The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 10, 1958, Image 6

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New Faces to Dot
Alum Day Lineup
It looks like Coach Rip Engle wasn't fooling when he made those Penn
State's starting grid lineup last Tuesday
For according to the latest word from the Nittany foreman, only three of the Lion
"regulars" will be in the starting array tomorrow when Marquette visits Beaver Field in
the annual Homecoming clash.
Captain Steve Garban at center, Andy Sty nchula at left tackle and Bill Wehmer at right
guard are the only holdovers. The rest of the tentative starting lineup will be filled by
five sophomores and three let- * * *
The yearlings include Dave
Truitt and Henry Opperman at
the ends, Bob Gilmour at right
tackle, Sam Sobczak at full
back and Jimmy Kerr at right
half. They'll team up with vet
erans Bichie Lucas at quarter
back, Bru c e Gilmore at left
halt and Earl "Bud" Kohlhaas
at left guard.
This is the offensive alignment. PITTSBURGH (iP)—F oo t ball
Defensive changes will find vet- Coach John Michelosen has op
eran Maury Schleicher replacing
()noel man at end and sophomore ened up Pitt's offensive patterns
Don Hoak taking over for Gil- quite a bit this season. But he
mole at halfback still subscribes to the theory that
Iniunes, according to Engle, a lot of games can he won by
is the main rf'ason for most of good defense.
the switches. Four of the men He indicated he'll, play it that
xt ho opened against Army last
xteek ale ailing, along with an- , way in preparing for the next
()thee iegular—tackle Joe Bohart al:4,- izoirki, , ..„: ; ,..,.4 big test for his unbeaten Pan
- who saw only limited action , ,•"tri ! , , , - -. - -.-,, ;`) . , „. 1
- .:-:4,45 4 ,-y-,,. ;; , , 1 thers, against Michigan State at
against the Cadets The four in- ~,,ii-,.. East Lansing tomorrow.
etude veteran halfbacks Dave
Kasuerian and Bucky Paolone. , "We'll spend extra time getting
follback Andy Moconyi and end
i re ad y to defense their forma-
Noim Neff. ' I Bruce Gilmore itions," Michelosen said.
i ... gets starting nod I "We rate them with the best in
Bohart, according to team 1
trainer Chuck Medlar, will def- I
IMichigan State strong."
finitely miss tomorrow's skirm- i '
ish. But the other foit r ".». 'Engle Compares Lions Despite an upset 12-12 tie with,
wan i ds" will dress for the con- ,Michigan, the Spartans are No. 9
t-st and may be available for ;Wi t h 1954 Gridders nationallyj in The Associated Press
duty.l Penn State football coach Rip Poll. Pitt, which climbed to No.
0 in the poll by defeating Minne
[3 -
011.)o I. suffeiing from h
is Engle calls his 1958 squad one rota 13-7, is the pre-game under
second m a io 1 minry. A badly'of the be. , ,t conditioned teams he dog although a suspicion is grow
)l'alned ankle kc - nt him out of has greeted in eight seasons at'
the perm game and now a choul- University Park The only groupling here that this may be one of
ithe better Pitt teams.
der ailment will leave him on the which may have returned for pre
.,i(lehnes season dulls in better physical , -
lia , -pei i,lll is musing a sore condition is the 1954 unit, which!Another Brother Act
1,,,,, slid hotly I,iii:•-eq: Paolone,went on to win seven out of nine' Penn State and Mauric Schlei
ha,- a hit) le 1 1 1 ,, 1'' troeonvi. a char- games, including a 14-12 triumph%cher is the brother - of Roy Schlei
ley hom e and Neff, a sole achil- over Illinois in the season-opener. cher, former Villanova gridder.
lee tendon.
"We're aoinct to miss those
bcms if they don't Emile 8
i s .
n a
i i t cl i r
, v
c o l s treeratva
r i my r a s. ft:rnoonof ho t o h e e • res h to oun t ies T omorro
H ost M w
they'll he ready. Rut even so, ,
they nrohnt,lv I,,,n't he able to : The freshman football team star Bruce Bosley.
en at full strAnoth." will get its first taste of action
But the West Virginia attack
Erwle achlPcl that two oth e r showed it was capable of the long
at 10 tomorrow morning on play
rilatwec in the -'aCtno lineun— under the quarterbacking of
R„i,n, fing f or ono: Tiuslavage the Beaver Field practice gridiDick Daily.
