The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 04, 1958, Image 7

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Varsity Co.
team at 1 p.m. t
strong Navy sq
real threat this
"You can't
we beat them 25-30 in 1956 and 22-33 in 1957, I think they could be a
ear," Werner said yesterday.
runners with
two years of
va r sity experi
ience behind
each of them,"
he said. "And
their two-year
captain, (D ic k)
Winter, was sick
last year and
didn't run."
Other senior
runners f o r the
Middies last year
and their places
are Brad Smith
(3rd), Tom Mon
aghan (6th) and
Bob Kunkle
"In addition,
that sophomore
(Bob) Kiggins
beat both (Den
ny) Johnson and
(Herm) Weber
in last year's
freshman meet,"
Werner added.
The Lions will
send a 12-man
delegation in- t
eluding two - time
Captain Fred Kerr
Captain Ed Moran
Two years ago, Kerr, Moran
and Clem Schoenebeck tied fer
first against Navy. Last year,
Kerr won the race, with Moran,
second, and Schoenebeck, fifth.
Schoenebeck would have been
a senior this fall, but transferred
to Tufts.
Juniors Dick Engelbrink and
Rams Host Lion Boaters
In Crucial Game Today
Penn State's soccer team faces its first big test of the
1958 season when it meets West Chester State Teachers Col
lege this afternoon at Wayne Field in West Chester.
West Chester is one of the toughest teams in the nation
and last year it beat the Lions, 5-2. The Rams are currently
riding a 16 game winning streak. Penn State is the toughest
team on its schedule and reports,
from West Chester indicate that
the Rams are really "up" for ,
day's tilt. 1
"This game will answer all the'
questions about my squad," said
Lion coach Kenny Hosterman.
"West Chester is always tough
and from what I hear they are'
just as strong as last year. It's
going to be a real battle. If my,
boys get through this one we,
might go a long
The Lions will
really have their
work cut out for
them this after-
noon. According
to pre-season re
ports, West Ches
ter has a well
balanced team
with plenty of
scoring punc h.
They have seven
returning letter- Bruce
men plus an outstanding new
goalie, Terry German.
Hosterman plans to counter
with almost the same lineup that
he used last wek in the 7-1 troun
cing of Bucknell. The only change
in the Lion starting alignment,
will be at left fullback where
Wayne Rogers will replace Mike
"Wayne is a good defensive"
man and is very fast. He's a little
faster than Ackley and that's
why he• will start," said Roster
man. "West Chester's wings are
extremely fast and Roger's pres
,ence will help us a lot.
The rest of the team will be
the same as last week. Loren
Kline and Pete Wadsworth will
start at the wing positions.- The
insides will be Mike Stollmeyer
and Bill Fiedler. Fiedler scored
four goals in last Week's opener
against. Bucknell and is is good
R 4. )95
rs Meet Navy Today
ch Chick Werner will open his 26th year at the helm of the cross-country
o day on the University golf course when the Lion harriers take on a
lad coached by 1950 Lion track Captain Jim Gehrdes.
predict what will happen when you meet a team with five good senior
Mt- ?Ya • :
• •
• Of
4 _ ,
2 irf.
PENN STATE CROSS-COUNTRY COURSE consist of one inside loop and one
(three miles) for freshmen and one inside loop and two outside loops
for varsity runners. Races are started on the University golf course
reation Hall.
`hick King and sophomores
ohnson and Weber probably will
.)e the Lions' other chief threats
Lo the Middies. Last year, Engel
brink took fourth and King 12th.
Johnson took second and Weber
fourth in the frosh meet behind
outside loop
(five miles)
opposite Ree
and trac I ,
against the
Other returning varsity run
ners in Werner's lineup will be
George Jones, Sam White and
Jack Williams.
position to challenge the all-time
Penn State scoring record of 25
goals set by Dick Packer in 1952.
At halfback the Lions have
Herby Hertner, Bill Rierson, and
Gary Miller. "All three played
good games last week, especially
Hertner," commented Hosterman.
The other fullback slot will be
manned by Paul Bauer. Bauer
will have a lot of running to do
today since he will be responsible
for West Chester's top scorer,
Chris Jones.
Jerry Bruce will open in the nets
for the Nittahy booters. After un
derstudying Lion goalies for the
last two seasons Bruce finally got
his chance to start. Last week he
missed a shutout on a "freak
play" when the ball bounded off
a Penn State player and caromed
into the Bucknell goal.
This is the rubber game in the
Penn State-West Chester series.
Both teams` have a 2-2-1 record.
360 Wins in 71 Years
Penn State's' all-time footbal
record shows 360 wins, 198 de
feats, 34 ties in 71 seasons of play
since 1887.
Don't Forget to Buy Your
Record of Penn Stale Songs
at . . .
all; THE AD 7.231
IM Vaal :Z.T.I
Inv • L AVI•
lis Itt ~,.,,,.........."
"h: '~
■'; tt
~.~!.; '.
F rii
Waifs a
Last fall, Jones took tenth
place, with White placing 17th
and Williams, 19th. All three are
With only Johnson and Weber
returning from last year's frosh
team which went undefeated in
three dual meets, Werner will go
with three new sophomore candi
dates —Ernie Noll, Dick Doyle
and John Morton—to round out
his twelve-man lineup.
Low Scoring Team
Wins in X. Country
Unlike most sports, the team
with the lowest score wins in
When each entrant crosses the
finish line, he is assigned the same
number as his place in relation
to the other runners at the end
of the race.
Only the numbers of the first
five runners on each team can
be charged against
,the team.
