EIGHT Cabinet Endorses Steele's Judgment (Continued from page one) ture fund raising rampaigns for phi*. Now York and Pitubui gh, Larry Sharp,” Jacobson asked ifj these are expenses you can hardly this was Steele’s opinion. j avos< *- Boehiet here interrupted to say. Steele said he feels "quite con-that since Steele had not written; l'ident nothing wrong was done” the letter, he should not be asked; in not submitting his expense ac- to comment on it. Steele answered: count and left over money untilj Jacobson’s question, however,' two month? after the trip was saying he “would r.ot say the fundj completed. He said Donovan and.was irreparably damaged.” but; hjs staff "knew I had the moneythat it was "‘unfortunate that this and had not submitted any re-i issue will come to mind when the! cejpts” but "everyone knew this Sharp fund is mentioned in the! liad to be done sometime." future.” ! He said, "I just didn't take the, Jacobson then asked Steele why! time to do it.” ;he had not included the $22 hej He said be submitted them di-refunded to Cabinet Friday in. reclly on being questioned since! the report. "naturally the figures would now. James Hart. Interfratemityi be necessary.” Council president, said the most' Concluding his report. Steele important issue was the "in-; said; “I feel I have not betrayed:sinuation” the Steele trip made on my responsibilities to the stu- student government. He said Cabi-] dents 1 represent." ;net should go on record as con-j Lawrence Jacobson, senior in.doning or disapproving Steele’Sj journalism from Chester and auctions, and that ‘“we cannot; staff member of The Daily Co!- ; crucify student government on an; legian, questioned Steele on tell- amount of anywhere from $25 to ing Cabinet members last Thurs- $50.” dav that th«- expenses had totalled After Miss Jablonski voiced the $l5O when they were actually'motion for endorsement, Jacobson oniv $126.17 said Steele’s actions were “merely "This is about what I said.” a mistake" and that Cabinet Steele answered. "I didn't ha^e'"should not condone it or cen the fi euros running around in my' sure it” head.” ! Dubb- told Cabinet Jacobson Women's Chorus Trio speaking as a student and ~, not as a representative of Col-! V.omens Choru_ tri lerian entertain at the Home Economics Jacobson said the extra day cost C|ub meeting at 7 tonight in the about $5O. He said train fare “ en,cr- n . ~, , , would have cost about $22 00 for u lnl , t i atlon w ‘ n . b « hel f . [r.iUatc* Steele and Yeager, about $24 00 sh ° uld woar dark Ekl f ts - a "° less than the $46.80 spent for v -'h'te blouses. Initiation fee is »1 plane fare. and dues are oO cents. Jacobson also pointed out that “ taxis were probably used in “going somewhere on pleasure not 1 necessarily on business.” j Jacobson questioned Steele on j a letter to The Daily Collegian by i Donovan and Joseph Boehret, m, All-University secretary- treas- U tirer, saying the Collegian had done “incalculable damage to fu- m get your master’s degree During working hours • ..with full pay Arrange an interview March 12, with a representative of the CHRYSLER INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING GRADUATE SCHOOL • Start your career with the Engineering Division of Chrysler Carporation leader in the automotive industry. • Select the field of engineering you like best by actual work assignments in the department YOU select. • Enjoy all Chrysler Corporation benefits as a Chrysler EngineerJ THESIS MULTILITHING WW\*i PRINTING >2 E. COLLEGE Get all the details from the Chrysler Institute Graduate School catalog available in your Placement Office—and ar range an interview today! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA WSGA Issues Two Campuses The Women's Student Govern ment Association Judicial Board has issued two lenient weekend' campuses for lateness and for re suming to campus later than | being signed in to return. ! Seven 1 o’clock removals were [issued, mainly for failure to sign lout for special permissions. The board also issued 13 blackmarks. j The Freshman Regulations .Board issued a strict week cam ipus to a freshman coed for drink-: jing, and issued six 1 o’clock re-i Imovals for lateness and failure to. jsign out for special permissions. 