TUESDAY. NOV MBER 11. 1958 Underwe r Underminded? Sign Tell rs of By JOHN ROOT phase of the Nittany T-shirt crisis will get arrow with the holding of a referendum. The secon. underway torn The ref ere first phase) as .idurn was inaugurated by the petition (the ing for such action, the petition being signed by more than 300 Nittany resi dents. Dining Of Nitt anners ny Men arpet' 'Put on e Nittany Resi are being at s for their man eir own news- The men in tl dente Halls are; tacked by all sid,l ners—even by t paper. for the Nittany y Independent, which came out The publicatio area, The Nitta in its third issue Sunday, devote residents' man hall under the 'Hall—Or Mess?" editorial to the ners in the dinin headline, "Dining The editorial s ated that a few of the residents °`left any meal tune manners they might possess, as well as all common sense, be hind when they came to campus." ..The editorial went on to list several noticed displays of the bad manners it was referring to. These included: e"Throwing of butter and oth er food." e"lntentional dropping of glasses, cups, and plates—even with the contents still in them." • - Obscene, loud and improper angu age, both while going through the serving line—behind which are women employees—and at the tables." •"Sprawling bodily over the tables while waiting in line be foie meals and also during meals." The Nittany Independent is a 4-page newspaper which is pub lished every two weeks and con tains information concerning the happenings in the Nittany area. The newspaper is in its first year of publication. TIM Will Sponsor Intramural Boxers TIM will sponsor boxers for the forthcoming intramural boxing tournament. Interested persons should call Jack Evans at ADams 8-7126. TIM will refund IM regis tration fees of the boxers after they register. Registration will close, on Nov. 18 and IM boxing will begin the latter part of this month. ** * * ** * * ** * * DEC. Petition ouncil 'No' The referendum ballot will state the rule and have two boxes to check either yes (for the rule) or no (against the rule). To vote the Nittany residents will present their matriculation I cards to a referendum' official who - will call off their names to another official, who will check off their names on the dormi tory rosters. The Association of Independent Men Elections committee will supervise the referendum. Residents will be able to vote, .between the hours of 1 and 6 p.m.' !in the Nittany 20 administration building. "It will take a two-thirds ma- I Jority of those voting to repeal! (the ruling," said William P ;Schimpf, president of the Nittanyl Council. "Regardless of whether student is for or. against the !ruling, he should be sure to vote," ISchimpf said. The referendum came up af ter a motion made into rule form by the Nittany Council ruled that T-shirts and similar apparel were not to be worn to any meal and that sport or suit coats must be worn to the Sunday noon meal. The Nittany residents, how ever, had no previous know ledge of this rule and felt that their representatives had not actually represented them on the ruling. Actually the repre sentatives may vote the way they see fit and need not neces sarily represent the requests of the dormitory members. The rule was petitioned and the ruling was suspended until after ! the referendum when it will be either put into effect or repealed. The results of the referendum will be known Thursday. front page RADIO Service and Stapp te : e3 *Car Radios. - *Portable Radios - 6 7 *Phonographs `IX. 'Batteries • State College TV 232 S. Allen St. Will your girl be QUEEN of the MILL BALL? Eriter her picture at the HUB desk from Mon., Nov. 17 through Wed., Nov. 19. BILLY MAY BAND 5 at REC HALL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. SIATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA WSGA to Sponsor Banner Contest A banner contest between the women's residence hall units featuring the Holy Cross football game and the Thanks giving holiday as its themes will be held this Saturday. The contest, sponsored by the Women's Student Goveinment As sociation House of Representa ' tives, is open to all units and to, commuting women students who wish to participate. The displays will be erected on the lawns in , Ifront of the residence halls. The displays will be judged during the football game Satur day afternoon in accordance Comp I Exemptions Given to 377 Frosh • A total of 377 freshmen have been exempted from the basic course in English composition. Dr. hen Euwema, dean of the College of the Liberal Arts, ex plained that the exemptions were made on the basis of tests ad ministered to freshmen as a part of the counseling program. He pointed out that an exemp tion for a student reflects credit not only on the student but also on the high school the student at tended. GRiL GENERAL TELEPHONE You have to get up mighty early... to give the kind of service thaes building America's second largest tele, with the theme, originality of l place winner will receive two material, creativity and the way 1 and one will be given to the the material is used. third place unit. The magazines The deadline for entering the' will deal with fashions, art. contest is 12:30 pm. tomorrow. home designing or current news At that time the presidents ofl stories. the i esidence ball units will state' This is the first time that WSGA whether or not they wish to par - has i sponsored a residence hall ticipate. 'unit display contest. Displays may be put up start - IThere is no restriction on the ing tomorrow. The deadline for size of the display. However, no constructing the displays is 10 unit may spend over $5 for ma a.m. Saturday. All displays must teninis be taken down by 6 p.m. Sunday. Prizes will be awarded to first,' second and third place winners 1 The winners will be announced during the football game. ,' Magazine subscriptions will be awarded to the unit winners. First place winner will receive three subscriptions, second __,,_ Ad Staff Meeting Tonight 6:45 p.m. 9 Carnegie Only for Candidate School Grads!!! those not attending will be dropped. When it comes to service we aim-to deliver the goods. Result: we're growing fast! For in Gen Tel Territory, America is finding the room the overcrowded big cities can no longer supply. New homes, new stores, new factories are springing up fast. And so is the need for up-to-the-minute telephone communications. That's where Gen Tel comes in big. To meet the growing need for telephone service, we're installing 750 new phones each day, invest ing almost 4 million dollars each week in new facilities. At Gen Tel we're working overtime to develop new uses for the tele phone to keep ahead of the growing need for better and more corn plete communications. That's one reason we are America's second largest telephone system. No doubt about it, America is on the move. And Gen Tel is moving with it—moving up. _ PAGE THREE FRATERNITY NEWS LETTERS Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 152 E. COLLEGE AD 8-6791 hone s
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