PAGF IWO •, SAC Planes Grounded Market Drop Bribe Seen Stopper By Shortage of Funds Accelerates; . Of [ Labor i ndictment D WASHINGTON Dec 17 (1-Pi—Senate lin estigators today V, %STIP GT0 1, 4. Dec.l7 (4' l —Gen Curt s LeMa dis-Outlook 'nit produced testimony that $18,500 eras passed to quash an in cl , d la , that pia! c.. of the Strategic Air Command, the I NEW YORK, Dec 17 UPI-- dictment against Li Tennessee teamsters ruttion sr a n strdcing fo.ce, s e grounded for fi.' ele eekaGtom thickenedi ari Wan Street A witness said there was "quite a bit of talk' the money last summer fur lack of merles to bus gasoline today and the stock market ac was given to a Chattanooga judge. 'The fact was brought out by Sen. Stuart Symington celerated its decline. After hearing this, the Senate Rackets Investigating (D IA 4at a session of the Senete Once again, several ling i Preparedness subcommittee. The steels and motors hit near laws ' Committee d one ()i s the o l n 3 ed def th end t an h t e s . • Dulles Cool serato c r i z .l are se revieu t in e g esthe eipecTfy for the year and the average of h a d b een c h a rged m the case its position in the race with Rus- rail shar es erased the gains 01 with conspiring to commit vio Britain to Delay the , s i eke) Weapons_dese op missiles and other s its k tec to hn a ica n l rally iz last week and w le i n tn ce in refused a ef l t ty t ch o spute ue ß r u ti t nes n rayment to U.S. To Accepting ter Lailday had lest/Fuel Key stocks fell Ito 3 pomts lti ons LONDON Dec 17 (lll—Britain, that SAC planes are constantly with some dropping 4 points or Glenn W.Smith, president of 'still nursing a delicate gold and • in the air now—some of them co i Team sters Joust Council 87 dollar balancedecided today to Soviet Pact carrying H-bombs—Symington Quoted values of stocks listed asked if it wasn't true that SAC on the New York Stock Exchange I which embraces Tennessee and part of Kentucky refused to say skip payment ' of a $176 million installment on its postwar loans there was grounded because were clipped an estimated $3 5 whether any of the money went from the United States and Can t* eg,lil c'rer D e 17 P —to Judge Raulston Schoolheld wasn t enough money to billion , based the fall in the s.•( T eta of c, John Fost er. buy gasoline kssociated. Press average a Chattanooga Criminal Court a'a the first time Britain Dulles 6‘ll ed t Ida% against re i fudge_ see ili invoked the Fifth It 'as at. Yes sir, for the last five weeks The a t had taken advantage of a loan 41 1 4 o / 4 -w S t) ILI promises of the fiscal _year," the al g r decline 13-Ls general- Air 1 Amendment privilege against provision enabling it to defer both clans, hl,oils radio tee i possible self incrimination a um& when Ru...eia is V itei l r 1 edquietly.The - ep i fiscalinterest and capital payments on in default on past A g reements ended June 30 year visions and nonferrous metals all Schoolfield directed that the 13 ;interest with the :vest took s - ernble losses teamsters be acquitted. the North American loans. Last The point was not pursued,but Th e year, for the first time,Britain The only kind of cold rear arm it is assumed that SAC could Associated Press average Raymond IT eson of 1:1 cson withheld an SB2 million interest !glee which is possible m view ° 1 have become airborne i nthe es at .of 60 stocks fell $2.70 to $152-10 Tenn a deputy state fire mar j payment cnly Moscow's record, he iesid is one with the industrials down S 4 00 chal had told the committee that of an emergency that free world nations can en the rails down $1.50 and the unix a Teamsters Union official told ' force with their own military Lena? is trice chief of the ties down 60 cents. 'him SIB 500 had been passed and power. Air Force staff and a former The Dow Tones industrial aver theres not going to be ant SAC crurf•.-cusadee age fell T.:5 to 425.65.triaL Duties said the East %Nest strug ate has entered "a new prolonged If the whistleHixson said he was told this blew for another Volume was the highest since u.,, and more intensive phase" and war , he testified, the United States Nov 27 totaling 2=ooo shares! Hu be rt L. Boling , secretary that Soviet leaders want mos* 1 % Ot Li have to rely almot 100 compared with 2 350 000 yest .I freest Ter of Teamsters Local of all to achieve a success be dip -' per cent on its strategic air s force day " 515 in Chattanooga AU of the lornatic means in the opening stages No gainers appeared among the defendants were off eet % or f An operational missiles system members of Local 515 Dulles sit t forth his i ll ews in anla most active stocks although The witness added there was is years away he told the s-n article. Our Cause V. i Prevail;Ford and Loew s were unchanged"quite bit of talk" that School written for Life magazine field got the money.He did not must depend on manned aircraft Associates said he wrote it be ifor its defense and striking punch. Carnegie Hikes Salaries