THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1958 Ike's New Defense Plan Sent to Congress for OK WASHINGTON (EP)—Pres gress yesterday his detailed p power of the secretary of defe Immediately, Rep. Vinson 1 toward "Prussian-type supre Ike Blasts Urged by WASHINGTON ({)- Eisenhower took aim E Truman yesterday an never would go for that might "flood t with money" and shoo ward. Eisenhower again h Id back on any immediate tax c t to pump up purchasing power nd combat the recession. He told news con ference he has made is position crystal clear—this bu ine—; of a tax cut will be taken p when he can be convinced it will be for the benefit of the Ur ited States. The chief executive also erected caution and slow signs in the path of public works legislation, where as former President human is urging heavier spending on works projects. Warships Bombard Padang, Sumatra, As Rebels Dig In PADANG, Central t Sumatra (UP) —lndonesian warships opened fire on this port city yesterday in an apparent prelude to the big offen sive against Central Sumatran rebels. The rebels braced for a possible amphibious, landing by 6000 men Thursday. JAKARTA (EP}—An Indonesian military spokesman said last night an invasion of Padang and an as sault on Bukittinggi may come by morning. Navy spokesman Maj. Mariz expressed the hope the as saults would finish off the rebels by April 21. An air force spokesman said the impending attack would be the government's final blow. Navy 'Spacemen' OK PHILADELPHIA (IP) The six stimulated Navy spacemen under going a seven-day test under con ditions close to those expected on a flight through outer space were reported doing well Wednesday. World Fair Begins Today BRUSSELS, Belgium (W) King Baudouin will kindle a flame this morning and officially open the 1958 World Fair=the first since the New York World's Fair of 1939-40. GOP Muit Rebuild—Stassen PHILADELPHIA (JP) Harold E. Stassen said Wednesday the Republican party in Pennsylvania must be rebuilt to serve the peo ple. "See hers Jones, you can't drive 40 miles lust to eat at Christy'sl" With traveling folk we've 'passed the test They try them all and pick the best. #/i?/STYs dent Eisenhower sent to Con an for increasing sharply the D.-Ga.) denounced it as a move i e high command." Vinson is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee which will begin open hearings on the plan next Monday with Secretary of Defense McElroy as the first witness. Plan HST President t Harry S. d said he program e country prices up- In a House speech, Vinson touched off what could develop into a great debate by saying the plan would reduce the sec retaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force to bookkeeping super intendents. "Space ships, satellites andl guided missiles," he said, "can not abrogate the Constitution of the United States" nor stampede Congress. Vinson's sharp words threw down the challenge to Eisenhow er, who has said he will fight for his plan no matter how vigor ously it is opposed. The President, in sendin,, his plan to Congress, left out the part that has so far been the most criticized. He said he will detail next year his proposal for giving the secretary of defense "greater flexibility in money matters." Eisenhower at his news confer ence, however, took great pains to insist that he had never suggest ed that Congress give the defense chief control over all defense funds. Part of the criticism of the past two weeks had been based on the impression that was what he had in mind. *Nearly 27 per cent of U.S. driv ers involved in 1957 traffic fatali ties were under,2s years of age. In the new easy-to-care miracle fabric, Arnel sharkskin. CHESTNUT HILL designs a pleated skirt in a crisp window pan check that coordinates with a matching solid chemise-inspired middy, to make a . smart summer outfit. Or, wear it with a check top or solid skirt for that single saque look! Smart Shop THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA West Asks Pre-Summit Talks Start MOSCOW GP) - The ambassa dors of Britain, the United States and France yesterday told the So viet Union they are ready to begin talks today on the major issues in preparation for a summit confer ence. But they insisted on going far deeper into issues at the diplo matic level than the Soviet Union wants to go. Thus they put the next move up to the Soviets and the Kremlin was silent. Similar notes from the three Western powers delivered yester day to Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko accepted the Soviet pro posal of April 11 that preparatory