WEDNESDAY, DECEM Behind the ROTC IUCA to Hold IMen's Debate Team Places • 1 s Extinguished i Advent Matin ! 17th in Field of 55 at Pitt I The University Christian As-, The men's debate team learned yesterday that it placed ROTCProgram isoclation will sponsor the last in 1 a series of advent matin services lon the theme "Gifts for the King". ' 17th in a field of 55 in the Examination of Pittsburgh Cross at 7 a.m. tomorrow in the Helenr The team won six, lost three Fifteenth of a Series ROTC firewor s, which blazed away in 1931-32 until the l Ealun Eisenhower Mem o r i al, held Friday and Saturday. made illegal." Board of Trustees proposed a new program, only sizz-eu The affirmative team, consist- The cross-examination debate mildly until the pr gram went into effect in 1933, and then and 1 ',chapel. a an m d en t t ied one debate in the tourn- dition of employment should be Wells Hunt. sophomore in arts,ing of. Alan Elms, sophomore in differs from the conventional , and letters from Wayland. Mass.,• psychology from La Center, Ky-type. Instead of the usual rebut- I s w a i c ll ri s f p ic e e , o H n u " n N t ly i rr s "Myrrh—Symbol opportunitybe s of bothto ask sicies directhave were extinguished entirely. chairmanbo l o o i f . b a n u d s Marshall n e s s administration Jacobson, fr 0 I m n ita t h l e . members The new plan alled 'for varied courses pertinent to the i the UCA religious education com-. ,Clearfield, beat Fredonia - and Cal-,questions of the opposition. 'mission: . student's curriculum obe substi-, - ` ' :lloriaia State Teachers College. I Richard tuted for some of the compulsory it pretty largely a waste of time i UCA president Martin; They were defeated by Rutgers Eng Arch Scholarships military drill. , i for all but a few of the - stu- I will be the organist for the serv-!and the University of West Vir-i Sophomores in the College of Officials of the Department oft dents .. .• I could not see that ice. Samuel Fisher, finance chair - igina. - They tied the University of Engineering and Arcluterture Military Science an. Tactics at;l my two years of drill had any man, will assist in the service. 'Pittsburgh. . ;may apply for two full-tuition first praised the- t -tees' , policy.: value in preparing me to be a i A light breakfast - in the lounge; The negative team, consisting scholarships for the spring semes- Col. Walter B. M. Mei askey, head, soldier." t will follow the 45-minute service., of Keith Otterbein, senior in arts:ter at the dean's office, Sackett of the department, said, "This• A Collegian editorial in April! - i and letters from Warren, ar ~.-L_By- . Building. plan is headed in the direction of 1932, noted that "Petitions are Coed Commuters to Hold ron LaVan, senior in business ad- 1 The scholarships are sponsored the best modern national defense being circulated on the campus ministration from Philadelphia,; by the Engineering and Architec policy." demanding that the Board of Trus- Annual Christmas Party ibeat . Western 0 - U • - t mart° University.: 7,. , ture Student Council. But just one mon later Mc- tees of the college make ROTC an The Women's Commuters Club'Ca e Institute of Technology. I 1 3 Caskey was again nterviewed optional course." Twill hold its annual' Christmas Louisville and the Carnegie In by a Daily Collegi n reporter. ; The editorial praised the pre- party time he said: proposed by the Trustees the pre-iparty at -.noon tomorrow: in thetstitute of Technology. ' ' heduled to "... the oppositi•n to ROTC ,vious year and sc go, •commuter's lounge s of Woman's The negative team was de ,. Building. - • ifeated by „Ohio Wesleyan College among the students here is ar- into effect in the fall semester of. lificially sustained •y agencies 1933. • . Commuters have been asked to They debated the national top both within and •utside the , The Board of Trustees' proposed:b r ing their lunch and a 50-centric, "Resolved: That requirement college." Without I is pressure ROTC program, in slightly modi-Igift for exchange. tin a labor organization as a con "the objection woul• die out of fled form, went into effect as; its own weight . . . The first ,nlanned the following semester.. lesson every man, oman and •The policy had been worked out child needs to learn is obedience by Lt. Col. Russel V. Venable, to and respect fo• competent who had replaced McCaskey at superior authority.' head of the Department of Mili- In February 19 4, Collegian' tary Science and Tactics. published the result of a poll of; ' Eleven fewer hours of drill "a selected list of gladuates who was the net result of the pro now hold prominen. positions in; gram changes. The new pro industrial, business, and educa- gram included a lecture on mili tional circles." 1 tary policy and history, two on Nineteen of the alumni polled, the obligations of citizens, and called- the contribution of ROTC, two lectures on current inter work taken at Penn State "negli-; national situations. gible" to success after graduation. Thus, under the new plan stu- Twelve listed the contribution as , dents received more theoretical "perceptible," nine as "great," five!instruc.tion in related subjects as as "very great" and two as "detri- well as the regulation army drill.; mental." 'Venable said more changes would Speaking of military training be made from year to year. - taken'at Penn State, one alum- I 1 nus said in the poll: - 1 BusAd C ounc il to Meet "... under• the conditions in 1 The Business Administration .4, which the training has to be Student Council will meet at 6:45 given at a college ... I consider tonight in •205 Boucke Firewor By 193 esomtemcKtcvmovisauctvorvcw.vwcwtoctoopexxxvcwcwvwx, l if! ii HAVE YOU SEEN--- " -.- - A . / . A our assortment of original A-. 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Cleopatra's River The excitement of the Nile lives in each one of our exotic scarabs . . whether they be a magni ficent pair of cuff links for the man in your life or one of our bracelets. ear rings or pins for that spe cial girl. Each stone is hand cut and polished to bring out the hidden lus ter of its natural beauty. An extravagance to last a lifetime. We are open every nits 9 and will Christmas wrap, mail, and charge all your gifts. The emphasis is on ex citing gifts from Ethers . . . for Christmas! 112 E. COLLEGE AVE. STATE COLLEGE, PA.
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