PAGE SIX Kasperian Chosen Player of Week _ - Halfback Dave Kasperian won three of the five votes for : 1 Editor's Note: One of the keen- To have "illegal shift" called or signals which obviously dis his play in the Syracuse game to become Collegian's sixth; sports analysists on the Pennl six times by Referee Van Le- - concer t cppween b when they iState scene is 'alumni secretary, gen was a frustrating e i- are ;Repairing t°- pat the ball "Player of the Week." End Maury Schleicher was named on'llidge Riley. In his interpretive! ence for our team. Were the : the other two ballots. ; alumni football newsletter, Rileyi calls justified? into play," ,explains the debate concerning, Kasperian, tie:de 28-year-old veteran who was the Lion's officials in the Syracuse game Syracuse used a "jitter-bug" A week before against Nebraska fense, very similar to Army's. Syracuse was penalized for doing leading groundgainer last year, * * * las follows: When the offense lines up, the e3sactly what the Orange perpe has been hampered with injuries _......_ ___ 1 In the detailed account of the:defensive linemen jump around trated against us. Umpire John and has been in and out of Rip - I 'scoring we have attempted to to-,and shift position. They jump on Waldorf, according to Reporter Engle's starting lineup.. , terject a description of the many;a signal—the quarterback calling Bill Clark : , in the Syracuse Post • Besides scoring the Lions' . ,unusual frustrations which befell i"now." Our own quarterback calls Stindard, claimed that Syracuse only TD gains! Syracuse, Kas- . our team. We were nenalized."go" when the ball is to be snap- was calling defensive signals , perian was the second biggest , • .„ , , .. . . . eight times in all (one was re- ped and on this signal our back- when Nebraska was calling of gainer with 32 yards to his. fused by Syracuse). The penalties field can move. Unlike the line- 'fensive signals, thus upsetting included one for "backfield in men, they can't see the ball. the Cornhuskers and putting credit. He lost only one yard in 4-,'-.• • :x , ' • motion," one for clipping, five for t The Syracuse defensive "now" them offside. nine carries. . . `.%. •• ~,„,„, vo • ~ , . "illegal procedure," and one for signal confused our backs on a Syracuse Coach Ben Swartz- His three boosters among the . , :' - • an "illegal shift.'' number of occasions causing them walder was quoted in the same Penn State sports family are , For the record. Syracuse went to move before the ball was hand- paper (he was very angry, the Centre Daily Times sports editor whitez- 4 , • i: , ' - lily white for slightly more ed beck. Hence the "illegal pro-'paper said): "I'm sure glad we Field, Alumni than 59 minutes and then took cedure" penalties. Several timesidon't have any more intersection retary Ridge Riley and executive sec- Collegian - e t •t ' ,' , . ' . a 15-yard penalty (a personal during the game Captain Garbanlal games so we won't get calls :Torts editor Lou Prato. • • foul) when we were mired deep appealed to Referee VanLengen.ilike that again. The call bothered „. "I picked Dave because of his • in our own territory. Hardly an The official said "he would watch the devil out of our kids on de inspir ,fense ... We'll be glad to be back . ... .. running," commented equalizer if that is what it was I t." "When he came into the supposed to be. The football rules specifically ; playing Eastern rules next week ame in the third quarter, it . . cover the above situation. The so that we can jitter-bug." Well, seemed he suddenly fired the ,W, sv;` To begin th'..: unpleasant task, rule states: "No player of the Ben got his wish, but we'd like ,Air which seems necessary in the in gulp, up lie got the team really .4 team on defense shall use words (Continued on page seven) moving and I thought it only fit• r - Aidal. ANIIMI !erect of accurate reporting. we L. _ like to introduce the referee for tini , that he' scored the TD Dave ICasperian Saturday's game. He was Robert "If he could run the 100 in 1 W. VanLengen. a a:-111 9.6. he'd be another Lenny .. . `S.rnrkys does it torney. Home: Syra•el-e. N.) He Moore," analyzed Field, "only ~.,. appeared i „, ,p: . egna , z , :e. syn ._ , is 4, a graduate of the Sivr - r , e , -- - =-e L. , - - iv about twice as good. ,:we d i d n 't tr y ... c c, .„.„,.,-h „,...„,....,,d z5...•...001...." , .10w, *..l' .. .:ese pert:r.en: fac.- - .s In toting for Kasperian, Riley his end ,i-KI ne •etill ---::-.,,, : .d .;,, are iis.ted with no thc..,:,h; z,f pointed ou t that "S par k y" pull off 1 , 0 . 0 o f : h e 1, 2 „;. : de ',_ : ... : _ cuesticr....r.g tne irteg. - ..ty .z . :'. Mr was iespomible for 18 of the last sive plays in the game -Th. , . f...-- , .-, Vtil-r-nier-- ~ 20 yaids on his TD drive and \Las \then he dropre 4 t -e -..