talks for a summit conference be gin on the diplomatic level April 17. The three Western ambassadors told Gromyko in 500-word notes they would make themselves available for the talks. A Western diplomat said this meant the ambassadors did not plan to call at the Soviet Foreign Ministry or take any further steps, unless a reply to the notes requests them to do so. . Government Sought By France's Coty PARIS (iP) President Rene Coty began a search yesterday for some sort of parliamentary coalition to govern France, amid gloomy predictions of a long term Cabinet crisis. With Premier Felix Gaillard's five-month-old Cabinet routed by the combined attack of conserva tives and Communists on a wave of anti-American sentiment, the President's search for a National Assembly majority promised to be an anguished one. ;~~ ~t ~~ 123 S. Allen Street Senate OK's Works Bill In Anti-Recession Effort WASHINGTON (P)—The Sen- ate last night passed a bill to A tomic Energy Committee pects to receive a new formula by ex lend a billion dollars in federal Friday for construction and oper funds to cities and states for pub-lotion of a proposed new atomic tic works projects to combat the i'eactor for Pennsylvania, Rep. recession. The vote was 60-26. James E. Van Zandt (R-Pa.). re- The bill now goes to the House.lported yesterday: GRADUATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION IS SPONSORING A Free Graduate Semi-formal DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 18 9 to 12 Music by The Melody Men HETZEL UNION BUILDING --- Free Refreshments --- The Bible People differ radically in what they think about the Bible. Some seem to think it was handed down from Heaven written in English and bound in morocco. Many accept it as the inspired Word of God with out knowing why they are justified in doing so. And others say that the Bible is full of contradictions and must be taken "with a grain of salt." A proper understanding of the Scriptures can exert a tremendous influence for good in your per sonal life. You should, therefore, know where we get the Bible ... what it means why you can be lieve its every word. Nowhere in the Bible text will you find a list of the 73 inspired books of which it is composed. This list was given to the world by the Catholic Church almost three full centuries after the Cruci fixion of Jesus Christ. Between the time of the Crucifixion and the time the Scriptures were gathered into a single Book, millions had re ceived and accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ... and had died with out ever seeing the complete Bible. Established by Jesus Christ Himself and rapidly spread among the nations of the world, the Catholic Church was carrying on Christ's work for the salvation of men some 60 years before the Aposde John wrote his books of the New Testament. For more than a thousand years afterward, the Scriptures were pre served and circulated by Catholic monks and . scholar s who labori ously copied the sacred text by hand. And the Bible authorized by the Catholic Church was the first book produced by Gutenberg upon the invention of printing. Yes, the Bible is truly a Catholic book. They were members of the Catholic Church who, under God's SUPREME KMGHTS OF COLUMBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 4422 LINDELL BLVD. ST. LOUIS B, MISSOURI New Formula Expected For Pa. Atom Reactor WASHINGTON (fP)—The Joint -° " 31141 1 is a inspiration, wrote the New Testa ment in its entirety. It was the Catholic Church which treasured it and gave it to the world in its original and unaltered form. It is the infallible authority of the Catholic Church that always has been the only sure guarantee of its inspiration. There are obscure and difficult passages in the Bible, some of which may seem confusing. But with the complete revealed truth of God, delivered to her from the beginning, the Catholic Church has faithfully unfolded the mean ing of the written Word of God to past generations of mankind -- and does so today. . Those who are familiar with the e Bible, as well as those reading it for the first time, will find many important questions concerning it answered in an interesting booklet which we shall seed you in a plain wrapper free on request. And no body will call on you. Ask for Pamphlet No. KC-3. 0 A 44 SUPREME COUNCIL KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 4422 Undo!! Blvd., St. Louis 5, Mo. Please send me Pro* Pamphlet entitled "The Bible is A Catholic Boob." . 5C4 NAMF ... ADORES I CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE IMME!!