The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 08, 1958, Image 8

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ICG Convenes
At Gettysburg
M*mbeis of the University bate teams are hosting 16 col
chants* of the Intercollegiate Con- , , , ... . i
irtrnn: on Government, a cam- Irges and universities at the:
pus bipartisan political group, 23rd annua] Interstate Debate
art- attending a regional convert- . , . .
t,on at Gettysburg College today. Congress which began yester-
Delegatsons from 12 colleges in day morning and will end today.
Central Pennsylvania will gather The congress will be conducted;
there in preparation for the an- in the manner of the Senate of
nual state convention April 14-16. the United States and will pre-
Several model bills concerning pare two model bills. The pro
military affairs, labor, foreign posed bills are:
affairs and issues of nation- •Should the requirement of
al political significance have been membership in a labor organiza
drawn up by the University chap- t jon as a condition of employment
ler and will be presented before i, e illegal?
& model unicameral legislature.
The delegation will include ICG
Regional Director William Kling.
senior in journalism from York,
and chapter Chairman James
Goodwin, senior in physics from
(Continued from page one)
Gerald Srrnno. John Mcllnay.
Carolyn Hodgekiss and Mary
The make-up crew managers
ere Harry Jones and Ann Beck
ley. Members of the crew are
Shirley Zampelii. Sherry Ken
nel and Elisabeth Miller.
Manager for the light crew is
Ch.’iilf"' Bartholomew and his as-,
iistnnl manager is William Btn
Caro! Dominick is manager of
the advertising crew. Other mem
bers of the crew are Elizabeth
Miller, William Bonham, Ruth
Fink, Rachel Newman and James
Co-managers of the construc
tion crew are Dean Eayre and,
William Bennett. Crew members,
are Jacob Evens, Brenda Donu-l
van, Marilyn Weiner, Linda Ack-<
Jcy and Richaid Frantz.
Costume crew co-managers ,|
are Gail Glenn and Patricia
Smith. Members of the crew are
Mary Fartsh, Helen Mitchell
Alice Bowman. Jane Livingston
and Gayle Kelchner.
Tile director of the play is
Kelly Yea'on, associate professor ,
, 4 ; e TWO PAIRS ill #lftM 148
of thcatio arts Stage manager l- ift*- nru thrown tosfm »n<j fir***? sh****.
Derek Swire. Settings were jvD
signed l)v Russel] Whaley, assist* two single stalls. iro»d son
ant professor of theatre arts, fii fM\*r** included. Cali
daxik H 1 V ’ l - r^l ~ AD NCin. for h*>u*r manager.
the t«>chnical director is Cameron
ine ief.ii.Jit* i u f DASCHUND PUPPIES. AKC registered.
Iseman, instrucioi of theatre art.-, sjo. phnnr ad s-umt.
Martin Participates roR « ENT
■ NRAR TO campus—t«o dean room*, rca-
SS. m' ftonablc excellent Mudv condition*.
DIG frwndtr 532 Is. Pufh Street.
Robert-Martin, disk jockey for 9i'' : *?- ~-’'i
mill n-uiirmant on ‘The A *' tv ' for balance of sprinp
WMAJ. «a s a pamupdin on ine wnlHlU . r „ Maril;n H ««, U 7 East
j3l£ llt’lW 01 K racuo iu&wr Ate also btfinjj taken
program f«c wnirnw smion and fall lemrcter.
The program will be broadcast Atk !ur Mr - ■ skUr " r Mr »-
over WMAJ at 4:35 p.m. todav. NICE LARGE sinrle room near campus
Katherine Bell, sophomore at N>w f . urr,i!hinE *- c ‘"
State College High School and SINGLE room'in private” tom^SOlS.
daughter of Louts H. Bell, jdirec- , >uch AD *^7.3.
tor of the Department of Public si N(; le or double room for rent at <;o
Information. was also on the' south push. Call ad 6-<hii3.
show .with Martin. '
Steve Fishbein. also of WMAJ*
will be on The Wheel of For- kjtd leather irUne u-ith fur iming
tune," another network radio pro- bei*«-n iimime h«h. Burro.« ek »r.d
gram. The show will not be car- Co«i»r. c.u «*xt. ms. M.nin-,
ried in State College.
