PAGE EIGHT Delegation 3-Day ICG Members of the Intercollegiate Conference on Govern ment will show its skill in "politicking" at its national con vention in Harrisburg today, tomorrow and Saturday. A full delegation of more than 25 members, headed by James Goodwin, senior in physics from Philadelphia, will attend. The annual event is designed to give college students practical experience in pushing legislation through a model political conven tion. ICG is a statewide non-parti san organization founded to provide a meeting place for rep resentatives of any 'political par ty or philosophy. Members de bate model bills, following strict ip a r liamentary procedure. The University chapter was started about 20 years ago and is ad vised by Lee E. Corter. assistant professor of political science. Ten committees tomorrow will present bills of statewide and na tional interest which have been debated at weekly ICG meetings and at the regional convention at Gettysburg College. Bills will be brought before the full conven tion of about 30 schools Saturday. Delegations also will vie for the two top positions in ICG— .. „. \ k .... .. . . . ~.....,... .•..... .. ~...,, ........ , • . ' N. .. ~ .. ..•..,...: .••• ~... • . ... .....: . .. • ...•• .. • .., .._ .„.„ ..•, ...,. •..., • .- • ~ _... •. . . ._ •• . .. ~,. . .. . . . •.. . . .. • ~... .. . . . . . .. .. .. . - ... • ... • .• „..,_ . . .... : .._ . . , . . .•.. • .. . .... . . ~__.-.........- •'....:-.- ..-..... . ....., .. . ...; .•... .. .... . .... is THE BEST PRESENT WHAT IS A TEN•OAY DICTATOR? •ONDON WAKEFIELD. Brief Chief 1.1 OF KANSAS LIGHT UP A light SMOKE-LIGHT UP A LUCKY! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Attends Meeting state speaker and slate clerk. Mrs. Carol Kling, a University alumna, will act as state clerk and assistant to the executive di rector. William Kling, senior in journalism from York, is regional director. Students May Get Symphony Tickets A total of 1638 student tickets still remain for the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. Sunday night in Recreation Hall. Ticket sales to non-students will begin at 9 a.m. today and continue until 5 p.m. Friday. Tickets cost $1.25 each, Any re maining tickets will be distributed to students on Saturday morning. The orchestra, under the direc tion of George Szell, will give the last concert of the present Artists' Series. BON VOYAGE presents? You might give a substantial checking account in the Left Bank of Paris. A deck of cards for playing London Bridge. Or walking shoes in which to Rome Italy: Better yet, give Luckies— and make your present a Partin' Carton! A Lucky, after all, is the best-tasting ciga rette anywhere. In Paris you hear, "Un Luckee? C'est merveilleux !" (That's French!) Roughly - translated, it means: it's all fine, light, good-tasting tobacco, toasted to taste even better. (That's advertising!) Just light up a Lucky and see for yourself! (Now, that's smart!) IS A LONG•DISTANC! 'ONO CHAMPION? WHAT IS A SHEEP'S "HEAD" 0 tikA \ L,- \I JOYCE, !ASSN. Bleating Greeting PENN STATE Dodge to Give Lecture Tonight On Red Schools Dr. Homer L. Dodge, president emeritus of Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont, will lecture on "Soviet Education: A Chal lenge to America" at 8:15 tonight in 119 Osmond. He will give a special lecture, "Camera Lens on Russia," for the College of Chemistry and Physics, at 2:10 p.m. today in 117 Osmond. The talk will be illustrated with slides. The lectures are based on Dodge's recent trip to Russia. Dodge won recognition from American educators through his development of the Department of Physics and the Graduate School of the University of Okla homa. He was founder and first director of the Research Institute there. A physicist, Dodge was the only non-engineering member of the engineering education mission to Japan in 1951, sponsored by. the Council of the American So-' ciety for Engineering Education. He was the first president of th e American Association of Physics Teachers. •Passenger cars were involved in over 78 per cent of all U.S. traffic fatalities in 1957 and in 86 per cent of traffic injuries. WHAT IS A MODEST MISTAKE? Pace Ace ANN! LUBELL. BROOKLYN COLLEGE WHAT IS AN ADROIT FISHERMAN? WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Master Caster YOUNGSTOWN U. r —Net of c& vir Aesto-granis-4240ra is our middle name Humble Bumble Wimer to Talk At UCA Dinner The Rev. William Wimer of the United Church of Christ will speak at the installation banquet of the University Christian Asso ciation tonight. His topic will be "A New Look at Christian Leadership." The banquet will follow the in stallation of new officers of UCA at 5:10 p.m. today in the Eisen hower chapel. Outgoing President Richard Martin will speak at the banquet on "A Look at Past UCA Events," and President-Elect Thomas Dau bert will speak on "A Look To ward the Future." The Rev. Hal Leiper, associate 'director of UCA, will deliver a !mediation on "Chosen." Gove El der will be master of ceremonies. Grad Faculty to Hear Dennis Lecture Today Lawrence E. Dennis, vice pres ident for academic affairs, will speak to the graduate faculty at 4:10 in 121 Sparks. FRATERNITY NEWSPAPERS Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. COLLEGE AD 64744 Stuck for dough? START STICKLING! MAKE $25 We'll pay $25 for every Stickler we print—and for hundreds more that never get used! So start Stickling— they're so easy you can think of dozens in seconds! Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same num ber of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send 'em all with your name, address, college and class to Happy- Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. "4; , ,.:141, •-, - '.i~ , rllp~r CIGARETTES WHAT IS A MOTHER WHO SPARES THE ROD? #4)4 ' • voso ti 1 • % A 11 • - Toddler Coddler DONNA SHEA. sumo STATE TEACHERS THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1958 Lion's Paw-- (Continued from page one) cusations of partiality, he said. Nurock added he wasn't try ing to impugn the integrity of any administrative members. Coogan, a Lion's Paw alumni, assured Nurock it would be be neath administration offices to interfere in such an investiga tion. Nye, in explaining the grounds on which his committee can in vestigate a student activity, said a preliminary hearing would first be conducted to decide if there is enough material for an investi-, gation. "We don't want to act as an open forum for personal dis putes," he said. Investigation would have to be on facts, he added, saying th e committee wouldn't be part of a case of "some disgruntled student who has sour grapes because he wasn't picked for the organization." Nurock said last night there are many people, from all classes, who are interested in general knowledge of the group—not just because they weren't tapped. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST RE IN DT 11:00 a.m. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES-17 words or less: 30.50 Ono insertion $0.75 Two insertions 31.00 -Three Insertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each day of Insertion FOR SALE BLOND MAHOGANY table Hi-Ft set, practirally new. Phone Faggot ext. 3982. Beat offer over EH. NEW CLARINET, must sell, reasonable. Call AD 84200. PHLUEGER PELICAN spinning reel, like new. extra spool with line. $23 when new—sl6. Call Brad Karan AD 7.2002. 1929 MODE!. A Ford coupe, rebuilt en. gine, good body and tires, inspected. Call Al AD S-0154. WILL SELL $16.00 Spalding tennis racket fur $lO.OO. In excellent condition. Call ext. 864. FOR RENT TWO GIRLS to share apartment starting June Ist.—m, alking distance to campus. Call AD 7-7089 after 5, p.m. FIRST FLOOR apartment available in June: block and one-half from main gate. Rrange and refrigerator furnished. One person or married couple with no children preferred. Call AD 8-9826. WRISTWATCH—morning of Apia 12, west campus or Meat. Call ext. 2886. Reward. PINK LEATHER 'wallet of sentimental value in vicinity of Mali and Schwab. Reward offered. Please call Irene ext. 12354. AREX SPINNING reel end fiberglass pole at Whipple's, April 15th afternoon. Call AD 7-7014. Reward. WILL PERSON who took K&E slide rule by mistake from Waring Hall please return it to the Waring Information desk or eat/ Jake. ext. 3487. RAGGED BLUE notebook on campus. Re ward. Call Chuck AD 8-8315. SWISS-MADE wrist watch, leather strap— between Sparks and Boucke: lost Friday morning. Call Roger Shoemaker ext. 2905. ONE BLUE Navy cap cover with. gold anchor—Sigma- Chi Sat. night. Call Norm ext. 2933. CLASS '56 Baldwin High School ring. Call Paul AD 7-4969. WILL THE person who took tan trench cos! from Ith floor Boucke April 11 contact Bob Michael ext. 283. FOUND ONE PAIR men's black rimmed glasses in Waring lounge. Contact Dennis ext. 2814. WANTED COMBINATION Sports-News reporter. If interested. call in person for interview. Tyrone Deily Herald, Tyrone, Pa. ONE DOZEN banana' and a tin cup for Bernie. Call ext. 279. UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR requires 'iv* or six room furnished house or apart ment Sept. through June. Write James Carroll, 212 Whitmore. DELIVERY MAN-8 p.m. to 11 p.m. six nights a week. Sea Mr. Dashbach, Nit tany Dell, 400 E. College Ave. ==l MISCELLANEOUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR girls in th;junG or senior class who are interested in a summer counselling position in a fine coed camp. Director of Pine Forest Camp in the Poconos will interview at the Student Employment Office in Old Main on Wed., April 23. Sign up in advance for an appointment. CARS SIMONIZED—we pick up and de liver four hour service—s 6.96. Call Nat. The Simonize Man AD 8-0994. FRESHMEN—Pick up your FREE tickets at the HUB desk for the Freshman Class Dance "April In Blue" to be held in the HUB ballroom April 19 from 9 to 12. ULTRA SMART chemise? Casual Her• mudas? Have them expertly tailored from materials of your choice for con siderably less than store prices. Call AD 8-8256. iT'S HASSINSER, for racket stringing the No.Awi way. Latest factory equip ment, prompt service, guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. University 'Tennis Service. 514 Beaver Ave. after 5 p.m. LOCAL REPAIR Servito on all makes of typewriters. W. will call for and deliver Tour typewriter. Nittany Office Equipsuen‘ ID 1141211.