The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 12, 1958, Image 7
WEDNESDAY. NOVENIBER 12. 1958 Hoa For 'P Two sophomore —received two vote of the Week" seleeti , fifth vote. Alumni executi sports editor Matt Mat their votes for Hoak. •I mented: "No matter tl say about .the penalty] 80-yard touchd6wn, scored the TD and or displayed a great job ol In fact. I believe it wa' est pass play in moat State records. Hoak promising a sophomor: as you'll see all year." Mathews had anon er view: "I'm voting for the P. nn State running back who as been most underused D k Hoak. The converted sophot ore only carried the ball four ii• es from scrimmage Saturday b t picked up 26 yards and a to chdown. "He's been relegate; to part time duty all season a d has still shown great flashes o potential before. In the Boston U. game he again carried a few times and scored a 36-yard TD. .1 "I feel that he has the necessary speed and ability to hold on to the ball as evidenced by the coach's using him on punt returns. Against West Virginia he had a 33-yard teturn and the 80-yard TD run that was called back. "He is also a top passer and signal caller and should be a great quarterback when he's switched back after this sea son. But I'd • like to see him run and pass more this year." Centre Daily Times sports edi tor Ron Field and Collegian sports editor Lou-Prato both booted for Kerr. Field said,; "Kerr played a well-balanced game with fine de fensive play and speed in scdring his TD. Hoak also played a good game and so did Ruslavage who intercepted two passes at oppor tune times." , Prato commented: "Kerr play ed a fine game defeniively and offensively. He has looked great defensively all year, being sec ond to none, and he finally got a chance to show what he can do offensively. WMAJ Sportscaster Mickey Bergstein voted for end Schleich er. "I thought Schleicher was tre mendous," commented the "voice" of WMAJ. To informally break the tie, we got the vote of WDFM sports di rector Charlie Swift who named Chuck Ruslavage: "He was the key man in the tight spots:" In further ettempt, we asked the choice of a former sports editor of the Centre 1) a ily Times, Paul Poorman: "Hoak— any guy wh•o can run SO yards and continue in the game is the outstanding player - - it shows endurance." Boxing Entries Due AU sentries for Intramural boxing in both fraternity and independent divisions must be fumed in by 4:30 p.m. ,Tueaday at the Intramural o ' . 203 Recreation Hall. SWIF CHEMIS (Chemical, FOOD TECHNOL MEN, STATISTIC who seek re a I opportunities to advance in their field A Swift representative will be on campus November 17 and 18 14 interview interested students Arrange• with your Placement Office to see JOHN F. , Kerr Tie W' Selection alfbacks—Dick Hoak and Jimmy Kerr each to tie for the Collegians' "Player n. End Maury Schleicher received the e secretary Ridge Riley and associate sews cast ' * * * iley coin ;hat they on that oak still the way running. the long 'ern Penn just as halfback .: -,) ~,,‘:. 111 ell - • *' . • .::, ~ -,,,,L;.": JIMMY KERR cave a WORM of FUNI SgTA & COMPANY • rch Laboratories hicago, Illinois NEED S (all fields and all degrees) RIOLOGISTS-M.S., Ph.D. GINVERS—B,S., M.S. lictrical, Mechanical, Industrial) ISTS, PHYSICISTS, ANIMAL HUSBAND- , r NS, ' MATHEMATICIANS -M. S., Ph. D. HY, Ph.D. Penn sump. 1159 t• t , THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA DICK HOAK Low Cost lOU %oft $645 kat free S97S intiqedet ercefif. Mtn le *mice leseriem WV up, our $l4, up end Ind $9711 tq► torreil Arm* SO 92 As. Yeit 17 mixt Sekeras, Gray Win IM Tennis Titles By BILL BARBER On a strong comeback rally, Bill Sekeras of Alpha Chi Sigma edged Gery Carp of Beta Sigma Rho, 7-9, 6-3, 6-2, to clinch the fraternity intra mural tennis crown. Carp won the fraternity crown last Year. Whit Gray captured the inde 'pendent tennis championship by downing Bill Stout, 6-2, 6-0. Sekeras called Carp. last year's winner and prospective member of the Penn State ten nis team, his toughest opponent in the fraternity tennis play offs. Carp was ineligible last year as he had transferred from Buffalo University, but expects to be playing this year. Although Sekeras does not play for the Lion racqueteers, he play ed second man for his Tarentum High School varsity team. Taren Phi Kappa Sigma, the 1958 IM Fraternity football cham pions, will meet the Inebriates, the Indie champs, at 7 tonight on the golf course. This is the first time the Indie and Fra ternity champions will meet, ac cording to Dutch Sykes, IM di rector. turn High copped the WPIAL ten nis championship two years run ning during Sekeras's junior and senior years. He has played ever since his freshman year in high school. - . Gray listed Dave See as his hardest opponent in the inde pendent league. Gray was turned away by Lion tennis cuach Sherm Fogg when he reported for fall tennis practice. Fogg claimed Gray's form was not good enough to make the team. Gray started playing tennis for the first time this summer to strengthen an injured knee that resulted from a wrestling accident in high school compe tition. He wrestled varsity for three years at Newton High School, Newton. N.J. The fraternity quarterfinals showed Carp stopping Dwight Moore of Tau Kappa Epsilon, 6-2, 5-7, 6-1: Vance Rea of Sigma Alpha Epsilon eked out a 6-2, 3-6, 7-5, victory over James Eich berg of Phi Epsilon Pi. Sekeras advanced by defeating Ken Houck of Chi_ Phi, 9-7, 6-3. Dan Gray, Beta Theta Pi, downed Tom Brandeis of Beta Sigma Rho, 6-1, 6-0. In the semi-finals Carp edged Rea, 6-2, 10-8, while Sekeras took a 2-6, 6-2, 6-2. decision over Gray. tmlimmmimmilm ! imimimmiliv. ir..- ... ... .., 51eady for Stereo -Sound::: - - 1 = choose from our large = 1 = , = 1= Lowest prices on all E. 71 LE-. -- Standard LP - Records. 'EI = . g• SHADLE ASSOC I = 151 = S. Allen • I 11M11111111111111111H111111111111111111111g. PURCHAI*# 0000011000000000000 ACRILAN and ACETATE Here's a very Special Buy! Through special purchase arrangements we can offer these ACRILAN and ACETATE FLANNEL SLACKS at a very special low price.. They are well tailored in no-pleat—neat, trim man ner. In deep olive, charcoal grey and charcoal brown. Long wearing and wrinkle resistant. While they last only $6 9 5 SPECIAL FLANNEL . SLACKS MEWS STORE STATE COLLEGE PAGE SEVEN