The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 05, 1958, Image 2
PAGE TWO THE CUTHBERT SALMONS, a designing pair, ’.vork together or. 1 plans :n them office at home. Botr. teach arch.teeture courses at the Uruvcr-itv. University Architectural Pair Apply Design for Modern Life Take a marriage, children ana a profession, add ‘his and hers" drawing boards and: The new members are Helen you’ve got the blueprint for a successful husband and wife team —Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert : Brown, Helen Buchanan, Kay Salmon, parents, architects and Drofessors. jßerr}, Barbara Blake, Gail They met over a T square as m arcmtecture at the University of Penn-. Ewing, Jean Holcombe, Nancv! svl varus, got masters’ degrees, went their separate wavs and later wound up working! Horst, Nancy Hubbell, Eleanor fnr ihf tarn*, firm in rhira.n , —: . iJudy, Pat Miller, Phyllis Muskat, * _ iMaureen Pickering, Patricia Ann! . in' huibilids w:vci A nnrnuAC iHotb. SalI >’ Saunders. Barbara! clil^3 : “We like working as a team,” ;»V3V3»M MppiOV©S {Sutherland. Nancy Lee Tate, Lore-' Salmon said. “If one of us says \/-l ltr ,i«w„ jeta Terlizzi. Frances Ann Wassel and Saimon came to State Co ; - : tozlseliling pTo{essionMl- th* ot h. ; VOlUntaiy CD 'and Carol Yard. Their nhilamnh* f.„n. ! £ tao 7* how , lo “torprel it" The Women’s Student Govern-' ‘ r s ® lll * lll3 **- , be Srinned, wa intent Association Senate has Officers to Be Elected erchaage classroom responsi- ; voted to favor a voluntary course! .... &L7in T 1 *“““ ** Y """"S Ea 3 ,nSerS t£r s£Lg°c£*kf lb d Ser^ ’ members agreed En-' 1 ™‘ fficers al 7:30 j is built not on a hill, but of the! The Salmons’ bouse has sev-t““f^4^ Fred S President of the, 4iill so that hill and house liberal types of lighting, ir.dudingi Th e senate also voted to *sk ch *?T‘ a business meeting; together, each the happier tor the pinhole spots in the living-dining: tif r^fi wlll be held and slldes wlll other. |area and a plastic bliSr t*p|i£2n? <MS !,hoWII on “Placer Mining ini Settled in the living tootn. Sal-dome that brings the stars of expenses for Refreshments wIU be tnon. reddish haired associate pro-jthe_siuay. ‘Week. * eu - I iessor of architecture, and his! The team has designed every-! i T~ : wile, associate professor of hous-Ithing from ‘‘dream homes” kiNlHnnu Cimiau iAlOtfl Ptof TO Address i ing and home art, explained their. State College to the recently com- lO JUlVcjr ei„L T —:_Li philosophy for modem bring. ; Die ted Pleasant Gap n fl C M rilii!«r Club Tonight **W« toel every house fhe-u* ’Their specialty is rehabilitation- ItBW RcC rCJCIIIYieS j Dr. Henry T. Hiz, assistant pro bo planned in terms of "zoaec" jCcntors f °r physically handi- : dittany Council lias formed ai f essor of mathematics, will speak -of activity rather than just aad they serve as consul- committee to investigate new rec-i on “Conflicts” to the Philosophy rooms and solid walls. A home tjhts .or the National Society for;reation facilities in the NittanyjClub at 7:30 tonight in 214 Hetzel is a place where a family grows .[Crippled Children and Adults. dining area. {Union-. aesthetically, spiritually and * ~ Vending machines and a tele- t Refreshments will be served mentally.” : mr4 nnfo f c Serint vision set will be moved into thejand the meeting is open to the The main areas of the Salmons'; • - ‘Htung room. .public. home center around sleeping, !:v- ,T Dp Tl/ KhftiAf 1 *^ Ts^ or * e hi the Ni.tany area! ing-dming and working. The pian!* 7 Dtf 1 V !*' ho . has » complaint about the is like an ”H“ with one ear cut: James Lee BarTett. graduate of “wa jnay he given a tour by Food? off and the kitchen as a cross University, will have a new, Service. i On the uoper level are 3 bed-i SCTI P t “®°B m a Bush • ii f ] rooms, a study and the living-j presented tonight on Kraft Thea-'/ in UUv. iMCIITied 1 dining area. ~ % . l “We want the children to fee! L, B ?!*** “ £ Dean S List 1 that its their home as we’l Webbs feature film “The DJ. • „ 1 outs." Salmon said ‘That*? the television plays “Teddy! Seven students in the Division! wofficrToatL playwriting with;to the Dean’s List for the fall. We can entertain che«->?