The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 09, 1958, Image 2

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Coeds to Air Code,
WSGA Revisions
The Women's Student Gov-,
Coeds who are under the honor code will meet at a party ernment Association Senate.l
on Feb. sto consider the code's part on the Women's Student last night unanimously
.4 les
Government -ssociation rules revision and the new over-21,
proved the revision
drinking policy, Janet Davidson, honor code committee chair-,43resented by Anne Fr
!judicial chairman.
man, said last night.
Although the rules have been
The party, scheduled at last night's committee meeting, approved. they wilt not go into
p is designed to brinr - - ..ether all effect until they can be published',
___..g tog_
and distrilutea. Miss Friedberg;
the coeds who have signed the lsaid this will be done as soon af,
,honor code, Miss Davidson saii„ter the new semester begins as is
;and to 'give them a new en- feasible_
ithusiasm for IL" ; The major change in the rules
Min Davidson said the 03M- i involves traveling Permissions- j
mittee hopes to invite about Coeds now may take fo u r
100 coeds to the party. This will I traveling permissions a seines
include both the coeds who ter instead of three.
have been initiated into the Any upperclssswoman wh o
h onor s y s t em and th ose wh o leaves the residence hall plan-
Tint nI t : -3 , 1 J":. r i erl tMe n CmUri - have applied for the code. ning to be out after 10 p.m. on
' or Saturday night, must.
nil last night unatiirrou -. 1 .v went All freshmen women's dormlFTtdaY
Isign out when leaving the resi- ,
units have now been orientated'
on t ented as favor:rte. the adop.;
tow . mmeot ..: concerning the code, she said, l dene halL Previously, a hadi
lion of a student .
out if she was to be out
,end all town women have 21.'1 4 .° sign
sponsored insurance plan.
been contacted. Explaining the of the residence hall after 5:30,
The council also rno. , ed to hringi code to upperclasswomen will be-'Plh- .
before the As.sociation of Inde- 1 - ; All freshman women must sign'
,gin next se m e s t er, she added.
pendent Men a motion to ask the ' g lout for all activities after 6:30
administration to adopt a float-i The party will be held in eith-,p.m. daily. Originally, this time,
ing holiday in future calendars. •er Simmons or McElwain lounge,: had been 5-'0 p.m_ da il y and
The motion in favor of the—
Ishe said , although the plans are
in „f
surance plan said that it should: ''''' yet compl e brought before AIM also, but; Mi ss
group ; Schedule Blues
it did not recommend any ape _ , will discuss the honor code and , '1
cific plan be adopted. ! what part it had in the recent
Louis Wonderly, chairman of; Senate decision to permit coeds
Trouble Lion
the subcommittee of the Cabinet ov- 21 to drink alcoholic bev-
Welfare Committee which is mak-I
eragea. The Senate decision. • The Nittany Lion was debating
ing a study of student insurance,' shelaid , is expected to have an today whether to return to school
w ill present a report an d reeorn .j erred on the number of needs 'next semester, since he doesn't
mendations on the insurance who will sign the honor code. think he'll be able to schedule
plans to All-University Cabineti Also on the agenda for the par- his favorite cour
night. ' ;ty will be a consideration of see.
The council acted on the cal-!WSGA's revision of minor rules,! Because of the
ender motion at this time since'and how this revision relates to.c _.a ng e in the
it was felt that there was morel the honor code. i registration sche
,w,ll not register
chance of the University admip - I Orientation of freshman worn- i dale the Li o n
istration acting favorably nowen to the honor code , which has'
that it would have a few weeks'been carried on by the commit
:u nt i 1 9:45 a.m.
before a holiday was wanted. ;tee through hall meetings. iniFridaY. He is a-
I freshman women's dorm units, i fraid Hu b ology
There has been continued agi
• i w in en d w ithi n a s h or t ti me w ith,4oo and Under
tation by students for such a holi-,•,_ "day which could be declared ter,
cations rounding - up" of code appli-!water Bas k PA
IWeav mg 500 will
any football game or other event., catians whkll are still in the fbeclosed b that
In the past, the University has lhands of dorm units presidentso . y
I tune.
refused to act on any such pro-!miss Davidson said. One bright spot in the Lion's
posals shortly before at was rant
ed since the calendar is made •r 1 • ,
far in advance. uPtry's 'Phoenix' th i gh for today is 30 to 35 degrees.
The resignations of Elvin Ecel- 1 I
barger due to academic difficul-Wi il Be Read i
ties and William Wetzel due tol Fellowship Offered
an insufficient average were an-i A formal reading of "A
mpboenix! To Coeds Grads
flounced by President J a e shoo Frequent" will be given at
Wambold. 1 4 . p.m. today in the Little Theatre r
Applications are available for
Wambold said there are nowim Old Main.
,the Alice Crocker Lloyd $750 fel- 1
seven vacancies on the counciLi Participating in the reading!' hip for graduate study .
