The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 19, 1958, Image 8
PAGE EIGfiT hum Students Organize; Elect Smith First President William Smith, junior in jour- members of the three professional nalism froth Clarks Summit, was fraternities in the school of jour elected nalism and by members of the elected president of a newly- staff, formed association of journalism Patricia O'Neil and Bryna Nel at u d e n t s at an organizational son of Theta Sigma Phi, women's meeting Sunday in the Hetzel professional journalism !rater lin ion lounge. nity; Lou Prato, Dennis Malick Other officers are: vice presi- and Robert Franklin of Sigma dent, Roberta Levine, junior in Delta Chi, men's professional journalism from Connell.vil)e; journalism fraternity: and Daw secretary, Sherry Kennel, junior son Ryder and Joseph Cheddar in journalism from Lancaster; of Alpha Delta Sigma, men's pro and treasurer, Dexter Hutchins, fessional advertising fraternity, freshman in journalism fr o m took part in the preliminary plan- Pittsburgh. fling. They were advised by John The idea for such a group, D. Vairo, instructor in journalism. which will strive to integrate and About 65 to 70 students and co-ordinate activities of journal- faculty members attended the ism students during the four meeting Sunday. Membership in years of college, was conceived at the group will be automatic for all the beginning of this semester by journalism students. THE PENN STATE CAMERA CLUB and THE STATE COLLEGE COLOR SLIDE CLUB presents AN ILLUSTRATED TALK RODGER LAMPMAN of Ansco ON ANSCOCHROME AND SUPERANSCOCHROME FILM AT 8:30 WED., NOVEMBER 19th, IN 121 SPARKS EVERYONE WELCOME English: BOASTFUL URCHIN t . Thinidish: EIRACIPOUFRP 4 I VOHALD KNUDSEN. HARVARD SPEAK THINKLISHI MAKE $25 Just put two words together to form a new - one. Thinklish is so easy you'll think of dozens of new words in seconds! We'll pay $25 each for the hundreds of Thinklish words judged best—and we'll feature many in our college ads. Send your Thinklish words (with tram lations) to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose your name, address, college or university and class. Get the genuine article Get the honest taste 0 A. t. CO. WHO SQUANDERS LUCKIES Thinklish translation: When this gent gives someone the shirt off his back, he throws in free laundry service. in pass ing around the cigarettes, he knows no peer—it's "Want a Lucky, pal? Keep the carton!" The man's really a walking testimonial to the honest taste of fine tobacco (he buys 247 packs of Luckier a day). Thing is, he gives 246 away— which makes him a bit of a tastrell of a LUCKY STRIKE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA The Sportseer (Continued front page six) ing a great quarterback with the 49ers." Whp's the best QB in the pros today? "That's hard to answer," Sher man, the Giant missionary, said. "I think they're all good or they wouldn't be in the league." But Sherman's counterpart did hate an answer. "I'd have to say Norm Van= Brocklin," Morton said. "He's the most dangerous. His team may be 14 to 20 points behind and yet he'll come back and kill you with his pin-point passing. A good quarterback, like Vanßrocklin, will throw those soft easy lobs and not bullet passes. The lobs, which - are caught over the shoulder, usually, are the best because English: BLUE-BLOODED HOUSE TinkUih; EDWARD SULLIVAN, C.C.H.Y. English: SHOT-PUTTING AWARD Thinkfish: TN Product of 2.Att.tzmutcr, r.r.rn-rrrrl.rrrrimplirripprrrvirrirrrrrrpr HOME EC SENIORS LaVie Portraits Nov. 19-24 Penn State Photo Shop 214 E. College Ave. 8-4 no appointments ARTHUR PRINCE. MEMPHIS STATE U. ROY KUDLA, KENT STATE U ==l=lil What about Milt Plum, the ex- Penn State star now guiding the fabulous Cleveland Browns? "I wouldn't turn him away," Sherman said. He's real good. He didn't lose those two games to the Giants and Lions. The whole team did, including Jimmy Brown, whom I rank as one of the best pro backs in history." Was there anyone else this fall who caught their eye on a scout ing mission? "Ron Luciano of Syracuse," Sherman said. "He's a real fine tackle and should go early in the draft." 