colony, and Zuma Can yon, eight miles west. Both are heavily populated. Army Will Test Space Radio' WASHINGTON (W) —The Ar my's imminentry at reaching the vicinity of the moon will test a new space communications sys tem deemed capable of keeping radio contact at distances up to 400,000 miles. And by 1962, project scientists say, the system should be able to capture space signals from as far as four billion miles away. Informed sources said Wednes day the new system will make use of an 85-foot diameter an tenna in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. STATE NOW M.G.M prim?, A JOSEPH FIELDS Prodwhon DORISRICHARD DAY . WIDMARK Ihe irultlifiEf t n itOVE -1 44 7 ' GIG YOUNG a. 4 GIA SCALA CINEMASCOPE . 1:46, 3:40, 5:34, 7:37, 9:31 * NITTANY Movie Champions of 1958 NOW - DOORS OPEN 6:45 PM Rodgers and Hammerstein's "CAROUSEL" Gordon Macßae - Shirley Jones • FRIDAY EVE • Shocking - "THE BAD SEED" •••••• 000000000000 **ear WMAJ _______ Sign On -- Morning Show Morning Dirotissus News Headlines Morning Show ______ News ..—-------- Swap Shep 15 Close - kat interlude 00 ----- Movie at Nooa 15 30 ----- What's Grand Ott 35 NOW' and Snort. Contact Local Newts .I.K . and Show Tune. Newa . LP's iiniStiew Tuner News and Market* Sports Special and Show Toned Fulton Lewis Jr. LP's and Show Tunes rattle Service ['Minim New. WDFM rtatrantd News Greer°leg, News Sports Gnawers, News and Sport* Grounded? News and Sports Stun 011 El=