PAGE TWO Campus News Capsules Mundt to Speak , 4so Coeds Register University Party Plans Meeting at 7 Tonight For Spring Rush Members of the newly-formed To Republicans j About 250 women registered t i : Tiversity Party will meet at 7 Sell. Karl Mundt (P..-S. Dakota)in 213 Hetzel lsUnionudd yesterday for the spring rushing tonight to plan the detai of Sunday program, bringing the final regis-:night's night's open party meeting. will speak at the annual Lincoln tration total to about 450. Day Dinner for the Young Re- This figure is considerably less. Party officers _will be_ elected p re . at Sunday night's meeting. The than the 600 women who in,b!icans and Republican Corn-4 b e party has between 40 and 45 registered and can "definitely mitten of Centre County at 6 : 4s :attributed to academic difficulties charter members. p.m. Feb. 10 at the Nittany Lioni on the part of prospective rush- Inn. ees." according to Mrs. R. Mae Mundt will speak on the "abuses.Shultz, assistant to the dean of move-'women, in charge of activities. and corruption in the labor muerit today." Each registrant received a rush ing booklet and a name tag for He is a member of the Mc-!open houses Saturday and Sun- Ciellan Labor Racketeering Com-1 day mittee. the Senate gorernrnene operations committee and a (or-`• mer member of the House of Rep-1 resentatives. • Persons interested in attending the dinner may get tickets hr contacting Larry Roush AD 8- 50 51; ext. 783 or David Scott. AD 6-0325.: Anyone may attend. Grad Admission Test j The admision test for graduate'• study in burinesa will be given; from 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 6 in 31 Carnegie Building, t Candidates should report at' 8:30 a.m. Nips` (1/ NITTANY - 1 - Now *stare -4:05. 5:58. 7:51, 9:20 Prices 4 p.m. to 9:30. 79c PROFESSIONAL QUALITY DRAFTING SETS $ - Top Quality Drafting Instruments and Drawing Supplies . • This set, made up to University specifications, has everything you'll need to do neat. impressive work in class or of home. AU first quality—made by a famous manufacturer of fine. high-quality precision instruments. Your coin- pieta satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. Here's What You Get in This Complete Outfit... A precision 13 piece center wheel Drawing Sets all brus nickel plated Instruments: a 20 x 24 i 'inch strasriat boards a 24 - transparent adg. maple blade T-square: a 12 in. 30*-61)* triangle; a $ in. {t• lettering triangle with finger lift; It in. acrylic transparent curve It in. architect's and engineer's scales; 6 in 180• protractor; mechanical drafting pencils a pencil pointer with 12 sand paw sheets par pad: black waterproof ink. erasing ahtaleb drafting tap*: chaffing brush; eraser; wiping clistb4 2 pads al Ve" emu-section papas. et 00' Mater ka 49 230 W. College Ave. AD »6:sa SealArrestrpael l nleed, sun Oeirn Mon. 9 St -t ate Ca T "e ues.-Set. 9-S:IS seen Brigitte Be.rdtet In clnemancupe Evenings. 8.5 c . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . , . . . . ._ . .. , .. .. . _ . . . . ..... _., •••:. . .. , . , , • . .....': . . .....,,.., . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . .. . „ . . , _ . . . .. . . . , .. . . , . . .. . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . :.-:- ... . . . . . .. , • . .-_. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . „ . YOU CAN'T GET MORE FOR ANYWHERE NEAR THIS PRICE! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA PENN STATE TOUR OF EUROPE, ma SICILY Visit England, France, Switzerland, Riviera, Italy, Austria. Germany and Holland. June 19-Aug. 1 - Under the direction of Dr. Upder the direction of: Dr. Dagobert de Levie, Assoc. Prof. of German For descriptive folder, call ADams 8-6635 Over 15,000 Readers See These + CLASSIFIEDS + ADS RIVET BE IN DR U N Lia, THE PRECEDING DAT RATES—II words is limo PUN Dna Insertion ALM Two Inserturas MN rimer lasertlems Additional word■ s far .413 for as& da7 lasertkes. FOR SALE - .