WEDNESDAY . • pportuniti es ` Eisenhower Club Man _O ITo Th ße y Orgrans;zecl . h Offe4ed IA Grad s hold its Nixon Clu o b uth w m for t 7 :w er- If you are &student in the College of the Liberal Arts. 317 W. ' you have an opportunity to become a government intelligence . ' n Th ic e t P A '2E-P o °Se .. tl3l the agent or the chi..f scout executive of the Boy Scouts of aims ti- Eisenhower — of - th ilr e mcii.--. ‘ e ad ' 7 and ninis- America. Itration and of "modern Republi-' r-Anism'' in general. +1 These may be exam es of two extremes in job opportuni-. The club is open to anyone be-. ties, but they do point up the fact that the range and variety tween the ages of .14 to 35, regarti-t - Bess of their political preferences*, of jobs open to arts ma-1 ;It has been organized on highl jors is wide and interesting. setailing, banking and industry—i school. college and communitvl Today there are four or five!as well as scattered opportunitieslevels. d job opportunities for every grad- ' , in governmental occupations. uate with .a general arts and sci ences background, according tot The Central Intelligence Agency f," ir " cll " g " InllIll "" riglgll ""S: Dona 1 d M. Cook, head of the , and the stale department wilily A University placement Service, isend representatives - this spring in „V A a ; salaries forsearch of people 'looking for se-4' Gus Wishes YOU fio Average sta , tinga • ;cutit_y or embassy jobs. Mr liberal arts- grathrates range be- in tween $6O - and - $125 a week. Ac-1 United Airlines will visit the ye X a wonderful vacation iitt cording to a survey conducted , byicampus in search of airline hos- se • ICY age'Placement Service, the aver-Itesses while the Boy Scouts ands, _ dicv age Salary of graduates was S3S2Pirl Scouts - will look for people. A' per month. ;interested in executive positions it and a very al ai• -- , in their organizations. Si 111 1 , ' N A' I Many large industrial compan- V ies will visit the campus and look ;for liberal arts graduates for jobs w ,in sales. pla n t - -production and !"J management, and advertising -ndir ;sales - promotion. These include (Steel, -Telephone, United States ilt Steel. General Motors, Sylvania 4 !Electric. cc() Standard Oil. and International 'Business 14achine. ~1 In'surance companies will be re- -V I cruiting people for sales and' i s , "In the liberal arts fields, the l home office jobs and banks ands starting salary is not the impor-itrust companies will be inter- t la tant thing—it is the potential in-lyiewing for people interested irCife volved in these jobs," said Cook, i mvestment , credit, and general :sr More than 60 companies are banking administration positions. 4 coming to the campus next se- Retail firms such as Gimbels,l l nester to conduct interviews for Lord and Taylor, and Lit Broth-4 liberal arts students. , lers will offer graduates positionsv In general these job opportimi- in merchandising, and personnel -11 , ties : all into three large fields— and advertising public relations . •y -4/ The Liberal Arts Career Night held at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Hetzel Union Auditor ium. 'Three Pennsylvania business men will speak and answer questions about job opportuni ties for Mural .arts students. After the formal program the group will move to the main lounge -fora coffee hour and informal discusSion. . . Christmas Money Is Class Ring Money Santa will no doubt leave you some-money this Christmas. You may have a• thousand and one things for which to use Santa's money—but—for lasting pleasure during the years to come, use your Christmas money for your Class-Ring. Anything from $3.00 to The full amount can boapplied at your Penn State ring order when you return to -campus after The holi days. You couldn't do a better favor for youoself and for Santa. P.S. Thinking of a note to Santa? To Students Living in the Harrisburg Area: _ Plan to Attend the Annual Penn State Intercollegiate Ball Thursday, December 26, 1957 West Shore Country Club, Camp Hill, Pa. 9:00 to I:oo—Dress Optional Music by Don Peebles and-His Orchestra ponsored by the Penn Slate Alumni Club of Greater Harrisburg Alumni and Undergrpallxfas of all Colleges and Muir .Friends are invited. Admission: MOO per couple For information or tickets, write or calk BER 18. 1957 L G. BALFOUR CO. include this suggestion. Robert S. Lewis 4608 South Road Harrisburg, Pa. Phone KI 5-9863 THE 'DART COttEGIAN STATF Col trGF T'ENNSYIVANIA in the Athletic Store lnerry r . i3l-tn a . 3 Gus's Dairy lunch 322 E. College Ave. A• __,4 Stoppin g (=Li lor You If you're not sure about what to buy the members of your !amity for Christmas, Metzgers offers the following suggestions. MOTHER--If you would like to buy something different, why not a photo album. DAD—A Parker, Sheaffer, or Parker fountain pen would make a practical gift. SISTER--A diary would make the perfect gift for a younger sister. BROTHER--Photographic equipment would be sure to interest any brother. Meters is now completely switched over self service shopping for your ease and convenience. 0 We're featuring Christmas cards and gift wrapping supplies. • Penn State souvenirs make the perfect gifts. • We have a complete line of books, toys, games. *Hobby and model supplies make a different and and unusual gift. METZGERS !et us help you look your lovliest for the holidays with an exciting, flattering new coiffure. Reattiy Satm 214 S. Allen St. Aft .1 1 Jorget 111 SOUTH ALLEN STREET "You Can Get It at Metzgers" A Picture of Beauty V ogue PAGE H Phone AD 7-2286
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