The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 18, 1958, Image 2
PAGE TWO U.S. Warns Soviets To Stop Air Attacks WASHINGTON (/P)—The United States has warned the Soviet Union to quit harrassing American planes in inter national airspace or face the consequences. What might happen was not spelled out. A stern U.S. note, delivered to the Kremlin Nov. 13 and Pope Selects Two Americans For College VATICAN CITY (11')—The arch bishops of Boston and Philadel phia were chosen yesterday to be cardinals, along with 21 prelates of other nationalities. The 23 new cardinals will bring the College of Cardinals to 75, la r g e s t. membership in Roman Catholic history. Pope John XXIII called a con aistory for Dec. 15 to 18 to give the new cardinals their red hats. The new American cardinals are the Most Rev. Richard J. Cush ing, 63, archbishop of Boston since 1944; and Most Rev. John F. o'- ara, 70, archbishop of Philadel phia since 1951. They will join Cardinals Spellman of New York and Mclntyre of Los Angeles in bringing the U.S representation to four, one less than the 1946 peak. Party Needs Youth--Scott HONOLULU (!P) The future of the Republican Party rests with its ability to maintain a mod erate philosophy and at t r act youthful candidates, says Penn sylvania Sen.-elect Hugh Scott. NOW! big discounts for students and faculty SHERATON HOTELS with a Sheraton Student or Faculty 13. card Here's how to cut your travel expenses. Sheraton Hotels have special low rates for students, faculty, and all other college per sonnel during weekends, vaca tions, and summer. Rates even lower with two or more people in the same room. Group rates are also available for clubs, teams, and other organizations. Arrangements may be made for credit privileges at Sheraton Hotels. The Sheraton Student- Faculty Plan is good at all 43 Sheraton Hotels in 39 cities in the U. S. A. and in Canada. You- must present your I.D. card when you register at tho hotel to be eligible for these special discounts. Got your Sheraton 1.0. card from MR. PAT GREEN College Relations Department Sheraton Building 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston 17, Massachusetts . made public yesterday, cited two incidents occurring on Nov. 7: 0 A U.S. plane flying over the Baltic Sea, about 66 miles from ! the nearest Soviet territory, was fired on twice without warning by Soviet fighter planes. • A few hours later, another U.S. plane was intercepted three I times by Soviet fighters in the Sea of Japan 64 miles from the Siberian coast and about 300 miles north of Vladivostok. No shots were fired but the Soviets "made simulated attacks." The U.S. protest said in neither case did the American aircraft open fire. "If such dangerous tactics are in the future repeated by Soviet aircraft in clo s e proximity to American aircraft in international airspace, the Soviet government should be aware that command lers of American aircraft will be I under instructions to take any de fensive action which they consid er necessary and appropriate," it added. EUROPE Dublin to the Iron Curtain; Africa to Sweden. You're accompanied not herded around. College ago only. Also abort tripe. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS troi Sequoia (Bet Ci Paeadenn, Calif. 4 1 .60 regonalizeil THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Tornadoes, Snows Cripple Mid-West KANSAS CITY (P) A record-1 making storm slugged the mid-- continent region from Mexico to the Canadian border yesterday with tornadoes, heavy snows andl flood-making rains. With winter officially more than a month away, the Weather Bureau said the big blow "will make weather history." Two persons were known dead, more than a dozen injured, at least 27 missing and 50 more were snowbound at Mt. Lemmon lodge in the Santa Catalina Moun tains of Arizona. "..` , ",,11 - ":;;;'`.•• • , • ENG-ARCH SENIORS z, , ~. i , 1 LAST DAY FOR LAVIE PORTRAITS i.. i 9to 4 no appointment Penn State Photo Shop i. .1; 214 E. College Ave. ! s• '' . t ... 1 74 -4 ".-w,tkv<e:::;••"4„ , ••'-',4; , ::Vt..V..tzt,t, '•7':' :Tv. :.i. 7. "f*P" • -;',''''' •-' '' Is _ 'Clinloftttldo .... ..... ....... ••• . 7:•••:•• .••• •-•,;•••••• •.• ............... ••• . z:: ,.t : ..... •••. • •,, ... .... ........ ........::.•• • .................. .t...........‘,..: oose now to a KEELER'S The University Bookstore FORUM OF THE AIR TONIGHT 9:30-10:00 WMAJ and WDFM Candidates for class officers will be presented by party chairmen. Candi dates will present party platforms for coming elections on November 19th and November 20th. American Convoy Tests Red Tactics BERLIN (Nl—A U.S. Army truck convoy rolled without inci dent yesterday from Allied-occu pied West Berlin to West Ger many, easing blocking fears. It was the first convoy to make 'the 110-mile trip from Berlin through East Germany since the Soviets turned back an American military convoy Friday. ' Monday's convoy of a jeep and two open trucks was regarded as a test of Soviet-East German tac tics. We have many catalogues from which to choose ... American Artists The Newbury Guild Alden-Scott Hampton Nu. Art Brownies TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 19.53.. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIED a sh, Reluctant 2)elutante " at CENTER STAGE Opens This Friday November 21 Tickets on Sale at HUB t , , ..b, JACK WIMMER SAY% AA • „,AN. Aq 4 4g11,,, b I I ris Iris!" LAST CALL We've been lucky so far. but the big freeze Is just around the corner. PLEASE Get Your ANTIFREEZE In WIMMER S SUNOCO 502 E. College AD 8-6143 TAT E NOW Feat. 1:15, 3:19, 5:23, 7:27, 9:31 The New Screen Musical In Gorgeous Color By The Composers Of "My Fair Lady" a ,4:, sz • i I NI-GM ... ,0-]) NEXT ATTRACTION "The Last Hurrah" * CATHAUM LAST TIMES TODAY JEAN SIMMONS "Home Before Bark" BEGINS WEDNESDAY CARY GRANT SOPHIA LOREN "Houseboat" 4 NITTANY ACADEMY AWARD Winners TONITE - Doors Opon 6:45 SPENCER TRACY - 'BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" WEDNESDAY HENRY FONDA "GRAPES OF WRATH" •••••••••••••••••••••••• WMAj 00 News and Snorts -10 Cantacj.. 00Local News OS --W--- LP's and Show Tunes -- News I:1"s and Sh ow Tunes News and Mark ets e LP'. Prow S p end Fulton Lewis Jr. 15 45 Pablle Service Predrass 09 _ WDFM ?regress News Gramlogy New. Spots G — roevelsgi News and Snort* Groeirohnor News and Sysrl4 ---- SUM Or Sign On Morning Show Morning Devotiono News Heedlines) Morning Stew Swap Shop austral interlude Music st Noon County ,News What's Going On Mask Show