1 "Dave Intrabartolo of Villanova land John Guzick of Pitt," Morton said. "That Intrabartolo is a hard gunner. He'll probably make the !pros. Guzick is great. He can pull good, lead a play very well and *sh: SOPORIFIC SPEECHMAKING thWaisly SOR English: RUBBER NOT DOG •jießittrr Plukvoliiw i. CHARLES CRAIG, MISSOURI SCHOOL. Of MINES C-7."1 CIGARETT.ES 2 cd= f :t. Is" our middle name WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1958 is a fine middle linebacker. Right now, I think he could probably make the pros. But of course, that's a step up In class. And whe ther he can ,do everything well in pro ball as in college, remains to be seen. But he is very good." Jail Sentences__ (Continued from page one) theft of $9OO in equipment and cash from the Alvo Electric Co. and of $l4O from vending ma chines. The total amount of money taken in the series of 23 thefts was set at more than $2OOO. In another case involving ta student, Campbell issued a sus pended sentence to Theodore Schilling for leaving the scene of an auto accident, The suspension was given on the condition that he be put on probation for one year and that he pay accident and court costs. He was also ordered to return his license to his father. Cloudy, Cold Predicted In sharp contrast to yester days weather which was sunny and warm, today's prediction calls for cold, cloudy weather with possible snow flurries. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST FIE IN RT 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAT RATES CASH-17 word* or loss CHARGE--12 words or less $.50 ono Insertion 1.75 two Insertions 51.110 three Insertions Additional words-3 for 5.05 for oath slay of 'nation FOR SALE 1949 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, good condition, excellent tionsportation. Cal/ AD 8-5061 ext. 662. 1939 SIX CYLINDER Packard Convertible. New top and paint: good condition. Phone Stanley Smith AD 7-2631 after 6:00. TUXEDO NEW, size 42 regular. AD 8. 1132. 1957 RENAULT DAUPHINE, in excellent condition. }lndio, heater. Need quick sale. $1260. AD 8-0407 anytime. TRAILER 195 G "M" ioatem, 32 feet, one bedroom. excellent condition, cement patio and awning; for February occupancy. No. 45, Wooiletiale Paik. romammo=i FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM for lent. $2O per month. 512 W. Foker Ave. Call AD 7-2598. ROOM 1!21; nicely furnished room. Call after 6:00 AD 7-4763. SINGLE ROOM for rent scions from Ath erton Hall. Call Campania Shoe Repair AD S-1.1.72. FOR RENT two.bedroom modern trailer. Will rent to four students. Day. View Trailer Acre,. AD 8.3471 or FL 9.2800. ==l LOST REWARD: FOR gold Identification brace. let; owner's name engraved. Please con. tact Nancy Lee Kite ext. 1396-M if found. LOST COLD Identification Bracelet. - ogner's first name engraved. Contact Alexandra Herr ext. 1396-M. LOST—AN OXBLOOD Wallet in vicinity of (ym. If found call AD 8-760. LOST—FRATERNITY Pin. Phi Rapp*. betneen Fairmount Ave. and Pont Office. Reward. Call Carl AD ,8-9107. LOST IN HUB Ballroom Saturday—tan trench coat with name Bain. I have yours. Call AD 8-1674. WANTED PUBLIC BOWLERS—Any night 7-12 p.m. except Tues. and Wed. It la 9:30 to 12:00 pm. Walk in or reserve. Relax at Down town Dux Club. AD 8-9148, 128 S. Pugh St. COED. SECRETARIES to try the Olympia typewriter. Rent an Olympia. Apply up to 3 menthe rental toward dov.n payment. Nittany Office FAyuipment, 231 S. Allen St. Phone AD S-6126. WANTED—ESCORT for young girl to her coming -Out dance. Apply "The Reluctant Debutante." Center Stage. PIANO PLAYER to read from lead 4/seta and transpose for a popular singer. Call Gloria ext. /197. WANTED RIDERS to Trenton. N.J. ; leas• Nov. 26 9:00 p s m. Call AD 7-2336. WANTED—TWO students to share four. man apartment. Please call AD 84604. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men ' in our department working part time averaged $76 per week. Due to conditions in our department this year. we expert even higher gains. Pleasant. abort hour arrangements allow plenty of time for studying. Car furnished, expenses paid. Call Ed Lough AD 7-4158 Mon. - Fri. be. tween 6-10 p.m. Salary SI6 per week. ==l MISCELLANEOUS TYPING - AD 8-0998. expert, quick ben ice. Cali CABIN AND Trail lion meeting Nov. 19, 317 Willard, 7 p.m. GET OUT of the dark room camera friends —l2l Sparks, Wed., 8:30. Illustrated Illm talk. BEEN TO a Night Club lately? Try Club Hubana, Nov. 22. Tickets, HUB dealt, $1.26 a couple. Four Jacket plus one Tropi. can Motif. Best cure for "Bluebook Blues." ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic leasona. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 8-1078. IF YOUR typewriter is giving sou trouble our years of experience are at your command. Just dial AO 7-202 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. STORAGE STUDENT trunks and pen. sonei affeetn; piek-up and delivery eery. hro. Shoemaker Bros. thane AD 5.11751.