The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 07, 1958, Image 2
PAGE TWO Flu Epidemic Seen Possible Overnight By LYNN WARD The University is still awaiting an anticipated "guest." , ---- 1 - The "guest," more commonly known as Asiatic flu, nas,woman's room door. The play, based on the book "7 1 / 2 Cents" by Richard Although the coed had been been predicted by ipublic health officials to hit this areal pinned while living at Thompson' Bissell, will be presented Mar. 20, 21 and 22 in Schwab Audi- I hardest sometime 'betw een January and March. Hal], she had not yet received the 4 orium " :traditional shower. When her Pajama Game" opened on Broadway May 13, 1954 '• • Dr. Herbert R. Glenn, director of the Health Service, friends came to take her to the,and recorded 1061 performances. ishower she locked her door. Ther before becoming a road company. said yesterday. "A spring epidemic may come overnight., . • i Nelsonsecretaries will be Bryna i gtrls then threw water under the l Playing the lead role of Sid and the part of Hasler. When they are real, like our last' ,door, ISorokin, superintendent of the; president of the company. will one. they arrive suddenly." ' Now the Health Service has a t ! The board issued four strict Sleep-Tite pajama factory, is Ken-; be played by Charles Davis. He said nothing unusual has large supply and Glenn urges weekend campuses. The offenseslneth Williams, a newcomer to Nancy Krow will fill the part been detected yet in the num ,students who have had one shot were dating on a 1 o'clock travel-:Thespian ranks. . of Mae: Sandra Deakter will ber of respiratory cases, but its to receive another. ;big permission and dating when! In the female lead role will play Poopsie: and Babe's fathec University could be in the midst i Except for the vaccine, which i the coed had a 1 o'clock removal. be Paula Zeller as Babe Wil- will be played by Ronald Weitz. of an epidemic tomrow. He ;is called 70 per cent effective,l The board also issued 12 leni-} Hams, head of the union griev- , The remaining lead parts will said the Health Service or still bag ;there is no other effective treat-lent weekend campuses and twelve', ante committee. Miss Zeller bei played 'by Mary Ann Raup a good supply of flu shots and Iment or cure for Asiatic flu.,] o'clock removals. I held the lead role in last year's ras Brenda; Anthony . Rotell as students should be sure they jAntibiotics are of no help and! 1 production of "Guys and Do ll s" Max; Marc Specter in the dual are protected. /once contracted, rest and nursing'i2 and also participated in "A :roles of Charlie and Joe; and Once an epich-mic starts, helcare are needed to fight the virus.i LP USAd Mixer Set Great Future." 'Steve Fishbein as the first helper, said, it will be too late for an! Symptoms are a sore throat,; For New Students I Gladys, the president's secre-1 injection as it takes ten days tomarked perspiration, fever, body i tary, will be played by freshman ! AlM, Leonides to Offer two weeks for the injection tolaches and extreme prostration A mixer for new students in;Nina Baker. She will sing two of { ' provide protection. !which lasts four or five days, f6l- the College of Business Adminis-I the more popular songs from the i ßeainners' Bridge Class Glenn has said most studentsllowed by four or five days of tration will be held from 2:30 to: l show. "Steam Heat" and "Hernan-, The Association of Independent will have no reaction from theiconvalescence. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at Sigma N u .ldo's Hideaway.' IMen and Leonides will sponsor a shots except for a slight redness, 1 The mixer, sponsored by the! A veteran of Thespian produc-' beginners' bridge class from 6:30 and soreness at the site of theiTri pelt Scholarship ,Business Administration Studentiti°ns, Theodore Pauloski, will;to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 13, 20, and 27 injection But some others, he , Council, will be held for first-IP/aY the part of Hines, the time-.ln the Hetzel Union card room. said, may have a "grippe -tike ,lApplications Available semester freshmen, transfer stustudy man representing the man-i I Students may sign up at the sponse" with some fever. head-i Application blanks for the an-'dents and other new students in lagement. The role of the union;Hetzel Union desk. The first 60 ache and general sickness lastinzinual Delta Delta Delta scnolar-'business administration. !president will go to Larry Jacob - .applicants will be accepted. 24 to 48 hours. Dean Ossian R. MacKenzie willi scm -- . of .. t iship for women may be obtained Appearing as one me corn- Last tall. when the epidemic , ,.. .speak briefly. Refreshments will! r in t hedean ofwomen's office suddenly hit the University, the;•••••••••••••••••••••eee 'from today until Tuesday. , be served. Health Service was not able to i I I dispense the quantities of shots ! The blanks must be returned needed to to take care of the mobs tto the office by Feb. 19. Appli of "last-minute" students who ;cants will be judged on the basis crowded in line at the infirm- i of financial need and scholarship. ary for the injections. - - PENN STATE TOUR OF EUROPE, incl. SICILY Visit England, France, Switzer land, Riviera, Italy, Austria, Germany and Holland. Under the direction Dr. Dageberi de Levie. Assoc. Prof of German For descriptive folder, Call ADams 8-6635 SPRING SEMESTER I-- TEXT BOOR` KEELER , west college Cathaum Theatre Building avenue ••••••• 00000000 •• 0000000 FREE FOR T FREE BLOTTERS THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA . WSGA Gives Di rector Announces 84 Biackmarks Ar " , • ' The Women's Student Govern- pajama _J a me i Cast ment Association Judicial Board, issued 84 blackmarks Tuesday. six , of which were issued to coeds' The cast of the Thespians' production of "The Pajama who threw water under another, G ame " were announced yesterday by Stuart Kahan, director. . TAE No w Feat. 2:05, 4:03, 5:51, 7:39, 9:30 ' DD M Miff altißS NE , . APYCZWEIIa , " % 'O% Tochnlootor'; • ‘ ...46.,,.-_. ~.I.+ PLUS k !gt . 1 CARTOON All Courses All Correct Editions SLIDE RULES ALL MODELS ALL PRICES DRAWING SUPPLE 'm THE HOUSE Of HIGH FIDELITY • o f 0f:34 , Custom Hi-fi Expert repair radio. phono. tape recorder SHAME ASSOCIATES Corner Beaver & So. Allen (Under Whelan Drugs) - NEW & USED Agents for Keuffel & Esser Eugene Dietzgen Pickett & Eckel Frederick Post Approved Sets Drawing Boards T-Squares Since 1926 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1958