The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 07, 1958, Image 1

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    Today's Forecast:
- Cold and
Snow Flurries
VOL. 58. No. 80
ith "considerable concern" over the widespread rumors
of cheating on finals, President Eric! A. Walker suggested to
the University Senate yesterday that the military system for
printing and distributing confidential and secret material be
used for the "protection of examinations."
Walker said there is "no ex-1
cuse" for an examination getting !
"out." He said it is "the duty of:Statement Says
the faculty to protect the exami-'
nations." Rocket Killed
He listed the following as some,
of the methods said to be used for
obtaining examinations: -
• "To search the wtstebaskets By Bad Wiring
for rough drafts or used stencils: '1 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Feb.
•"To make special appeals to 6 Rl—The Air Force recovered a'
secretaries or to work through 'major part of the wreckage of the
graduate assistants."
„ Vanguard test vehicle today and'
• "To rifle professors' desks.
Speaking of the rumors of the Navy said defective wiring
;cheating, Walker said: ,probably caused the huge rocket:
The University's long-range expansion plans as approved "I was much disturbed when'to go astray. .
by the Board of Trustees definitely do not exclude possible
certain students and certain mem-! Much of the first stage of the
ibers of the staff told me that dis - ,3-stage rocket was hauled out of
" " new fields of operation, Eric A. Walker said honesty was rampant during the.the ocean a few miles off the!
;recent mid-year examinations. I:launching area yesterday. More;
yesterday. ido not know whether this allega-Iparts, including a portion of the
Walker, speaking before a faculty meeting, said although Lion is true nor do I have at hand.second stage, were recovered to
hethe mechanism to prove or du - ,day.
new plans involve only the,
prove it, but just the fact that
University "as it is now," hel l. • • statements like this are being: The rocket, bearing a small
satellite in its nose, broke apart
vents to "head off criticism" that , ion Predicts made is a cause for considerable'
.e committee drawing up the
four miles above its launching ha d concern." four
thought of the opening of new F l urrie s
1 Cold Touching other aspects of ace-,site early a min
ute after leaving the only
ground. i
elds, i demic honesty, Walker said: t The Office of Naval Research'
"I have also heard that it is:
"We cannot predict what new The Nittany Lion has sent forth
!almost impossible for studentsiand the Naval Research Labora—
areas ive will invade," he said,! a statement concerning Commun- 'tory said in a joint statement that;
"but we will some time have to , ity Living and Dining. not to cheat because they are;
'seatedtoo close together and
alias far as could be determined!
consider new areas." ' "When that day arrives I'll no.
, are required to take the'same z.X.- there was "no device that mat-i
The report does not mean thatllonger have to I
there will be no additions such as, take my girl 'ot amination. It is also alleged by, 1
new centers, Walker said. "The, to dinner. Ar the students that proctoring is ! They said there apparently was,
whole plan will have to be modi-, w h o knows, quite inadequate and it becomes:
almost the 'thing to do' to cheat." ,the
defect in the wiring connecting,
lied and adjusted as new data be - ;may even abz
' the automatic pilot and the hy-; draulic "servo" system of the first
comes available," he said. I don my co I He also answered the allega- stage.
. The expansion plan, which lonely den for tions, that pressures are applied•"'F' I
was approved "in principle" by ir oo m in t I , lto instructors to pass certain stu-i . The servo is a kind of robot
the board, calls for facilities to ' dorm . . ." !dents. "I do not see," he said 'which carries out electronic im
accommodate the 25.000 on- I However, in' 1"how such pressure can be a p- , pulses transmitted from the auta
campus students expected in Im ea n time !plied. Certainly they are not ap-,:matic pilot
1970. Included in the new plans !seems quite cc !plied by me and anyone who is! The Navy said that when the
would be dormitory construe- i tent to stay responsible to me. If, indeed, such rocket began to deviate from As
lion. and a round-the-calendar ;his "cold, lonely pressures become apparent, ',course, the correcting signal from
school year and fuller use of A den" and forward the weather hope any one of you will f :e1 ; the auto pilot was unable to reach
facilities through scheduling reports campus-ward. 'free to call me and tell me about the servo system which would
more classes per day. 1 Today's weather will be colder; the incident and thus help me-to have issued an electronic coin-
The trustees see a need for an,with more snow flurries. A high prove that pressures cannot be mand in the first stage correcting
increase in state aid from the; of 32 degrees is predicted. applied successfully." the position of the rocket engine
present $l5 million to $4O million!
a .year and in federal aid from
—Daily Collegian photo by Bob Lloyd
"ITS A LONG, LONG TRAIL ..." to campus for these bicycle
riding coeds, -who live in Cooper Hall, one of the newest (and
farthest) of the women's residence halls along College Avenue.
The coeds are (from left) Bonnie Keys, junior in arts and letters
from Mt. Penn; Patricia Ulrich, junior in home economics from
Mechanicsburg, and Shirley Pittman, junior in arts and letters
from Washington, D.C.
Walker Says Expansion
hi 'New Fields' Possible
$6 million to $lO million.
Walker told the faculty they
were largely responsible for
. the quality in the
expansion program. He said the
expansion report was almost
entirely quantitative in content.
and that the question of quality
_ "rests in the hands of the fac- 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 VP)I for developments in the nation's goes to the White House.
ulty. ..