Profs to Study PERSON**Wo mistakenly u*k ROTC
. 1 cap from P* Sicma Cpsilon Sal. nile
Tobacco Crops 1I77 “ HCB ° x " a ” ”* u
The fertilizer requirements of "' a»»iuerCT% ~
the cigar-filler tobacco crop in WANTED
Lancaster County will be studied wanted - fifty or sixty student* to
bv agronomists in the Depart- *“'«■ Mon<l * l ' s mrtl f ~ m * :a#
* .~ , * ■ _ p.m. to * Reservation* accepted. Phone
ment of Agronomy in co-operation M) F ..n~-ri y R, n rf>. north
with the University's Southeast- of Smt. Collar. Route 3:2.
'em Field Laboratory at Landis- waiter needed *t Phi si*m» K»rp«.
Ville. Call AD T-tSSS. Axk for Don Dunlop.
Dr. A. S. Hunter, professor of riders TolntuiiutS for E«tern wmt
soil technology, is in charge of lnw Chjm:piori>.hii. »t Filt Field Hoimo
, , . t '.oj.L hnc heon re- Mr.r.h 11- 15. Lrtte St.te Collette 10:15
the re^iai ch. which has been re- FrW . c , n M , n M.thew, ad s-etet.
quested bv the Lancaster County y T1 —, •
-tv,v,o Cro-.ore C/umorativi) ,KlDt TO New torlc, Lon* blend. Wed.
Tobacco Gro«us_Cooperau\e ’^ m . A( -, ril . t - all Jf . f f .736.
Ima Rrirlnp Instructions R’DERS TO MUmi, Florida oter Mirinc
rrve oriuge msir ucnuiis >aa . r .u Sorni „ r Garr aD t-:ou9
To Begin Tuesday Night '*-177- ' .
Free beginners' bridgeglasses
Will begin at o:30 p.m. Tuesday .teork whirh will not interfere* with your
in the Het/e! Union cardroom. wtiviti** c»r. nett ippetrmn« do*
The snntKnrwi he tho flr " i * *' u <r * in > ou * APPb 211 Wil
inc classes, sponsorea oy tne, Urd Tu ,^.. v M.rrh u t.oo p.m. »h»rp
Association of Independent Men m a Te 'ot mp coum-Vior* .id;
and Will DC on rpeciatt} C*ft.p Stf*QU<hanna. New;
Tuesday nights for three weeks Milford. Pa. For information contact Ralph
— - Kehrli. Hi: W Collnrc Axe., State College!
Agent of Blair County . -—!
To Retire From Staff miscellaneous ;
Eugene Hamill. county agent of PHI KAPPA Fr»urmtr: w« .nr boldin*;
Blair Countv, will retire on Mon- . th ,'* n ,!* b, t M,rcl ! u * !
day after 35 of sen-ice in r.?rlk°“
county agent work on the Um- .ori.l ch»ir«r.*n. Cindy. ext IKSM. Th«nk
versity staff. You! :
Hamili is past president of the need a rombo? Tb» Jim Hor.n Qu.rtct
Pennsylvania County Agent s As- -.“ f ‘;r bookiu*. au trpw of mtait
• Bociation and holds the distin-
cuished service award of the Na-'OOAt. repair Stm« on *ll ot
tional Association of County Agri- ( gJj££St j
cultural Agents. 4 jj» uiu . 4
16 Schools Attend Debate Congress
The men's and women’s de-
Profs Will Attend Civil Service Exam jße/fefonte ymca Plans
Navy Symposium Blanks Available S " "LSI m SP ™-
Dr. Benjamin L. Snavelv, act- Applications for the next Civil SQr a “Saint Patty's Celebration
ing director, and Dr. Vernon M. Service examination to be given n __
Albers, chief scientist at the Ord- on May 10 must be filed by April rom ® P' m ' t 0 * a ' m ' March
nance Research Laboratory, will 24. .15.
attend the Second Symposium on Applicants must get card Form' Olin Butt and his Keystonaires
Basic and Applied Science in the 5000-AB from a post office. Civile-ill supply the music, with spe- c nnrtc orn f win c nen i.
Navy Tuesday. Wednesday and Service regional office, the cen-' • roods r'rOT Will SpeaK
Thursday at the U.S. Navy Elec-.tral office'of the Civil Service if 13 ' eVe " t f dance con-; „
tronics Laboratory', San Diego, Commission or the University, tests, raffles and cake walks. * ® Louisiana Association
California. Placement office. i Tickets cost $1.25 per person! Dr. Miriam E. Lowenberg, pro
•'The Ocean as the Operating' Applicants must fill out the! and may be purchased at the Het-jfessor and head of the Depart-
Eru'ironment of the Navy,' 1 is the form and mail it to the Civil zel Union desk. Reservations of Foods and Nutrition, will
theme of the symposium. .Service office having jurisdiction also be made at the Bellefonte! s P ea k Friday and Saturday at
over the place where they wish YMCA by calling EL 5-4870. j Monroe, La.
