PAGE SIX Moconyi to Start at Fullback * * • _ , FRAN PAOLONE Gridders Looking for Upset (Continued front page one) pleted 12 of 28 pa , , , ,es for three T 1) "Army is tough no natter what kind of formation it uses," Engle said one day last week. "Well have to Prepare for anything and everything." "They have teriffic speed in Anderson and Dawkins and an excellent passer in Caldwell. But they also have a powerful fullback in (Harry) Walters and a big, tough line "which aver ages 210 pounds." Engle's assistant coaches who scouted Arniv in its rout over the Gamecocks agree 100 per cent with Engle "That Walters is a very stroll , * and hard runner," end coach J T White said. "He's much bet ter than (Vince) Barth, Army's fullback last year. Ane, he's fast er too." "That line is bigger than ever." line coach 'l'or Toretti comment ed "(Bob) Novagrat7 is the aca demy strong boy. He was very instrumental in our defeat last year" Novagratz, who has been rated as one of the Point's all-time line men by many sports writers. was the big star in last week's Caro lina test, completing over 75 per cent of his offensive assignments and leading the line in tackles. Novagratz is the left guard in Army's new unorthodox lineup. flanked by end Don Ursy and center Bill Rowe, both of whom arc lettermen. The other side of the line finds Joe Vanderbush at guard. lettermen Maurice Bil liard and Ed Bagdonas at tackles Bill Carpenter flanked in the "lonesome" end • ,` sc- • •••• SATURDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1958 By 808 THOMPSON Collegian Photography Editor , . , •-•-• `ice,-.7.1t.-- ' .; v.', •'- - NOZ:‘ trk:';,Y , ;lt - \ / 7 , •••,.-,0 , ..E:. 'i . ` -- 4.3 V ;•• - - ', , ","'f.' - - . ." - '.2"