1 | The freshman board issued 43 i i blackmarks. j Brill Award— ! (Continued jrom page one) | eral Arts, was adviser and con tinues as an active alumna of Al-j jpha Chi Omega and has been ac-! [live in Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic : honor society. i During the Centennial Year, [1955, Miss Brill was head of the [Speaker’s Bureau on the Centen inial Committee and special re ;search assistant. Insurance Representative I To Give Talk Tonight Mr. Lee of the Harleysville In surance Co. will speak to mem bers of Delta Sigma Pi. profes sional business fraternity, at 7:30 [tonight at Alpha Sigma Phi. ECONOMICAL AD 8-6T94 . n.w c«,u. o.i.<| Mr * Lawrenee Snyder it. unit. Me. } who will be on your • J campus on March 6, 1953 Marshall, T«»b* _n \ Vs POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON, DELAWARE °Lympia 8-6511 l* ftichrr.onc, Webb City, Mo. * . V vv-v\" Collegian Classifieds + CLASSIFIEDS + 409 MUSt BE IN Bt 1I:«« a.* THE PREL'EOtNG DAT HATES 17 word* at Ictai ft.St Oot Insertion •#.7J Fwq Insertion! 11.10 rbrta insertions Additional words I for .09 for ttfb day of Insertion. FOR SALE 1956 FORD .Victoria, accessories, one j owner, excellent condition. Can be teen at Carson's Esso, corner Route 322 and 55ft IS£2 FORD need* work, most aelL ( Cheep. Call AD 7-4933 after six, ask for * Joel. jO&O RIBBON Microphone 050. frequency response 30-35 cps., low impedance. Call between 12 and 5:30-7:00, AD 8-6789. FOR RENT SINGLE ROOM, first floor beside bath; near campus. Male graduate student [preferred. AD 7-2665. [HALF OF double room with or without i hoard. Very quiet. 243 South Pugh St. • ONE-HALF DOUBLE room for rent- 355 East Foster Ave. Call for information. !AD 8-8019. FURNISHED APARTMENT Buildimr, available immediately. rooms, bath. Call Fred. AD 8-6718. NICE LARGE *lnj?le room. Available Ira nWiately. Call AD 7-2755. SINGLE OR donble room for rent at 420 South Pugh. Call AD 8-6013. {WHOEVER PICKED tip a raincoat in the 1 Corner Room Sunday please call AD '7-4f*57. for Lam Hood. Established in 1912, ATLAS, today, specializes in industrial chemicals and commercial explosives for mining and con* struction activities. Our 11 manufacturing units and 4 Research Centers, located ip all sections of the country, employ more than 4200 people in an industry that is des tined to grow many times larger as our expanding national economy gets into high gear in the early '6o's, That means real career opportunities for you graduates who have the foresight to move into this field while much of our future expansion is still in the planning stage, for in addition to stepping up technical work on our products end processes, we are greatly intensifying long-range basic research to develop knowledge about entirely new products ond techniques of importance to ATLAS customers and sup pliers. These special openings will have an unusually strong oppea! to —— • Chemists • Physicists • Civil Engineers • Mining Engineers Technical Sales Research & Des! f r TwnkKennotk, fh. Ho U ,h«n. Wh^Hov.n,/., I \ Ternequa, Pa. •Wilmington, Dal.* TUESDAY. MARCH 4. 7959 ONE SILVER Monet Earring; email heavy hoop which clips on. Finder call AD 8-9715. ONE WOMAN’S trench coat with red and green plaid lining lost Saturday night at Delta Sigma Phi. Reward. Ext. <2O. BLUE TWEED overcoat and aearf Satur day night at Kappa Sigma. Please call Walt AD 7-2044. Needed desperately. WILL THE young lady from Shenandoah Heights, Pa. contact Mike Handier AD 7-4346 for items left in car. MATURE GRADUATE student or couple to manage rooming and boarding club on year-round basis. For additional infor mation call AD 8-8090 or write P.O. Box 142. State College. Pa. MALE CAMP Counselors: General and specialty Camp Susquehanna, New Milford. Pcnna. For information contact Ralph Kehrli, 117 W. College Ave., State College. AD 7-3137 after ten. FREE TRIP to California. Reliable drivers wanted to deliver cars to Los Angeles. Owners flying. Call AD 7-4724. Metzger ; three ZOOLOGY CLUB Invites everyone in terested in working with zoology profs on experiments to first meeting March 5, 7:30' at 113 Frear Lab. BONDED MESSENGER boy offers per sonal services in the delivery of student fund checks to New York. Reasonable rates plus expense account. LOCAL REPAIR Service on all makes of typewriters. We will call for and deliver vour typewriter. Nlttany Office Equipment. AD 8-G126. • Chemical Engineers • Electrical Engineers • Mechanical Engineers • Engineers with MBA Seek/n; [9 Opportunities In Production Your placement office can make an appointment now for you to see our FOUND WANTED MISCELLANEOUS