The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 12, 1958, Image 3
WEDNESDAY OVEMBER 12, 1958 n Will Accuse of Aggression Jord Syri AMMAN, Ong ernergenc accuse Syria Jordan (JP ----Premier Samirllifai told a cheer session of Parliament last night Jordan will sf an act of aggression for intercepting King lion-bound plane Is applause gree }lussein's vac Thundero Cuban Free 31 Held C Rebels Men ptive HAVANA 011—The rebel high command announced last night it has released 25 passengers and 6 crewmen from two Cuban air liners hijacked in the air Oct. 21 and Nov. 5. One, presumably the pilot who resisted the rebels' seiz u r e in flight Oct. 21, was reported seri ously wounded. With him were two other crewmen. The 11 pas sengers aboard the plane had been freed previously. The rebels said all 31 persons were turned over to Red Cross representatives din eastern Cuba and that they 'arrived safely in Santiago. The rebel announcement said the release was carried out de spite a government breach of good faith during a cease-fire ar ranged for safe return of the cap tives. The rebels said bad faith oc curred when a Cuban navy plane flew low over the place agreed on for transfer of the captives. Floating Debris Sighted In Area of Lost Plane LISBON, Portugal VP) Debris was sighted floating in the sea yesterday near where a Portu guese flying boat disappeared Sunday with 30 persons, including six Americans. The British pilot said he drop ped markers to guide Portuguese warships to the - spot. • A record-breaking crowd of 1,000 overflowed the HUB ball room in the afternoon. Over 800 filled Schwab in the evening. The catalytic agent was an Englishman named Bryan Green --Don't miss him! Today with Bryan Green ed his announcement that the government would bring the case before the U.N. Security Council and would ask Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold to take quick measures for a debate. Parliament then unanimous ly adopted a resolution giving the government a free hand to take any action necessary, A national holiday was 'de clared to celebrate the adventur ous King's escape from what he charged was an attempt to kid nap or kill him in a flight over Syria Monday. Hussein, who celebrates his 24th birthday Friday, emerged as a daring Moslem hero for defying the Syrian MIG fighters and mak ing a successful getaway. Some officials suggested Pres ident Nasser's United Arab Re public—of which Syria is a province—attempted to kidnap the pro-Western King and force him to abdicate in. favor of a regime friendly to the U.A.B. There were clear indications that it this was the plot—and the U.A.R. denies any such plot—that it backfired. The young monarch gained popular support for his,de termined stand in independence from Nasserism, New Call Issued For Summit Talks MOSCOW A new call'for a summit conference was sounded last night by the Soviet Union and Poland. They said its aim would be to solve problems of disarmament and strengthen world security. Moscow radio announced mean while that the Soviet Union told the United States in a note that the Geneva talks on prevention of surprise attacks must be linked to disarmament. 7:00-7:30 a.m. 4:15-5:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Firesides See Gazette for other Firesides Led by Chaplains and Faculty THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Dulles' Resignation Asked by Sen. Clark NEW YORK VP) Sen, Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa.) called yesterday for the resignation of / Secretary l of State John Foster Dulles. Clark said the new Senate, with! its overwhelming Democratic ma-, jority, "will find it difficult to dealt (with the present leadership in the] State Department." Love, Friendship and Marriage Basic Christianity "Good grief, I dropped the Camels!" Worship 9:00 McElwain 10:15 - McKee .n 3 5 Haller & Lyons on Holler Lounge) Union Strike Closes 8 Chrysler Auto Plants DETROIT 0) Chrysler Corp. 8,000 unionized office workers, and engineers walked out yester-. day to support contract demands,. and quickly forced shutdowns of eight plants employing 16,40 G production workers. Chrysler said the strike could spread to a full shutdown of its auto operations. ILES. Chapel HUB Schwab Southerners to Control Congressional Posts 1 WASHINGTON On South erners will keep their grip on most of the top positions in the Inew 86th Congress but their legis lative power seems certain to be ichallenged sharply. Legislators from Southern states ,—all Democrats—will have 13 of fthe 19 highest seniority positions in the Senate and 15 of the lead ing 23 in the House. More adventurers on the wing smoke Camels than any other cigarette stands to reason: the best tobacco makes the best smoke. The Camel blend of costly tobaccos has never been equalled for rich flavor and easygoing mildness. Year in and year out, Camel leads every other cigarette in sales. Don't foal wound with fads and fancy sfuif,.. Have a real cigarette have a CAMEL ) R. I Reynolds TO 02..TI'instoo-Nalear,N R. PAGE THREE