PAGE TWELVE Over 700 Students Enrolled in Correspondence Program By BETSY ANDERSON and HELEN McCAFFERTY Mote than 700 students do their class work while sitting in an easy chair at home. How? Through the Univers- ity correspondence course pi ogram. This program affords the stu dents the opportunity of making up requived credits that they have failed or find themselves larking as graduation approaches. Each course involves eight les sons per credit at $l2 per credit. When thc,e lessons have been completed, the final examination may he taken anywhere Just as long as there is a University-ap proved proctor present. AJI the courses are authored and graded by the faculty in the various depai tments. The faculty members are appointed to this program by the department heads. The Extension Director is the coordinating head of the en tire program The home-study courses are di vided into five cateagories: high school courses, industrial train ing and supplementary technical institute pr o crams, supplemen tary undergraduate college credit courses for the two-year associate degree, supplementary undergrad uate college credit courses for a Prof Elected President Of Paleontological Group Dr. Frank M. Swartz, professor of paleontology and head of the department of geology, has been r lected presid-nt of the Paleon tological Society. THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE - BUT TODAYb L&M GIVES YOU- the nation are giving credit for TV courses. k •' s THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Meeting SEAP AND ACE Student Education Association for Association of Pa. Childhood Educators Tonight -- 7 P.M. . HUB Ballroom Program: Foreign Students Discuss Education All Education Majors Invited four-year ba c calaureate degree and college credit courses for teacher certification and profes sional advancement in special fields of interest. Credits gained through the cor respondence course are identical with those earned during class room instruction. However, the credits may not apply towards a graduate degree. The most successful develop ment of correspondence courses is found with students who "bud get their time, have the ability to self-motivate, read and write the best English," said Oscar Spencer, _director of correspon dence education. "Failures in the courses some what parallel those on campus," Spencer said. The total active course enroll ment, other than University stu dents, reached over 8000 last year. Puff puff y ss tars -‘ r taste DON'T SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER! Change to UM and get 'em both. Such an improved filter and more taste! Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, today's UM combines these two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment —less tars and more taste—in one great cigarette. + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE NEED GOWNS for the coming formals? Tx() beautiful gowns sizes 5 & 7. Janice Leonard ext. 76, 1955 GENERAL TRAILER, 29 feet, one bedroom, excellent condition. Available Jan. 30. Penn State Timler Park. AD 7-3489 after 6 pin. IMO NASH. Statcsomn, 6 cylinders, 4 doors, radio, heater, overdrhe Must sell—beat offer takes it. Phone AD 7-2445. NEW 2-SPEED automatic record changer; general instrument • turnover astatic crystal cartridge; original price $52 50; priced for quirk sale at $20.00. Phone AD 7-2445. GARRARD HI.FI prote,sional turntable model Ult. cartridge $2O. Call Jim Care) AD 7-4255. FOR RENT SINGLE: OR Double room In College Heights. Available Dec. 6. Call AD 7-4814. FOR RENT two-bedroom modern trailer. Will rent to- four student,. Dale View trailer Acres. AD 8-3471 or FL 9-2890 GAMMA PHI fraternity pin lost vicinity of HUH and Boucke. Call ext. 1271-M. LEATHER CASE. notebook aize -contains colored pencilq. Call Tom AD 7-2337. LOST—BLACK chenille purse at Phi Sigma Sigma pledge dance Saturday, Nov. 22. Contact Barbara Stanley ext. 128. BROWN & WHITE wool blanket with tiger design. Lost at Pitt game. Call Tom Burns AD 7-4957. HENRI'S WRISTWATCH. Inscription N. A. Biondi on back. Finder contact Buck Paolone ext. 279. Reward. ECON. 14 book in HUE. Please call John Dively ext. 2ROO. GIRL'S CLASSRING, green stone, St. Pat rick's. initials M.L.L., last Friday night in Rea Hall, please call Norman, ext. 3447. WANTED THREE BOYS for night - stlling. Car necessary, "Sally's", 140 S. Pugh. Al) 8.81304. WANTED: RIDE to St. Petersburg. Fla. or vicinity around Dec. 20, 1958. Contact Larry Goldstein AD 8-6718. MUST TRADE student teaching assign ment due to illness. My Harrisburg as signment for Altoona. Social Studies or English. Okayed by Ed. Dept. Worth $6.00 to me for trade. Deck McKenzie HO 6-6378 after 0:00. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1958 WANTED ANDY. i NEED YOU. Meer me in "A Clearing in the Woods," Schwab. Vir ginia. STIMENTS--Ekro up to $1.50 per hr. working 2 or 3 e‘eninge of your choirs setting bowling pine. Downtown Aux Club. 128 S. Pugh. COEDS, SECRETARIES to try the Olympia typewriter. Rent an Olympia—apply up to 3 months' rental toward donn payment. Nittany Offiee Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. Phone AI) 11-6126. PUBLIC BOWLERS—uny night 7.12 p.m_ except Tue.+. and Wed. it is :30 to 12.00 p.m. Walk-in or reserve: relax at Don n ton n Dux Club, AD 8-8148, 128 S. Pugh St. TYPING. Need reliable 'service? Call AD 8-0864. DISHWASHERS—Chi Phi. Work fm meals. Call AD 7-7773 ask for Walsh. ATTENTION IMPORTERS ride canted from Cleteland Friday, returning Sunday. Call lE:vie ext. 1240-J. USED TOYS can be repaired for needy children as Christmas gifts. Contact Al pha Gamma Delta sorority, ext. 826 or Kappa S:gma at 8-6464 or 7-2044. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men in our department working part time averaged 375 per week. Due to condition* in our department this rear, we expect even higher gaine.• Pleasant, short bout. arrangements allow plenty of time for studying. Car fdrnithed, expenses paid., Call Ed Lougb AD 7-4758 Mon. - Fri. be. tween 6-10 p.m. Salary 035 per week. MISCELLANEOUS MIL BALL corsages on sale in Waring Hall and Nittany fining Room Mon. thru Thurs., 6 to 7 p.m. Order now. Free room deli% ei y. OUTING CLUB Ski Instruction Saturdai Dec 6, 2:00 p.m. 106 ME. Instructional movie* will b* shown. WILL TYPE all themes. the/ea and term papers. Janice Leonard ext. 76, 305 McAllister Hall. PERSONS INTERESTED in ride to Esans. ville, Ind. or vicinity at Christmas pia U.S. 40 to Indianapolis. Call AD 7-3594 after 5 nm. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tan. toe or acrobatic bosons. - Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 8.1078. tli . YOUR typewriter Is giving you trouble our years of experience are at your command. Just dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 639 W College Ace. STORAGE STUDENT trunks and per. venal affects; ick•up and delivery sere. tea Stostnakar Sroa. Phone AD 11-44111. .X 4 OSACCOSO., 195$ • , i .•• ;.• • . 1