-:•:- 'e scored on a "typical slashing,'cuse quarterback fcsr a ::-•:. twisting dive of left tackle." ,los.s and put them in a 1.; 1~,: - ,:. Prato, who also voted for Kas-iAnd then on the nevi 7. , ::-:. pelian, commented, "Dave was'batted down a pass 3u.s: as :: lff: -:::,,,_ not only responsible for our only Zimmerman's hands. I ::,:::•_.:-__ TD, but he seemed to be the only "Richie Lucas played a z:: 7- : ,- z, z Ni t:, : i -_-_ -.;,,, _ guy outside of Lucas to take sistently good game: ez.::...:::::::-?, - 1' cf -1 : , I . T. , --.ra z -,-, : ,p-. charge. Ile came through when!Mathews, "he ;as the t- - =•.!. - . _,i IT-A: -1 , 7-3 - ^ , p - ? , A, i• we needed it " Igroundgaina t 42 :arils iri - - The two dissenters are WMA3 Icarries) and that's tough to .:',7, f::- sportscaster Mickey Bergstein a guy who is supposed to 'eat t.: - ..: - • and Collegian associate sports ball' and be dropped for lsiF.-.-f.- editor Matt Mathews. occasionally. Kasperian was as: The two picked Schleicher for tough in the TD drive. but I':: his "very strong defensive play." stick with Schleicher as my POW Mathews commented that "Mau- selection " KCIDL KROSSWORD ACROSS 'l. Sum 1. Big men from ancient state 2. 'tall of a quarter(2 words) L. Penguin's costume 4. I smell - -- (2 words) 5. They make spectacles of them 6. In Germany, they're bad 7. Roots' penguin 8. Volume absorbed 9. Talked cat 19. Girl's name 20. Opposite of output Getintothe-- 10. Harden 11 ergreeri 12. Nati% r. of second largest state 13. I'alo }kips Cabbage dish Is. Nisif (Ff.) I? The Preer. Impaash e 22. Said "yea" 2h. There's a filter on the of }Ong-Site Kool 26. Patioti of time 27. Squabble O. Just takes oue 21. Clerical degree 22. Poet Housman 23. King Arthur's men sought It 24. Absorbed 27. Triter God *au 14. Cultural subjects (2 words) lit Type of light $9 Kind of ways elo Caesar's 28. Car "jewelry" 29. Draw back 81. From .--- to post 82. American, language (abbr.) 41 See Kuol backi‘urds 43. Kin-Sim Nauonal or Women Voters' 93. The Press Is Kool line a filter -- OEM the Fourth 35. Box for cutting so=les 36. Good•by to amigos S 7. Parts of necks 42. Knights (abbr.) 44. Back there ei Cleo out 46 Potential flab 47 Comore it ' 4B. Unlta of reluctance 49 Squinty letter O. Ash. (or inslanete * * * What a wonderful difference when you switch to Snow Fresh KOOL! At once your mouth feels clean and cool ... your throat feels smoothed, refreshed! Enjoy the most refreshing experien , in smoking. Smoke KOOL . . . wit mild, mild menthol...for a cleane fresher taste all through the day! Answer on Page 5 KOOL GIVES YOU A CHOICE-REGULAR. OR KING•SIZE WITH FILTER! • 111611, Brown • N II Ilunaen Taticco Conk DOWN Switch 4dirn io Now Fitgh KaDL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Secretory Ridge Riley Explains Saturday's Officiating Alumni •: ? ., , €l.- - , ..5 11=3SE Eiom t Pe= Sme vreze damaging and demeraiiaing. Most of them came at critical moments and definitely affected our offense. pit-TER . MIR 1411HT1401. •, KlNO•sizs eigrffeetedt . • ``•.(••••••• IMES S - ri",e OMISME he `= : -21 e de- No. 7 r_v,.. • v•C,-,. ~ AUTUMN BALL Sponsored by A.I.M. LEONIDES NOVEMBER 1 HUB Ballroom Music by A.I.M. Band Crowning of Indie Queen Tickets: HUB Desk, Nittany 20, Waring Hall $2 couple Dancing 9-12 Semi-Formal r 4 i , 171" e The problem was not that ceuld wear it and wear it— ' Marty had fallen in love with wash it—drip-dry it, or have a shirt. After all, he was it tumble-dried automatically a Philosophy major. —and wear itagain in a matter The trouble was . Marty of hours. It was the most mon- Was in love with two shirts. ey-saving love he ever had. With Shirt No. I s the Van But when Marty was with Heusen Century, the serious one shirt, he missed the other. Marty spent hours in heaven- It was terrible. Like so many ly bliss. He worshipped the others with the same problem, revolutionary soft collar that Marty wrote to us. And so won't wrinkle ever. It was it came to pass that the Van Century's one-piece construe- Heusen "Century-Vantage" tion that drove him wild. was born. This shirt combined (Other collars never did any- theadvantagesof each intoono thing for our boy Marty, ex- great shirt—awash and wear, cept wrinkle madly. You see, no-iren, all cotton broadcloth other collars are three pieces, shirt with the soft collar that fused or sewn together.) won't wrinkle ever! And just With Shirt No. 2, the amaz- $5! nave you a problem? ing Van Heusen "Vantage," Write Phillips. Van Heusen the gay, frivolous Marty lived C0rp.,417 Fifth Avenue, New thelifeofcarefreeabandon.He York 14, New York. . • 1411555•511**esses•seessesass WO seaseasoase•eisee exclusive 4 in Slaie eetitge al• • • E. ACovilege 301tir j' Etto _el/op WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1958 ~ • €7 4".5, It' ~~ ~~ .:,,~~• ~
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