The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 04, 1958, Image 3
TUESDAY. FE RUARY 4. 1958 Uni On -rsity Sets Rule ÜBA Curtails I Registration Deadline Taking Books; aste Disposal ;Sales Continue Set for. Formal Rush A new for getting should not • 11 The adin sian R. Ma ii is the functia liversity policy makes each employe responsible The Used Book Agency stopped Today is the last day for women students interested in taking books at 1_ a.m. yesterday . •id of waste materials in his possession which' The book slips and receiptsYarticipating in the formal rush program Feb. 8-10 to com e disposed of through routine channels. have been used up and there areiplete registration. They may do so from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in ;no longer any facilities for keep-1 inistration of the policy, according to Dean Os-ing records of the books coming, Atherton Hall. • enzie, vice president for business achninistration,l in. The agency originally planned? Pre-registration was held last semester but ntshees need to stop taking books at 5 p.m. l - on of the newly created Department of Security ~today. t to present a transcript of their ;grades to complete registration. 6:30-8 p.m. Feb. 13 and 14. --, Amounts of materials which, in! The ÜBA will continue selling 2.3 all-University average is School clothes are appropriate. Ithe opinion of the responsible , books until noon next SaturdaY-irequired for freshmen and a 2.0' • Parties in the suites will be employe, are dangerous, toxic, They will give money to students' upperclassmen. held from 0:30-7:30 p.m. and 8-9 'explosive or incompatible with'who sold books and return unsold' I Two hundred women have ' [general refuse must be specially `b oo k s from 1 p.m. Feb. 17 to registered to d a t e ou t o f 400 , p.m. The dress will be in accord with the kind of party described 'escorted and transported to the - -; p.m. Feb. 21. area by a person' . who signed up during the pre waste disposal Ronald Kolb, URA manager,' zegistralion period according to ' on the invitation. who understands the disposition. ;said that about 13,000 books were, 11. Mae Schultz. assistant to the Coffe hours are scheduled Feb. ,of such materials. ,entered for sale at the ÜBA thisi dean of women. p.m. in the homes of alu2o from 6:30-8 p.m. and 8:30-10 mnae. l If there is any question con -,semester. This does not include cerning the harmful effects of'the books for 50 cents and under; Formal rush events include Formals will be worn. Ribboning open houses, chatter dates, parties on Feb. 21 will end the formal any substances transported to the' forwhich there is no handling and coffee hours. ' Open houses in all sorority; Invitations program. 'designated disposal area. the re-,charge. [ Invitations for chatter dates, sponsible employee must render; Kolb also estimated that yes- parties and coffee hours must go such materials harmless. !suites from 1:30-5 p.m. Saturday;' parties sales totaled between'6:3o-8 p.m. Sunday will kick off through the Panhellenic post of- Where vehicles for transporting. 4000 and 5000 books. "Sales are five in Atherton. ;waste materials are not availablelalways heaviest on the first dayl the rushing program. No invitations are required and ,in the department, arrangements of classes," he said. afternoon dresses or suits and for engaging a vehicle will bel ;made with Physical Plant. The ÜBA is a non-profit organ-;heels may be worn. lization operated once each semes-! Chatter dates by invitation in ' I In case of an emergency where ter by the Book Exchange. ; the suites begin on Feb. 10. The , dangerous materials have been; The ÜBA charges both buyers , first round will be held from inadvertently placed in the sew-.and sellers a handling charge of . 1:30-5 p.m.: and 8:30-8 p.m. Feb. , :age disposal system, the Univer-[lO cents for each book. - 110 and 11. The second round 1 [sity power plant may be notified I will ru - a from 1:30-5 p.m. and [immediately. The power P l ant Chapel Choir Auditions 'staff has an established alert sys- . item for carrying out emergency To Be Scheduled Today ,procedures. Appointments may be made for Junior Year 1 Last year about 175.000 fish•auditions for the Chapel Choir' were killed when poisonous chem-!or one of the three Meditation in deals were inadvertantly dumped Chapel Choirs today in the lobby into Spring Creek by the Naval of the Program Center of the '0 r d nance Research Laboratory' Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel.' New York through the University's sewers. Auditions will be held tonight. --„..,—. 7 An unusual one- year college program _ Flight Program Uses Air Strip For Ist Time The Air Force and Army flight , instruction program has been started with Cadet . Charles A. Nycum, senior from Johnstown, the first student to take off from the new air strip where the train ing is being offered. Twenty-two Air Force and three Army cadets are enrolled in the program, which will be in full operation during this semester. Air Force cadets have com pleted the ground instruction and the Army students will complete the ground work during the se mester. The program, authorized under a 1956 Congressional act, will pro vide cadets with 36 1 / 2 hours training in light aircraft which may qualify them for their pri vate pilot's license. Plans call for students to make application for the program dur ing their junior year and to com plete their training during their senior year. The program is being conduct ed on a voluntary basis only. Northwestern Professor To Speak at Seminar Dr. Robert Strotz, professor of economics at Northwestern Uni vers4y will speak to the Econ omics Seminar at noon today in Dining Room A of the Hetzel Union Building. Strotz, who is also editor of Econometrica, will speak on "The Role of Stereotypes in,,Welfare Economics." SPRING SEMESTER -TEXT BOOKS KEELER r s Cathaum Theatre Building West College Avenue BENGUS MUSIC SERVICE invites MUSIC MAJORS! •MUSIC TEXT Books - All Courses • Music Writing Pads • Manuscript Paper We Give S&H Green Stamps BENGUS MUSIC SERVICE 111 East Beaver Avenue, State College. Pa. FREE FOR T FREE BLOTTERS THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Soo your doom Of writ• for brochuro so, O Dean T. H. W.Clookey Washiotton Spare Cortege New York University • New York 3. N.Y. All Courses All Correct Editions SLIDE RULES ALL MODELS ALL PRICES 11);1;1Yillitt'JJ1*‘14 sty, us ons' 3 u nior / eat in New o rk ; 4143.--1 - NEW & USED Agents for Keuffel & Esser Eugene Dietzgen Pickett & Eckel Frederick Post Approved Sets Drawing Boards T-Squares Since 1926 PAGE THREE