;1 , 1 , 1 Luca , for Al Taeks were iron. Their opponents will be' In the Maryland loss, Daily
Plad , ' CM the basic of p-rformance a well -tested West Virginialthrew a 30-yard and a 47-yard
in Ihe lk , mv frame, !pass to end Bob Timmerman. The
It isn't 11)out-steam that has played twolm auat i e
11 u'ohlbass was passing offense picked
! ,4,, t i;, 1 „ " E' n . ! i f , ,„.,1 ~i t ., , ; i i ,,i games to date. ;up 121 yards while the running
ti,.it b ,, iii-I a ini ic h bnit,, r i-h , In Finng up the game, fresh- game totaled 147 yards.
thm ciri l ley. M a yb e thi s w ill man coach Earl Bruce hesitated l Besides the running of 240.
ro Charier' on the hall. As frw on making a predicition. "In the pound fullback Bosley, Daily
I 'z well. he deserves to cilvt few practice scrimmages we have can call on the sweeps of Jim
aft— b;s rfama aoainst Army 'I been able to
t'nale prided that rinht tackle hold," B r u c e
C'-nct , J"neret•-, who also Colnrne n t e d. -
0 ,,,,..4 pe , ..:nst Army. was de. ," both o f ro y 11K...
r-ated to the alterw , to ~;+ ►,0,?.. ;starting units
r-use of 137 s noor shoving have been able
ee..inst the C , dets. Ito score at will."
"I'm iNinc, cnin,oin• +II—, " E n _ "I have n' t r, , , :;:n
pie said . heeause he didn't do been able to fi- ,
a I"d lob nt Anil' . .4 ,4 1i: 1 11V. Bo- gure out if its.
lip-i , •bnel(l lie there" !because my of-,
Ac for Onnern.n, . t.,, t - r, nnifenses are good.
effen•ove for Schleicher, Engle or whether the;
?••• , (1- "Henry's ficter than mostdefense is weak. k
of our ends, and that's what I'm l ßut I'll find out
lookint! for—Sneed. Besides he's tomorrow."
a pretty (lir n'ts ""' S iV" " On the other hand, the Moun
-by PVT PRATO taineer frosh have - been tried
The Targ et of controversy
is our luscious STEAKS
and our aim is to please the most
critical of appetites
1 .- ( ' •-.: _
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'_ \
''. Proof c f
i . ' Refreshing Beverages
I/ is necessary
for ordering
bes trages.
)Yoafiltili g Steal; .L.110ttie.:0:mt.:€7.1:31712::.
r :
Panther Coach
Sets Defense
For Spartans
X-Country Squads
Encounter Cornell
At Ithaca Today
Penn. State's cross-country meet with Cornell today in
Ithaca, ,N.Y., and next Saturday's meet with Pitt represent a
calm before the storm on the Lion's schedule. ,
If any teams on the Nittany schedule are to be considered
"weak sisters", they must be Cornell and Pitt.
Last fall, the Lion varsity har
riers beat the Big Red, 20-35,
while the freshman routed the
Cornell cubs, 17-41.
Against Pitt, the scores were
even more devestating. The var
sity humbled the Panthers, 18-
41, while the 'fresh rolled up
a decisive 18-42 victory.
The Lions' next two opponents
Michigan State and Manhattan—
own the only two dual meet vic
tories over the Lions last fall.
Ed Moran and Captain Fred
Kerr, who placed first against the
Big Red, along with Clem Shoene
beck, lead the Nittany entrants
for this afternoon's dual meet.
Last Saturday, Moran, Kerr, Dick
Engelbrink and Herm Weber fin
ished in a four-way in the Lions'
!16-46 victory over Navy.
Engelbrink now a junior—
' finished fifth last year behind
the Big Red's Dave Eckel, who
has been graduated. Also gone
for Cornell are Mike Midler,
' seventh, and Kirk McCreary,
10th, last fall.
I Returning for the Big Red var
sity are Nat Cravner, sixth, Chuck'
Hill, eighth, and Arnie Cummins,
Other juniors in the Penn State
lineup will be Chick King, 11th,
and George Jones, 13th, last fall.
Denny Johnson and Weber,
who tied for first in last year's
frosh meet with Bill Schoene
beck, are the only two mem
bers of the frosh team who will
run against Cornell.
Rounding out the 8-man Nit
tany lineup will be sophomore
Ernie Noll In the first cross
country meet of his career, Noll
placed 12th, finishing ahead of
the fifth Navy runner. Last year
Barleugh. The fleet halfback
set up the second West Virginia
TD with an 18-yard gallop to
the eight.
and, although they lost both
contests, were up against top
competition—upcoming Virginia
Tech and Maryland.
In the Maryland game last
week, the Mountie frosh scored
two touchdowns on short runs by
fullback John Bosley—brother of
Mountie All-American and pro
(Continued on page seven)
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Dinners Served Nightly
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4 .4 ,"
.. . promising sophomore
Noll attended the University for
2sti y school at Mont Alto. He
eplates juniors Sam White and
Jack Williams who placed ninth
and 15th respectively against the
Big Red last fail.
A Penn State-Cornell freshman
meet will precede the varsity en
Applications Available 1
For Gym Managers
First, second and third semes
`er men interested in assistant
nanagerships of gymnastics
hould register at the Athletic
4ssociation office on the second
loor of Recreation Hall by next
Selected Beverages
Ernie Noll
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