&1 STUDERAKER—redio, heater. over drive. Good condition. :mod tires. Cheap. AD 16-82.36 after 6. WOMAN'S NAVY ski suit. aize 16; used one-half season. Very good condition— sls.oo. Call AD 7-3371 ask for Barbara. CARRARD RC-88 Record Changer with base. C.E. Diamond and 45 adapter-415. Call AD 8-33 , 11 ext. 3070. K&E LOG LOG Duplex Deeitrix Slide Rule with ease. Used one semester. Call Ernie .t. AD 7-4939. 1950 FORD overdrive, R&H. Retail 5295 for you $235. Excellent condition. Phone Bob Wendell Al) 74848 after 5 p.m. KELE SLIDE RULE Call Allan Naugle AD 8.417.?.1. troa FOR Finding buyer for 35-ft financed housetrailer. Six months old. n4OO No. 15 Franklin Manor Park. AD 7-7483 COLLECE TYPE one-bedroom trailer, air conditioned, washing machine. winter ized. Excellent location--$llOO. Call AD 8-0951 evenings. FOR RENT DOUBLE AND single rooms. Very close to campus. Call Al) 74116. 2 ROOMS, campus location. Call AD 7-4933 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for married couple. New and attractively furnished. Parking apace provided. Call AD 7-3438. PLEASANT. pine-paneled double room. twin beria. private bath. private en trance. !A?. Nirnitz Ave. AD 7-3309. 1 12 DOUBLE attractive room, approved by University. Available now; graduate student preferred, ear necessary. Phone AD 7-2768. DOUBLE ROOM with board. very close to campus. Modern furnishings. Call AD R-$2ll. CLEAN WELL lighted room With a view Single man. Two blocks from campus tn. AD 7-4144. PARKING SPACE available, East NittanY section. AD 7-4022. SINGLE ROOM for rent. Private bath, private entranaa Car necessary- Ideal stud) , conditions. Private home. AD 7-7230 after ♦ o'clock. Instruments separately 1195 Beard & Sapplies separately *MA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1958 FOR RENT LARGE ONE room furnished apartment itt Lemont. Call AD 8-9472. GIRL 'TO share tour-room apartment: block from campus with two grad stu dents. Call Jan Barton AD 3-6112. THREE DOUBLE rooms with board at 220 East Nitta's,' krenue. AD 7-7211. HALF OF double room with board. 24$ S. Pugh St. HAVE GARAGE. Ridge Avenue near Bea ver Field. Diii Al) 7.4314. A FEW vacancies still available for room and board or board only at asartirsi Hall, 317 E. Beaver. Convenient to town and campus. Ask for Mr. Sklar or Mn. Kester. 3 ROOM cottage six miles East of State College along 322. has current but water available not in the cottage. $30.00 month. Call 110 6.6916 or write Bruce W. Stutter, Boalsbunr. RENT THIS two bedroom trailer and apply rent towards buying if desired. No. 15. Franklin Manor Park. AD 7-718 SILVER LICHTRR with initials P.A.E. lost between McElwain and S. Allen St. Finder call entt. 1136. GOLD BULOVA Lady's Watch, last Barnes ter near Rec Hall. Fnder please call ext. 167. ; i MALE TO shure apartment. preferaldi vet. Call AD 7-3959 or visit 427 E. Beaver. Ask for Earl. TYPING WANTED EXPERT. QUICK typing of - all kinds In etty home. Reports, thesis, ett. Caft AD 84995. MISCELLANEOUS MEALS NOW being served at the As NIII Dining Hall. 207 East Park Ave. Weekly Monday thru Friday inclusive. Breakfast. !noels and supper, family style serving. Semester rates 4180 without breakfast, $2OO with. IMPORTANT ORGANIZATION meeting' of Classified Ad Staff 6:45 p.m.. Col legian office, tonight. Wednesday Feb. 5. Bring your schedules. Attendance required. AUTO REPAIRS done reasonably at pri• sate garage. Terms cast:. Please eali AD 7-7189 after c p.m. for appointment. LOCAL REPAIR Service on all makes mf typewriter'. We will call for and deliver your typewriter. Nittany Office Equipment. AD 8-G125. Compare With Sets Selling at $4O