1 , 1 effort to pull abreast of the Chairman Loris L. Strauss
He said he hoped faculty mem- —The Senate created a speciall Soviet Union in the missile- of the Atomic ri lergy Commis
bers "will take this on as its spe-'
' today to help plan satellite race and adjust'committee U.S. sion declared it was imperative
1 defenses to the space age. to undertake a national project
Walker illustrated portions ofi for American exploration anti! The House passed and sent to for nuclear propulsion of peace
the plan by a series of slides! 'President Eisenhower a bill ap- ful outer space vehicles, He
conquest of outer space.
showing graphs taken from the! ipropriating .51,410,000,000 for more, discussed the idea before a
report presented to the trustees.' Thirteen senior senators will be missiles and atomic submarines, Senate-House Atomic Energy
pub Th e c
publicly r he s as it.
is somewhat confidential. He add-;The chairman may be Democrat-;money is for the present fiscal It was learned the Air Force
year which ends June 30. has offered to try to put a 1000-
Lyndon B. Johnson of Th
ed, that he would not like to seei'o , e
House and Senate approved pound satellite into orbit by June.
the expansion ,plans published i Texas, who proposed the commit - lcompromise legislation affirming using its Thor, an intermediate
"in toto in some newspaper." i tee. ,the Defense Department's authori-, range ballistic missile. So far the
Portions of the report. how- 1 "This movement into space will ; ty to nroceed with its ballistic. Air Force has not been author
ever. will be released, he said, ! dominate the affairs of mankind missile program and putting Sec- ized to enter the satellite pro
and a complete 'copy of the pro- ijust as the exploration of the; retary of Defense Neil It Mc-• gram,
posed plans will go to the dean IWestern Hemisphere dominated Elroy in charge of outer space The Navy notified Congress it is
of each of the nine colleges. ; the affairs of mankind in the 16th projects for the next year. The cutting every corner it can to get
- Walker said he will ask each and 17th centuries," Johnson saidAanguage is contained in a de- its Polaris combat team ready in
(Continued 4n page five) i There were several other ma- ifense authorization bill which now,two years and possibly sooner. i
Mtro Batigo
,Senate Creates Special Group
To Plan U.S. Space Conquest
Community Living
Planned for 1960
Community living will be a reality in 1960 for undergraduates with the cernp!etio - n of
11 new residence halls tentatively approved by the Board of Trustees.
. Plans have been set for men's halls next to McElwain, Simmons and,. the women's halls
and women's halls behind Nittany and on the east end of Pollock area, with community
dining on the program.
Announc?ment of the plans
'yesterday means the Board of
Trustees at least tentatively ap
proved the long-range features
of the community living report
presented at the board's Jan. 24
and 25 meetings. University offi
cials to date have declined to com
ment on the fate of the report.
Four of the women's halls are
scheduled to go up—"up" here
means up to eight stories—on
the eastern half of the present
Pollock circle. These halls will
house about 1000 women and
will have breezeways connect
ing them with a proposed 2000-
capacity dining hall.
The men from Nittany will Oat
there along with the female oc
cupants of the four halls.
Four additional 8-story halls
will be put up on the Turf Plots
to house about 1060 women.
The Turf Plots are not— as some
of the trustees thought in an in
itial panic—the famous Jordan
Fertility Plots. They are the
ground adjacent to the flower
gardens behind the Nittany area.
Three men's halls will be
built on the western half of
Pollock area—one oriented to
McElwain, one to Simmons and
the third, the largest one, to
South Halls.
The men from these halls will
eat in the dining rooms of the
halls to which they are adjacent.
In the central portion of Pol
lock area, between the proposed
halls for men and women, tennis
and volleyball courts will be con
All of the halls in Pollock area
are tentatively scheduled for oc
cupancy in 1960. and the halls in
the Turf Plots for 1961.
One- and two-bedroom apart
ments for about 216 married
graduate students are a 1 s o
among the to-be-completed-in
-1960 plans. They will face the
stretch of College Avenue on
the other side of the Home
Management Buildings.
President Eric A. Walker. at
yesterday's Senate meeting, said
the funds for the construction of
these halls and other projects will
probably be gotten through a 820-
million bond issue. The Univer
sity presently has a $22-million
bond issue out.
Prexy Asks Plan
To Protect Finals
Slip Showing
See Page 6
Helsinki University
Gives Prof Medal
Mary Brown Allgood, associate
professor and chairman of the
Division of Commercial Consum
er Services, has been awarded a
bronze medal by the University
lof Helsinki.
The medal, which has just been
received from Helsinki, was a
itoken of gratitude for valuable
services to the University, accord
ing to a letter received by Miss
Allgood from Dean Unto Vartio
Miss Allgood wa3 granted a
leave of absence from the Uni
versity to accept a Fulbright
Award to lecture in Finland dur
in the academic year 1956-57.
Collegian Plans Party
For_ New Cand'dates
• A coke party will be held
at 1:30 p.m. Saturday for per
sons interested in becoming
candidates for The Daily Col
legian news and sports staff.
Anyone may attend. Candi
dates need not be journalism