* »nd:’* arrer - Smith, associate pro-, semester. ! work without up tte lfessar oJ theatre arts, while at-’ They are John Uhrich, 4:00; El-] Hvim: area” P the University. “The Dl“ len Mills. 3.82: David Lloyd. 3.80;! The Irvine room is corv with }' was formed from a 1-act play-;William Tomlinson, 3.62: Edmond , Barrett for Five.Segum. Wniiam Harris, 3.50:’ to create « feeling of j° CioCK Theatre. ; and Richard Meise, 3.50, «i>«ce" Salmon said. "During ] ~ ~ TTT. I the day you can see all the way iMfHer Appointed editor ! to the top of ML Nillany or s Dr. E. Willard Miller, professor north to the cun chining on land head of the Department of S«in<> Creek through “walls of (Geographr, has been appointed a! S™-" {geographic editor for the Funk airs. Salmon has firm notionsiand Wagnail's Universal Stand-', about the place of a designing lard Encyclopedia. woman: “A woman's first concernv is her family and ITI be the first! to admit her place is ir. . . She was interrupted by cries of "Mommv. we want a el at. of water" from daughters Elizabeth! 10. and Mary. 7. j The Salmons as a working team: chare a togetherness unknown to Summer Sdwmi's Ch&«p*r in MEXICO Mtn fua. tool Writ* John Car&st* Obi* THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA —C«lk(ut hr By BOKNIE JOKES Department of Theatre Art* prostrate "RING ROUND THE MOON" Mar. 4,5, 6 8 p.m. Little Theatre Fr«* Tkk*t» Gnwa Hacsn —Diilr (VUexiln pboto by Bob Thonpton UNDER THE LIGHT of a Japanese-type plastic lamp, Mrs. Salmon relaxes on a contemporary door slab sofa constructed by her husband. RCA VICTOR LP SATE Continues This Week \ UNIVERSITY RECORD SHOP "Across from Atherton Hall" Open Evenings Until 9:00 pan. jHomeEc Society initiates 22 Women | Twenty-two women have been l initiated into Phi Upsilon Omi croa, national home economics ! honor society. RADIO «Swr£r* anJ Suppflti •Cca Radios j£Sk •Portable Radios vY •Phonographs nCyK oßatteri£3 /Q i State College TV 232 S. Alien St WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5. 1958 Center Stage To Premiere 'Boy on Beach' The premiere show of “Boy on the Beach” by Violet Welles will be presented by the Penn State Players at 8 pan. Friday at Cen ter Stage. Mrs. Welles, member of New Dramatists, New York, is an alum na of the University. Hie direc tor of the play is Kelly Yeaton, associate professor of theatre arts. Members of the cast and their roles are: Howard Warren playing Tam Pierce, Beverly James playing Gerry Anderson, Jane Mort play ing Evelyn Oliver, Timothy -Eck and Robert Ramsey playing Christie Oliver, Marvin Katz play ing Holman Oliver, William Warthling playing Frank Walker, Elaine Zeller playing Nancy Wal lace and Susan Mort playing Wan da Larsson. Stage manager for the produc tion is Derek Swire. Settings were designed by Russell G. Whaley, assistant professor of theatre arts. Technical director is Cameron D. Iseman, instructor of theatre arts. “Boy on the Beach” will play weekends through Apr. 12 not in cluding Easter vacation weekend. Tickets for Saturday’s perform ance are on sale at the Hetzel Union desk. There are no tickets available for Friday night. in MbLiJZ I HTOARMS "BOnbmaScop&mh »'UU»W«IC hmi COMING SOON! "The Brothers Karamaio" ooocooooooooonooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOO * HTTJUY Now > Doors Open 6:45 Luscious Diana Dors “AN ALLIGATOR NAMED DAISY” os7Sooooooooodd WMAJ Programs WEDNESDAY Sign O* _____ Morning Show Morning Devotion* Morning Sboir Hen . Bimini Interlude - _ Sewn drd* Sbtn . Mulls for Listening Sewo Queen tor t D*r Musis ns Soon Cntro Count, Sews Wketb Goins On Moot* Area Sports , Strike Cp Ike Bend World Seere . Afternoon of Mnein - Bob nnd Sap Sewn Muile for Llitrains Hewn and Market Report ■ gferte Bggri Tawi Hm - - ■ Fatten Lewis. ?r« - - Hewn , Mode for Usteai** __ Hfeh School Pnffrtm —... Mnfltc Or ttoiat • Jon F&conma ffPBFMI w Compos Kews iwofH) —nr, i XOlk lU T:JO T:M 7:45 un 0:00 l:U Dx. Skeß« 4WBFIO _ CrwroVwr W Nw* asi Jtosrts Bto ©lt