"Only time he comes down
is when he wants a Camel!"
Larsen Faces Braves Today;
Rush to Pitch for Champs
NEW YORK (,-P) Two up and
two to go. But there is not a Mil
waukee Brave who thinks that
it will be easy.
Two down and four to go. But
there is not a New York Yankee
who thinks the situation is des
Despite their crushing 13-5 de
feat Thursday, the Yankees are
confident that they can come back
and turn the tables on the Braves.
Casey Stengel will send Don
Larsen to the mound today in an
effort to get the Yankees back
in the series.
Milwaukee Manager will count
er with Bob Rush. This will be
full bath—s27oo Call Walter Coyle at
AD 7-7611 eat. 306, S to 5 p m. Woutl3dale
ANTIFREEZE, TIRES. batteries & acces
sories, Big Discount. Call Steve AD 8-
8192 or Bill AD 7-3412.
1950 OLDSMOBILE convertible *2OO. AD
7-3250. ask for Wayne Mason.
KING ZEPRER E-Nat alto saxophone, one
year old. Used *Healy. Call Clayton
Savereool ext. 2787.
1950 PONTIAC snorts erniser—slBo. Phone
HO 6-6404.
SIMILE ROOM, 3 blocks from campus,
newly furnished, comfortable. Call Gust
Vanderneek AD 8-9191.
HALF OF' double room, 311 S. Allen
AD 7-7883.
BOOKS AND slide rule in the HUB Tues
day. Please return to the HUB desk or
call AD 8-6679.
BLACK BRIEFCASE containing piano
music. Conatct Louise at ext. 1038.
BARRACUTA RAIN Jacket, hip length—
in HUB, Monday: red plaid lining. Call
_B-037_1. Dick Dill.
BROWN PLAID jacket in 318 Willard
Finder please call Jim ext. 32.90.
WOMAN'S CLASSES, blue and cleat
frame. Italian Alo,aie leather case--
Monday. Rourke. Reward Nancy ext. 601.
WALLET—initials RCS keep money.
please rettit n wallet to Waring, HUB of
Room 212 McKee. Valuable
MAROON JACKET, bla,k corduroy trim
ming, silver buttons. Reward. Call Paul
ext. 3083.
LOST ON campus—light blue ribbed nylon
jacket Need desperately. Reward. Call
Rich Palaschak AD 8-6311.
THICK-RIMMED reading glitivei, brown
alligator ease with doctor's name In
scribed. Call AD 7-4979 ask for Jack
WANTED: TWO men to share t-room
agfartment with kitchen facilities. 330 al
month. Please inquire Saturday after 10:001
a.m. Call AD 11-13R8.
the first series game for Rush.
Haney cautioned his team not
to get overconfident: "It's far from
over. I'm sure the Yankees feel
that way too."
Warren Spahn, who probably
will pitch the fourth game Sun
day, said he figured it will take
six games for the Braves to re
peat last year's triumph. "These
Yankees are plenty tough." he
Stengel also warned the Braves
not to get too cocky. "Somebody
ought to tell those guys not to
get too overconfident. This club
of mine has a way of coming
RIDE TO Chambersbuny on Fr!dem. Leave
Fodays 5 p.m. return Sunday. Phone
Scott, AD 7-4i73.
2 bNlroonia
74979 ask for the caterer.
NOTICE MARRIED College Men—lent
year. college men in our department
working part time averaged $75 per week.
Due to conditions in our department this
year. we ircpect even higher gains. Pleas
ant. short hour arrangements allow plenty
of time for studying. Car furnialted, ec
penies paid. Call Ed Lough, AD 74753
Mon.. Fri. between 640 p.m. Salary $36
per week.
STUDENT TO Aare furnished apartment
with two seniors; across from Corner
Room. Living room, kitchen included. Stop
at Rinaldo's Barber Shop Thurs. or FrL
Ask for Joe.
TUTORING IN French and German hi
native European. [legume's and ad
vanced. Single or group lessons. Call AD
8-6387 or P.O. Boa 391.
GIRLS AND Fellows—Earn extra cash
selling a prestige line of fine fragrances
for Christmas season. Generous eonintis
sion. Call Don or Sam AD ft-8151.
CHESTER (*RICK Bockenmier J. , James.
Barr Matron. Plemie come home. All is
OUTING CLUII—Rock chrnher4. Leave
10 a tn. Sunday behind Ormond for Chil
coat Hollow.
OUTING CLUB—Moonlitcht hike. spaghetti
dinner, overnight, at Foreitry cabin.
Stgn up al HUB desk Leave from behind
04mond 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday.
OUTING CLUB—Archery hunt G a tn. and
10 a.m. Lease from behind Osmond
IF YOUR typewi iter is giving you trouble
our years of experience are at your
command. Just dial AI) 7-2492 or bring
rusehine to 633 W. College Ave.
SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: Why worry? Well
supply you a band in a hurry. Music
Unlimited. Box 568. State College.
STORAGE STUDENT trunks and per
sonal affects; pick-up and delivery eery
Ice. Shoemaker Bros. Phone AD 11_11761.
W.S G A. STANDING committee memberst
publication puhlicitv LA W.S. Ind oth
ers—all those intereetel may apply Mon.,
Oct. 6 1.5 p m. in W.S.C.A. office, second
floor HUB
For real, down-to-earth
smoking enjoyment, there's
nothing else like Camel. No
other cigarette brings you
the rich flavor _and easy
going mildness of Camel's
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smoke Camels than any
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Today as always, the best
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Rise above fads
Have a real
have a CAMEL
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