The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 17, 1957, Image 9
TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1957 THE SPORTSEER .. 'Alpha Phi Delta Wins 4th, 1953 Penn State Matmen Ties for IM League Lead Brought Glory to the East . By LOU PRATO lins, Okla., and only my Eastern Asst. Sports Editor champions were allowed (by the "The East is risen. Hallelu-I College Senate) to participate." jah!" - i(There were three Eastern tithsts ifrom Penn State that year—Bob So wrote the Daily ColHHornan and the Lemyre brothers. legian's 1952-53 Sports Editor Voe and Dick.) Jake Highton the day after. tha A t big Co rollefguej was enatd over Senate edictr aisea and it Penn State's wrestling team: was possibly that Outcry which had become the first (and only); helped bring the 1953 tourna- Eastern team in history to win the, ment to the Penn State campus. NCAA mat title. • "Mohammed couldn't go to the We thought it would be inter-' Mountain." Speidel said in 1953 esting to give the new Penn State and repeated to me a couple generation (we include ourselves' days ago, "so we brought the in - this category) a rundown on! Mountain to Mohammed." the accomplishment of that Lion' aggregation—probably one of the. greatest teams if not the greatest; in Mount Nittany mat annals. "That was a fine collection of wrestlers," Coach Charlie Spei- del says of the 1953 champs. "All along the line, from 115 to heavyweight they are good. "We sould have won the tour-' nament the year before, for I had• practically the same team. But the tournament was at Fort Col- —Courtesy of The Penn State Photo Shop OFF IT GOES ... Forward Tom Hancock lets go with a jump shot over the outstretched arms of Colgate's Charlie Hagenhah (23) and Art Brandon (4). The shot missed. Bob Edwards (21) cuts for the basket. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA And so it was on the weekend of March 27 and 28 of 1953 at Rec reation Hall that Penn State gave the Eastern Colleges and Uni versities their only claim to na tional wrestling glory. Only one Lion in . atman, 191- pound Hud Samson captured an individual crown but four oth er men finished in the top three of their respective divisions, giving the Blue and White a six-point victory margin over * * * Charles Speidel . . . mountain mover runner-up Oklahoma. 21-15. Samson won his title by flatten ing West Chester Teachers' Chuck Weber—now a pro grid stalwart with the Chicago Card inals. Dick Lemyre, then a junior. reached the finals of the 130- pound division only to be de cisioned by Michigan's Norvand Nalan. And co-captains Don Frey. 147, and Joe Lemyre, 167, and Jerry, .Maurey, 137, copped third place finishes after losing in earl ier rounds to the eventual champs of their divisions. Even the other Lion starters did their share in bringing Penn State (and the East a victory), although they didn't fare too well in the final standings. In cluded among these grapplers were 115-pound Bill Cramp, brother of a present Nittany matman Joe Cramp, Bob Ho man, 123, Doug Frrey, 157, and George Dvorozniak, 177. It may be a long time before another Eastern team wins the NCAA mat crown and they'll have to go far to match the superl ative performance of Charlie Speidel's 1953 outfit. Alpha Phi Delta broke a 6-6 112). Mary Hill. Watts Devils halftime tie to defeat Alpha Chi ill). Larry DiGiancinto. Phi •Rho, 24-18. in intramural basket- %%sopa Sigma (10). and Mark ball play at Recreation Hall Fri- Roller. Sigma Tau Gamma (10). day night. The win was Alpha Phi ware the other scoring leaders. ,Delta's fourth and placed them in The standings of the fraternity la first-place tie with Alpha Tau leagues as they near the Chrkt lOrrtega in fraternity -League E. mac break are- League A, Phi Other League E games saw Phi. Gamma Delta and Phi Epsilon ;Kappa Sigma defeat Theta Xi Pt; League 13, Acacia and Theta 2 5-19: Sigma Tau Gamma beat Pi Chi; League C. Beta Sigma Rho; !Kappa Phi. 36-26: and Sigma Chi. League D, Lambda Chi Alpha: win over Theta. Delta Chi, 37-27.. League E. Alpha Tau Omega and A In the only other Greek tilt, alpha Phi Delta and League F, Phi Sigma Kappa beat Alpha Aloha Sigma Phi Epsilon Pi, 32-22. Les Walters, Penn State's styl- Kee One edged the Watts Devils In the independent circuit, Mc- . ish end, nabbed 40 passes good :23-20: McKee 3-4 defeated the for 764 yards and five touch- Vikings. 33-28; and the McKee downs in three seasons of foot ; Royals walloped the Jordan Jag- ball. wars, 29-12. McKee II beat Jor dan II by forfeit. Ron Genovese. McKee h and Bill Taber. Vikings. tied for the !honor of the nights' high scorer. They each had 15 points. Bob Ish ;am, McKee 3-4. was close behind !the leaders with 14 counters. Joe Sullivan, Phi Sigma Kap ! pa (12), Jim Keith, Sigma Chi -..‘,.. ... ~... ... , :ik . -: - - -7- - ;,- ...,..-;,,, r,. A-,-,-.:, AritA4-,, , ..--4,t, - A 5„to i:;1-1.7,,,,,,,,,,,..,- :4 ':1,:::"!--/:77::, _ ;,..,„ „ e ,,-_-,- . „.... 4 ''..- . .... 5 5, W, ,, , , 40 1 4 14,:.7. 4. , ..".":,; 1 '''' . ... e.. ..:'' s -:• 3 (n'jr!'-'..e.., ';'• , `, ‘;‘• , ';' . k.,"' ,. - '. ? 't ''- - . 4. ''''..i , ' • ..-. ."1.'" , ..,, ' • ' - f.1,...e... , -.` kr.....;,. , . : ' 44- li", - •.; ; " ' ''.T - ;,( . 4" . 1.::,' ,2 , ,' .."4:,. ,---1.4:4. , ',•;,--. ' .-..- ?..-,:= ..." '- -* ..- - ,ogra- - - Light-hearted, lightweight, these original Desert Boots will fulfill his dictates for comfort. 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