testify he had any direct know I fore Russian Premier Nicola' But- Became of this LeMay said. Prl I'SBITR ~ .., ed eof this gamn sent las* ueek s letter to sax nee d s more money im Carnegie Tech 't ' Thomas Crutchfield Chattanoo today anncrunced ~ a lauler mho had been a spe President Eisenhower calling for mediately to step up producefaculty salary raises up to SlOOO ' cial prosecutor in the case, told new Eat talks bon of intercontinental bomb a year effective next fall The article sersed to under en and build additional bases Th total the committee his reaction to score differences between the Ei ou winch they can he dispeised. to e pay hike will amount Schoolfield .4 directed senhower administration and se% Secretary of the Air Foece Tecaqueeter million dollars for hate clearing gutsthe men was to Just la teachers and on dollars oral European leaders on the sub Douglas, an earlier witness, told ret of negotiating with Russia the subcommittee the Russians Several European leaders have mav fire a rocket to the moon within a rear and that the United emphasized, however,at the cur-- tades can do the same "if we rent NATO meeting in Parrs s that %ant to, vi thin the foreseeable any possibilities of reaching East-''' Pant Westft. ti, e settlements must be ex - plored fully Negro Girl Suspended Statue of Mitchell !From Little Rock School 1 LITTLE ROCK, Dec. 17 1,-Pi--- A Negro girl attending integrated Unveiled at Institute Central High School was sus :pended from classes t o day be- WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 11)i—, cause "she lost her temper and A statue of one of the Arm v' s',dumped food" on two white boys, most controversial figures. the :School Supt. Virgil T. Blossom late Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell, to-, said. day was unveiled in the aeronau-i Blossom would not give the tics hall of the Smithsonian Insti-i name of the students involved in Lute. the cafeteria incident. Retired Gen. Carl Spaatz said Mitchell "was a man of action. Spanish Club to Meet He risked a court marital to rouse, . a sleeping nation to air power."; El Circulo Espanol, the Spanish club, will hold a short business The Mitchell _case is still tan-' settled. An Air Force review 'meeting and a Christmas party at board held a hearing last m ay !7 tonight in 207 I3oucke. All Span and is reported to have recom-' ash students have been invited to mended reversal of the convic- -attend. tion. No action has vet been tak-." en by Secretary of the Air Force FOR GOOD RESULTS , Douglas. USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS Suit Ordered Filed En Blue Law issue HARRISBURG. Dec. 1' .7, The State Justice Department day order a suit filed in the Da. phtn County Court seeking 1 stop a suburban Allentown fin from doing business on Sunda; Atty. Gen Thomas D. 111cBrif and Dist. Atty. Paul A. McG 7 ley. of Lehigh County. agreed state should file a petition di znanding that the first• I 'what right it operates on Sunda in violation of a 1794 blue law ~---- . .,f The iliN / f ‘' •if a 0 . 0 Freshest 1 ."- ‘4l-' Thing - . eV . . • in tgt o - Ii , Town S N 0 P 11l PUGH ST. a progressive jazz session at La G 4 leria tonight. The Austin Welts Com! will play for you from 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. For perfect enjoyment ... sandwich pizza, steamed clams, and your favo7 beverage. Thurs. nice .Dixie THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE- COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Don Sinaljz Quintet Bob Leßoy.. Progressive Fri. nife TRANSPORTATION NOTICE: In order to be assured a seat to Lewistown Dec. 19th and 20th, make reservations by purchase of tickets 8 hours in advance of intended departure. Purchase tickets at Hotel State - 0311ege desk. Buses km I 1:20 a.m. . 5:10 pan. k liaily Special buses - 12:10 p.m. Thum & Fri. Boalsburg Auto Bus Line Relaxation . a WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1957 CATIIAIIM HELD OVER TODAY!, The Sea Chase That Thrilled the World! "PURSUIT Of The GRAF SPEE" VistaVisicai. - Technicolor THURSDAY & FRIDAY The Party Girl of "BACHELOR PARTY" CAROLYN JONES with Miss Ethel Barryrciare "JOHNNY TROUBLE" * NITTANY NOW - Doors Open 6:45 His Guns Were White Lightning! "BLACK PATCH" George Montgomery •••••••••....••••••••• WMAJ Programs WEDNESDAY - Sign 011 Morning Show Morning Devotions Morning Show News Classical • interlude News Swap Show Music for Listening News Queen for a Dar Music at Noon. Centre County News Whara Going- One Moab* Area Sports Stril-e Up the Band ___ World News Afternoon of Mugs Bob and Bair Music for ListeniMr. News and Market Hamar* Sports Special Mugs Local News Fulton Lexie. Jr.. News Music fbr Listening Hieh_ School PrOVIEML Music- for Jazz Pam:manic (WLYM) Campus News iWDFMIO Music for Latent= Dr. Sheller (WDFM) News Groom)loss 6t Nuns and Sylvia Sign ors VVVVV s sssss s 00000 **gess.
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