Farm Exchange to Hold , to J? ke *J? e wr !}} en test t . t ——- ! The first talk, at the Louisiana
M t The office will send applicants; Ethan Allen, hero of Ticonder-jHome Economics Association, is
mccliny Iwr Seniors an admission card with the exact oga, spent his last few years imon “Food is for People.” The sec-
Seniors interested in interview- time and place to report for the Burlington, Vermont, where he isjond is titled “The Art of Feeding
mg with the Eastern States Farm- test. ■ burned. ■Families ”
ers’ Exchange will meet at 7 p.m.,
Monday in 110 Armsby.
Individual interviews will be
held at 7 p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday in 117 Tyson
ADS Ml'SI Ofc IN IM 11 *-»
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WILL THE prr««n who took the Penn
, State jacket from Zool Lab Review
tplease call ext. 3154.
| •How can our colleges and'discussed last night. The “Higher
universities best meet the increas-;Education” bill will be discussed
ling demand for higher education? at 9 a.m. today.
the final prepared bills will be! Schools attending the congress!
presented to the Congress of the are
[United States at the close of the! Westminster College. LaSalle
session. University, Slippery Rock State
| The congress is designed to give. Teachers College, U.S. Naval Aca
jthe participants practice in par- demy, University of Pittsburgh,
;liamentary speaking and proce-,'University of Delaware, Univer-i
idure. They will participate in for-[ s j ty 0 f Rhode Island, Rutgers Uni
emulating committees and make; V ersity.
.speeches defending their positions.! Lehigh University, Allegheny
I The bills were prepared at!College, Kings College, Oswego
.meetings yesterday morning and’College, Fredonia College, Albany
afternoon. [State College, Mt. Mercy College
The “Right to Work” bill was and St. Vincent’s College.
A Campus-to-Career Case History
Westport’s “Mr. Telephone Company”
Tile Westport, Connecticut, office ol
Southern New England Telephone Com
pany is managed by John F. Lehr, A. 8.,
Yale, ’52. In Westport, John is “Mr.
Telephone Company.”
“This job has everything,” John says;
“responsibility, independence, a chance
to contribute to the community as well
as the company. I have 8600 accounts
in my office, and every one of those ac
counts is a person who has to be pleased
with our telephone service. I’m in close
contact with the town officials, and Take
part in many civic activities. Needless
to say, it*s a very interesting assignment.
“How I happened to choose a career
with the telephone company tells you
something about the business. After a
dozen or so interviews with various
Find out about career opportunities.for you in the Bell
Telephone Companies. Talk with the Bell interviewer
when he visits your campus. And read the Bell Telephone
booklet on-file in -your Placement Office,' or write for
“Challenge and Opportunity” tot 'College Employment-
Supervisor, American Telephone and Telegraph Company,
195 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.
|Party Nominees—
(Continued from page one)
Students should be able to pro
ihe meetings if they do not have
duce indentification, preferably
permanent matriculation cards,
Fishburn said. The party cards
are non-transferable, and last se
mester’s are- no longer valid.
To be elected a party’s candi
date for office, a nominee must
[receive a majority of the total
[votes cast for the office. All can
didates must have a minimum 2.4
[All-University average. No stu
dent may be nominated in both
[parties, according to the Elections
Candidates for junior class offi
cers must be fourth semester, and
those for senior offices must be
sixth semester. All-University
[office candidates also must be
sixth semester students. Parties
must submit candidates for all
nine'offices to be filled in the
! spring elections, March 25, 26.
and 27.
firms, I picked the telephone company
because it offered two things I was look
ing for—immediate opportunity, and!
long-range opportunity, too.
“You see, I was married'in my senior
year at college, so I wanted a career
where I could start with a good salary,
and get the training I’d need to advance
in the shortest possible time. That’s whut
I wanted immediately.
“The rapid expansion of the telephone
business assured me of the long-range
opportunities, because that expansion is
creating more and more management
positions to be filled. In fact, here I am,
Manager in Westport, after only five
years in the company. I don’t know of
another business where you can find 1
more opportunities to get ahead.”