He urged town independents in -twill be Elaine Zeller, freshman. °v ' 's membe r of Alpha Lam' bda
terested in serving on council toiin arts from Kingston, as Dynes - 1 Delta , An y
freshman women's schol- 1
attend a meeting or contact bin:LIT/term; Richard Mazza. sophomore antic honorary society, ' who was
A record hop, scheduled to be ; in arts and letters from Drexel 5 who
graduated in 1956 or 19 7 or
held in conjunction with radio, Hill, as Tegeus-Chromis; and Jane
:will be graduated in 1958 and who
station WDFM. this Saturday. has m o m senior in from Harr i s - (maintained I maintained an average of 3.5
been postponed until Feb. $. it;burg. as Doto. throughout her college career is
was announced. I The Christopher Fry play will i eligible.- Graduating seniors may
Ibe directed by Daniel RobertsoNapply if they have maintained
Skiing Orientation 'graduate student in theatre artsi this average to the end of their
from Garden City, N.Y.. as a seventh semester. ,
Set for Tonight l ,project for Theatre Arts 501.
1 Application for the fellowship
i "A Phoenix Too Frequent" wasimay be made at the dean of wo
to attend the Red House ski trip 1
Outing Clcb tr.ernben plannincriresented by Players in the 1952-
Il inen's office before February.
,53 season, a
will meet at 7 tonight in 303 Wit- t !
lard for an orientation meeting.! ~.1
They :ked to br , - their USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS; WMAJ P
TIM Favors
Holiday Plan
are as. _ to rrng ,
money to the meeting. FOR GOOD RESULTS
Persons interested \ but unable,
to attend may call Jack Lesinsky; 17 . 432 Roeder% Sae The" Ads
at AD 7-2207 or AD 6-80.T.3.
Ora clita ttng Setz tori .. .
Take Penn State With You
After Graduation
Join Your Alumni
Association Now
Special Senior $2 . 00
Membership ...
If You Join on or Before Jan. 27
The Alumni Office
Ste $5
=4 MU
1 SG
glinUMMinfilliiiiiiiiiiitilithiliMUMlUMlifiltiliiiiiiiMUUMMiiiiiiiiille $• •
Como to:
Some Blockrnarks Go
WSGA Approves New Rules
=I 0:43
= 10:00
= 10:03
Er . 1 11 •A'
= 11:30
.=. 4 :NI
=ll2 WA
=f 12 :14
=1 Isl
j 1:11
, lA*
ales _
Marla for Liatembia
Social Shairith
Nude for Listestar:
Semis of Scotland Yuri:
Theatre Sahel.
Marie at the Wasters
dreeteleff 64,
News and Sparta'
Mu Off'
= :41
11 Alf
= 1:30
1 3 1 1:
Men Os
Morning Show
Morning Devotions
Morning SIIOW
Classiesl Interlude
Swap Skew
Queen for • Dsa
Yogis st Hoop
Gentry Comte Nem
Mises Going On
Ares Sp
Cowl As. Ext.
_ Vforid News
afternoon of Nude
World News
Local New
of sisals (Bob a ass)
Kiwis tat Listening
News sad if orket Evert
Muskfor Listeofolt
Sparta Special
Fulton Cowin. le
noon on Saturdays. Both of these, violations which may invoke a
rules were changed due to the: strict campus. Not signing out for
Large number of women who will; out-of-town visits was dropped
have to eat in dining halls inlfrom the strict weekend campus
other residence halls. With the, penalties and added to the leni
old rule they would have to sign; ent weekend campus penalties.
out for meals. Several violations for black-
Freshman women are grant- marks were discarded. These in
ed four special 10 p.m. permis- elude failure to take phone duty,
sions a semester which may be !calling out of the windows, fail
used after the first four weeks jure to attend fire drills, and fail
of classes. Prior to this change, lure to have a bed made by 1 p.m.
freshman coeds were only per- l However, having an untidy room
mined to take one of these per- was inserted in the list.
missions a month.
Being signed .in by another'
student was added to the list of
Now. 2:130. 3:54. 5:48. 7:42. 9:36
-low Ise Ur Mrs Palk Elroy NO.ll
magi so PRI megll
Today - Doors Open S:4s—"The James Dean Story"
The University Christian Association's
- Summer, 1958
Leader: Dr. Howard Cutler, Head, Economics Department.
July 9—August 25, 47 days in Europe, costs approx. $995.
England, Germany, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Italy,
France, Belgium, Holland. Study- of political, educa
tional, religious patterns. Includes lectures by prom
inent Europeans, discussions with university students,
visits to government headquarters.
Leader: Mr. William Hajjar, Professor of Architecture. .
June IS—July 31, 42 days in Europa costs approx. $975.
England, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland.
Study of historical and modern art and architecture.
Includes lectures by European artists, visits to famous
museums and cathedrals, meetings with art students,
study of post-war city planning, 3 1 / 2 days at the Worlds
Fair in Brussels.
Brochures describing the itineraries and program are now
available. Seminars are open to all students.
Apply: Sam Gilman, The University Christian Association
Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel
TAT le N°W
Feat. 1:30, 3:33, 5:27, 7:30, 9:33
********* ••4111••
Paramcung Rewles
ZERRY i'r" E
....nse Vi see • ••
"Don't Go Near the Water"
Goon* d
French Dialog • English Titles!
Featuretime - 6:15, 7:57, 9:39